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Models 244EH and 244ER PC-Pr ogrammable T emperatur e Tr a n s m i t t e r s 00809- 0100-473 7 English Rev. EA P r o d u c t D i s c o n t i n u e d.
¢00809-0100-4737f ¤ 00809- 0100-473 7 Rev EA 10/00 Product Manual Models 244EH and 244ER PC-Pr ogrammab le T emperature T ransmitter s Fisher-Rosemount satisfies all obligations coming from legislation to harmonise product requirements in the European Union.
1 T able of Contents SECTION 1 Introduction S a f e t yM e s s a g e s ..................................... 1 - 1 Transmitter Overview ................................. 1 - 1 M a n u a lO v e r v i e w.................................... 1 - 2 C o n s i d e r a t i o n s .
Rosemount Models 244EH and 24 4ER PC-Prog ramma ble T emperature T ra nsmitters 2 APPENDIX A Reference Data Transmitter Speci fication ............................. A - 1 F u n c t i o n a l ....................................... A - 1 P e r f o r m a n c e .
Section 1-1 1 Intr oduction S a f e t yM e s s a g e s . ...... .......... .......... .....p a g e 1 - 1 T r a n s m i t t e rO v e r v i e w .... ....... ......... .........p a g e 1 - 1 M a n u a lO v e r v i e w .... ...... .......... .......... ..
Rosemount Models 244EH and 244ER PC-Pr ogrammable T emperature T ransmitters 1-2 MAN U AL OVERV IEW This manual i s design ed to assi st in the ins tallatio n, operat ion, and maintenance of Rosemoun t ® Model 244E H and 244ER PC Programma ble T emperature T ransmitters and the Mod el 244EC Configuration Interf ace.
1-3 CONSIDERATIONS General El ectrical temperatu re sensors suc h as RTDs and thermocoup les produce low -level signals proportion al to their sensed temperature. The Models 244 EH and 244E R transmit ters convert the low-level s ensor signal t o a standard 4–20 mA d c signal that is relat ively inse nsitive t o lead lengt h and electrical noise.
Section 2-1 2 Installation S a f e t yM e s s a g e s . ...... .......... .......... .....p a g e 2 - 1 T o o l sn e e d e df o r I n s t a l l a t i o n ........ .......... .....p a g e2 - 2 Mounting . .... ......... .......... ...... .........p a g e 2 - 3 I n s t a l l a t i o nP r o c e d u r e s .
Rosemount Models 244EH and 244ER PC-Pr ogrammable T emperature T ransmitters 2-2 Figur e 2-1. T ransm itte r Inst alla tion Fl owchar t TO O L S N E E D E D F O R INSTALLATION The too ls needed for in.
2-3 MOUNTING The Model 2 44EH instal ls in a connect ion head or unive rsal head mounted direct ly on a se nsor assembly , apart from a senso r assembl y using a universal head, or to a DIN rail using an op tional mount ing clip. The Model 24 4ER mounts direct ly to a wall or to a D IN rail.
Rosemount Models 244EH and 244ER PC-Pr ogrammable T emperature T ransmitters 2-4 Special Mounting Considerations Special mounting hardware is ava ilable for mounting a Model 244EH head mount transmitter to a DIN rail, or assembling a new Mode l 244EH to an existing thre aded senso r connection he ad (former op tion code L1).
2-5 INSTALLATION PROCEDU RES T ransmitte r Refer to the appropri a te pr ocedure and the accompanyi ng illustrations when in stalling t he trans mitter .
Rosemount Models 244EH and 244ER PC-Pr ogrammable T emperature T ransmitters 2-6 Head Mount T ransmitter with Threaded Sensor The leas t compli cated assembl y uses: • a th readed sensor with flying.
2-7 Rail Mount T r ansmitter with Integral Mount Sensor The leas t compli cated assembl y uses: • an integral mount sensor with terminal block • an integral DIN style conne ction head •a s t a n.
Rosemount Models 244EH and 244ER PC-Pr ogrammable T emperature T ransmitters 2-8 Rail Mount T ransmitter with Threaded Sensor The leas t compli cated assembl y uses: • a threaded senso r with flying.
2-9 Multichannel Installations Several transmitters can be connected to a single master power supply as show n in Figure 2-9. In t his case, the sys tem may be gro unded only at the nega tive power supp ly terminal.
Rosemount Models 244EH and 244ER PC-Pr ogrammable T emperature T ransmitters 2-10 Choose the pro cedure that matche s the operating sys tem you are using . Pr ocedure for Windows 3.1 or Windo ws for W orkgroups 3.11 1. If y ou do not have Win32s inst alled, install it now .
2-11 Screen Conventions The Models 244EH and 244ER Configuratio n Software follow s the Microsoft W indows screen conventions with the following exception: Configuration parameters change co l or to indicate fields where information has change d.
Rosemount Models 244EH and 244ER PC-Pr ogrammable T emperature T ransmitters 2-12 5. Turn on the Model 244EC usi ng the power s witch on th e top side of the housing . NO TE V erify that the Model 2 44EC “Low B attery” L ED is not on be fore initiating communication with the transmitter .
2-13 Use th e followin g steps to wire the transmit ter: 1. Co nnect the posit ive lead fro m the power s upply to th e transmitt er terminal marked “ + ” and the n egative le ad to the transmi tter terminal marked “ – ” (see Figure 2-11 and Figure 2-13) .
Rosemount Models 244EH and 244ER PC-Pr ogrammable T emperature T ransmitters 2-14 Sensor Lead Wire Resist ance Effect RT D Input When using a 4-wire RTD, the effect of le ad resistan ce is eliminated and has no impact on accuracy .
2-15 •P t 1 0 0 2 - w i r e R T D : Lead wire resistance seen by the transmitter = 150 m × 2 wires × 0.025 Ω /m = 7 .5 Ω Thermocouple or Milli v olt Inputs F or integral mounting a pplications , the thermocouple can be connected directly to the trans mitter .
Rosemount Models 244EH and 244ER PC-Pr ogrammable T emperature T ransmitters 2-16 Figure 2 -13. T ransmitte r P ower , Sensor , and Configur ation T er minal s FA ILURE MODE The Models 24 4EH and 244 ER features software driven alarm diagnost ics and an independ ent circuit.
Section 3-1 3 Operation S a f e t yM e s s a g e s . ...... .......... .......... .....p a g e 3 - 1 P ower Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ...... .......... ..p a g e 3 - 1 C o n f i g u r a t i o n . ...... .......... ......... .........p a g e3 - 2 I n t e r m i t t e n t S e n s o rA l g o r i t h m .
Rosemount Models 244EH and 244ER PC-Pr ogrammable T emperature T ransmitters 3-2 Gr ounding T he transmitter will op erate with the current signal loop either floati ng or groun ded. However , the extra noise in f l oati ng systems affe cts many types o f readout devices.
3-3 Configuring a Single T ransmitte r NOTE See “Confi guration Softw are” on page 2-9 for ins tructions on how to install the co nfiguration software. T o configure a sing le Model 244EH or 24 4ER transmitt er , perform th e follow ing procedure: 1.
Rosemount Models 244EH and 244ER PC-Pr ogrammable T emperature T ransmitters 3-4 NOTE Each configuration pa rameter is explained in detail in the on-line help provided with t he software. T o access hel p, clic k the HELP bu tton on the main config uration window (see Figure 3-1).
3-5 Vie wing the Process Va r i a b l e With version 2.0 and la ter of the Model 244EC Conf iguration Interface, users can view the measured t emperature (PV) by selecting SER VIC E from the menu bar of the main configu ration window (see Figure 3-2).
Rosemount Models 244EH and 244ER PC-Pr ogrammable T emperature T ransmitters 3-6 Case Ex amples Case 1: Ope n Sensor If the algor ithm detects an o pen senso r , the tran smitter immediat ely goes into al arm (high or low , de pending on the position of the failure mode switch) .
3-7 D) If an open se nsor is vali dated at the end of t he first update cyc le (Time = 500 ms), the output w ill go dire ctly to alarm level. T he original s pike (at Time = 0 ms) will not be seen at the outp ut.
Rosemount Models 244EH and 244ER PC-Pr ogrammable T emperature T ransmitters 3-8 Figure 4-1 ill ustrates an example of intermittent se nsor detect w ith damping en abled. If the temp erature undergo es a step change greate r than the t hreshold val ue, or from 1 00 degrees to 11 0 degrees , and the damping is s et to 5.
3-9 T r ansmitter Behavior with Intermittent S ensor Detect ON When the I nterm itten t Se nsor D etect featu re is switch ed ON , the transmi tter can elim inate the outp ut pulse caused by intermit tent open sensor conditio ns.
Section 4-1 4 Maintenance and T r oubleshooting S a f e t yI n f o r m a t i o n ... .......... ......... .........p a g e4 - 1 T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g .
Rosemount Models 244EH and 244ER PC-Pr ogrammable T emperature T ransmitters 4-2 The “Informa tion T ransmit ter UNSUCCESSFUL ” me ssage ap pears because the transmitter did not accept the change made in the Intermittent Sensor Det ect field.
Appendix A-1 Appendix A Reference Data T r a n s m i t t e rS p e c i f i c a t i o n ........ ...... .......... ..p a g e A - 1 O r d e r i n gI n f o r m a t i o n . ...... .......... .......... ..p a g eA - 6 D i m e n s i o n a lD r a w i n g s ..
Rosemount Models 244EH and 24 4ER PC-Prog ramma ble T emperature T ra nsmitters A-2 Failure Mode The values that the tra nsmitter driv es its output to in fail ure mode depend on whether it is factory configure d t o standard or NAMUR-compli ant ope ration.
A-3 Accuracy When using a Pt 100 ( α = 0.00385) sensor inpu t with a 7 5 to 150 ° C range, the accuracy w ill be 0.05% o f span + 0. 15 °C or 0.20 °C , whichever is g reater . Sa mple Calculatio n:[0.0005 (1 50-75) + 0 .15] = 0.19 °C, which is less than 0.
Rosemount Models 244EH and 24 4ER PC-Prog ramma ble T emperature T ra nsmitters A-4 Ambient T emperature Effect Tr ansmitters can be installed in lo cations where the ambie nt temperature is between –40 a nd 85 °C (–40 and 185 °F). At the f actory , each transm itter is indivi dually charac terized ove r this ambient temperate rang e.
A-5 Ph ysical Electrical Connections Materials of Construction Mounting The Model 2 44EH instal ls in a connect ion head or unive rsal head mounted direct ly on a se nsor assembly , apart from a senso r assembl y using a universal head, or to a DIN rail using an op tional mount ing clip.
Rosemount Models 244EH and 24 4ER PC-Prog ramma ble T emperature T ra nsmitters A-6 OR DERING INFORMATION T ABLE A-4. Model 244EH and 244ER T emperatu re T ransmit ter Ordering Inf ormation • = Av a.
A-7 T ABLE A-5. Model 2 44EC Configur ation Interf ace Ordering Inf ormation • = Av ailable — = Not ava ilable Mode l Pro duct Descriptio n 244EH 244EC Model 244 EC Configu rati on Interf ace Hardw are and Soft ware • T ypic al Mode l Number: 244EC T ABLE A-6.
Rosemount Models 244EH and 24 4ER PC-Prog ramma ble T emperature T ra nsmitters A-8 Or dering Flameproof and Explosion-proof Appr ov als f or T emperature Assemblies Both flameproo f and explosio n-proof protection depe nd on the enclosure type .
A-9 DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS T ransmitte r Enc losure and Model 2 44EC Configuration Interface Model 244ER Model 244EH Shown with Standar d Compression Screw T erminals Shown w ith W AGO ® Spring Clamp T erminals Dimensions are in millimeters (inches) 36 (1.
Appendix B-1 Appendix B Appr o v als S a f e t yM e s s a g e s . ...... .......... .......... .....p a g e B - 1 Hazardous Locations Installations . . . . . . . . . .... .....p a g eB - 1 L o c a t i o n s C e r t i f i c a t i o n s . ....... ......
Rosemount Models 244EH and 24 4ER PC-Prog ramma ble T emperature T ra nsmitters B-2 LOCATIONS CERTIFICATIONS Factory M utual (FM) Appro vals E5 Explosion-Proo f for Class I, Divisi on 1, Groups B , C , and D . Dust-Ignitio n Proof for Class II, Divi sion 1, Groups E, F , and G .
B-3 KEMA Approv als ED ATEX II 2 G Flameproof (Z one 1) (Model 244EH onl y) EEx d IIC T6 (T amb = –40 to 65 °C). NOTE: Flameproo f certificat ion is only ava ilable as a complete as sembly with Rosemount universal head – option codes J5 or J6.
Rosemount Models 244EH and 24 4ER PC-Prog ramma ble T emperature T ra nsmitters B-4 N7 Type N Approva l , Ex n IIC T5 (T amb = 70 °C) Special Conditions f or Safe Use ( X ): The assemb ly must be ins talled such that its external terminals and communication pins are protected to at least t he requirements of IP54.
B-5 Figure B-1. Can adian Standards Associ ation (CSA) Intrinsic S afety Install ation Dra wing 0 0644-1064, Re v . AB.
Rosemount Models 244EH and 24 4ER PC-Prog ramma ble T emperature T ra nsmitters B-6 Figure B-2. Can adian Standards Associati on (CSA) Explosion-Pro of Install ation Dra wing 0 0644-1059, Re v .
B-7 Figure B-3. F actor y Mutual (FM) Intrinsi c Safet y Install ation Dra wing 00644-00 09, Rev . AA 644-0009A01A.
Rosemount Models 244EH and 24 4ER PC-Prog ramma ble T emperature T ra nsmitters B-8 Figure B-4. F actor y Mutual (FM) Explosi on-Proof Installa tion Drawing 00644-10 49, Rev .
Appendix C-1 Appendix C Models 644 and 244E T emperature T ransmitter s Manual Supplement O l dT r a n s m i t t e r ...... .......... ...... .......... ..p a g eC - 2 N e wT r a n s m i t t e r .. ......... ....... .......... .....p a g eC - 3 S p e c i f i c a t i o n s .
Rosemount Models 244EH and 24 4ER PC-Prog ramma ble T emperature T ra nsmitters C-2 OLD T RANSMITTER OLD T RANS MITTER T rans mitter D esig n Sensor Wiring Diagrams Special Mounting Considerations Models 6 44H and 244 EH Models 644 R and 244 ER T wo Mou nting Ho les Models 644 a nd 244E * Rosemo unt In c.
C-3 NEW T RANSMITTER NEW TRANSMITTER T rans mitter D esig n Sensor Wiring Diagrams Special Mounting Considerations HAR T Communicator (Model 644H only) T o guarante e proper trans mitter function ality and com municatio n, your Model 275 HAR T Communicato r should contai n device revisio n Dev v5 DD v2 or higher .
Rosemount Models 244EH and 24 4ER PC-Prog ramma ble T emperature T ra nsmitters C-4 SPECIFICATIONS Old New B ASEFF A (1) Int rinsically Safe Installa tion Entity Paramet ers: P ower Loop U max:in 30 V dc 3 0Vd c I max:in 200 mA 200 mA Group II C Zones 0 and 1 W max :in 1.
I-1 Inde x A Alarm see Failure mode Ambient Temper ature . . . . . . . . A-4 Approvals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 C Changing Swi tch Positio ns . . . 2-16 Configura tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 244EC Interface Ambient temper ature .
Rosemount Model 3244MV M ultiV ariable T emperature T ransmitter with Profibus-P A I-2 Wiring diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13 Sensors diagram .
© Rosemount Inc., 2000 Rosemount Inc. 8200 Market Boule vard Chanhassen, MN 55317 USA T el 1-800-999-9307 F ax (952) 949- 7001 Fisher-Rosemou nt Limited Heath Place Bognor R egis West Sussex PO2 2 9SH England T el 44 (1243) 863 121 F ax 44 (1243) 867 5541 Fisher-Rosemou nt Singapore Pte Ltd.
デバイスFisher 244ERの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Fisher 244ERをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはFisher 244ERの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Fisher 244ERの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Fisher 244ERで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Fisher 244ERを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はFisher 244ERの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Fisher 244ERに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちFisher 244ERデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。