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Clar it y II T56 T urbidimet er T56 Instruction Manual P N 51- T56 May 2012.
Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 This page l eft blank intentionally.
Clar it y II T56 T urbidimet er ESSENTI AL INSTRUC TIONS -Read this p age before proceeding! Y our instrumen t purcha se from Ro semo unt Analy tical, Inc. is one of the finest availab le for your par ticular applicatio n. These instrume nts hav e been designed, and tested to meet many natio nal and intern ationa l standar ds.
This produc t genera tes, uses, and can radiate radio frequency ener gy and thus can cause radio communication interfere nce. Improper inst allation , or operati on, may increa se such interfere nce.
C on te nts Section 1: Description and Specifications 1 .1 F e atures and Applica tions ......................................................................................1 1.2 Specifi cations – Ge neral ..........................................
ii T able of C onte nts c ont’d Section 6: Programming - T urbidity 6.1 Programming Me asure ments – In troduc tion .......................................................23 6.2 T urbidit y Measu reme nt Programming ...............................
Sec tion 1: Des crip tion and S peci ficati ons 1.1 F eatures and Applications C OMPLETE SYSTEM includes single or dual inpu t analyze r , sensor(s), and de bubbler a sse mbly CHOOSE U .S. EP A METHOD 180.1 or ISO METHOD 7027 compli ant sensors RANGE 0-200 NTU RESOLUTION 0.
1.2 Specifications - General Case: P olycarbon ate . NEMA 4X/CSA 4, IP66. NOTE: T o ensure a NEMA se al, tighte n all four front p anel scr ews to 6 in-lbs o f tor que. Dimensions: 6.2 x 6.2 x 5.2 in. (157 x 157 x 132mm) Conduit openings: A cce pts (6) PG13.
Ordinar y Locations: Pollution Degree 2: Norm ally only non-conductive pollution occ urs. Occasion ally , howe ver , a tem porar y conductivit y caused b y condensa tion must be expected. Altitude : for use u p to 2000 me ter (6562 f t.) RFI/EMI: – EN-61326 L VD: – EN -61010-1 In pu t: O ne o r two i s ol at ed s en so r in pu ts .
4 Descriptio n and Spec ificatio ns Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 T56 T urbidity System Components C ode S ensor T ype 01 EP A Sensor 02 ISO Se nsor 40 EP A Sensor (Sec ond Sen.
Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 Sec tion 2.0 – Installa tion 2.1 Unpacking and Inspec tion Th e Cl ar ity II T ur bi di me t er i s a c om pl e t e s ys te m f o r th e de t er mi n at io n o f tu rb id ity in dr in ki n g wa t e r .
6 Installation Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 Fig. 2-1 T56 Panel Mounting Installation dimensions PA N EL SU PP LIE D B Y OTHERS M A XI M UM THIC KN ESS .375 IN (9.52 mm ) PA NEL MOUNT GA SKET BO T T OM VIEW FRONT VIE W SIDE VIEW PA NEL CUT-OUT 6.
Installation 7 Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 F ig. 2-2 T56 Pipe and W all Mounting Installation dimensions NOTES : UNLESS OT HERWISE SPE CI FIED L C FRONT PA NEL 2 IN CH P IPE MO UNT BR ACK E T 2X SET U-BOLT S FOR 2 " PIPE IN KIT PN 2382 0-00 1 VERTICA L PIP E MOUN TI NG SHOWN.
Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 8 Ordering Information 2.3 Installation – Debubbler Assembly See Figu re 2 -3 f or i nstal lat ion. Co nnect the s ampl e li ne to the inl et fit tin g. T he f itt ing ac c e p ts 1/4- in ch OD tub ing .
Installation 9 Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 F ig. 2-3 Debubbler and Flo w Chamber.
10 Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 2.4 Installation – Sensor Uns cre w t he n ut o n t he s id e o f t he de bub ble r . I nse r t th e s ens or i n th e m outh of th e me as uring ch amb e r . Be s ure the p in on the de bu bb le r li nes up w ith t he h ole in the s ens or .
Sec tion 3.0 Wiring 3.1 General The T56 is ea sy to wire. It i ncludes r emo vable connectors and slide-out sign al input boar ds. The front pa nel is hinged at the bo ttom.
3.2 Preparing Conduit Openings The re are s ix co ndui t op en ing s in al l con figura tions o f T56. (No te th at four of the ope nings will b e fi tted wi th pl ugs u pon ship ment .) C on dui t o pe nin gs a cc ep t 1/ 2-i nch c ond uit fi tti ng s o r PG1 3.
3.4.4 Se nsor wiring t o signal bo ards Plug the pre-te rminated se nsor cable connector directly into the turbi dit y signal bo ard m ating connector . 3.4.5 Se nsor The sens or cable is pre-wired t o a plug that inse r ts into a rece iving socke t on the signal board .
14 Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 IMPORT ANT NOTE: When u sing EP A/incandesce nt senso rs (PN 8-0108-0002-EP A): • DO NO T power u p the instrumen t without the se nsor connected • DO NO T disconnect and rec onnect a sensor while an an aly zer i s powe red If this is inc onv enient or cannot be a voided: 1.
Sec tion 4.0 Dis pl ay and Ope ra tion 4.1 User Int er face Th e T56 ha s a l ar ge di spl a y whi ch sho ws two li ve m ea su re me n t re ado uts in l arg e d igi ts and up t o six ad dit ion al pr oc es s var ia ble s o r d ia g- no sti c pa ram et ers c onc urr en tl y .
Th e EN TE R/ ME NU k e y is a ls o u se d t o e nt er s e le cti on s o r e n ab le p ro gr amm in g an d ca li br a ti on s te p s. The EXIT key re turns to the previou s menu leve l. Th e I NF O ke y pr ov ide s d eta ile d i nst ruct io ns and ex pla na ti on s d uri ng pr ogr amm ing an d c ali bra ti ng pr oc edu res .
Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 Display and Ope ration 17 4.4 Menu System The T 56 me nu system is simil ar to a comput er . Pressing the ENTER/MENU k ey at an y time o pens the t op -level me nu including Calibrati on, Hold, Programming , Displ ay , Data and HAR T functions.
Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 18 This page l eft blank intentionally.
Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 Programming Basics 19 S e ct i o n 5 . 0 . Pr o g r a m mi ng t h e A n a lyz e r - Ba s i cs 5.1 General T yp ica l p rog ram min g s te ps i ncl ude th e f ol lo wi ng lis ted pr oc edu res .
5.4 Security Acces s When e ntering the c orrec t acces s code f or the Calibration/Hold security level, the Calibr ation a nd Hold men us are a cce ssible . This allows opera tors or technici ans to pe r form rou tine main te- nanc e. This security leve l does no t allow acc ess to the Program or Di spla y menus.
Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 Programming Basics 21 T o reset t o factor y defaults, re set calibration d ata only or res et an alog outputs only , access the Re set screen b y pressing ENTER/MENU from the m ain screen.
Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 22 Programming Basics 5. T o en ter setpoin ts for rel ays, en ter the de sired value for the proc ess mea suremen t or te mpera ture at which to activate a n alarm ev ent and pre ss ENTER/MENU . 6.
Sec tion 6.0 Programming - T urbi dit y 6.1 Programm ing Measurements – Introduction The T56 au toma tically recogniz es each in stalled mea suremen t board upon first power -up and eac h time the analy ze r is powered.
Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 24 This page l eft blank intentionally.
Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 Calibration 25 Sec tion 7.0 Calibra tion 7.1 Calibration – Intro duc tion Calibration is the pr oces s of adjustin g or standard izing the an alyzer t o a lab t est or a calibrated labora tor y instrumen t, or standard izing to some known re fere nce.
7.2.1 Slope Calibra tion – T urbidit y This section describes ho w to c onduc t a 2-point calibra tion of the turbi dit y sens or against a use r-p repar ed 20NTU standar d. The calibrati on requires two step s. Fir st, immerse the se nsor in f ilte red water h aving ve r y low turbidity and measure the sens or output.
Sec tion 8.0 Mai n te n anc e 8.1 Ov er view Th e 5 6 A n alyz er u sed in th e C la rity II tu rbi dim et er n eed s l itt le ro uti ne ma int e n anc e . C le an the an al yz er c as e a nd fro nt p ane l by wi pin g i t w ith a c le an so ft c lo th da mpe ne d wit h w at er ON L Y .
NOTE: I f you h ave a dual input ana lyzer , you can re apply power a t this point. The initi al reading from the othe r sensor will be mom en tarily ze ro. Af ter a bout 60 sec onds the reading will reac h its final value . 3. Using a small Phi llips sc rewdrive r , remo ve the t wo screws holdi ng the top fl ange of the se nsor to the body .
Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 Mainte nance 29 8.3 Debubbler and Measuring C hamber 8.3.1 Cle aning the se nsor 1. T urn off the sample su pply to the de bubbler . 2. Remo ve the sens or and put it in a sa fe plac e. The calibration c up is a good place t o store the sens or .
30 Mainte nance Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 8.4 List of R eplacement P ar ts LOCA TION IN DESCRIPTION P ART FIGURE 8-4 NUMBER — Re placem ent l amp board as sembly , USEP A.
Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 Mainte nance 31 Sec tion 9.0 R e turn o f M a te ri al 9.1 General T o expedite the repa ir and return o f instr umen ts, proper comm unication be t ween the cu stome r and the factor y is impor tant.
Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 32 Append ix Appe ndix This procedur e describes ho w to verify linearity bet ween turbidity and TSS. 1. Collect a sample of the pro ces s liquid-you ma y need 10 L or more if y ou use the Cl arit y II for me asuring turbidity .
Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 War ranty 33 W ARRANT Y Se lle r warr an ts th at the firm ware will ex ec ut e th e p rogra mmi ng instru c tion s p rovi ded by Se lle r , a nd .
Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 34 Certific ation.
Instruction Manual Clarity II T56 PN-51- T56 May 2012 Certific ation 35.
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Credit Cards f or U.S. Purcha ses Only. The right peo ple , the right answe r s, right now . ON-LINE ORDERING NO W AV AILABLE ON OUR WEB SITE Ro semountAn aly tical.
デバイスEmerson PN-51-T56の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Emerson PN-51-T56をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEmerson PN-51-T56の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Emerson PN-51-T56の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Emerson PN-51-T56で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Emerson PN-51-T56を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEmerson PN-51-T56の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Emerson PN-51-T56に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEmerson PN-51-T56デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。