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4822 872 00983 Oct ober 2000, Rev. 2, 2/ 01 © 2000 Fluke Corpor ation. All rights r eserv ed. Printed in the Netherlands. All product names ar e trademark s of their res pectiv e companies.
LI M I TED WARRANTY & LI M IT ATI O N O F LI ABI LI T Y Each Fluke pr oduct is w arranted to be free fr om defects in material and workmanship under normal use and ser vice. T he warranty period is three year s and begins on the date of shipment. Parts , product r epairs and s ervic es are war ranted for 90 day s.
SERVICE CENTERS To locat e an author iz ed s er v ic e c enter, visit us on t he W orld W ide W eb: http://www.f luke .com or call F luke using any of the phone num ber s lis t ed below: +1- 888- 993- 5853 in U.
i Table of Contents Cha pte r Title Page Un packi ng th e T est T ool Ki t ...................................................................................... 2 Safety I nf or mat ion: Read First ....................................................
Fl u ke 192/196/ 199 Users Manual ii 2 Us ing Th e Multime ter.............................................................................................. 21 Making Meter Connect ions .................................................................
Conte nts (continued) iii 6 Us ing Mem ory , PC and Prin ter .............................................................................. 57 Saving and Recalling .......................................................................................
Fl u ke 192/196/ 199 Users Manual iv 9 Sp ecifica tion s ......................................................................................................... 87 Int roduction .......................................................................
Unpacking the Test Tool Kit 1 Declar ation of Conform ity for Fluke 192/196/199 ScopeMeter ® tes t tool s Manuf acturer Fluke Industr ial B.V. Lelyweg 1 7602 EA Almelo The Netherlands Statem ent of C.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 2 Unpacking the Test Tool Kit The following i tems ar e included in your test t ool kit: Not e When new, t he r echar geable NiMH batter y is not fully charged.
Unpacking the Test Tool Kit 3 # Descript ion 1 ScopeMeter Test Tool 2 Batter y Charger ( count ry dependent ) 3 10:1 Voltage Probe Set ( r ed) a) 10:1 Volt age Probe ( r ed) b) Hook Clip for Probe Tip.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 4 Safety Infor mation: Read Firs t Carefully read t he f ollowing safety infor mation bef or e using the test t ool. Specific warning and caution statem ent s, wher e t hey apply, appear t hr oughout t he m anual. A “Warni ng” i denti f i es condit i ons and acti ons t hat pose hazard( s) to the user .
Safety I nf or mat ion: Read First 5 War nin g To avoid el ect r i cal shock or f i re i f a t est t ool input i s connect ed t o more t han 42 V peak ( 3 0 Vrms) or on ci r cui ts of m ore t han 4800.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 6 The term s ‘ Is olated ’ or ‘ Electrically floating ’ are used in this manual to indicate a m easur em ent in which the t est tool input BNC or banana jack is connected to a voltage differ ent f rom ear th gr ound.
7 Chapter 1 Using The Scope About this C h apter This chapter pr ovides a step- by- s t ep intr oduct ion to the scope funct ions of t he t est t ool. The intr oduct ion does not cover all of t he c apabilit ies of t he scope f unct ions but gives basic examples to show how to use the menus and perfor m basic oper at ions.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 8 Resetting the Test Tool If you wan t to res et the te st too l to th e fac tory se ttin gs, d o the f ollowing: 1 Tu rn th e tes t too l o ff. 2 Press and hold. 3 Press and release. The test t ool tur ns on, and you should hear a double beep, indicating the reset was successf ul.
Using The Scope Navigating a Menu 1 9 Navigating a Menu The following example shows how to use the t est tool’ s menus to select a f unct ion. Subsequently f ollow steps 1 through 4 t o open the scope m enu and t o choose an ite m.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 10 Hiding K ey Labels and Menus You can hide a menu or key label at any time: Hide any key label or menu. To display menus or key labels, press one of t he yellow menu keys, e. g. t he SC OPE key. Input Connecti ons Look at t he t op of t he t est t ool.
Using The Scope Making Scope Connections 1 11 Making Sc ope Connections To make dual input scope measur em ent s, connect the red voltage pr obe t o input A, and t he gray voltage pr obe to input B. Connect t he shor t ground leads of each voltage probe t o its ow n ref er ence pot ent ial.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 12 Displayi ng an Unknown S ignal with Connect-and-V iew™ The Connect-and- View featur e let s t he t est t ool display complex, unknown signals automat ically. This funct ion optimizes the posit ion, r ange, t ime base, and tr iggering and assures a stable display of virtually any waveform .
Using The Scope Making Automat ic Scope Measur em ent s 1 13 Making Automa tic Scope Measur ements The test t ool off ers a wide range of aut omat ic scope measurem ent s.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 14 Figure 8 shows an example of the scr een. Note that t he Peak-Peak reading for input B appear s next t o t he input A frequency r eading at t he t op of the screen. Figure 8. Hz and V peak-peak as Scope Readings Freezing the S creen You can freeze t he scr een ( all readings and waveform s) at any t ime.
Using The Scope Using Average, Persist ence and G litch Captur e 1 15 Using Average, Persistence and Glitch Captur e Usin g Average f o r Smo o th i ng W avefo rms To smooth t he waveform , do t he f ollowi ng: 1 Display the SCOPE key label s. 2 Open t he Wavef orm O pt i ons menu.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 16 Usin g Persi st en ce to Di spl ay Wavefo rms When persistence is selected, t he t est t ool displays the upper and lower boundaries of dynam ic wavefor m s. 1 Display the SCOPE key label s. 2 Open t he Wavef orm O pt i ons menu.
Using The Scope Using Average, Persist ence and G litch Captur e 1 17 Disp l ayin g G li t ches To capture glitches on a wavef or m , do t he f ollowi ng: 1 Display the SCOPE key label s. 2 Open t he Wavef orm O pt i ons menu. 3 Select Display G l i t ches: Yes 4 Exit the m enu.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 18 Acquir ing Waveform s Sele cting AC -Coupling After a r eset , t he test t ool is dc-coupled so that ac and dc voltages appear on t he scr een. Use ac-coupling when you wi sh t o observe a small ac signal that rides on a dc signal.
Using The Scope Acquiring Waveform s 1 19 Wo rkin g wi th No isy W avef o rms To suppress high frequency noise on wavefor m s, you can limit the working bandwidth to 10 kHz or 20 M Hz. This funct ion smoot hes t he displayed waveform . For t he same reason, it impr oves t r igger ing on the wavef or m .
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 20 3 Jump to Wavef orm: and Select Math ema tics... to open the Mathem atics m enu. 4 Select Function: A+B , A- B , A*B or A vs B . 5 Se le ct a sca le fa ctor to fi t the mathem at ical result waveform ont o the display, and ret ur n.
21 Chapter 2 Using The Multimeter About this C h apter This chapter pr ovides a step- by- s t ep intr oduct ion to the multimet er f unct ions of the t est t ool (hereaf t er called “meter”). T he in tr oduct ion gives basic examples to show how to use the m enus and per f or m basic oper at ions.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 22 Making Multimeter Measurements The screen displays the numer ic readings of t he measurem ent s on t he met er input. Measu ri ng Resi stan ce V al ues To measure a r esist ance, do t he f ollowing: 1 Connect the r ed and black test leads f r om t he 4-mm banana jack inputs t o t he r esistor .
Using The Mul t im et er Making Multimet er M easur em ents 2 23 Makin g a Cu rrent M easu rement You can measure cur r ent in bot h Scope mode and M et er mode. Scope m ode has t he advantage of t wo wavefor m s being displayed w hile you perform m easur ements.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 24 6 Observe t he sensitivity of t he current probe. Highlight the corresponding sensitivity in the menu, e. g. 10 mV/ A . 7 Accept the cur r ent m easur em ent . Now, you will s ee a sc r een lik e in Figur e 14. Figure 14.
Using The Mul t im et er Freezing the Readings 2 25 Freezing the R eadings You can freeze t he displayed readings at any t ime. 1 Freeze the scr een. HOLD appear s at t he t op r ight of t he r eading area. 2 Resume your measur em ent . You can use this funct ion to hold accurat e readings for later exam ination.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 26 Making Relative Measur ements A relative measurem ent displays the pr esent measurem ent r esult relative t o a def ined ref er ence value. The following example show s how to perf or m a r elat ive voltage measur em ent .
27 Chapter 3 Using The Recorder Functions About this C h apter This chapter pr ovides a step- by- s t ep intr oduct ion to the recorder f unct ions of the t est t ool. The introduct ion gives examples to show how to use t he m enus and per f or m basic operations.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 28 Plotting Measur ements Over Tim e (TrendP lot™) Use the TrendPlot f unct ion to plot a gr aph of Scope or Meter m easur em ent s as f unction of t ime.
Using The Recorder Funct ions Plotting Measur em ent s O v er Time ( Tr endPlot™) 3 29 Figure 17. TrendPl ot Readi ng When the Scope is in autom at ic m ode, aut om atic vert ical scaling is used to fit the Tr endPlot gr aph on t he screen. 5 Set RECORDER to STOP to freez e the recor der f unction.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 30 Cha nging the Re cor d er Options At the r ight bot tom of t he display you can choose to display the time elapsed fr om st ar t and t he actual time of the day. To change the t ime r ef er ence, pr oceed f rom st ep 6 as fo llows: 7 Open t he Recorder O pt i ons menu.
Using The Recorder Funct ions Recording Scope Waveform s I n Deep Mem or y ( Scope Record ™) 3 31 Recor ding Scope Wavefor ms In Deep Me mory (Sc o p e R ec ord ™) The SCOPE RECORD function is a roll mode t hat logs one or two long waveforms.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 32 Disp l ayin g Reco rded Dat a In Normal view, the sam ples t hat r oll off t he scr een ar e stored in deep m em or y. W hen t he m em or y is f ull, recording cont inues by shift ing the dat a in m em ory and deleting the fir st sam ples out of m em or y.
Using The Recorder Funct ions Recording Scope Waveform s I n Deep Mem or y ( Scope Record ™) 3 33 Us ing Sc ope R ec ord in Trigger ed Single S weep Mode To record, f or example, t he power - on event of an Uninterrupt able Power Supply (UPS) it might be usef ul t o start recording on an ext er nal tr igger signal.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 34 The test t ool start s r ecor ding af t er r eceiving the st ar t signal. All samples are cont inuously saved in deep memor y unt il the memor y is f ull. The last nine r ecor ded divisions are displ ayed on the screen.
35 Chapter 4 Using Replay, Zoom and Cursors About this C h apter This chapt er cov er s t he c apabilit ies of t he analysis functions Curso r , Zoom , and Re pla y . These f unct ions can be used with one or mor e of t he pr im ar y f unct ions Scope, TrendPlot or Scope Record.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 36 Repl ayi ng Step -b y- S t ep To step t hrough t he last scope screens, do t he f ollowing: 1 From scope m ode, open the REPLA Y menu. Observ e t hat t he t race is fr ozen and that R EPLAY appears at the top of t he scr een ( see Figur e 21) .
Using Replay, Zoom and Cursor s Replaying the 100 Most Recent Scope Screens 4 37 Re play ing Continuously You can also replay the stored scr eens cont inuously, like playing a video tape. To replay continuously, do t he f ollowing: 1 From Scope m ode, open the REPLA Y menu.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 38 Zooming in on a W aveform To obtain a mor e det ailed view of a waveform , you can zoom in on a waveform using the ZOOM function.
Using Replay, Zoom and Cursor s Zooming in on a Wavefor m 4 39 Dis playing the Zoomed W aveform The VIEW A LL featur e is useful when you quickly need to see the complet e wavefor m and t hen r eturn t o the zoomed part . 4 Display the complete waveform .
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 40 Making Cur sor Measur ements Cursors allow you to make precise digital measur em ent s on waveforms. This can be done on live w aveform s, recorded wavefor m s, and on saved wavef or m s.
Using Replay, Zoom and Cursor s Making Cursor M easur em ent s 4 41 Usin g Verti cal Cu rsors o n a Wavef o rm To use the curs or s f or a t ime m easur em ent, do t he fo llowing: 1 From scope m ode, display the cursor key labels. 2 Press to highlight .
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 42 Usin g Curso rs on a A+B, A-B or A*B W avefo rm Cursor m easur em ent s on a A*B wavefor m give a reading in Watts if input A measur es ( m illi)Volts and input B me as u r e s ( milli) Amp e r e s .
43 Chapter 5 Triggering on Wavefor ms About this C h apter This chapter pr ovides an intr oduct ion t o t he t r igger funct ions of t he t est t ool. Tr iggering t ells the t est t ool when to begin displayi ng the wavefor m .
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 44 Setting Tr igger Level and Slope The Connect-and- View ™ function enables hands-of f triggering t o display complex unknown signal s. When your t est t ool is in manual range, do t he f ollowi ng: Perfor m an aut o set .
Trigger i ng on Wavefor m s Using Trigger Delay or Pre-t r igger 5 45 Using Tr igger Del ay or P re-trigger You can begin to display the waveform som e t ime bef ore or aft er t he t r igger point has been det ect ed. Initially, you have 2 divisions of pre-tr igger view (negative delay).
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 46 Autom atic Tr igger Options In t he t r igger m enu, sett ings for aut omatic t r igger ing can be changed as follows. (See also Chapter 1: “ Displayi ng an Unknown Si gnal with Connect-and-View” ) 1 Displ ay the TRIGGE R key l abels.
Trigger i ng on Wavefor m s Triggering on Edges 5 47 Tri ggeri ng on Edges If t he signal is instable or has a very low frequency, use edge trigger ing to obt ain full manual trigger cont rol. To trigger on r ising edges of t he input A wavefor m , do the fo llowing: 1 Displ ay the TRIGGE R key l abels.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 48 Tri g geri ng on No isy W avefo rms To reduce jitter on t he scr een when t r iggering on noisy waveforms, you can use a noise rejection filter. Cont inue from st ep 3 of t he pr evious example as follows: 4 Select On Tri gger , jump to Noi se reje ct F ilter .
Trigger i ng on Wavefor m s Triggering on Edges 5 49 The test tool will now have a s cr een like Figure 28. 6 Arm t he t est t ool f or a new single shot. Tip The test t ool stores all single shots in the replay memor y. Use the Replay function t o look at all the st or ed single shots.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 50 Trigger ing on External W aveform s Use external tr igger ing when you want to display waveform s on inputs A and B while triggering on a third signal. You can choose external tr iggering with aut om at ic trigger ing or with edge t r igger ing.
Trigger i ng on Wavefor m s Triggering on Video Signals 5 51 Tri ggeri ng on Video S ignals To trigger on a video signal, first select t he st andar d of the video signal you are going to measur e: 1 Apply a video si gnal to the r ed input A. 2 Displ ay the TRIGGE R key l abels.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 52 Trigge ring on Video Fr ame s Use FIELD 1 or FI ELD 2 t o t rigger either on the f irst half of t he f r am e ( odd) or on t he second half of t he f r ame (even). To trigger on t he second half of t he f r ame, do t he fo llowing: 7 Choose FIELD 2 .
Trigger i ng on Wavefor m s Triggering on Pulses 5 53 Tri ggering on P ulses Use pulse wi dth t r iggering to isolate and display specific pulses that you can qualify by tim e, such as glitches, missing pulses, bursts or signal dropouts.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 54 To set t he pulse width to 5 m s, do the f ollowing: 7 Enable the arrow keys to adjust the pulse width. 8 Select 5 m s . All narrow positive pulses shorter t han 5 m s ar e now displayed on the screen. ( See Figure 31.
Trigger i ng on Wavefor m s Triggering on Pulses 5 55 Finding Miss ing Pulses The next example cover s f inding missing pulses in a train of positive pulses. I n t his exam ple it is assumed t hat t he pulses have a 100 ms distance between t he r ising edges.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 56 To set t he pulse width to 150 m s, cont inue as follows: 7 Enable the arrow keys to adjust the pulse width. 8 Select 150 ms.
57 Chapter 6 Using Memory, PC and Printer About this C h apter This chapter pr ovides a step- by- s t ep intr oduct ion to the general funct ions of t he test t ool that can be used in the three m ain m odes: Scope, M et er , or Recorder . You will find inform at ion on pr inter and com put er comm unicat ion at t he end of t his chapt er .
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 58 Savin g S creen s wi th Asso ciated Setu ps To save a screen in memor y location 10, do t he following: 1 Display the SAVE / PRIN T key labels. From t his point t he scr een is f r ozen unt il you hide the SAVE / PRI NT key labels again.
Using M em or y, PC and Pr i nt er Saving and Recal ling 6 59 Deleti ng Screen s w it h Associ at ed Setu ps To delete all screens and associated setups, cont inue from st ep 2 of t he pr evious example as follows: 3 Delete all saved screens and setups.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 60 Re ca lling a Set up Configur ation To recall the setup conf igur at ion f r om m em or y 2, do t he fo llowing: 1 Display the SAVE / PRIN T key labels. 2 Open t he Recall menu. 3 Highli ght SCREEN + SET UP location 2.
Using M em or y, PC and Pr i nt er Documenting Screens 6 61 Docum enting S creens With t he FlukeView ® software you can upload wavefor m data and screen bit m aps t o your PC or not ebook computer f or fur t her processing. Print ing can also be done by connecting the t est t ool direct ly t o a pr inter .
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 62 Conne ct ing to a P rinte r To print a scr een direct ly t o a pr inter , use one of the following adapters: The Opt ically Isolated RS-232 Adapt er / Cable (PM9080) t o connect a ser ial printer to t he O PTI CAL PORT of t he t est t ool.
Using M em or y, PC and Pr i nt er Documenting Screens 6 63 Set ting up the Printing C onfigura tion This example demonstr at es how t o set up t he t est t ool for printing on a postscr ipt pr inter with a 9600 baud r at e: 1 Display the USER O PTIO NS key labels.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 64.
65 Chapter 7 Tips About this C h apter This chapter gives you inform ation and tips on how you can make the best use of the t est t ool. Using the S tandard Accessor ies The following illust rat ions show t he use of t he standar d accessories such as voltage probes, t est leads, and t he various clips.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 66 Figure 36. Probing Usi ng 2- m m Heavy Duty Test Probes War nin g To avoid el ect r i cal shock or fi re, do not connect t he ground spr i ng to vol t ages hi gher than 30 Vrm s f rom ear t h gr ound. Figur e 37. HF Vol t age Pr obe Connect i on Usi ng Gr ound Spr i ng Figure 38.
Tips Using the Standard Accessories 7 67 Figure 40. Elect r oni c Connections f or Scope Measurem ent s Using Hook Cli ps and A lligato r Clip Gr ounding Figure 41. Fixed El ect roni c Connecti ons for Scope Measurem ent s wi t h Fi xed Ext e rnal Tri gger i ng Figure 42.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 68 Using the I ndependently Floating Isolated Inputs You can use the independently float ing isolated inputs t o measure signals that ar e independent ly f loating f r om each other.
Tips Using the Independent ly Floating I solat ed I nput s 7 69 Figure 44. Parasit i c capacit ance bet w een pr obes, inst r ument and envir onm ent M MOT IO N/MOT OR C ONTR OLLE R DC BUS DC BUS DIGITA L GROUND + - Figure 45.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 70 Using the T ilt Stand The test t ool is equipped with a tilt stand, allowing view ing from an angle whil e placed on a table. From t his position you can access the O PTICAL PORT at t he side of t he test t ool. The t ypical position is show n in Figure 48.
Tips Changing the Inf or m at ion Language 7 71 Changing the Infor mation Language During operation of t he t est t ool, m essages m ay appear at t he bot t om of t he screen. You can select t he language in whi ch these m essages ar e displayed. The com bination of selectable languages (one or m or e) depends on t he version order ed.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 72 Changing D ate and Tim e The test t ool has a date and t im e clock. For exam ple, t o change the dat e t o 19 April, 1999, do the f ollowing: 1 Display the USER key labels. 2 Open t he User O pt i ons menu. 3 Open Date Adj ust menu.
Tips Sa vi ng Ba ttery L ife 7 73 Saving B attery Life When operat ed on t he bat ter y ( no bat t er y charger connected), the t est t ool conserves power by shut t ing itself down. I f you have not pr essed a key f or at least 30 minutes, t he t est t ool turns itself of f aut om at ically.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 74 Changing the A uto Set O ptions With the next procedure you can choose how aut o set behaves when you press the AUTO (auto set ) key. 1 Display the USER key labels. 2 Open t he User O pt i ons menu. 3 Open t he Auto Se t Ad just menu.
75 Chapter 8 Maintaining the Test Tool About this C h apter This chapter cover s basic m aintenance pr ocedur es t hat can be perfor m ed by t he user. For com plete ser vice, disassembly, repair, and calibration inform at ion, see t he Service M anual.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 76 Charging the B atteries At delivery, t he NiMH batt er ies may be em pt y and m ust be charged for 4 hour s ( with t he t est t ool tur ned of f ) t o reach full charge. W hen f ully charged, t he bat ter ies provide 4 hours of use.
Mai nt ai ning t he Test Tool Extending Batt er y O perat ion Time 8 77 Extendi ng Batter y Operation Tim e Typicall y, NiMH batt eries always meet t he specif ied operating t ime.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 78 Replacing the NiMH Batter y Pack BP 190 Usually i t should not be necessar y t o replace the bat t er y pack. However, if r eplacem ent is needed, t his should be done by qualified personnel only. Contact your near est Fluke center f or m or e inf or m at ion.
Mai nt ai ning t he Test Tool Calibrating the Voltage Probes 8 79 Repeat steps 2 and 3 and pr oceed as f ollows: 5 Select Probe Cal with t he ar r ow keys, then accept . A message appears asking you whether t o st art t he 10:1 probe calibration. 6 Start t he pr obe calibration.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 80 Displayi ng Cali brati on Inform ation You can display version number and calibration date: 1 Display the USER key labels.
Mai nt ai ning t he Test Tool Parts and Accessories 8 81 Table 1. St andard Accessori es Item Orderi ng Code Batter y Char ger , available models: Universal Europe 230 V, 50 and 60 Hz North Amer ica 1.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 82 Item Orderi ng Code Voltage Probe Set (G ray), designed for use with t he Fluke ScopeMet er 190 series test t ool. The set includes the following items (not availab.
Mai nt ai ning t he Test Tool Parts and Accessories 8 83 Item Orderi ng Code Replacement Set f or Voltage Pr obe The set includes the following items (not available separately): • 2x 4-mm Test Probe.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 84 Op t io n al Accesso ries Item Orderi ng Code Software & Cable Carrying Case Kit Set contains t he f ollowing parts: Opt ically Isolated RS-232 Adapter / Cable .
Mai nt ai ning t he Test Tool Troubleshooting 8 85 Troubl eshooting The Te st Tool Doe s N ot Star t Up • The batter ies m ay be complet ely empt y. I n this case the t est t ool will not start up, even if it is powered by the bat t er y char ger .
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 86 Fluke View Doe s N ot Rec ognize The Te st Tool • Make sure t hat the t est t ool is tur ned on. • Make sure t hat the inter f ace cable is proper ly connected bet ween the t est tool and the PC. • Make sure t hat t he correct CO M por t has been selected in FlukeView .
87 Chapter 9 Specifications Intr oduction Perform ance Charact er i st ics FLUKE guarantees the pr oper t ies expressed in num er ical values with the stat ed t olerance. Specified non-t olerance numerical values indicate those that could be nominally expected f r om t he m ean of a r ange of identical ScopeMeter t est t ools.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 88 Dual Input Oscilloscope Isola ted Inputs A and B (V er tic al) Bandwidth, DC Coupled FL UK E 19 9 ....................................... 200 MHz (-3 dB) FL UK E 19 6 ....................................... 100 MHz (-3 dB) FL UK E 19 2 .
Specifi cati ons Dual Input Oscilloscope 9 89 Record Length Scope Record Mode .......... 27500 points on each input Scope Normal Mode ............ 1000 point s on each input Scope Glitch Capture M ode . . . 500 points on each input Glit ch De t ec t ion 5 µ s to 120 s/div .
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 90 Pulse Width Trigger Screen Update ........................... On Tri gger , Single Shot Trigger Conditions .......... <T , >T , ≈ T (±10 %) , ≠ T(±10 %) So urc e .........................................
Specifi cati ons Automat ic Scope Measur em ent s 9 91 AC Vol tag e ( V AC) Maxi mum Vol tage wi th 10:1 probe ................................................ 1000 V di rect (1:1 )......................................................... 300 V Maxi mum Re sol ution wi th 10:1 probe .
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 92 Ampere s (AMP) With O pt ional Current Pr obe or Curr ent Shunt Ranges ........................... same a s VD C, V AC, V AC+ DC Probe Sensitivity ................ 100 µV/A, 1 m V/ A, 10 m V/ A, 100 mV/A, 1 V/ A, 10 V/ A, and 100 V/ A Ac cura cy .
Specifi cati ons Automat ic Scope Measur em ent s 9 93 Power Po we r Facto r ..................... ratio betw een Watts and VA Range ..................
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 94 Meter Met er Input Input Coupling .......................................................... DC Frequency Response ..................... DC to 10 kH z (-3 dB ) Input I m pedance .............. 1 M Ω (±1 %)/ / 10 pF ( ±1.
Specifi cati ons DMM Measur ements on M eter I nputs 9 95 Diode Maximum Voltage Reading .................................... 2.8 V Open Circuit Voltage .............................................. <4 V Ac cura cy .................................
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 96 Ampere s (AMP) With O pt ional Current Pr obe or Curr ent Shunt Ranges ........................... same a s VD C, V AC, V AC+ DC Probe Sensitivity ................ 100 µV/A, 1 m V/ A, 10 m V/ A, 100 mV/A, 1 V/ A, 10 V/ A, and 100 V/ A Ac cura cy .
Specifi cati ons Zoom, Replay and Cursor s 9 97 Zoom, Replay and C urs ors Zoom Horizontal Magnification Scope Record ........................................... up to 100x TrendPlot ..................................................... up to 50x Sc op e .
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 98 Probe Calibr at ion Manual pulse adjustment and aut om at ic DC adjustment with probe check. Generat or O ut pu t.................................... 3 Vpp / 500 Hz square wave Memory Number of Scope M em or ies ...
Specifi cati ons Environmental 9 99 Envir onmental En vi ronmen tal ....................... MIL-P RF- 28800F, Class 2 Temperat ure Operat ing: ba ttery o nly......................... 0 to 5 0 ° C (32 to 122 ° F) power adapter .................... 0 to 40 ° C (32 to 104 ° F) Sto rag e .
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 100 Safety Designed for measur em ent s on 1000 V Categor y I I Installations, 600 V Categor y III Instal lati ons, P oll utio n Degree 2, per : • ANSI/ISA S82.01- 1994 • EN61010-1 (1993) ( I EC1010-1) • CAN/CSA-C22.
Specifi cati ons 10:1 Probe 9 101 Figure 52. Safe Handl i ng: M ax. I nput Vol tage Betw een Scope References, and Betw een Scope References and M et er Ref er ence 10:1 Pr obe Safety Max. I nput Vol tage .......................... 1000 V CAT II 600 V CAT III Max.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 102 0.01 1 2 5 10 20 50 10 0 20 0 50 0 100 0 0 .02 0 .05 0. 1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 1 00 2 00 FREQ UEN C Y ( M H z) MAX. I N P U T VO L T AGE ( Vr m s ) CA T I I I CA T I I Figur e 53. M ax. Volt age Fr om Pr obe Ti p t o Gr ound and From Pr obe Ti p to Pr obe Ref er ence 0.
Specifi cati ons Electromagnet ic I m m unit y 9 103 Ele ct ro mag n et ic I mmun it y The Fluke 190 series, including standard accessories, conf or ms with the EEC directive 89/ 336 f or EMC imm unity , as defined by EN-61326-1, with t he addition of t he f ollowi ng tables.
Fluke 192/ 196/ 199 Users Manual 104.
105 Index —Numerics— 10-1 Voltage Probe, 81 2-mm Test Pr obes, 3, 82 4-mm Test Pr obes, 3, 81 —A— Accessories, 65, 80 AC-Coupling, 18 Acquiring the Wavefor m, 18 Altitude, 99, 101 Ampere M eas.
Fl u ke 192/196/ 199 Users Manual 106 Charger, 81 Charging, 76 Cleaning, 75 Clear Menu, 10, 70 Common Leads, 3 Connect-and- View, 43, 90 Connecting a Computer , 61 Connecting A Printer, 62 Connections.
In dex ( continued ) 107 Max. Float ing Voltage, 100, 101 Max. I nput Voltage, 100 Measurem ent Connections, 10, 21 Measurem ent s, 13, 22 Measurem ent s on M et er Input s, 94 Mechanical, 98 Memory ,.
Fl u ke 192/196/ 199 Users Manual 108 Scope Record, 31, 96 Screen Contrast , 71 Screen Without M enus, 10, 70 Seria l Pr in t er , 6 2 Service Manual, 84 Shock, 99 Single S hot, 48 Single S weep Mode,.
デバイスFluke 196の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Fluke 196をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはFluke 196の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Fluke 196の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Fluke 196で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Fluke 196を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はFluke 196の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Fluke 196に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちFluke 196デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。