Fisherメーカー444 Alphalineの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Model 444 Alphaline ® T emperatur e T ransmitters 00809- 0100-426 3 Englis h Re v . AA Product Discontinued.
Product Man ual Ros emo unt, th e Rosem ount logot ype, and Al phaline are regi stered t rademar ks of R osemoun t Inc. Chro mel and Alum el are tr ademarks of Ho skins Mfg . Co . Cover Photo: 444-005AC Read this m anual before wo rki ng wi th the prod uct .
T ab le of C ontents i SECTION 1 Introduction Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 SECTION 2 Installation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ii SECTION 4 Maintenance and T r oubleshooting Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Hardware Diagnosti cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Troubles hooting .
Section 1-1 1 Intr oduction OVERVI EW This ma nual is design ed to assi st in instal ling, operating , and maintaining Rosemount ® Model 444 Alp haline ® T empera t ure Transmi tters.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 1-2.
Section 2-1 2 Installation OVERVI EW This s ection includes the following t ransmitter ins tallation information: • General Considerati ons • Mechanical Considerations Mounting S tability Access R.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 2-2 produce lo w-level signals p roport ional to t heir se nsed tempe rature. Model 444 tempera ture transmit ters conv ert th e low-le vel sens or signal to a standard 4 –20 mA dc signal t hat is relat ively insensitive to lead leng th and electrica l noise.
2-3 Installation FIGUR E 2-1. Recommen ded Proce ss Mounting. FIGURE 2- 2. Recommende d Proce ss Mounting with Drain Seal. Thermowell Thermowell Hex Extension Nipple Union or Couplin g Sensor Hex T ransmitter Exten sion Length 3.2 (81.3) Conduit f or Field W iring (dc P ower) NO T E Dime nsions ar e in inc hes (mil limeter s).
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 2-4 ELECTR ICAL CONSIDERATIONS This sectio n contains informa tion that you should consid er when pr eparing to install Mod el 444 tra nsmitters. Read this section caref ully before g oing on to the installati on procedures.
2-5 Installation FIG URE 2- 4. Fie ld Wi rin g for the Stand ard Model 444 T ransmitt ers. FIG URE 2- 5. Fie ld Wi rin g for Low-P owe r Mod el 444 T ransmi tters (444LL a nd LM).
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 2-6 The correct connections for a compens a tion loop RTD and a 2-wire RTD are shown in F igure 2-6c and F igure 2-6d, resp ectively . In a 2-wire RTD , however , both leads are in series with the se nsor elem ent, so sign ificant errors (0.
2-7 Installation Thermocouple or Millivo l t Inputs In the case of thermoco uples, make connections between the sensor and the transmitter with thermocouple wire . F or process mounting applications , connect the thermocoup le directly to the transm itter .
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 2-8 Sur g es/T ransients The transmit ter will withstan d electrica l transie nts of the ener gy level u sually encountered in st atic discharges or induced switching transie nts.
2-9 Installation FIGUR E 2-9. Model 44 4 T ransm itt er Housi ng T emper ature Rise . FIGUR E 2-10. Senso r Asse mbly D imensi onal Dra wi ngs. HOUSING RISE ABO VE AMBIENT °C (°F ) 3044- 0123A 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 60 (108) 50 (90) 40 (72) 30 (54) 20 (36) 10 (18) 3.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 2-10 Moist or Corrosive En vi ronments The transmitter is designed to resist attack by moisture and other corrosives . The coa ted circ uit board s are moun ted in a co mpartment comple tely sealed fr om the condui t entrances .
2-11 Installation INSTALLATION PROCEDU RE Installatio n consists o f mounting t he trans mitter and se nsor ass embly and making electrical connect ions. If mounting the transmitter directly to the sensor assembly , use the process mounting technique shown in Figure 2 -1 or Figure 2-2, on page 2-3.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 2-12 Preliminar y Checkout 1. F or any Mod el 444 unit, first verify that the tr ansmitter is cal ibrated t o the required range. Calibration is usually perfo rmed by subs tituting an input in place of the s ensor , and this is mo st conveni ently accomplis hed prior to sensor connect ion.
2-13 Installation FIGURE 2 -11. Model 4 44 with Optional Mou n ting Brac ket. FIGURE 2 -12. Model 4 44 Dime nsio nal Drawi ngs T ransmitter can be Rotated 90° Clearance Hole for ¼-inch Bo lt (eight places) NO T E Dimens ions are i n inc hes (millime ters) .
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 2-14.
Section 3-1 3 Calibration OVERVI EW Each transmit ter is facto ry calibrat ed to the t emperature ra nge show n on the namep late. If calibrati on to a specif ic range is not specifie d on the purchas.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 3-2 CALIBRATING A R TD T R ANSMITTER Calibration Equipment Required: Readout Resist or . Th e transmit ter test te rminals give a 40–200 mV signal. The Models 4 44RL a nd444RL _ __B0912 have a jumper-selectab le 4–20 mA t est output o ption (2- board sets ).
3-3 Calibration 6. Determi ne the RTD resista nce at th e desi red base and full scal e temperature s . F o r Calibration Co de 1 (see T able 5-3, on page 5-9), these resistances are listed in T able B-1. 7. Turn the power on. 8. Set the decade box to the resistance corresponding to the desired base temperature .
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 3-4 FIGURE 3 -1. Location of T est Input and Burnout Prote ction Jum per on Mod el 444RL Rang e Board.
3-5 Calibration CALIBRATING A THERMOCOUPLE T RANSMITTER Using a Compen sated Thermocouple Simulator Calibration Equipment Required Compensated T hermocouple Simulator . Prec ision volt age so urce provid ing conformity to NIST Monograph 125 thermocouple curves .
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 3-6 T A BLE 3 -2. C oars e Zero Ju mper Locatio n, Model 444TJ , TK, TF , TT , and MV Range Code 1. FIGURE 3 -3. Location of Bur nou t Prot ecti on Jumper on Model 444T Rang e Board. FIGUR E 3-4.
3-7 Calibration U s i n ga nI c eB a t h Calibration Equipment Require d Millivolt Source . Precisio n voltag e source pr oviding outputs fr om –10 to 100 mV . Reflect accuracy o f four times better that the 444 tra nsmitter is recommended ( 0.05% of cal ibrated sp an or 0.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 3-8 FIGURE 3-5. Ice Bath Calibration Diagram. CALIBRATING A LOW-P OWER T RANSMITTER Calibration Equipment Required Vo l t m e t e r. Such as a 5-digit DVM. Accuracy is ±0.01%; resolutio n is 1 mV .
3-9 Calibration Calibration Procedure The followi ng steps describe the p rocedure fo r calibrating a lo w-power transmitte r , as shown in Fig ure 3-6: 1. Remove the cover from the terminal side of the transmitt er housing. 2. If an RTD is already conne cted, remove all RTD lead connections.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 3-10 CALIBRATING A MILLIV OLT T RANSMITTER Calibratio n is identical to the the rmocouple typ e (see Figure 3-5 on p age 3-8), except t hat a refere nce junction and ice bath a re not used.
Section 4-1 4 Maintenance and T r oubleshooting OVERVI EW This se ction contains the f ollowing trans mitter maintenance and troubles hooting i nformation: Hardware Diagnostic s • Troubleshooting .
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 4-2 T ABLE 4-1. T ransmitter T roub leshooting S ymptoms a n dC o r r e c t i v eA c t i o n s . Symptom Po tential Sour ce Corrective Action High Output Sensor Chec k f or a sensor or thermocouple open c ircuit.
4-3 Maintenance and T roubleshooting REPAIR In case of a fai lure, particularly one in w hich the transm itter’s output goes to one extreme and stays there , the first st ep is to determine whet her the fault lies with the s ensor(s) o r the transmit ter .
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 4-4 Disasse mbly Pr ocedure NO TE The numbers in parentheses refer to parts shown in the Illustrated P arts List, T able 5-7 , in Section 5 Specifications and Reference Data .
4-5 Maintenance and T roubleshooting Reasse mbly Pr ocedure 1. Inspect al l O-rings (1D,3) and replace if necessary . Lig htly gre ase new O - rings with silicone g rease t o guarante e an ade quate seal. 2. If the O-ring Retainer Plate (1B) has been removed, be sure the co rrect side is fa cing outward.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 4-6 Mechanical Parts • All mechanical hardware is interchange able amon g units wi thout regard to model numbers . • Nameplates are interchangeab le only a mong units t hat share the same input types (i.
Section 5-1 5 Specifications and Reference Data FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS Inputs Models 444RL, LL, a nd LM 100 V R 0 platinum R TD per IEC 751. Model 444T Thermocoupl e types E,J ,K,T ,R, and S per NIST (grounded or ungrounded). Model 444MV Millivo lt input (g rounded or ungrounded) s ource impedance less than 100 V .
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 5-2 Output Limits (appro ximate) Models 444RL, T , MV Low: 3.9 mA dc. High: 30.0 mA dc. Model 444LL Low: 0.1 V dc. High: 4.2 V dc. Model 444LM Low: 0.125 V dc. High: 6.2 V dc. P ower Suppl y Models 444RL, T , and MV 12 to 45 V dc at te rminals of transm itter .
5-3 Specificat ions and Reference Da ta P ERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Accuracy ±0.2% of calibrate d span (or , for ther mocouple and mi llivolt in puts, ±0.02 millivolt s , whichever is g reater). ±0.5% for co pper , nickel, and iso lated RTD inputs, 0.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 5-4 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Materials of Construction Electronics Housing Low-copper aluminum. (NEMA 4X). IP 54, IP 65, IP 66. Housing P a int P olyurethane. Housing O-rings Buna-N . Sensor and Conduit Connections 1 / 2 -inch conduit on e lectronics housing.
5-5 Specificat ions and Reference Da ta T A BLE 5 -2. CS A P a rame tr i c P arameters . Standards Association of Australia (SAA) Cer tifications E7 Flamep roof: Ex d IIB+H2 T6 Class I, Zone 1.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 5-6 Centro Elettr otecnico Sper imentale Italiano (CESI/CENELEC) Certifica tions E8 Flamep roof: EEx d IIC T6 I8 Intrinsic Safety: Model 44 4RL EEx ia IIC T6 (T amb = 40 ° C) [P i = 0.75 W] EEx ia IIC T5 (T amb = 55 ° C) [P i = 1.
5-7 Specificat ions and Reference Da ta LCD METER SPECIFICA TIONS (OPTIONS D AND E) Functional Specifications Conf i guration 4 mA point limi ts: –999 t o 1000. Span limits: 0 200 to 99 99. The sum of the 4 mA point and span must not exceed 9999. Adjustments are made using non-interactive zero and span buttons .
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 5-8 ANALOG METER SPECIFICA TIONS (OP TION S B AND C) Functional Specifications Meter Indication 0 to 100% linear scale. Special option al ran ges. T emperature Limits –40 to 65 °C (–40 t o 150 °F) .
5-9 Specificat ions and Reference Da ta T ABLE 5-3. 444 Model Struct ure . Model Product Description 444 Al phaline T e mperature T ransmitter Code Inp ut T yp e (1) (1) Refer to T e mperature Sensors, Assemblies , and Access ories Product Data S heet, Rosemount pub.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 5-10 T ABLE 5-4. 444RL F ast T urn-on Model Structure . Mode l Product Description 444 Alphaline F ast T urn-On T emperature T ransmitt er Code Input T ype (1) (1) Refer to T e mperature Sensors, Assemblies , and Access ories Product Data S heet, Rosemount pub.
5-11 Specificat ions and Reference Da ta T ABLE 5-5. 444LL, LM Mo del Str ucture . T ABLE 5-6. Meter Ki ts. Mode l Product Description 444 Alphaline Lo w -P ower T emperat ure T ransmitter Code Input T ype (1) (1) Refer to T e mperature Sensors, Assemblies , and Access ories Product Data S heet, Rosemount pub.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 5-12 T ABLE 5-7. Standard P ar ts List. Item Number Mode l Part Description Part Number Spares Category (1 ) (1) Spares Categories (2) Thermocoupl e Range Board Kit Cons ists of: Code A – Reco mmended 1 s pare par t per 2 5 tran smitters.
5-13 Specificat ions and Reference Da ta T ABLE 5-8. P ar ts List f or Model W444 T ransmitter ( C ESI/CENELEC Ap prov al). Item Number P ar t Description Pa r t N o . Spares Category (1) (1) Spares Categories Code A – Reco mmended one spare part per 25 transmitte rs.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 5-14 T ABLE 5-9. P ar ts List f or Model T444 T ra n smitter (BA SEEF A Approv al). Item Number Part Description Pa r t N o . Spares Category (1) (1) Spares Categories Code A – Reco mmended one spare part per 25 transmitte rs.
5-15 Specificat ions and Reference Da ta T ABLE 5-10. Parts List f or Model 444 RL F ast T urn On T ransmi tter (RTD Inpu t). T ABLE 5- 11. P ar ts List f or Model 44 4 LL, 444 LM Lo w P ower T ransmit ter (R TD Input). Item Number Part Description Pa r t N o .
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 5-16 T ABLE 5-12. Parts List f or Model 444 Increas ed Accuracy or Speci al Range T ra nsmitters. Item Number Part Description Pa r t N o . Spares Category (1) (1) Spares Categories Code A – Reco mmended one spare part per 25 transmitte rs.
5-17 Specificat ions and Reference Da ta FIGUR E 5-1. T ransmi tter Explod ed View 1. Reversi ble Models 444RL, LL, LM Models 444T , MV Detail of Item 1B.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 5-18 FIGUR E 5-2. T ransmi tter Explod ed View 2. Detail of Remote Cold Junction Compensation Sensor .
Section 6-1 6 Options MOUNTING BRAC KET The mounting bra cket option provides aux iliary configurat ions for mountin g the M odel 444 t ransmi tter . With this o ption you ca n eith er mount the t ransmitter t o a 2-inch pipe o r a suitable flat panel.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 6-2 LCD / ANALOG METER The LC D and analog me ters prov ide loca l indication o f the trans mitter out put.
6-3 Options P osition the Decimal P oint and Select the Meter Function 2. Press the left and right configuration buttons simult a neously and release them immediat ely . 3. T o move the decimal point t o the desire d location , press the le ft configuratio n button.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 6-4 LCD Meter Assembly Figure 6-3 show s the mounti ng hardware req uired to properl y install the LCD meter on a Mo del 444 tra nsmitte r . Thi s mounting hardware may also be used with the Rosemount universal (analog) meter .
6-5 Options Overload Limitation 666 mA. T emperature Limits Storage : –40 to 85 °C (–40 to 185 °F ). Operating : –20 to 7 0 °C (–4 t o 158 °F) . Between t emperature s –40 to –2 0 °C (–40 t o –4 ° F), the l oop is inta ct and th e meter is no t damaged.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters 6-6 ANALOG METER The analog meter p lugs direct ly into the M odel 444 to provide an accurate loca l indication of us er -specif ied units.
Appendix A-1 A Hazar dous Locations Cer tifications Drawings Rosemount D rawing 00444-0 261, 2 Shee ts: Model 44 4 Explosi on-proof Installatio n Drawing, F a ctory M utual.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters A-2.
A-3 Appendix A.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters A-4.
A-5 Appendix A.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters A-6.
Appendix B-1 B T emperature Sensor Reference Inf ormation T ABLE B-1. Resistance V ersus T emperature Curve R o = 100.00 Ω , a =0.003 85 Referenc e Standard IEC 751. °C °C 0 –10 –20 –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 –80 –90 –200 18.49 –100 60.
Rosemount Model 244P Head and Rail Mount T emperature T ransmitters B-2.
I-1 Inde x A Accuracy 5-3 Ambient Tempe rature Effect 5-3 Analo g Mete r Specificat ions 5-8 B Burnout Prot ection Ad justme nts 4-6 C Calibration Low-Power Transmitter 3-8 Milliv olt Transmitt er 3-1.
Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline T emperature T ransmitters I-2 S Sensor and Conduit Connections 5-4 Sensor Connec tions Grounding 2-7 RTD Inputs 2-5 2-Wir e RT D 2-6 3-Wir e RT D 2-6 4-Wir e RT D 2-6 Co.
I-3 Ind ex.
Rosemo unt Inc. 8200 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 5531 7 USA T el 1-800-999-9307 T elex 4310012 Fax (612) 949-7001 © 1998 Rosemount Inc. P R I N T E D IN U.
デバイスFisher 444 Alphalineの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Fisher 444 Alphalineをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはFisher 444 Alphalineの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Fisher 444 Alphalineの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Fisher 444 Alphalineで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Fisher 444 Alphalineを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はFisher 444 Alphalineの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Fisher 444 Alphalineに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちFisher 444 Alphalineデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。