FinluxメーカーQline 1200の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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T HE C O NT E NTS SEC TION 1:BEF ORE U SIN G Saf ety warnings Recomm endati ons S ECT IO N 2: INST A LL AT IO N Rem o v al of transportat ion screws Adj ustment of f eet El ectri c.
SECTION 1: BEFORE USI NG S A FETY WA RNINGS Do not use a m u l tiple socket or extension cord. Do not i ns ert a plug w i th damaged or broken cord int o the s ock et. If the cor d i s dam aged it should be repl aced by the m anuf ac t urer or appoint ed serv ice agent i n order to avoi d a hazard.
If you w i ll not use your m achine f or a long tim e, unpl ug your machi ne, cl ose the w at er supply and l eave t he door open in order to keep the insi de of the m achine dry and f o r pre v enti on from unpl eas ant odour. As a result of the quali ty contr ol procedures, a c ert a i n a m ount of water m ay re m ain in your m achine.
You can adjust the balance of y our m ach i ne f rom its feet. F irst, loosen the pl asti c adjustment nut. Adj ust by r otating the f ee t upw ards or do wnwards. Af ter the balance has been reached, tight en t he pl as t ic adjustm ent nut agai n by rot ating it upwards.
Cold wat er inlet WA T ER DR AIN CONN ECT IO N Be sure that water i n l et hoses are not f ol ded, t w i sted, crushed or elongat ed by stret ching. W ater drain hose should be m ounted at a height of mi nim u m 60 cm, m a xim um 100 cm from t he ground.
SE CT IO N 3:T EC HN IC AL SPEC IF IC AT IO NS 442 /542/ 642 /842/ 1042 M aximu m dry l au ndry cap aci ty (kg) 5 Recom mend ed loa din g (kg) 4,5 Heig ht ( cm) 85 Widt h (cm) 59, 6 Depth (c m) 51 M a.
SECTION 4:CONTROL PANEL B1( 3 buttons ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1-D eter g ent dr awer 5-Pr ogr am k n ob 2-St art/ p aus e li ght 6-St art/ p aus e bu tt on 3-F uncti on i ndic ator l ig hts 7-F uncti on b utt ons 4-Pr ogr am r ead y light 8-Pr ogr am end li ght Our product has electron i c card and soft-touch buttons.
STA R T/P A U SE B U TTON Used to star t a selec ted progr am or pause duri ng runni ng. W A RN IN G! I t is re quire d for the p rog ra m knob to b e bro ugh t to O(o ff) positi on before selecti ng the program or changing a conti nui ng pro gra m .
WA RNING! F unctions v ary dependi ng on t he model you have chosen.If you forgot t o use additi onal f unction and y our machi ne st art s to wash push the addi tional f uncti on butt on if t he indicat or light i s on. Addit ional f unction will be activ ated.
1-Cott on 90°C 2- Cott on 60°C wit h prewash 3- Cott on 60°C 4- Cott on 40°C 5- Eco wash 6- Qu ick w as h 7- C otto n co ld 8- Synt hetic 60° C 9- Synt hetic 40° C 10- Synthe tic cold 11- Del icate 30°C 12- W ool 30°C 13- Ri nsing 14- Spi n 15- Drai ni ng 0- O FF SECTION 5: WASHING YOUR LA UNDRY Plug the m achi ne .
Pull the tex tiles like trousers,kni t ted f abric,t-shi rt and sweat shirt insi de out. Wash your small clothes l ike socks and handker chi ef s in a washing bag.
You can use fl uid detergent s in a ll programs wit hout pre-washing. For this, m ount the fl uid det ergent l e v el plat e in the second com partment o f the detergent drawer and arrange t he am ount of fl uid detergent accordi ng to the lev e l s on thi s p l ate.
The door will be un l ocked i n appro x im ately two mi nut es aft er the program ends.You c an open the door by pulli ng the handle of the door toward s yourself and take out your clot hes. Aft er you unl oad your cl othes l eav e t he door open to dry the int er i or of your m ach i ne.
M AX D R Y LO AD CAPA CITY (kg) P R O G R AM DETERGENT COMPART. 442/ 542/ 642/ 842/1 042 TYPE OF L A UNDRY EXPL ANATI ONS 1-CO T TO N 90 2 5 Dirt y , b oil, c otton and linen tex tile 2-CO T TO N .
M AX D R Y L O AD CAPA CITY (kg) P R O G R AM DETERGENT COMPART. 442/542/642/8 42/10 42 TYPE OF L A UNDRY EXPL ANATI ONS 13-RINSING W hen y ou need an ad ditional r insing to be don e to your cl othes after th e washing proc ess , you can use thi s program for al l kinds of clothes .
Rem o v e the w at er i nlet hose. Rem ove t he f ilt ers f ound on the water inl et v alves by using a pincer and wash thoroughl y with a brush. Clean t he fi lters of the water inl et hoses l ocat ed on the tap side by rem oving manuall y toget her with the seal.
WA RNIN G ! Dang er of being scalded! Si nce the water i nside t he pump m aybe hot , wait f or it to cool . DETERGEN T D RA WER Detergent s may form a s edim ent i n your detergent draw er or in housing of t he detergent drawer i n time. To cl ean the sediment , pull out t he detergent drawer from t ime to tim e.
S IP HO N P LUG Pull out the det rgent drawer. Rem ove the siphon plug and cl ean t he resi dues of t he so f t ener thoroughl y. Fit t he cleaned siphon pl ug in i ts location.
SECTION 7:PRA CT ICAL INFORMA T ION Alcoholi c beverages: The stai n point, should fi rst be w a shed with col d w at er, than should be wiped with gl yceri ne and w ater and be rinsed with water m ix ed w i th v i negar. S hoe Polis h: The stai n should be slightl y scrat ched w it hout ruini ng t he cloth, rubbed wit h det ergent and rinsed.
M oul d : Moul d stai ns s houl d be cleaned as soon as possi ble. The stain should be washed wit h detergent , and if it doe s not d i sappear, i t s houl d be wiped with ox ygenat ed w at er (i n proporti on o f 3%). Ink: Ho l d t he stained area under col d w ater and w ai t unti l the i nky w ater co mp letely ru ns o ff .
FAILURE PROBABLE CAUSE ME T H ODS OF ELIM INA TION It i s unpl ugged. Insert the pl ug into the socket. Your f use i s def ected. Change your f use. The el ectric power is off. Check t he electric power. Start /pause butt on has not been pres sed. Press the start/ pause butt on.
FAILURE PROBABLE CAUSE ME T H ODS OF ELIM INA TION There i s a s m all am ount of clothes i n the devi ce. It does not prevent operati on of t he m achine. Excessiv e amount o f cl othes are f ill ed in the m achine or the cl othes are not pl aced i n a well-bal anced m anner.
FAILURE PROBABLE CAUSE ME T H ODS OF ELIM INA TION Clot hes exceeding t he maximu m capacity has been fill ed i n your m achine. Put the clothes in your m achine in a manner not t o exceed i ts maximu m capacity. Your water m ay be hard. Use the am ount of detergent acc ording to the decl arati on o f the detergent producer.
FAILURE PROBABLE CAUSE ME T H ODS OF ELIM INA TION The spini ng process is no t don e or s tarts w ith delay . No f ailure. T he unbalanced l oad control may w orks in that w ay. The unbal anced l oad control sys tem will try to di stribute your cl othes in a hom ogenous manner.
FAILURE CODE FAILURE IND ICA TOR PROBABLE FAILURE T H E PROCESS TO B E D ONE Err 02 The progr a m ready li ght bli nks. The water l evel in y our machi ne is bel ow heat er. The pressure of your water supply m ay be low or l ocking. Turn on the tap to t he end.
FAILURE CODE FAILURE IND ICA TOR PROBABLE FAILURE T H E PROCESS TO B E D ONE Err 05 The st art /paus e li g ht and progra m end light bli n k. The heater of you r machine o r the heat se nsor has failed. Shut down your machine and unplug. Turn off your tap an d apply to the nearest au t h or i zed s er v ic e.
SECTION 10: IN T ERNATIONA L W A SHING SIGNS W ashing temparat ure. Do not wash (hand wash) Lukewarm iron. Medi u m hot iron. Hot i ron. Do not iron. Do not tu m b le dry. Hang to dry . Drip dry . Dry flat. Do not bleach. Handy to bl each. All of these are dry cleani ng sy m bol s .
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デバイスFinlux Qline 1200の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Finlux Qline 1200をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはFinlux Qline 1200の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Finlux Qline 1200の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Finlux Qline 1200で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Finlux Qline 1200を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はFinlux Qline 1200の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Finlux Qline 1200に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちFinlux Qline 1200デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。