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® Fluke 39/41B Powe r Har moni cs Te st er Users Manual 4822 872 00916 July 1995 Rev. 3, 11/00 © 1995 Fluk e Corporation. All rights res erv ed. Printed in the Netherlands.
LI M I TED W ARRANTY & L IM I T ATI ON O F LI ABI LI T Y Eac h F l uk e product i s warranted t o be f ree from def ect s in mat erial and work manshi p under normal us e and serv ice. The warranty period is one year and begins on the dat e of shi pm ent .
SERVICE CENTERS To l ocat e an a u t h or i z ed s er vi ce cen t er , vi s i t u s on t h e Wor l d Wid e Web: http:/ /www. fluke .c om o r call F luke u sing any o f the p h o n e numb ers lis ted b elo w : +1-888-993-5853 in U .
i Table of Contents Title Pa ge Saf ety ................................................................................................ v A bo ut Th is Manua l............................................................................. 1 Us es fo r the T ester .
Fl u ke 39/41B Users Manual ii A djusta ble Freq uenc y (Sp eed ) Mo tor D riv e ................................... 51 Us er Mainte nan ce .............................................................................. 52 Cle aning ...................
iii List of Tables Table Title Page 1. Ke y Desc riptio ns ...................................................................... 15 2. Sta tus L ine ............................................................................... 20 3. Sc reen A bbrev iatio ns.
iv List of Figures Figure Title Page 1. Te ster a nd A c c esso ries ............................................................. 3 2. A dditio nal I tems (Mod el 41B ) .................................................. 4 3. Ge tting A c qua inted ..
v Using Y our Tester Safely Warning To avoi d electri c sho ck, use o nl y t h e test l eads su p pl i ed wi t h th e Tester. Use 600V rated p rob e tip adap t ers. (“600V” is p ri nted on t he eq u ip men t.) Remove al l test lead s t hat are n ot i n u se.
vi • W h en using the v o ltage te st le ads, ke ep y ou r f in gers aw ay fro m th e pro b e con t a ct s. K eep your fi n ger s beh i n d t h e fin g er gu a r ds on t h e p r obes. • Use ca u t i on wh e n m e a s u r i n g a bove 6 0V -d c or 3 0 V- a c r m s .
1 About This Manual This manual co ntain s instructio ns f or the 39 and 4 1B Po w er Harmo nics Tes ters (he r e af ter r ef erred to as the Te ste r ).
39/41B Users Manual 2 Unpacking The f ollo w in g items ar e includ ed in y o ur tes te r kit (se e F igure 1): • Mo del 39 Po w er Meter or Mode l 41B Po we r Harmoni cs Analy zer • 80i-500s AC C.
Unpacking 3 POWER HARMONICS ANALYZER 41 ® TL-24 Test Leads (Set of two. Red and Black) 80i-500s AC Current Probe AC-20 Test Clip TP-20 Test Probe a2f.
39/41B Users Manual 4 RS-232 Cable Companion Software 3.5-Inch Floppy Disks (FlukeView 41) a3f.eps Figure 2. Additi onal It em s ( M odel 41B).
Term inology Used in T his M anual 5 Term inology Used i n This Manual This manual use s the f o llow ing standard termino lo gy : • “ Mains” is line v o ltage o r freq uency . • “ φ 1”, “ φ 2”, a n d “ φ 3” r efe r to the th r ee c ur ren t supply ph ases.
39/41B Users Manual 6 Batter y Consider ations Ne w alkalin e C c ells ty pically prov ide mo r e than 48 hou rs o f c ontinuo us ope r ation. You can also use NiCa d batter ies. Ho we ve r, dependin g on battery co nditio n , fu lly c h arged NiCad b atterie s p rov ide 16 hou rs o r less of co ntin uo us o pe r ation.
Get t ing Acquaint ed with Your T ester 7 Getting A cquainted with Your Tester While r ef err in g to Fig ure 3 , pe r f orm the f ollo w in g ke y pres se s to f amiliar ize y o urself w ith bas ic te ster o peratio n s. 1. to tu r n th e Te ster o n.
39/41B Users Manual 8 POWER HARMONICS ANALYZER 41 ® 5 4 3 2 1 6 a4f.eps Figure 3. Get t i ng Acquainted.
Input Connec t ions 9 Input Connecti ons R ef er to Fig ur e 4 f o r a vie w of the tw o- in put me asure me nt sc heme . To meas ure v oltag e, inse rt th e red te st le ad in “V” and the b lack te st le ad in “ COM . ” Cu r r en t mea su r em en t u s es a BNC con n ect or a t t a ch ed t o “ CURRE NT PROB E .
39/41B Users Manual 10 Using the C urre nt Pr obe Th e accuracy of curr ent a n d pow er r eadin gs depe n ds o n pr operly usin g th e 80i-500s Curr ent Pr ob e. T h e acc ur acy spe cif i cati ons in th i s man ual a ssume that th e Cu rr ent Pro be is use d c orrec tly .
Thr ee- P has e P ower M eas ur em ent s 11 Three-P hase Power Measur ements Re fe r t o Figures 5, 6, a n d 7 fo r var ious w ay s to measure total pow er in a th r ee-p h a se system . T h e W 3 3C di spla y scr een sh ow s t h e t h r ee-ph ase calc ulatio n fo r th e c o nn ec tio n show n in Figure 5 .
39/41B Users Manual 12 φ 3 POWER HARMONICS ANALYZER 41 ® Black Red Load POWER HARMONICS ANALYZER 41 ® φ 2 φ 1 Red W 1 W 2 W total = W 1 + W 2 PF = W 1 + W 2 3 (VA 1 + VA 2 ) /2 a6f.
Thr ee- P has e P ower M eas ur em ent s 13 N POWER HARMONICS ANALYZER 41B ® Black Red Load φ 2 Red POWER HARMONICS ANALYZER 41B ® Red φ 1 POWER HARMONICS ANALYZER 41B ® φ 3 Black Black W total = W 1 + W 2 + W 3 W 1 W 2 W 3 a7f.
39/41B Users Manual 14 Keypad Re fe r t o Figure 8 an d T a ble 1 f or key pad ope ra t ion. 14 13 12 11 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 1 9 8 9 8 a8f.eps Figure 8. Keypad.
Keypad 15 Table 1. Key Descri pt i ons Number Symbol Name & Descript i on 1 Power Press once to t ur n t he Test er on; a t est patt er n is displayed briefly. (Test pat t er n r em ains displayed whil e key is held pressed.) Press again t o t ur n the Te ster off.
39/41B Users Manual 16 Table 1. Key Descri pt i ons ( cont ) Number Symbol Name & Descript i on 5 Range (Wavefor m and Text ) Press moment ar ily to st ar t m anual r anging ( MAN ) for all Measur em ent Funct ions ( V , A , W ). Continue moment ar y pr esses t o cycle thr ough the ranges f or the select ed M easur em ent Function only.
Keypad 17 Table 1. Key Descri pt i ons ( cont ) Number Symbol N am e & Descri pt i on 8 Phase Reference Press to select volts or am ps as t he display phase refer ence. Voltage refer ence is t he standard conf iguration. For cur r ent only measurem ent s, pr ess to se t .
39/41B Users Manual 18 Table 1. Key Descri pt i ons ( cont ) Number Symbol Name & Descript i on 11 Print (M odel 41B) Press to pr int a scr een dum p t o a pr int er . ( The Tester displays .) To stop pr int ing, pr ess any key. Do not press when FlukeView 41 application software is in use.
Displ ay Screen 19 Display S creen Th e s cr een con si st s of t h e foll owin g t h r ee a r ea s ( s ee Fi gu r e 9) : • St atus L ine: ide n tifie s Te ste r ope ratin g co n ditio ns. Se e Tab le 2 . • Me asure ment Area: s h o ws in fo rmation as w av ef orm, har monics bar chart, o r se t of te xt c omp utatio ns.
39/41B Users Manual 20 Table 2. St at us Li ne Hold active (screen fr ozen) . appears in lower left screen to indicate possible high voltage input that is not sensed during Hold. Phase Reference Selection. The volts input or t he cur r ent input is the ref erence for det ermining phase shi ft.
Displ ay Screen 21 Table 3. Screen Abbr evi at i ons Screen Usage Name and Descript i on ° Phase Angle degrees. ( ± 180 ° ) Measures t im e f r om t he positive zer o cr ossing of t he fundament al of the selected volt s or am p REF. 360 ° represent s one cycle at t he f undam ent al or selected harmonic f r equency.
39/41B Users Manual 22 Table 3. Scr een Abbrevi ations ( cont) Screen Usage N ame and Descri pt i on DPF Displ acement Power Factor cos φ fundamental The ratio of t he act ive power (W) t o t he apparent power (VA rms) at t he fundament al f r equency.
Displ ay Screen 23 Table 3. Scr een Abbrevi ations ( cont) Screen Usage N am e and Descri ption V RMS Volts r m s ( includes dc component) . COS Cosine of the angle between the volt age and t he cur r ent at any single frequency. V PK Peak Volts ( 1/ 2 peak- t o- peak value).
39/41B Users Manual 24 Table 4. Special Messages <CONTRAST> Press or to a dj ust co ntrast. P ress t o exit cont r ast cont r ol and store cur r ent setting. * CALIBRATION ERROR * CONTACT FLUKE SERVICE The Tester has det ected a calibration err or at power-up.
Funct ions and Sc r een M odes 25 F M Functions and Scr een Modes Th e T est er us es a set of m u l t i pu r p ose scr een s t o pr esen t ea ch t y p e of meas ureme n t (vo lts, amps , w atts) as a w av ef orm, a relatio nal bar chart o f har monic s, o r a serie s o f dig ital (te xt) reado uts.
39/41B Users Manual 26 a10c.eps Figure 10. Wavefor m Screens.
Funct ions and Sc r een M odes 27 Har monics Scr een Mode Th e H a r monics Sc reen Mode (Figur e 11) use s a set of screens to display magnitude bars f or all har monic s and dig ital info rmation ab out the s ele cte d h a r m on i c. S e l ect a h a r m on i c by pr ess i n g an d to mov e the curso r alo n g th e b otto m sc ale.
39/41B Users Manual 28 a12c.eps Figure 11. Harmoni cs Screens.
Funct ions and Sc r een M odes 29 The harmonics ov erlo ad sc r ee n (Figure 12) appe ar s if either o f the f o llow ing co nditio n s e xists : • Th er e i s n o i n p u t on th e p h as e r efer en ce ch a n n el . For exa m p l e, t h er e i s no vo lta ge in put when is s el ected .
39/41B Users Manual 30 Har monics Zoom Mode Use to scale a se lec ted harmonic bar graph display (Fig ure 1 3) to mo r e eas ily read the harmonic in f ormatio n . Th is mo de auto matically sc ales the b ar gra ph display to 100%, 50%, 20%, or 10% based o n t h e lar gest ha r monic v alue; the mag n itude o f th e f undame n tal is ig nore d.
Funct ions and Sc r een M odes 31 Text Scr een Mode Tex t scre ens (F igure 14) pres ent digital info rmation f or v alues measu r ed or comp u t ed by th e T est er . Ar r ows ap p ea r on th e pr i ma r y text scr een si gn i fy i n g th a t yo u can pr ess t o acces s a secon da r y t ext scr een .
39/41B Users Manual 32 a13c.eps Figure 14. Text Screens.
VA Check Scre en 33 VA C heck Screen Pr ess at an y time to a ccess t h e VA C h eck s cr een , wh i ch di sp l a ys vo l t s graphed ag ain st amp s. P r ess a sec o nd time to ex it th e VA Check scre en and return to y ou r startin g po in t.
39/41B Users Manual 34 A linear load with no phase shift. A linear load with phase shift. A narrow ellipsoid in this pattern usually does not mean there is a problem. For wider ellipsoids, check power factor (PF). If the ellipsoid is backwards (upper left to lower right), check that you have pointed the current probe in the right direction.
Recording M eas ur em ent s 35 Recor ding Measurem ents Pr ess to b egin rec ording read ings f or all me asureme n t func tions. Then pr ess or t o cycle t h r ou g h t h e scr een s for t h e fun ct i on p r esen tl y se lec ted. Y ou c an also sw itch be tw ee n measu reme n t func tions w hile in Record mod e.
39/41B Users Manual 36 V A W a15c.eps Figure 16. Record Screens.
Power-U p Conf iguration 37 + Powe r-Up C onfiguration Th e Tester h a s two ty pes of co n figurat ions: sta n dar d a n d pow er-up. T h e standard c onfig ur ation, w h ich is pro gr ammed into th e Te ster and can alw ay s b e retriev ed , in clu des th e f o llow ing se ttin gs: • FCN V V olts Functio n se lec ted .
39/41B Users Manual 38 3. T o ex i t t h e scr een , p r ess to s ele ct a highlighted item o n th e last line and sto r e all s elec tio ns y o u have made du r in g this c onf iguration se ssio n. Th e T est er begi n s n or m a l op er a ti on usi n g t h ese sel ect i on s .
Stor ing & Recalling Measur em ent s (Model 41B ) 39 Stor ing & Recalling Measur ements (Model 41B) Mo de l 41B allo ws y ou to s tore a max imum o f e ight w av ef orms ( an d ass oc iated d ata) fo r vo lts and amps . Yo u can rec all data th at y ou h av e co lle cte d o n site f or later v iew ing and an aly sis.
39/41B Users Manual 40 4. STORE a w ave fo rm set ( an d as so ciate d data) into th e b ox ed me mory lo catio n by press in g . If t h e l ocat i on was em pt y , a n u n der scor e n ow appe ar s b elo w the me mory lo catio n n umbe r. If the unde rsc o r e already ex isted , STORE over wr i t e s t h e ol d wa vefor m .
Using the S er i al Cable ( M odel 41B ) 41 Using the Se rial Cable (Model 41B ) Mo de l 41B co mmun icate s w ith a PC o r pr in ter (Figu r e 1 9) thr oug h an isolated R S-232 port. T h e Tes ter outputs data th r ough t h e R S-232 port when y ou press or or w h en y o u se n d a co mmand f rom the PC.
39/41B Users Manual 42 POWER HARMONICS ANALYZER 41 ® a18f.eps Figure 19. Serial Communi cat i ons ( M odel 41B).
Print i ng ( M odel 41B ) 43 Pr inting (Model 41B) Pr essin g se n ds data f o r th e pres ent sc r ee n to a pr in ter. Prin ter ty pe co mpatib ility is s ele ct ed on the c onf iguratio n scre en as Epson or HP .
39/41B Users Manual 44 Applicati ons War ning To av oid elec tric s hock a nd/or equipm ent da mage , use ca ution when conne cting alliga tor c lips to live com ponents. The jaws of a lligator clips ca n cre ate a short circu i t b et w een cl o sely sp aced li ve parts.
Applicat ions 45 MOTOR L.C. LIGHTING L.C. UTILITY XFMR Plant Switch Gear Adjustable Frequency (Speed) Motor Drive Distribution Transformer Receptacle Load Center 230V 120V a19f.
39/41B Users Manual 46 Plant S witch Gear (Ser vice Entr ance) Me asure c urr ent, lo ad balanc e, and to tal har monic d isto r tion. R ef e r to Figure 21. Pr ess to sel ect cur r en t ( ) for th e d is p l a y ph a se r efer en ce. POWER HARMONICS ANALYZER 41 ® ® a20f.
Applicat ions 47 Distr ibution Transfor mer M ea su re P o w er F ac to r, K F ac to r, p o w e r, ne ut ral c urre nt, ne ut ral f req ue nc y , an d l oad balan ce b etw een ph ases. R efe r to Figures 22 and 23. POWER HARMONICS ANALYZER 41B ® I 23 N1 2 3 a21f.
39/41B Users Manual 48 POWER HARMONICS ANALYZER 41B ® I 23 N1 2 3 a82f.eps Figure 23. Distr i bution Tr ansf ormer ( 3 , 3C Watt s Text Screen) Electr onic Equipm ent Load Center Mak e c o n nec tions to circ uit b r eake r s b y first tu r nin g the ci rcuit b reake r of f .
Applicat ions 49 M ea su re f o r e xc e ss iv e c urre nt (t rip pi ng o f c irc uit b rea ke rs ) and o the r ge ne ral meas ureme n ts (su ch as le ve l of cu r r ent f low ) in eac h circu it. Meas ure b alan ce be twe en ph a ses, neutr al curr ent an d frequency , a n d h ar monic distorti on.
39/41B Users Manual 50 Ge n era to r Set Mea s u r e for exces si ve cur r en t , p r op er fr eq u en cy (a d ju s t gen er a t or sp eed ) , a n d other gener a l uses. R efe r to Figure 25. (Smal l gen er at or sh ow n .) POWER HARMONICS ANALYZER 41B ® a23f.
Applicat ions 51 Adjustable Frequency (S peed) Motor Dr ive Measure input an d output curr en t a n d curr ent frequency . Re fer to Figure 26. Th e T est er m ea sur es t h e out p ut cur r en t fr eq uen cy o f th e d r i ve. ( Ou t p ut curr en t pr ov ides th e most stab l e freque n cy measurement.
39/41B Users Manual 52 User Maintenance Cleaning Cle an y ou r Tes te r w ith a damp c loth and a mild de tergent. D o n ot us e abr a sives, solvent s, or a lcohol. Fuse Replacem ent Th e T est er us es el ect r on i ca l l y p r otect ed i n pu t s; n o fus es a r e r equ i r ed.
User M aint enance 53 4. Lif t the b attery acc es s lid aw ay f r om the Te ste r . 5. Repl a ce t h e C cel ls ( a l k a l i n e or r ech ar ged N i Ca d) a s sh own i n Fi gu r e 2 4 . Ob se r ve th e b attery po lar ity show n in th e b atte ry co mpartment.
39/41B Users Manual 54 Operational Test U se an y o f the applicatio ns sho w n in th is manual to v e rify v o lts, amps, and w atts me asurability . Fo r a full o pe r ational tes t, r ef er to th e S erv ice M an ual (P/N 601044).
Acces s ories and Replacem ent Part s 55 If th e Te ster s till do es n ot w o r k, pac k it se cure ly an d fo rw ar d it, po stage paid, to t h e n ea r est Ser vi ce C en t er . I n clu de a descr ip ti on of th e pr obl em . F l uk e ass umes n o r esp o n sib ility fo r damage in tran sit.
39/41B Users Manual 56 Repl acemen t Part s Pa r t s t h a t ca n be r epl aced by t h e u ser a r e s h own i n T a ble 5 . Refer t o th e Se r vic e M an ual f or a c omple te lis t of r eplac eab le p ar ts.
Specif ications 57 Specifications Basi c el ect r i ca l s p eci fica t i on s a r e defi n ed over t h e t em per a t u r e r a n g e fr om 18 ° C to 28 ° C f o r a pe rio d o f o ne y e ar af te r c ali b rat io n. Accur a cy is sp eci fied a s ± ([% of r eadin g] + [n umbe r of un its in least signif icant digit]).
39/41B Users Manual 58 Watts Measurements (Vol t-Amps) (1 mV/ A) Isol ated Input Range: 0 W (VA) to 600 kW ( kVA) aver age 0 W (VA) t o 2000 kW ( k VA) peak Accuracy (ac + dc): Active W (VA): +/- ( 1%.
Specif ications 59 Other Measurement Specifi cations Measurem ent Function Range/Resolut i on Accuracy Input Bandwidth: ( - 0. 5 dB) : DC 6 Hz to 2.1 kHz Crest Fact or ( CF): ( Using Smooth 20) 1. 00 to 5. 00 ± 4% Power Factor ( PF) : 0.00 t o 1. 00 ± 0.
39/41B Users Manual 60 Ranges and Resolution AC Vol t s AC Amps Watt s Range (PK) Resolution Range (PK) Resolution Range (PK) Res olut ion 20V 0.1V 2A 0.01A 50W 1.0W 50V 0.1V 5A 0.01A 100W 1.0W 100V 0.1V 10A 0.01A 200W 1.0W 200V 0.1V 20A 0.01A 500W 1.
Specif ications 61 General Speci fications Size: 9.2 x 3. 9 x 2. 5 inches (234 x 100 x 64 m m ) Wei ght: 2.0 lb s (1 kg) Input Connector s: Voltage: 2 shrouded banana jacks ( 4 m m ) Current Probe: 1 .
39/41B Users Manual 62 Humidity (noncondensing): Operat ing: 0 - 30 ° C: 90% 30 - 40 ° C: 75% 40 - 50 ° C: 45% Storage: 90% Altitude: Operat ing: 10,000 f eet (3 km) Storage: 40,000 f eet ( 12 km ).
Specif ications 63 Safety Designed for 600V measurem ent s on indust r ial power distribution circuit s. Over load Prot ect ion: Voltage or Current Probe Input : 600V, maximum Surge Protect ion: 6 kV .
39/41B Users Manual 64.
デバイスFluke 41Bの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Fluke 41Bをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはFluke 41Bの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Fluke 41Bの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Fluke 41Bで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Fluke 41Bを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はFluke 41Bの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Fluke 41Bに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちFluke 41Bデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。