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User’ s Guide Supplement EPSON ® P owerLite ® 500c/ 700 c/ 710 c Mult imedia Projector appendix.b oo k Page 1 Tuesday, December 14, 1999 4:08 PM.
2 Important Safe ty Information WAR NIN G : Neve r look into the proje ctor lens when the lamp is turned on; th e bright l ight can damage your eyes. Never let children look i nto the lens wh en it is on . Neve r open any cover on the pr ojector, e xcept the lamp an d filter covers.
3 C Conten ts A Conn ecting to a Desktop Computer Pos it ion in g t he P roj ect or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Ide nt if yin g th e Pr ojec tor P o r ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Conn ecti ng to a PC Desk top Comput er .
4 C Tec hn ical Spe cifica tion s Ge nera l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Pr oje ctio n Lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Rem o te C ont ro l . . . . . . . . .
Connecting to a D esktop Computer 5 A A pp end ix A: Conne cting to a Deskto p Computer This appendix describes how to conn ect the projecto r to your desktop com puter an d turn everything on.
6 Connecting to a Desktop Computer Most pre senters find it c onvenient to place the pro j ector (and comp uter) in the front of th e room . W ith this arrangement, the project or is placed close to the screen. You need to rais e th e fron t of the pr ojector (by extendi ng the le gs) in or der to position the image high enoug h on the screen.
Connecting to a D esktop Computer 7 Ide ntifying t h e Pr ojector Ports The fo llowing i ll us trations i denti fy all the interface p orts on the back and side of the p rojector; you may want to refer to t hem a s you connect your com puter or other equ ipment to the project or.
Connecting to a D esktop Computer 9 Connecting the Audio Cable If you r presentation inclu des sou nd effe cts or other types o f comp uter audio, you need to connect the audio cable . 1. Connect one end of th e a udio cable to the Au dio In jack on the proj ector .
10 Connecting to a Desktop Computer 1. Determ ine w hich typ e of mou se po rt your comp uter has: ■ Ro und PS/2 m ouse port ■ Fla t USB mo u se p o rt 2. Connect one end of the appropr iate mouse cab le to the PS/2 Mouse/Com port or the USB Mouse port on the project or.
Connecting to a D esktop Computer 11 Connecting the Computer Cabl e Before you start, make sure your projector, com puter, and all periph erals a re all tu rned off. 1. Disconnect t he m onitor cabl e from the moni tor po rt on the ba ck of yo ur Mac int osh.
12 Connecting to a Desktop Computer If you can’t connec t the pro jector’s com puter cable to your Macintos h, you may need to use a Ma cintosh adapte r (availa ble from App le). ■ Remo ve the s mall cover on the Macintos h ada pter and set its DIP switch es according to the resoluti o n you wa nt to use (such as 16-inch mode ).
Connecting to a D esktop Computer 13 Connecting the Audio Cable If you r presentation inclu des sou nd effe cts or other types o f comp uter audio, you need to connect the audio cable . 1. Connect one end of th e a udio cable to the Au dio In jack on the proj ector .
14 Connecting to a Desktop Computer 1. Determ ine w hich typ e of mou se po rt your Maci ntosh h as: ■ Ro und mouse por t ■ Fla t USB mo u se p o rt 2. Connect one end of the appropr iate mouse cab le to the stand a rd Mouse/Co m p ort o r the USB M ouse port on the project or.
Connecting to a D esktop Computer 15 3. Use th e tab on the l ens ring to rotate th e ring a nd pop out the lens. 4. Squee ze t he lens cap tabs and remov e the l ens cap. 5. Press th e red Power butto n on top of the projector. The po wer ligh t flashes green, and then sta ys on.
16 Connecting to a Desktop Computer When you are rea dy to turn off the proj ector, follow thes e s teps: 1. Press th e red Power butto n on top of the projector. You see a confirm ation message. (If you don’t want to turn it off, p ress any oth er b utton.
Using the P rojecto r Menus 17 B A pp end ix B: Usin g the Projecto r Menu s The on-scree n m enus let you customize and ad j ust projec tor features. The following 8 menu s and f eatures a re available: ■ Vi deo Control s the look and quality o f the projec ted image (fro m a comp uter or vide o s ource) .
18 Using the P rojecto r Menus Changi ng Menu Set tings You u se the Men u , Ent er and Esc button s on the remote control to change menu s ettings. To ch ange a m enu setting: 1. To acc ess the m enu system , ope n the c over on the lower part of the r emote control a nd pres s the Men u button.
Using the P rojecto r Menus 19 As you s elect a m enu, a subme nu o f options a ppears to th e righ t. 2. Press th e bottom of the Ente r bu tton (or gr asp i t between your th umb and fi nger an d tilt i t down) to scrol l through the menu s . When you highl igh t a menu , its o ptions are shown on the righ t.
20 Using the P rojecto r Menus Vid eo M enu (Co mput er Imag e Source) The Vi deo menu lets you make a dj ustm ents to th e projected image. The followin g options are available when the image sour ce is your computer. note Some opti ons a re limited to bein g en abled (tu rne d on ) or dis abled (tur ned off ).
Using the P rojecto r Menus 21 Color Adjus ts t h e col or balanc e (r ed:green:b l ue ) of the in put source. Inc rea se th e co lor s etti ng fo r more inte ns e colo r on the screen, and l ower the setti ng f or les s inten se colo r. When yo u fi nish m aking adj ustment s, press the Esc b utton.
22 Using the P rojecto r Menus Vid eo M enu (Vi deo Image S o urce) The Vi deo menu lets you make a dj ustm ents to th e projected image. The followin g options are available when the image sour ce is Video.
Using the P rojecto r Menus 23 Au dio M enu Use th e Audio menu to adju st the sound vol ume and qualit y of your a udio. Menu item Descri ption Vo lume Adj usts th e v olume l evel for the pr oject or’s speake r and audio- out ter m ina l. Incr ease the setti ng t o rai se the vo lume, or de crease i t to l ower th e v olume .
24 Using the P rojecto r Menus Effect Me nu The E ffect menu lets you cus tomiz e the dr awing tool s available on the remote con trol. Menu item Descri ption Cursor / Stam p Selec ts the stamp yo u want to use as the curso r graphic and l ets yo u enla rge it.
Using the P rojecto r Menus 25 Setting Menu The S etting me nu allows yo u t o set or adjust various proj ector options. Menu item Descri ption Keyst one Adjus ts a trapez oid (di stort ed) image t o a 4:3 rect angle, corr ecting up to a ± 15 ° tilt.
26 Using the P rojecto r Menus User’ s Logo Featu re The Us er’s Logo featur e allows you to tra nsfer any image on your co mpute r to th e proje ctor, an d then use it as the screen displayed when the pr ojector is not receivin g a signal.
Using the P rojecto r Menus 27 3. Pre ss Ent er to select this feature. You see the follow i ng messag e : 4. Sele ct Yes and pre ss Enter . A s electio n box d isplays ove r the im age. 5. Use th e Ente r button on the rem ote c ontrol to select th e area of the image you want to u s e.
28 Using the P rojecto r Menus 8. When the fo llowing me ssage app ears, select Yes and pres s Ent er . Saving th e logo may ta ke a fe w mome nts. Do not us e the project or o r other sour ces (com puter , video, speaker , etc.) while the log o is being saved.
Using the P rojecto r Menus 29 Assigning the Image to the No-S ignal Message and/or A/V Mute Butto n After your image is saved, you can set it up as t he no-signal message and/or the screen that’s dis played wh en you p ress th e A/V Mute button. 1.
30 Using the P rojecto r Menus Adv anced Menu The A dvanced me nu lets you set addi tional projec tor options . Menu item Descri ption Languag e Selec ts the language to be used in the m enus: Japane se, Engli sh, Fre nch, Germ an, It al i an , Spani sh, Portugues e, Chi nese, or Korean .
Using the P rojecto r Menus 31 Abou t Menu (Com p ute r Image Source) When the i mage sour ce is a com puter, the Abou t menu displ ays informa tion a bout th e proje ctor’s horizo ntal and vertica l frequ ency, lamp hours, and comp uter con nection.
32 Using the P rojecto r Menus Abou t Menu (Vi deo Image S o urce) When the image source is video, the About menu di splays infor mation about the projecto r’s lamp hours and video sig nal. Re set All Feature The R eset All feature lets y ou retu rn all th e proj ector setti ngs to their def ault va lues.
Techni c al Spec ifications 33 C A pp end ix C: Tec hnica l Spe cific ation s Genera l T ype of display Poly-sil icon Thin Film Transistor (T FT ) Size of liquid cr ysta l panels Di a go nal: 0.
34 Technic al Spec ifications P rojec tion L a mp T ype UHE (Ul tra Hig h Effi cienc y) P owe r c onsumpti on 120 W Lamp life About 2000 hours P art number ELPLP 10S (710c) ELPLP10B (500c, 700c) Rem ote C ont r ol Range 3 2.
Techni c al Spec ifications 35 Safety U nited States F CC Part 15 J Class B UL1950 Rev. 3 Canada DOC SOR/88-475 CSA C22.2 No. 950 Rev. 3 CE Mark ing Dir ective 89/336 /EEC EN 550 22 Class B EN 500 82-.
36 Technic al Spec ifications Note: T he f req uen cie s of som e com put er s may no t all ow t he i mage to be di splaye d c o r re ctly. SXGA3_43i SXGA3_60 SXGA3_75 SXGA_85 1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024 46.433 / 86 .871 63.981 / 60 .
Techni c al Spec ifications 37 Compu ter Conne c t or Pi n Assignments The Compu ter port is a female video RGB , 15-pin micro- D-style co nnector. Here are the pi n assignm ents: Input pin C omput er.
38 Ind ex . Index A A/V Mu te Bu tton, 29 About men u, 31 to 32 Ad van ced m e nu, 30 Audio conn e ct ing desk top, 9, 13 men u, 2 3 B Br igh tne ss, 3 3 Bri g ht ness sett ing, 20, 22 Butto ns, remot.
Ind ex 39 M Macinto sh, co nne c ting p roj e ct o r to, 1 0 t o 14 Mech anical s pecif ications, 34 Menu s About, 31 to 32 Advanc ed, 30 Audio , 23 chang ing s ettings, 18 t o 19 Effect, 2 4 Rese t A.
デバイスEpson 700Cの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Epson 700Cをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEpson 700Cの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Epson 700Cの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Epson 700Cで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Epson 700Cを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEpson 700Cの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Epson 700Cに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEpson 700Cデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。