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381333–126 K 50 Hanover R oad, Florha m P ark, New J ersey 07932–1591 USA For sales or service call 1 800 800–2726 (A SCO) www.ascopower .com AS CO POWE R TE CHN OLOGI ES CA NA DA PO Box 1238, 17 A irport Road, Bra ntford, O ntario, Canad a N3T 5T3 telephone 519 758– 8450, fax 519 758–0876, f or service call 1 888 234– 2726 (ASCO ) www.
1- -1 Over view Control Ove rview On the P owe r Control Ce nter, s ix key s all ow acce ss to al l monitor ing and se tting fun ctions. T wo levels o f screen s are used. Th e status level provides in formation about the automa tic trans fer s witch.
1- -2 Overview Settings O verv iew The control le r se ttings can be dis pla yed a nd changed from the k eypa d. Some se ttings may r equire a pa sswor d (if the controll er is s et up for one). Fr o m t h e A TS Status di spla y, pre ss Enter/ Save Settings ¿ k e y t om o v et ot h e Setting s level of menu s .
P asswor d Default passwor d is 1111 (see pa ge 2–8) 2- -1 Settings How to Change a Setting T o change a setti ng in the c ontrol ler ( CP): ¡ Navigate to the se ttings scre en that you want to change (see page 1–2). © Pr es s Enter/ Save Settings ¿ key to star t the f irs t fiel d bli nking.
2 --- 2 Settings V oltag e & F r equency Settings Unless oth erwise specified on t he order, the con troller volta ge and frequ enc y setti ngs ar e set a t the factor y to the defa ult va lues . If a se tting mus t be changed, care full y foll ow the procedure on the next pa ge.
2- -3 Settings V oltag e & F requency Settings The control ler ( CP) v oltage and freque ncy s etting can be dis play ed a nd changed from the ke ypad. See the tabl e on the prev ious page. Som e setti ngs ma y requi re a pas sword ( if the contr olle r is se t up for one) .
2 --- 4 Settings Time Dela y Settings Unle ss other wise s pecifi ed on the order , the Contr oll er time de lay s ettings ar e set at the factory to the default v alues . If a setti ng must be changed, foll ow the procedure on the next pa ge. Some setti ngs may re quire a pas sword ( if contr olle r is se t up for one) .
2 --- 5 Settings Time Dela y Settings Th e co ntro ller time delay (T D) settin gs c an be disp layed and c hang ed from th e keypa d. Some settings ma y r equire a pass word (if the control panel is set up for one). ① Fr o m a n y o f t h e Status disp lays, press th e En ter/Sav e Setting s key to move to the Setting s level of menu s .
2 --- 6 Settings Fe atures Settings Unless ot herw ise specif ied on th e order, the c ont roller features setting s are set at the factory to the defa ult val ues . If a s etting mus t be cha nged, fol low the pr ocedure on the next page. Some s ettings ma y requi re a pas sword (i f the contr oller is s et up for one ).
2- -7 Settings Fe atures Settings The control ler ( CP) F e atures setti ngs can be dis play ed and changed fr om t he key- pad. Some s ettings m ay re quire a pa sswor d (if the controll er is s et up for one). ¡ Fr o m a n y o f t h e Status displays, press the E nter/ Save Settings ¿ key to move to the Settings lev el of menus.
2 --- 8 Settings Y–YP r i m a r yF a i l u r e D e t e c t i o n (not shown ) see page 2–1 Th is disp lay show s status of a spec ial co ntro l algorith m which is describ ed in Application Note 381339–276 . Enab le – Ye s mean s the algo rithm is activat ed to detect N ormal primary s ing le ph ase failure in Y– Y systems.
2- -9 Settings General Settings Th e con troller (CP) general set ting can b e displayed and ch anged f rom the keypad . Some se ttings may r equire a pa sswor d (if the controll er is s et up for one). ¡ Fr o m a n y o f t h e Status disp lays, press En ter/Save Setting s ¿ key to move to the Setting s level of menu s .
2 --- 1 0 Settings Engine Exercise r Set tings Unle ss other wis e specifi ed on the orde r, the controll er engine exer cise r s ettings are set a t the factory to the defa ult values . If a se tting m ust be chang ed, fol low the procedur e on the next page.
2 --- 1 1 Settin gs Engine Exercise r Set tings The controll er (C P) engine e xerci ser s etting can be dis play ed and change d from the key pad. Some se ttings may r equir e a passwor d (if the controll er is s et up for one).
2- -1 2 Settings View Event Log Th e contro ller event log ging feature c an b e displayed f rom th e keypad. So me setti ngs may re quire a pas sword ( if the control ler i s set up for one) . ¡ Fr o m a n y o f t h e Status disp lays, press En ter/Save Setting s key to move to the Setting s level of menu s .
2- -1 3 Settings Serv ice — Statis tics / Dia gnostics The control ler s ervi ce stati stics / diagnosti cs can be displa yed from the key pad. Some se ttings may r equire a pa sswor d (if the controll er is s et up for one). ¡ Fr o m a n y o f t h e Status disp lays, press En ter/Save Setting s key to move to the Setting s level of menu s .
2- -1 4 Settings Serv ice — Factory S electable Features Th e con troller service facto ry selectab l e features c an be displayed fro m the mem brane control s. The se factor y setti ngs should not be cha nged by the cus tomer (the y cannot be changed wi thout enteri ng the factory pa sswor d).
Ti p ☞ 3- -1 Operating the Controls Stat us Informat ion The controll er (C P) provi des the s tatus of the a utomatic tr ansfe r switch ( A TS) and of both the nor mal and emergency s ources . Thi s inform ation is at the status level of al l scr eens and no pa ss word is r equir ed to vi ew them .
3- -2 Operating the Controls Display Mes sages and their Meaning Th e follow ing messages (in alph abet ical order) ca n appe ar on the CP display: Displ ay Message Meaning or Expl anation Also Refer T o AT S LOC K E D O U T ! An e rror con dit ion has oc curr ed an d th e cont roller has lo cked out al l further attemp ts to transfer the lo ad.
3- -3 Operating the Controls Display Mes sages and their Meaning (continued) Th e follow ing messages (in alph abet ical order) ca n appe ar on the CP display: Displ ay Message Meaning or Expl anation Also Refer T o TD Normal F ail: T h en o r m a ls o u r c ef a i l u r et i m ed e l a y( F e a t u r e1 C ) is running.
4- -1 Description of Operation Open–T ra nsition (2– position ) Automa tic T rans fer (4ATS,7A TS ,7A TB) Load T ransfer T o Eme rgency The sequen ce for load transfer to the eme rgen cy so urc e begins automatical ly when the controller detects a normal source failure or a tra nsfer test signal.
4- -2 Description of Operation Open–T ra nsition (2– pos ition) Autom atic T ra nsf er Switches continued Load Re transfer T o Normal T h es e q u e n c ef o rl o a dr e t r a n s f e rt ot h en o.
4- -3 Description of Operation Closed– T ra nsition Auto matic T r ansfer (4ACTS , 7ACTS, 7AC TB) The 4A CTS, 7A CTS, and 7A CTB provid es load tr ansfer in either c los ed (m ake–befo - re–br eak) or open (break–b efore–m ake) transition modes depending upon the c onditi on of the t wo power sources.
4- -4 Description of Operation Clos ed–T r ansitio n Automa tic T ra nsfer Switches continued Close d–T ransit ion Load T ran sfer to E merg enc y Sourc e due to T ransf er T e st The seque nce for c losed–tra nsitio n l oad transfe r to the emergency sourc e begins autom atical ly when the con trol ler detec ts a transfer test sig nal.
4- -5 Description of Operation Clos ed–T r ansitio n Automa tic T ra nsfer Switches continued Close d–T ransi ti on Load R etra nsfer T o Norm al T h es e q u e n c ef o rl o a dr e t r a n s f e .
4- -6 Description of Operation Delaye d–T ransiti on Automatic T ransfer (4ADTS, 7ADTS, 7ADTB) Load T ransfer T o Eme rgency The sequen ce for load transfer to the eme rgen cy so urc e begins automatical ly when the controller detects a normal source failure or a tra nsfer test signal.
4- -7 Description of Operation Dela yed–T r ans ition Automa tic T ra nsf er Switches continued Load Re transfer T o Normal T h es e q u e n c ef o rl o a dr e t r a n s f e rt ot h en o r m a ls o u r c eb e g i n sa u t o m a t i c a l l yw h e nt h e contr oll er detects a restored norm al source or a c ancel led transfer test signal .
A --- 1 Appen d ix Con troller C over R emov al Haz ardous volt age capable of causi ng shoc k, burns, o r death is connected to control ler . Deenergize all po wer before removing cover . NOT ICE T ouch ground fi rst ! Electro static sen sitive de vice.
A --- 2 Appen d ix DI P Switch A ctuator s DIP switc h (10 actuat ors) right side of con trolle r The DI P swit ch in the Group 5 contr olle r is locat ed on the ri ght side thro ugh a openi ng in the base . The follo wing tab les show what each ac tuat or does.
A --- 3 Appen d ix F requency of Sour c es D I Ps w i t c ha c t u a t o r7s e l e c t se i t h e r5 0o r6 0H zs o u r c e freq uency. Se e T able C . T a b l eC .
A --- 4 Appen d ix V o ltag e Jum per Blo cks T o avoid perma nently dama ging the G roup 5 cont roller , be cer tai n that th e volt age sett in g matches th e transfer swit ch system voltage.
INDEX Printed in U .S.A . ASCO Power T echnologies, L.P . 2007 In the United States, for service call ASI at 1–800– 800–2726 (ASCO ). In Cana da, for service call at 1–888–234– 2726 (ASCO).
デバイスEmerson 4000の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Emerson 4000をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEmerson 4000の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Emerson 4000の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Emerson 4000で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Emerson 4000を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEmerson 4000の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Emerson 4000に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEmerson 4000デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。