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CPD-12424 Quic k Ref erence Guide Optional Lenses and Filters Includes lens adapter for optional 49 mm wide angle, telephoto, close-up lenses and filters.
IMPO RT ANT NO TIC E DI S CL A I ME R O F WAR RA NTY E pso n Am eri ca ma kes n o r ep res en tati on s or w ar rant ies, eith er e xpre ss o r im plie d, by or w ith re spe ct to a nythi n g in thi s.
Quic k R efe ren c e Gui de Th is bo ok prov i des a q u ic k re fe re nc e t o us i ng you r camera . It covers t he c amer a ’ s bas ic f eatu res and inc ludes helpful tips for ta king pic tures in v arious l ocatio ns.
Conte nts Insta lling Batter ies 1 Camera Dia l Settings 3 Stat us Displa y Panel 4 Formatting Y our Compa ctFlash Memor y Card 6 Removing a Comp actFlash Memory Card 7 Insta lling a Compa ctFla sh Me.
1 Inst alli ng Bat teri es Y our ca mera i ncl ude s a s et of ne w a lkali ne ba tteri es. See your Us e r ’s G u i d e for sa fety instruc tion s, then insta ll the batteries. 1 Hol d t h e c a me r a u ps i d e - do wn . 2 Pr ess and hold the batter y cover lock down and s lide the cover ou t to op en it .
2 3 Insert fou r batteri es into th e compar tment, positi oning the + and − ends as s hown bel ow . 4 Lo wer the batt ery co ver and sl ide it in. .
3 Camer a Dial Setting s T o tu rn o n th e c amer a, remove th e lens cap, then press the POWER button in th e center of the dia l. (P re ss it agai n to turn the ca mer a off.
4 St atus Di spl ay P anel These set tings a ppear on the stat us disp lay panel on t he top of the camera: Status D isplay Panel Settings Im age Qual ity S etti ngs Sta nda rd (6 40 × 48 0 pix els ).
5 * The Unco mpresse d Tiff set ting must be ena bled in t he Sh ot Set up me nu. S ee you r User ’ s Gui d e for detai ls. ** Thes e s ett ing s ar e o nl y av ai labl e in the P r ogr am an d M an ua l u s e r m o d e s . S e e “Using the LCD SETUP and View Screens” for instructions on c h a n g i ng t h e u s er m o d e .
6 For mat ting Y ou r C omp actF lash Memory Card T o take photos, a Compac tFlash ™ memor y ca rd must be in your camera and formatte d. Y ou r camera comes wi th a preinstall ed 16MB memo ry card. 1 P r ess the POWE R button to turn on the camera and turn the c amera d ial to .
7 6 P ress the bu tton next to ME MO RY CA RD FORMAT . Y o u se e a w a rn i n g me ss a ge . Pres s t he button next t o Yes to fo rmat th e card. 7 After the ca rd is formatted , the camera returns to the Memory Card F ormat menu. Pr ess the button under BAC K to return t o the S ETUP menu.
8 2 P ush i n the ej ect button to relea se the c ard. Th en pull the card out and close the cover . Inst alling a Comp actFl ash Memory Card Yo u can p urcha s e a d di tion al C om pac tFlash me m o ry cards from l eading supp lie rs. See y our User ’ s G ui de for detai ls.
9 1 Place you r fi nger behind th e memor y ca rd cover latch a nd p ull th e c over open. 2 Make sure the front of the car d is facing the same direction as the front of the camera, a nd the arrow on the card ’ s la bel is poin ting in . Inse rt the c ar d all the way i nto the memor y card slot.
10 T ak ing P icture s Y ou can ta ke p ictures u sing th e view finder or you can take pi ctures wi th th e LCD screen to see a preview o f how your imag e will appea r .
11 T aking Pictures Wit h the V iewfin der Use t h e c am e r a ’ s v iewfind er to captu re an image a s you would wi th any point -an d-s hoot aut o-focu s camera . Make sure the lens cap is not on th e camera. 1 Make sure you ar e at le ast 2 0 inch es ( 50 cm) away from your subj ect.
12 NOTE To ch ange th e progr amme d subject sett ing ( when t he user mo de is se t to Pr ogr am ), or ma k e chan ge s t o expo su re , w hi te bal ance, or oth er advan ced sett ing s, pr ess t he ME NU bu tt on to se e the View fi nd er me nu . (S ee you r User ’ s Guid e fo r det ails .
13 T aking Pictures Wit h the LC D Screen The LCD s creen lets you s ee a live preview o f w hat th e camera ’ s len s sees at an y mom ent . Make sure the lens cap is not on th e camera. 1 Make sure you ar e at le ast 2 0 inch es ( 50 cm) away from your subj ect.
14 This exampl e shows how th e LCD scre en look s in Prog ram u ser mo de. The scre en looks d iffe rent in M a n u a l o r F u l l A u t o m o d e . ( S ee “Using the LCD SETUP and View Screens” t o c h a n ge t h e u s e r m o d e .
15 5 Center your subject o n the s creen, th e n pr ess the shu tter button half way down to lock the au to focu s and exposu re. Y ou see a green c ircle on th e screen when th e camera lo cks the s etting s. 6 P ress the shutter button the r e st of the way d own to take the pi cture.
16 F rom the confir mation scre en, you can do the fol lowing: ◗ P ress the bu tton next to Delete if you don ’ t want to save th e pic ture. ◗ P ress the but ton next to Re c So un d t o re cord a voi ce messa ge or other sou nd. Y ou see a countdown on t he screen.
17 1 P r ess th e POWE R butto n and turn t he camera dial to . Y ou see t he pla yback scre en d isplayi ng th e last pictu re you took: 2 Pre ss the button next to th e right arrow to displa y the earli est picture taken. You can continue pressing the same b utto n to v iew you r pictur es in or der.
18 Sel ectin g Photos to Prin t The ca mera incl ud es PRI NT Imag e Matchi ng , ™ whic h g i ve s yo u ide al prin tout s of you r di gital p hoto s. Y o u c an selec t photos wh en you vie w th em i n an y of t he c ame r a ’ s playb ack menu s.
19 Ca ptu r in g Vi de o Cl i ps M ake su re t h e l en s c ap is no t o n t he came ra . T o cap tu re 25-se cond video clip s with sound or 35-s e cond video cl ips with sound off: 1 P r ess th e POWE R butto n and turn t he camera dial to .
20 5 P ress the shutter button to begi n recording your video cl ip . T o s top the r e cor ding befo re the tim e is up, press the shutter button again. Y ou see t he red l etters REC on th e screen while your camera is recording. If digi tal zoomi ng is ena bled, you can digita lly zoom in on you r subject wh ile you are reco rding.
21 3 P ress the bu tton next to Video Clip . Y ou see a video clip play back screen: 4 P ress the buttons next to the left and r ight arrows to sele ct a video clip . 5 P ress the bu tton next to Pla y . Y ou see your v ideo cl ip pl aying i n a scr een like this : 6 P r ess the b utton u nder Quit to stop p laying th e video clip.
22 T ips for Getti ng G rea t Pic tures From Y our Camera Here are some ti ps to help yo u select the best camera settin gs. Co nditio ns and s ubjects vary , so th ese s ettings may not be exa ctly ri ght fo r your s peci fic phot ograph .
23 ◗ If the sky h as compl ete clo ud cover , you ma y want t o avoid taki ng la ndsca pe p hotos . P or t rait ph otos and clos er shots are better und er these condi tions. T o ca ptu re b eautiful sunset s withou t losing a ny of the colo r or li ghtin g effe c ts, s et up t he came ra as follo ws: ◗ U se th e fixe d white bala nce setting.
24 ◗ T r y th e spot me teri ng se tti ng. Be sure to c enter you r subject when locki ng the camera settings with the two-step shut ter . ◗ Be aware o f lighting conditi ons and how th ey affect the appe aran c e of you r su bject . E a rly morni ng and late a fternoon p ro vi de fla ttering li ght f or portr aits.
Using the LCD SETUP and View Screens Y our Camera Manual 12 3 4 SETUP Menu Press the POWER button to turn the camera on. T urn the camera dial to SETUP to go to the SETUP menu, then press the button next to the current mode setting to cycle through the modes: Program, Manual, and Full Auto.
CPD-12424 Quic k Ref erence Guide Optional Lenses and Filters Includes lens adapter for optional 49 mm wide angle, telephoto, close-up lenses and filters.
Using the LCD SETUP and View Screens Y our Camera Manual 12 3 4 SETUP Menu Press the POWER button to turn the camera on. T urn the camera dial to SETUP to go to the SETUP menu, then press the button next to the current mode setting to cycle through the modes: Program, Manual, and Full Auto.
デバイスEpson 3100Zの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Epson 3100Zをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEpson 3100Zの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Epson 3100Zの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Epson 3100Zで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Epson 3100Zを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEpson 3100Zの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Epson 3100Zに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEpson 3100Zデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。