Allied TelesisメーカーC613-16164-00 REV Eの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Te c h n i c a l G u i d e alliedtelesis .com x How T o | C613-16164-00 REV E Introduction In IP-based networ ks, VRF stands for Vir tual Ro uting and Forwarding. Th is technology allo ws multiple routing domains to co-exist within the same dev ice at the same time.
I n tr od u ctio n Page 2 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Who sho u ld r ead this doc u me n t? This document is aimed at advanced networ k engineer s. Which pr od u cts a n d softwar e v ersio n does it a pply to? The information provided in this document applies to: SwitchBlade A T -x908 and A T -x900 series sw itches r unning 5.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 3 I n trod u ctio n Co nt e nt s Introduction ....... ............... ................. ................. ............... ................. .............. ............... ............ ................. ............... ...
Glossar y Page 4 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Glossar y ACRON YM DESCRIPTION AS Autonomous System AC L Access Control List BGP Border Gatewa y Protocol FIB Forwarding Information Base MPLS Multi-Protocol .
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 5 U n dersta n di n g VRF-lite Under standing VRF-lite The pur pose of VRF is to enable separate IP net w or ks, possibly using o ver lapping IP addresses, to share the same links and router s. IP traffic is constr ained to a set of separ ate IP Vir tual Private Networ ks (VPNs).
U n dersta n di n g VRF-lite Page 6 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite VRF-lite sec u rit y d o ma i n s VRF-lite provides networ k isolation on a single device at Lay er 3. Each VRF domain can use the same or ov er lapping networ k addresses, as they hav e independent routing tables.
awplus(config)#arp ? A.B.C.D IP address of the A RP entry log Arp log vrf VRF instance awplus(config)#arp vrf <name> ? A.B.C.D IP address of the A RP entry Co n fi g u re VRF-lite | Page 7 U n d.
U n dersta n di n g VRF-lite Page 8 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite I n ter -VRF comm un icatio n Whilst the pr ime purpose of VRF-lite is to ke ep routing domains separ ate from each other , there are cases where y ou do want some comm unication betw een VRFs.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 9 U n dersta n di n g VRF-lite Static a n d dy n amic i n ter -VRF r o u ti n g As mentioned abo ve, "Inter -VRF commu nication" on page 8 , in some circumstances it is required to (selec tivel y ) allow traffic between two interfaces that are not in the same VRF .
U n dersta n di n g VRF-lite Page 10 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite VRF-lite feat u res i n AW + Here is a summar y of the features pro v ide d by the A W+ VRF-lite i mplementation: Multiple independent routing table instances may co-exist within the same device .
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 11 U n dersta n di n g VRF-lite Ro u te limiti n g per VRF i n sta n ce In a multi-VRF network environment, it may be problematic if one VRF injects too many routes and fills up the hardware f orwarding ta bl e (FIB) on the device, which can affect other VRFs as well as the global VRF .
U n dersta n di n g VRF-lite Page 12 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite T elnet client awplus#telnet ? WORD IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of a remote system ip IP telnet ipv6 IPv6 telnet vrf VRF instance awplus#telnet vrf <name> ? WORD IPv4 address or ho stname of a remote system ip IP telnet awplus#telnet vrf <name> i p x.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 13 Co n fig u ri n g VRF-lite Configur ing VRF-lite The follo wing section describes the gener ic commands used to conf igure VRF-lite . CONFIGURING A CLS PURPOSE Step 1 Enter Global Configuration mode . Step 2 Optional.
Co n fig u ri n g VRF-lite Page 14 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite CONFIGURING VLANS AND VLAN DATABASE PURPOSE Step 1 awplus(config)# vlan database VLANs are created in the VLAN database , and por ts are assigned to relevant VLANs. Step 2 awplus(config-vlan)# vlan x state enable Step 3 awplus(config-vlan)# exit Step 4 awplus(config)# interface portx.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 15 Co n fig u ri n g VRF-lite DYNAMIC ROUTING PROTOCOL - RIP ADDR ESS-FAMILY PURPOSE Step 1 awplus(config)# router rip Optional. Enter rout er configur ation mode for RIP . Step 2 awplus(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf <vrf-name> Associate a RIP address-family with a specific VRF instance .
Co n fig u ri n g VRF-lite Page 16 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite STATIC R OUTES PURPOSE Step 1 awplus(config)# ip route vrf <name> <network> {<gateway> <interface>| <interface>} Optional. T o add a static route into the Routing table for a VRF instan ce.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 17 Co n fig u ri n g VRF-lite Static i n ter -VRF r o u ti n g Static inter -VRF routing involv es creating static routes in one VRF instance whose egress VLAN is in a different egress VLAN. These stat ic routes must specify both the egress VLAN and next hop IP address.
Dy n amic i n ter -VRF comm un icatio n explai n ed Page 18 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Dynamic inter -VRF comm unication explained The foll owin g section expl ains how VRF routing domain isolati on is maintained, and how routes that exist in one VRF instance are leaked to another VRF instance via BGP .
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 19 Dy n amic i n ter -VRF comm un icatio n explai n ed The command re dis tr ib u te <pr otocol> can be configured in an OSPF instance, BGP address-family , or RIP address-fam ily . Via this command, routes are impor ted from the FIB associated with the VRF instance into the dynamic routing protocol table.
Dy n amic i n ter -VRF comm un icatio n explai n ed Page 20 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite I n ter -VRF comm un icatio n via BGP Dynamic inter -VRF route leakage is achieved by making copies of BGP routes that exist in one BGP address-family associated with one VRF instance , to another BGP address-family associated with a different VRF instance.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 21 Dy n amic i n ter -VRF comm un icatio n explai n ed Usi n g the r o u te-target comma n d When BGP is used for inter - VRF comm unication, dynamic route leakage of BGP routes from one VRF instance to anothe r is achieved via the VRF ro u te-target command.
Dy n amic i n ter -VRF comm un icatio n explai n ed Page 22 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite The follo wing three examples demonstrate how the ro u te-target command facili tates inter - VRF commu nication: 1. If VRF red conf iguration includes: ip vrf red rd 100:1 route-target export 100:1 And if VRF red initially has routes to networ ks 10 .
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 23 Dy n amic i n ter -VRF comm un icatio n explai n ed 3. If VRF red conf igur ation includes*: ip vrf red rd 100:1 route-target export 100:1 route-target export 100:2 ro.
Dy n amic i n ter -VRF comm un icatio n explai n ed Page 24 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite How VRF-lite sec u rit y i s m ai n tai n ed Incidentally , only the or iginal routes can be co pied from one VRF to another . Copied routes cannot be subsequently copied to another VRF , to ensure VRF securi ty domains ar e enforced.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 25 Simple VRF-lite co n fig u ratio n examples Simple VRF-lite configur ation examples The follo wing section contains simple configuratio n examples to explain the basics of V RF-lite configur ation used in conjunction with a var iety of routing protocols.
Simple VRF-lite co n fig u ratio n examples Page 26 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite ! interface vlan12 ip vrf forwarding red ip address ! interface vlan13 ip vrf forwarding green ip address ! interface vlan14 ip vrf forwarding green ip address 10.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 27 Simple VRF-lite co n fig u ratio n examples VRFs accessi n g a shared n etw o rk. A n example of static i n ter -VRF ro u ti n g The par tial configuration example belo w shows the key compon ents required to suppor t static inter -VRF routing.
Simple VRF-lite co n fig u ratio n examples Page 28 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Dy n amic i n ter -VRF comm un icatio n with RIP r o u ti n g to exter n al peers The par tial configur ation example below.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 29 Simple VRF-lite co n fig u ratio n examples Dy n amic i n ter -VRF comm un icatio n with BGP r o u ti n g to exter n al peers The par tial configuration example belo w shows the key compon ents required to suppor t dynamic inter -VRF communication using BGP , with BGP routing to exter nal peer s.
Simple VRF-lite co n fig u ratio n examples Page 30 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Dy n amic i n ter -VRF comm un icatio n with OSPF r o u ti n g to exter n al peers The complete configuration example below sho w s the key components required to suppor t dynamic inter -VRF commun ication using BGP , with OSPF routing to exter nal peer s.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 31 Simple VRF-lite co n fig u ratio n examples ! access-list standard greenBlock3334 de ny access-list standard greenBlock3334 de ny access-list standard greenBlock3334 pe rmit any access-list standard redBlock3435 deny 192.
Simple VRF-lite co n fig u ratio n examples Page 32 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite interface vlan1 ip vrf forwarding red ip address ! interface vlan2 ip vrf forwarding green ip address ! interface vlan3 ip vrf forwarding shared ip address 192.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 33 I n ter -VRF co n fig u ratio n examples with I n ter n et access Inter -VRF configur ation examples with Inter net access The follo wing three complete examples are usin g a similar topology , how ever , each example inv olves a diff erent communication plan and a var iety of routing protocols.
I n ter -VRF co n fig u ratio n examples with I n ter n et acce ss Page 34 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Co n fig u rati o n ! ip vrf remote1 1 ! ip vrf remote2 2 ! ip vrf shared3 3 ! ip vrf office4 4 ! vl.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 35 I n ter -VRF co n fig u ratio n examples with I n ter n et access ! interface vlan13 ip vrf forwarding remote1 ip address ! interface vlan20 ip vrf forwarding remote2 ip address ! interface vlan90 ip vrf forwarding remote1 ip address 14.
I n ter -VRF co n fi g u ratio n examples with I n ter n et acce ss Page 36 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Example B Internet Intranet re m ote 1 VRF 1 Intranet 1 static route Intranet re m ote2 Internet de.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 37 I n ter -VRF co n fig u ratio n examples with I n ter n et access Co n fig u ratio n ! access-list standard deny_overlap deny 10.
I n ter -VRF co n fig u ratio n examples with I n ter n et acce ss Page 38 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite ! interface port1.0.6-1.0.26 switchport switchport mode access ! interface vlan10 ip vrf forwarding remote1 ip address ! interface vlan11 ip vrf forwarding remote1 ip address 11.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 39 I n ter -VRF co n fig u ratio n examples with I n ter n et access ! address-family ipv4 vrf remote2 redistribute connected exit-address-family ! address-family ipv4 vrf shared3 redistribute connected exit-address-family ! ip route vrf remote1 0.
I n ter -VRF co n fi g u ratio n examples with I n ter n et acce ss Page 40 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Example C Intranet re m ote 1 VRF 1 Intranet 1 static route Intranet re m ote2 Internet de f ault r.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 41 I n ter -VRF co n fig u ratio n examples with I n ter n et access Co n fig u ratio n ! access-list standard deny_overlap deny 10.
I n ter -VRF co n fig u ratio n examples with I n ter n et acce ss Page 42 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite ! interface port1.0.4 switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan add 200 ! interface port1.0.5 switchport switchport mode access switchport access vlan 100 ! interface port1.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 43 I n ter -VRF co n fig u ratio n examples with I n ter n et access exit-address-family ! address-family ipv4 vrf office4 network vlan200 exit-address-family ! router bg.
Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF sol u tio n Page 44 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Configur ing a complex inter -VRF solution A networ k compr ising of mu ltiple devices that demonstrates inter -VRF routing. A variety of routing protocols are used in this example .
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 45 Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF s ol u tio n VRF comm un icatio n pla n VRF shared can a ccess all VRF s red, green, b lue and orange (excluding VRF ov er lap). VRFs red, green, blue , and orange are only ab le to access VRF shared.
Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF sol u tio n Page 46 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Co n fig u ratio n br eakdow n When configuring a c omplex inter -VFR awar e device, such as in our example , the configuration order is impor tant. W e ha ve pro vided a breakdown before each step to explain the key points y ou will need to consider .
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 47 Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF s ol u tio n Local interfaces can be utili sed b y a number of protocols for various pur poses.
CONFIGURE VRFS Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF sol u tio n Page 48 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite awplus(config)#ip vrf red 1 awplus(config-vrf)#rd 100:1 awplus(config-vrf)#route-target export 100:.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 49 Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF s ol u tio n Configure the hardware A CLs The command access-list hardware < n ame> creates the hardware access list. The access list is associated with individual switch por ts as an access-group .
CONFIGURE HARD WARE A CLS Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF sol u tio n Page 50 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Configure the VLANs VLANs are created i n the VLAN database, an d por ts are assigned to relevant VLANs. The access lists are assigned in order to the individual switch por ts as access groups.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 51 Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF s ol u tio n The third access group allow100_den y_pr ivat e per mits VRF red to access shared VRF network Subsequently traffi c to all netw or ks within the 192.
CONFIGURE IP ADDR ESSES awplus(config-if)#exit [cont...] Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF sol u tio n Page 52 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Configure the IP addresses An IP address is allocated t o each Local interface . Also, VLANs are as sociated with each VRF inst ance.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 53 Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF s ol u tio n awplus(config)#interface vlan1 awplus(config-if)#ip vrf forwarding red awplus(config-if)#ip address awplus(config)#interface vlan2 awplus(config-if)#ip vrf forwarding green awplus(config-if)#ip address 192.
CONFIGURE DYNAMIC R OUTING Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF sol u tio n Page 54 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Configure routing Dynamic routing protocols are conf igured as required and associated with each VRF . OSPF instance 1 is associated with VRF red.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 55 Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF s ol u tio n Connected routes associated with VRF green are redistributed into BGP , and also adver tised to the external BGP neighbor router . VRF gree n has an i-BGP peering relationship to its neighbor as the neighb or ASN is the same (ASN 100).
Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF sol u tio n Page 56 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Static routes are conf igured. Each VRF instance is also conf igured with its own s tatic default route (via VRF shared) to allow each of them to access the intern et.
CONFIGURE STATIC ROUTING CONFIGURE R OUTE MAPS Co n fi g u re VRF-lite | Page 57 Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF s ol u tio n denotes a static route to de stination network which has a next hop of, which originates from VRF shared, which egresses VLAN5 in VRF shared.
Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF sol u tio n Page 58 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Complete show r un o u tp u t fr om VRF device is below awplus>ena awplus#sh run ! service password-encryption ! no banner motd ! username manager privilege 15 pas sword 8 $1$bJoVec4D$JwOJGPr7YqoE xA0GVasdE0 ! access-list standard blueBlock4344 deny 192.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 59 Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF s ol u tio n ! ip vrf shared 5 rd 100:5 route-target import 100:1 route-target import 100:2 route-target import 100:3 route-ta.
Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF sol u tio n Page 60 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite switchport access vlan 4 access-group allow_to_self_40 access-group access43 access-group access44 access-group access45 access-group allow100_deny_private ! interface port1.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 61 Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF s ol u tio n interface vlan6 ip vrf forwarding overlap ip address ! interface vlan7 ip vrf forwarding overlap ip address ! router ospf 1 red network 192.
Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF sol u tio n Page 62 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite ip route vrf orange 4 ip route vrf orange 24 ip route vrf shared 192. 168.100.254 ip route vrf shared 192.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 63 Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF s ol u tio n [VRF: blue] S* [1/0] via 192.168.10 0.254, vlan5 C is directly connect ed, lo3 B [20/0] is directly connected, lo5, 00:07:21 R 192.168.
Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF sol u tio n Page 64 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Co n fig u rati o n file s for eac h ext er n al ro u ter u sed i n the topology a n d its associated ro u te table is belo w . No n e of the exte r n al r o u ters are VRF a ware.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 65 Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF s ol u tio n hostname shared_router ! vlan database vlan 2-4 state enable ! interface port1.0.2 switchport access vlan 2 ! interface port1.0.3 switchport access vlan 3 ! interface port1.
Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF sol u tio n Page 66 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite hostname red_ospf_peer ! vlan database vlan 2-3 state enable ! interface port1.0.2 switchport access vlan 2 ! interface port1.0.3 switchport access vlan 3 ! interface vlan1 ip address 192.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 67 Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF s ol u tio n hostname green_i_BGP_peer ! vlan database vlan 2-3 state enable ! interface port1.0.2 switchport access vlan 2 ! interface port1.0.3 switchport access vlan 3 ! interface vlan1 ip address 192.
Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF sol u tio n Page 68 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite hostname blue_rip_peer ! vlan database vlan 2-3 state enable ! interface port1.0.2 switchport access vlan 2 ! interface port1.0.3 switchport access vlan 3 ! interface vlan1 ip address 192.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 69 Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF s ol u tio n hostname orange_router ! vlan database vlan 2-3 state enable ! interface port1.0.2 switchport access vlan 2 ! interface port1.0.3 switchport access vlan 3 ! interface vlan1 ip address 192.
Co n fig u ri n g a complex i n ter -VRF sol u tio n Page 70 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite hostname orange_ospf_peer ! vlan database vlan 2 state enable ! interface port1.0.2 switchport access vlan 2 ! interface vlan1 ip address ! interface vlan2 ip address 192.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 71 VCStack a n d VRF-lite VCStack and VRF-lite The following example illustr ates how to conf igure VRF-lite in a VCStacked environment. x900 x610 DUT A stack member 1 Port1.0.1 1 VLAN 1 1 grey e-BGP peering VRF grey from x900 lo8 80.
VCStack a n d VRF-lite Page 72 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Virt u al Chassis ID Also, the optional command stack vir t u al-chassis-id <val u e> specif ies the VCS vir tual chassis ID . If not configured, the stack will automaticall y sele ct a vir tual-chassis-id from a number within the assigned r ange 0-4095.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 73 VCStack a n d VRF-lite ip address ! interface vlan14 ip vrf forwarding violet ip address ! interface vlan15 ip vrf forwarding grey ip address ! router bgp 100 ! address-family ipv4 vrf violet redistribute connected neighbor 70.
VCStack a n d VRF-lite Page 74 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite ! interface vlan14 ip vrf forwarding violet ip address ! interface vlan15 ip vrf forwarding grey ip address ! router bgp 300 ! address-family ipv4 vrf grey network 80.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 75 VCStack a n d VRF-lite Shari n g VRF r o u ti n g a n d do u ble taggi n g o n the same port In this scenario, both VRF-lite tr affic and doub le vlan tagged tr affic is transpor ted between the two x610 switches via a si ngle shared por t.
VCStack a n d VRF-lite Page 76 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Co n fig u rati o n s x610 A ip vrf red 1 ip vrf green 2 vlan database vlan 20 name nested vlan 11-12,20,111-112 state enabl e interface port1.0.5 switchport access vlan 111 interface port1.0.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 77 VCStack a n d VRF-lite interface port1.0.20 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan add 11- 12,20 switchport trunk native vlan none switchport vlan-stacking provider-por t interface vlan11 ip vrf forwarding red ip address 192.
Dy n amic i n ter -VRF r o u ti n g betwe e n the global VRF domai n a n d a VRF i n sta n ce Page 78 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Dynamic inter -VRF routing betw een the global VRF domain and a VRF instance This section contains tw o configuration examp les.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 79 Dy n amic i n ter -VRF ro u ti n g bet wee n the global VRF domai n a n d a VRF i n sta n ce For both these examples all BGP neighbor rela tionships in volv e peer ing between IP local addresses, not to VLAN interface IP addresses within the same subnet.
Dy n amic i n ter -VRF r o u ti n g betwe e n the global VRF domai n a n d a VRF i n sta n ce Page 80 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite The global par ameter in the command n eighbor x.x.x.x r emote-as <64515> global is required to facilitate an e-BGP peer ing to the global VRF domain from VRF red.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 81 Dy n amic i n ter -VRF ro u ti n g bet wee n the global VRF domai n a n d a VRF i n sta n ce Dy n amic i n ter -VRF comm un icatio n with i-BGP r o u ti n g to exter n al peer VRF device access-list standard redblock4445 deny 192.
Dy n amic i n ter -VRF r o u ti n g betwe e n the global VRF domai n a n d a VRF i n sta n ce Page 82 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite red router vlan database vlan 2-3 state enable ! interface port1.0.13 switchport access vlan 2 ! interface port1.0.14 switchport access vlan 3 ! interface lo ip address 7.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 83 Dy n amic i n ter -VRF ro u ti n g bet wee n the global VRF domai n a n d a VRF i n sta n ce redistribute connected redistribute static neighbor remote-as 64512 vrf r ed neighbor local-as 64515 neighbor 2.
Ro u te Limits Page 84 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Route Limits In multi-VRF netw or k environment, it may be di sastrous if one VRF injects too man y routes and fills up the hardware f orwarding table (FIB ) on a device which can aff ect other VRFs (as well as the global VRF).
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 85 Ro u te Limits Co n fig u ri n g Dy n amic ro u te limits A W+ suppor ts the ability to limit dyna mic ro utes via the max-fib-r o u tes command in the global VRF domain, which is unlimited by defaul t. This same A W+ command is no w also able to be applied on a per VRF basis.
Ro u te Limits Page 86 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite awplus(config)# ip vrf red awplus(config-vrf)# max-fib-routes 2000 75 Alter nativ ely , to ensure a war ning message is genera ted when the n umber of r.
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 87 VRF-lite u sage g u ideli n es VRF-lite usage guidelines The gener al guideline is that all cur rent ser vic es remain a vailable in the default global VRF domain only.
Usef u l VRF-r elated diag n ostics comma n d list Page 88 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite Useful VRF-related diagnostics command list Below is a summar y list of diagnostics comman ds that y ou may find helpful when troubleshooting VRF-related issues . Many exi sting commands ha ve been made VRF aw are and some are included below .
Co n fig u re VRF-lite | Page 89 Usef u l VRF-r elated diag n osti cs comma n d list connected Connected database IP routing table database global Global Routing/Forwarding table ospf Open Shortest Pa.
Usef u l VRF-r elated diag n ostics comma n d list Page 90 | Co n fig u re VRF-lite awplus#sh ip ospf interface awplus#sh ip ospf ? <0-65535> Process ID numbe r border-routers Border and Bou.
C613-16164-00 REV E awplus#show ip bgp vrf <name> ? A.B.C.D IP prefix <netw ork>, e.g., A.B.C.D/M IP prefix <netw ork>/<length>, e.
デバイスAllied Telesis C613-16164-00 REV Eの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Allied Telesis C613-16164-00 REV Eをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAllied Telesis C613-16164-00 REV Eの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Allied Telesis C613-16164-00 REV Eの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Allied Telesis C613-16164-00 REV Eで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Allied Telesis C613-16164-00 REV Eを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAllied Telesis C613-16164-00 REV Eの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Allied Telesis C613-16164-00 REV Eに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAllied Telesis C613-16164-00 REV Eデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。