EMCメーカー300-000-978 REV A03の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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EMC Corporation Cor porate Headquarter s : Hopkinto n, MA 01748- 9103 (800) 424-EM C2 http:/ /www.EMC.co m PowerPath fo r UNIX Version 4.0 INSTA LLATION AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE P/N 300-00 0-978 REV A.
P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e ii Copyrig ht © 1997-2 003 EMC Corporatio n. All rig hts reserved. Printed July, 200 3 EMC believes the informati on in this publ ication is accurate as of its publication da te. The informatio n is s ubject t o chang e with out not ice.
P owerPath f or UNIX In stallation and Adminis tration Guide iii Preface ........................ ...................... ................. ....................... ................. ...................... i x Cha pter 1 Installing Po werP ath Befor e Y ou Install .
P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e iv Contents Integrating/ Upgrad ing Po werPath I nto an Ex isting AAM 5.1 (or later) Cluster .................... ................. ...................... ....... 2-3 PowerPath in a Sun Cluster 2.
v P owerPath f or UNIX In stallation and Adminis tration Guide Conte nts Boot Device Support ............ ....................... ................. ................... 5- 3 R1/R2 Boot Failover Support .............. ....................... ...........
P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e vi Contents Appendix B Customer S upport Overview of Detecting and Resolving Problems ................ ...... B- 2 T roubleshooting the Pr oblem ............... ................. .....
P owerPath f or UNIX In stallation and Adminis tration Guide vii Ta b l e s 5-1 Native Devices versus emcpower Devices ...................... ......................... 5-8 5-2 Support for Native and Pseudo Devices ............... .....................
P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Ta b l e s viii.
P owerPath f or UNIX In stallation and Adminis tration Guide ix Preface As part o f its effo rt to cont inuousl y improve an d enhan ce the performa nce and capabilities of the EMC product line, EMC period ically releases new versio ns of the P owerPa th software.
x P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Preface Organization Here is an overview of the informa tion contained in this guide: ◆ Chapter 1, Installing PowerPath , describ.
P owerPath f or UNIX In stallation and Adminis tration Guide xi Preface Related Documenta tion Here is the complete set of Powe rPat h doc umenta tion; all manu als are availa ble f rom EMC Corpo rati.
xii P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Preface Conv entions U sed in This Guide EMC us es the followi ng co nvent ion s for notes, cautions, warnin gs, and danger n otices. A no te pr esents in format ion that is import ant, but no t haza rd-r elated.
P owerPath f or UNIX In stallation and Adminis tration Guide xiii Preface Where to Get Help For questions a bout technical su pport, call your loca l sales office or service provider .
xiv P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Preface.
Installing P owerPath 1-1 1 Invisible Body T ag This chapter des cribes how to instal l PowerPath 4 .0 on a Sol aris host and how to upgrade fr o m an earlier version of PowerPath. The chapter also de scribes how to in stall the Pow erPath V olum e Manager VCS Agent for a VERIT AS Cluster Server (VCS) environment.
1 1-2 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Installing Pow erPath Bef ore Y ou Instal l The sequence in which you configure the storage and install PowerPath ® depends on the storage system you use: Symmetrix ® storage syste ms.
1 Before Y ou Insta ll 1-3 Installing Po werPath Locat e Y our Lic ense K ey The PowerPath licens e registration key is on th e License Key Card delivered with the PowerPath media kit. If you are u pgradin g from an ear lier versio n of PowerPath, you need not rer egister; Po werPath will use your old key .
1 1-4 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Installing Pow erPath ❑ Uninstall any earlier version of PowerPath . The PowerPath ins tallat ion program exits if it detects a n existing version of PowerPath.
1 Before Y ou Insta ll 1-5 Installing Po werPath For example: local0.Warn /dev/sysmsg The separator between local X .Warn and /dev/sysmsg mus t be a tab char acter . 2. S et th e RAD_LOG_FACILITY environment variable to LOG_LOCAL X , wher e X is the number you used in the local setting of the /etc/syslog.
1 1-6 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Installing Pow erPath Installing Po werP a th 4.0 This section d escribes ho w to insta ll, or rein stall, P owerPat h 4.0 whe n no earlier version of PowerPath has been installed on the host.
1 Installing P owerPath 4.0 1-7 Installing Po werPath 4. Y ou see the follo wing prompt: The following packages are available: 1 EMCpow er EMC PowerPath (all) 4.0.0_bxxx 2 EMCvg EMC Enterprise Cluster PowerPath Volume Manager VCS Agent (sparc) 1.0 Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process all packages).
1 1-8 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Installing Pow erPath 8. Y ou are prompted for a major number th at can be assi gned to the PowerPath device driver ( emcp ) on ev ery hos t in th e c lust er : Assign major number for the device dri ver [?]: Ente r a maj or numb er an d press E NTER .
1 Installing P owerPath 4.0 1-9 Installing Po werPath 1 1. The screen displays info rmation ab out the instal lation, end ing with: -------------------------------------- -------------- * EMCpower installation: * * Installation is successful. * * If you have a license key card, regi ster now.
1 1-10 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Installing Pow erPath Upgrading to P ow erP ath 4.0 This se ctio n descr ibes how t o upgr ade to Pow erPath 4. 0 from an earlier version of PowerPath. Abou t Upgr ading Y ou can u pgr ade to Pow erPat h 4.
1 Upgr ading to P ow erPath 4.0 1-11 Installing Po werPath Upgrad ing Fr om Po werP ath 3.0. x or 2.1 Mount the CD-ROM 1. Log in as root. 2. I nsert the CD- ROM i nto the CD-ROM driv e. If the CD m ounts a utomatica lly , con tinue with Inst all the Software , which fol lows.
1 1-12 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Installing Pow erPath 5. Y ou are pr o mpted for the dir ectory where the PowerPath program files will be installed : Enter pa.
1 Upgr ading to P ow erPath 4.0 1-13 Installing Po werPath 9. Y ou are pr ompted to confirm the major number: Major major wil l be assigned to the device driver [y,n,q,?] (def ault: y): Press E NTER to confirm the major number .
1 1-14 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Installing Pow erPath 12. The screen display s informatio n about the ins tallation .
1 Upgr ading to P ow erPath 4.0 1-15 Installing Po werPath T roubl eshootin g the Upgrade U pgrading to Pow erPath 4. 0 could fail for the following reasons : ◆ The PowerPat h 3.
1 1-16 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Installing Pow erPath After Y ou Install After installi ng the Powe rPath so ftware: ❑ Regi ster Pow erPath on the host (fir st-time installa tion on ly). ❑ Remove the CD- ROM.
1 Aft er Y ou Ins tall 1-17 Installing Po werPath 3. Enter the PowerPath r egistration key and press E NTER . If you entered a valid key , you see the fol lowing outpu t: 1 key(s) successfully added. Key successfully installed. Key (Enter if done): 4.
1 1-18 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Installing Pow erPath V erify the Po werP ath Installation 1. V erify that PowerPath is installed pr operly on the host. Enter: pkginfo -l EMCpower Y ou s hould see outp ut like the followin g: PKGINST: EMCpower NAME: EMC PowerPath CATEGORY: system ARCH: sparc VERSION: 4.
1 Aft er Y ou Ins tall 1-19 Installing Po werPath 3. V er ify t hat the Powe rPat h an d Pow erPat h V ol ume M ana ger kernel extensions ar e lo aded on the host. Enter: modinfo | grep -i emc Y ou s hould see outp ut like the follo wing: 30 125c08b 74a05 255 1 emcp (PP Driver 4.
1 1-20 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Installing Pow erPath 2. If the o utput of powermt display dev=all indicates that some storage system logical devices ar e not configured as PowerPath devices: a. Configure any mis sing logica l devices.
1 Installing th e P owerPath V ol ume Mana ger V CS Ag ent 1-21 Installing Po werPath Installing the Po werP ath V o lum e Manager VCS A gent Y ou can install the VCS Agent at the time you install PowerPath, or you can ins tall the agent separately . Thi s section d escribes how to install the agen t separately .
1 1-22 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Installing Pow erPath 4. Y ou see the follo wing prompt: The following packages are available: 1 EMCpower EMC PowerPath (all) 4.0.0_bxxx 2 EMCvg EMC Enterprise Cluster PowerPath Volume Manager VCS Agent (sparc) 1.
1 Err or Messages 1-23 Installing Po werPath T o verify that the agent is installed pr operly on the host, enter: pkginfo -l EMCvg Y ou s hould out put similar to th is: PKGINST: EMCvg NAME: EMC Enterprise Cluster PowerPath Volume Manager VCS Ag ent CATEGORY: system ARCH: sparc VERSION: 1.
1 1-24 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Installing Pow erPath.
P ow erPath in a Cluster Environment 2-1 2 Invisible Body T ag This chapter des cribes how to ins tall an d configure PowerPath in Solaris cluster environments. For more general information on clustering, refer to the Symmetrix High Availability Envir onment Pr oduct Guide or the Installation Roadmap for FC- Series St orage Sy stems .
2 2-2 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Po werPath in a Cluster Envir onment P ow erPath in a Legato 5. 1 (or later) AAM C luster This section d escribes how to: ◆ I.
2 P owerPath in a Legato 5.1 (or later) AA M Cluste r 2-3 Po werPath in a Cluster En vironment Integr atin g/ Upgr ading Po werP ath Into an Exis ting AAM 5. 1 (or later) Clust er T o integr ate PowerP ath into an e xis ting AAM 5.1 (or later) cluster , follow these steps on each cluster node, o ne node at a time: 1.
2 2-4 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Po werPath in a Cluster Envir onment P o werP ath in a Sun Cluster 2.2 This section d escribes how to: ◆ Insta l l PowerP ath and Su n Cluster 2.2 i n a new c luster , that is, where neither the PowerPath nor the Sun Cluster 2.
2 P ow erP ath in a Sun Clust er 2. 2 2-5 Po werPath in a Cluster En vironment Inte grating/ U pgrading Po werP ath Int o an Exis ting S un Cluster 2.2 T o integ rate PowerPath i nto an existing Sun Cluster 2.2, follow these steps on each cluster node, o ne node at a time: 1.
2 2-6 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Po werPath in a Cluster Envir onment P o werP ath in a Sun Cluster 3.0 This section d escribes how to: ◆ Insta l l PowerP ath and Su n Cluster 3.0 i n a new c luster , that is, where neither the PowerPath nor the Sun Cluster 3.
2 P ow erP ath in a Sun Clust er 3. 0 2-7 Po werPath in a Cluster En vironment Inte grating/ U pgrading Po werP ath Int o an Exis ting S un Cluster 3.0 T o integ rate PowerPath into an existing Sun Cluster 3.0 , follow these steps on each cluster node, o ne node at a time.
2 2-8 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Po werPath in a Cluster Envir onment P o werP ath in a VERIT AS Cluster Ser v er Cluster This section d escribes how to: ◆ In.
2 P owerPath in a VERIT A S Cluster Ser ver Cluster 2-9 Po werPath in a Cluster En vironment 2. If you are using PowerP ath V olu me Manager , configu re VCS to recognize the PowerPath V olu me Manager VCS Agent as a resource type by editing the /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/main.
2 2-10 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Po werPath in a Cluster Envir onment 6. On each node in the cluster: a. V erify th at the service grou p is up and running, and u se either the VCS GUI or the hagrp command to verify that the service group can successfull y fail over to all hosts in the cluster .
2 P owerPath in a VERIT A S Cluster Ser ver Cluster 2-11 Po werPath in a Cluster En vironment Config uring VC S to Recognize Powe r Pa th V o l u m e Manage r Resources After the PowerPath V olume Manager VCS Agent has been installed on a host, you must configure VCS to r ecognize the agent.
2 2-12 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Po werPath in a Cluster Envir onment Editing main.cf to Include EMCTypes .cf Edit the /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/main.cf file on one node. The changes are p ropagated to the other nodes in the cluster when you start VCS on thos e nodes.
2 Setti ng Major an d Minor Number s 2-13 Po werPath in a Cluster En vironment Setting Major and Minor Numbers W ith NFS in a cluster environment: ◆ The PowerPath driver , emcp , must use the same major nu mber o n every node in the cluster .
2 2-14 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Po werPath in a Cluster Envir onment 3. On every node in the cluster (except any node that is already using the minor num ber), run the powervol setmino r command to set the minor number you chose in step 2.
Con f i gur ing a P owerPath Boot D evice on Sola ris 3-1 3 Invisible Body T ag This chapter d escribes how to co nfigur e a PowerPath device as the boot device for a So laris host and how to r emove PowerPath control over a storage sy stem boot device.
3 3-2 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Configuring a P owerP ath Boot Device on Solar is Intr oduction On some storage sy stems, you can use e ither a Pow erPath nativ e device or an emcpower device as a bo ot device—the device that contains the startup image.
3 Configuring a P ow erPath Native Device as the Boot Device 3-3 Configuring a P owerP ath Boot Device on Solar is Conf igur ing a Po werP ath Nativ e De vice as the Boot De vice P ar titioning the Boot Device Partition the boot device.
3 3-4 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Configuring a P owerP ath Boot Device on Solar is Informatio n similar to th e following is displayed: AVAILABLE SELECTIONS ... 1. c0t0d0 <SUN4,2G cyl 3880 alt 2 hd 1 6 sec 135> /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/sd@0,0 2.
3 Configuring a P ow erPath Native Device as the Boot Device 3-5 Configuring a P owerP ath Boot Device on Solar is Inst allin g a Bootblk Instal l a bootblk (the information requir ed by th e host to boot the operating system) on the r o ot partition of the storage system boot device.
3 3-6 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Configuring a P owerP ath Boot Device on Solar is 3. In th e /mnt/etc directory update th e vfstab file to indicate the storage sys tem boot device addr ess to be mounted during boot.
3 Configuring a P ow erPath Native Device as the Boot Device 3-7 Configuring a P owerP ath Boot Device on Solar is Modifying OpenBoot Y ou need modify OpenBo ot only if y ou use Fibre Channel HBAs. The procedur e for modifying OpenBoot depends on your HBAs.
3 3-8 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Configuring a P owerP ath Boot Device on Solar is Mo ving the Boot Devic e to an emc pow er De vice T o mo ve a boot device fr om a native device to an emcpower device: 1. Boo t from the native device.
3 Mo ving the Boot Device to an emcpow er Device 3-9 Configuring a P owerP ath Boot Device on Solar is 6. Using a text edito r such as vi , make the follow ing changes to th e /etc/system file: • Ad.
3 3-10 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Configuring a P owerP ath Boot Device on Solar is 6. Shut down the host. Enter: shutdown –y –g5 –i0 7. At t he ok prompt, enter: eject 8. Remove the Solaris Operating System CD-ROM from the host’s CD-ROM drive.
3 Removing P owerP a th Co ntrol Over a Boot D evice 3-11 Configuring a P owerP ath Boot Device on Solar is Remo ving Po w erP ath Control Ov er a Boot De vice If your Power Path instal lat ion use s a sto rag e syste m dev ice as t he boot device, use the following pr ocedure to r emove PowerPath 4.
3 3-12 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Configuring a P owerP ath Boot Device on Solar is 5. If you did not reboot the host after removing PowerPath, do so now . Ente r: reboot -- -r Important: If you plan t o r einstal l PowerPat h 4.
Remo ving P owerP ath 4-1 4 Invisible Body T ag This chapter describes how to remove PowerPath and the PowerPath V olume Ma nager VCS Agent fr om a So laris ho st. ◆ Befor e Removing PowerPath ..... ........... ................. ....................
4 4-2 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Rem oving Power Path Bef ore Remo ving P ow erP ath Be f o re y o u re m ov e P o w e r Pa t h f ro m th e h o s t : ❑ Check the Powerlin k website ( http://powerlink.emc.com ) for the most current information.
4 Remo ving P owerP ath 4-3 Remo ving P ow erPath Remo ving P ow erP ath Follow thes e steps to remove PowerPath f rom a Solaris host: 1. Log i n as root. 2. S tart the uninstall program. Enter: /usr/sbin/pkgrm EMCpower The screen displays informa tion like this : The following package is currently ins talled: EMCpower EMC PowerPath (all) 4.
4 4-4 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Rem oving Power Path 5. The r emov al pr oces s sa ves the fo llowin g files i n /etc/emc/emcpxarchive , with the .400.saved exten sion: • /kernel/drv/emcp.conf • /etc/powermt.
4 Remo ving P owerP ath 4-5 Remo ving P ow erPath 6. Rebo ot the host. Enter: reboot -- -r Important: If you plan t o r einstal l PowerPat h 4.0, o r upgrade t o a late r version of PowerPath, you need no t reb oot the host at thi s time.
4 4-6 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Rem oving Power Path Rem o ving the Po werP a th V olume Manager V CS Agent CAUTION Do not try to remove the EMCvg package while VCS cluster is up and running. Complete the follow ing steps to remove the PowerPath V olume Manager VCS Agent: 1.
4 Remo ving th e P owerP a th V olume Manager VC S Agent 4-7 Remo ving P ow erPath The screen displays informa tion like this : The following package is currently ins talled: 1 EMCvg EMC Enterprise Cluster PowerPath Volume Manager VCS Agent (sparc) 1.
4 4-8 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Rem oving Power Path.
P owerP ath Admi nistration on Solar is 5-1 5 visible Body T ag This chapte r discusses Po werPath issue s and admi nistrati ve tasks specific to Solari s. Throughout this chapter , many procedural steps use powermt commands. For deta iled descriptions of these commands, ref er to the PowerPath Pr oduct Guide .
5 5-2 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Po werPath Administration on Solaris P o w erPath and CLARiiON S torage Systems PowerPath events or actions th at entail LUN trespasses (for example, SP fail over s or powermt restore commands) can cause the Solaris disk driver to log warning and /or error messages.
5 Rebooting and Custom Setti ngs 5-3 Po werPath Administration on So laris socal connection s, run the following commands to restor e th e paths in Pow erPath: Rebooting and Custom Settings On ev er y reb oot , all sav ed cus tom fi les ( /etc/powermt.
5 5-4 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Po werPath Administration on Solaris R1/R2 Boot Failo ver Suppor t If a storage sys tem device corresponding to a boot able emc.
5 Devi ce Naming 5-5 Po werPath Administration on So laris When the host on the R2 side boo t s, it is connected to a differ ent Symmetrix system and set of volume IDs.
5 5-6 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Po werPath Administration on Solaris Pseudo Devices A pseudo d evice desc ribes a de vice special file of one of t he fol lowing forms: ◆ Block device— /dev/dsk/emcpower # [ a-h ] ◆ Raw device— /de v/rdsk/emcpower # [ a-h ] where: ◆ # is the disk number .
5 Devi ce Naming 5-7 Po werPath Administration on So laris Pseudo (emcpower) devices of fer the following advantages: ◆ There is only one pseudo device name for each multipathed logical device. (There are multiple native device names for each multipath ed logical device, wh ich is harder to manage.
5 5-8 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Po werPath Administration on Solaris T able 5-1 summarizes the functional differ ences between native devices and emcpower devices in the S olaris environment.
5 Devi ce Naming 5-9 Po werPath Administration on So laris T able 5-2 indicates when native and pseudo devi ces ar e supported, and wh ich device na ming conventio ns we prefer in environments with specified softwar e requir ements. If no pre f erence is s pecified, both supported options are equally good.
5 5-10 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Po werPath Administration on Solaris Reconfiguring Po werP a th Devices Online Whenever the physical configuration of the storage system or the host chan ges, you must reconfigure the PowerPath devices to avoid data loss.
5 Recon f i gur ing P owerPath Devices Onli ne 5-11 Po werPath Administration on So laris The screen displays the emcpower device’s inquiry data; fo r example: Vendor: EMC Product: SYMMETRIX Revision: 5x6x format> 5. Ente r quit , to end the format pro cess.
5 5-12 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Po werPath Administration on Solaris Dynamic Reco nfiguration The Solari s Dynami c Reconfigu ration (DR) fe ature allows you to add or remove an HBA from a So laris sys tem while th e system con tinues running.
5 Dyna mic Reconfiguration 5-13 Po werPath Administration on So laris Remo ving an HBA From a P owe rPath Config uration T o use DR to remove an HBA fr om a Solaris host in a PowerPath configuration, follow these steps: 1. Cor relat e th e c # t # d # s # device special files of the HBA being removed with the PowerPath adapter number for that HBA.
5 5-14 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Po werPath Administration on Solaris The comman d returns output like the fo llowing: pseudo name=emcpower0a Symmetrix ID=0000.
5 Upgrading S olaris 5-15 Po werPath Administration on So laris Upgrading Solaris PowerPath 4.0 s upports Sola ris Live Upgrade, which lets you upgrade the operatin g system with out uninsta lling PowerPath . Solaris Live Upgrad e is supported for upgrades to S olaris 9 only .
5 5-16 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Po werPath Administration on Solaris 7. Run t he sol9_liveup.sh script and then activate the inactive boot environment: a. Mount the root of the inactive boot environment to a directory such as /mnt .
5 powercf Conf iguration Utility 5-17 Po werPath Administration on So laris po wercf Conf iguration Utility During s ystem boo t on Solari s hosts, th e powercf utility configu res PowerPa th de vices by scan ning HBAs for both s ingle -ported and multiported storage system l ogical devices .
5 5-18 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Po werPath Administration on Solaris Argument s powercf scans HB As for single-po rted and multip orted stor age system logical d evices and compares thos e logical devices with PowerPath device ent ries in emcp.
Files Ch anged B y P owerPath A-1 A Invisible Body T ag This appendix list s files that are created or modified by PowerPath installa tion and upgra de. ◆ Files Created or Mo dified by Pow erPath In stallation ... .............. A-2 ◆ Files Created or Modified by VCS Agent Installation .
A A-2 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Files Changed B y Pow erPath Files Created or Modif ied b y P ow erPath Ins tallation The following files ar e crea t ed (or , .
A Files Crea ted or Mo dified by P owerPath Instal lation A-3 Fil es Chan ged B y Po wer Pa th / basedir /EMCpo we r/bi n This dir ectory cont ains 32- and 64-bit versio ns of the PowerPath V olume Ma.
A A-4 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Files Changed B y Pow erPath ◆ emcpcg_5_9 <symbolic link> ◆ emcpdpm <symbolic link> ◆ emcpdpm_32 ◆ emcpdpm_.
A Files Crea ted or Mo dified by P owerPath Instal lation A-5 Fil es Chan ged B y Po wer Pa th ◆ sparcv9/emcpcg_64 ◆ sparcv9/emcpcg_64_5_9 ◆ sparcv9/emcpdpm <symbolic link> ◆ sparcv9/emc.
A A-6 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Files Changed B y Pow erPath / basedir /EMC pow e r/lib This dir ectory cont ains 32- and 64-bit versio ns of the PowerPath libraries: ◆ 64 <symbolic link> ◆ libdpmh.so <symbolic link> ◆ libdpmh_32.
A Files Crea ted or Mo dified by P owerPath Instal lation A-7 Fil es Chan ged B y Po wer Pa th ◆ libpn.so <symbolic link> ◆ libpn_32.so ◆ libradcommon.so <symbolic link> ◆ libradcommon_32.so ◆ libradcommonmt.so <symbolic link> ◆ libradcommonmt_32.
A A-8 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Files Changed B y Pow erPath ◆ sparcv9/libevm_64.so ◆ sparcv9/libevmmt.so <symbolic link> ◆ sparcv9/libevmmt_64.so ◆ sparcv9/libgm.so <symbolic link> ◆ sparcv9/libgm_64.
A Files Crea ted or Mo dified by P owerPath Instal lation A-9 Fil es Chan ged B y Po wer Pa th / basedir /EMCpo we r/sc r ipts This directory contains PowerPath scripts: ◆ emcpv_cleanup ◆ emcpv_cron_remove.sh ◆ emcpv_cron_setup.sh ◆ emcpv_logchecker ◆ emcpv_setup.
A A-10 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Files Changed B y Pow erPath Solar is Files Modified by P ow erPath Installation Installin g PowerPath o n a Solaris ho st modifies th e: ◆ /etc/system configuration file: • Adds for celo ad statements for the PowerPath driver an d miscellaneo us kernel modules.
A Files Created or M odi f i ed by VCS Age nt In stallation A-11 Fil es Chan ged B y Po wer Pa th Files Created or Modifi e d b y VCS Agent Installation The following files are cr eated when the PowerPath V olume Manager VCS Age nt is install ed on a Solaris ho st.
A A-12 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Files Changed B y Pow erPath.
Custom er Suppor t B-1 B nvisible Body T ag This appendix reviews the EMC process for detectin g and resolving software problems, and provides essenti al question s that you sh ould answer before contacting the EMC Customer Support Center . This appendix covers the f ollowin g topics: ◆ Overview of Detecting and Resolving Pro blems .
B B-2 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Customer Suppor t Ov er view of D e tecting and Resol ving Problems EMC software pr oducts are s upported dir ectly by the EMC Customer Support Center in the United States . EMC uses th e following process to resolve customer problems wit h its software products (Figure B-1).
B Tr oub leshooting the P roblem B-3 Customer Su pport T ro ubleshoot ing the Pr oblem Please perform the r elevant diagnostic steps before yo u contact the EMC Customer Support Center: 1. Rea d the doc ume ntat ion caref ul ly . 2. Reco nstruct the events leadin g up to the problem and describe them in writin g.
B B-4 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Customer Suppor t Bef ore Calling the Customer Suppor t Center Have the follo wing informatio n availa ble before calling the C.
B Docu menting the Problem B-5 Customer Su pport Documenting the Pr oblem If the EMC Customer S upport Center req uests information regar d ing the problem, please document it com pletely , making sur.
B B-6 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Customer Suppor t Reporting a New Pr oblem For a new problem, please provide the following i nformation: ❑ Release level of t.
B Sending P roblem Doc umentatio n B-7 Customer Su pport Sending Problem Documentatio n Use on e of the fo llowi ng metho ds to s end doc umenta tion o f the problem to the EMC Cus tomer Support Center: ◆ E-mail ◆ FT P ◆ U.
B B-8 P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e Customer Suppor t.
P owerPath f or UNIX In stallation and Adminis tration Guide i-1 Symbols /etc/. logi n file 1-19 /etc/profi le file 1-19 A AAM. Se e L egato AAM C Clusters.
P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e i-2 Index M Major number 1-5, 1-8, 1-12, 2-1 3 Minor number 2-13 N Naming conven tions Solar is 5-5 Nat ive d evic es Solar is 5-5 P .
i-3 P owerPath f or UNIX In stallation and Adminis tration Guide Inde x agen t, PowerP ath Vo lume Mana ger. See Powe rPath Volu me Manager V CS Agent EMCvg reso u rce type 2-11 installi ng with PowerPath 2-8 integra ting Pow erPath in to 2-10 VERIT A S Cluste r Server .
P owerPath f o r UN IX Instal lation a nd A dminist r ation Guid e i-4 Index.
デバイスEMC 300-000-978 REV A03の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
EMC 300-000-978 REV A03をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEMC 300-000-978 REV A03の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。EMC 300-000-978 REV A03の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。EMC 300-000-978 REV A03で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
EMC 300-000-978 REV A03を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEMC 300-000-978 REV A03の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、EMC 300-000-978 REV A03に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEMC 300-000-978 REV A03デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。