FlukeメーカーComputer Accessoriesの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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NetFlo w Tracker User’s Guide Version 3.5 May 2007 Copyright 2004 - 2007 Fluke Corporat ion. All rights reserved. All prod uct names a re trad emarks of their respective compa nies.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 2 Contents SOFT WARE LICEN SE AGREEM ENT 5 INTRODUC TION 15 What is N etFlow ? 15 What is N etFlow Tr acker ? 15 Featu res and Bene fits 15 INSTALLAT.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 3 L ONG-TERM REPORTS 35 Devices and Interfaces 35 Per-device a nd Per-int erface L ong-term Report s 35 Filter Editor 35 REPOR TS 37 REPOR T UR L FO .
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 4 I P Application Names 72 DiffServ Names 72 Hostna me Resol uti on Set tings 72 AS Names 73 Subnet Na mes 73 Databa se Se ttings 73 Backup 74 Archiv.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 5 Soft ware License Agr eeme nt This is a legal agre ement between you (“ You”/ “the End U ser””) , and Fluke Cor poration, a Washington co.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 6 If You have pu rchased the m ainten ance and support serv ices from Fluke th en subj ect to payment of the support fees, Fluke shall provide such service s in respect of the Product in acco rdance w ith the pr ovisions o f the Sup port an d Maintenan ce Agreemen t conta ined in Appendi x 1.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 7 6 . CUSTO MER REMEDI ES You must call your Fluke representative for an authorization to return any item du ring the 90 day w arranty period referre.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 8 1 1. CONFIDENTIA L INFORMATION AND S ECURITY Durin g and after this Agree ment, the P arties wi ll keep i n conf idence an d use only for the purposes of this Ag reement al l Confide ntial Informat ion.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 9 14.4 If any prov isions o f the Agreem ent are hel d to be u nenfo rceable, illegal o r void in wh ole or in part the remain ing portions of the Agreement shal l remain in full force and effect. 14.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 10 Append ix 1 to End User Licence Term s and Conditi ons for Fluke Support and Mai ntenance S ervice 1.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 11 1.7 The con tents of the Schedu le form an integra l part of this Agreem ent an d shall h ave as full ef fect as if it were in corporated i n the .
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 12 5.4 W ithout pre judice t o the generali ty of clause 5.3 and for t he avoidance of doubt, t o the fullest extent pe rmitted by l aw all term s im.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 13 9 . Conf identi al Infor mation and Secu rity 9.1 Durin g and after this Agree ment, the P arties wi ll keep i n conf idence an d use only for the purposes of this Ag reement al l Confide ntial Informat ion.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 14 Schedul e Support Servic es 1. Sup por t Hours The Supp ort Hours during wh ich Fluk e shall su pply th e Support Servi ces sha ll be betw een 9.30am and 5pm on Worki ng Days. 2. Sup por t Servi ces Fluke shall p rovide You during the Support Hou rs with: 2.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 15 Introduction This d ocumen t is the us er man ual for N etFl ow Tra cker, a sof tware produ ct de signed to collec t NetFlow infor mati on from Ci sco eq uip ment a nd pre sent it in a m eanin gful w ay.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 16 • Every r eport a nd char t can b e forma tted as CSV or XML for furthe r proce ssing or as simplified HTML o r PDF for printing or emailing. • Straigh tforw ard URL f or mat for l inking curren t, auto matic ally upd ated ch arts into other app licati ons.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 17 Installation Minimum System Requirements The ty pe of system requ ired to ru n NetFlow Trac ker depends on t he number of devices sendi ng NetF low infor mat ion to i t and the amoun t and na ture of tr affic h andl ed by those de vices .
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 18 • NetFlow T racker conta ins an embedde d web server. Web se rvers norma lly run on port 80, but this may be in use by anoth er we b serve r on your s ystem. You can choose a different po rt during inst allation o r disable o ther web serve rs prior t o i nstalla tion if y ou wish .
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 19 C ustom Setu p You wi ll only s ee this d ialog if you cho se cus tom set up abov e. You s hould see opti ons for NetF low Tra cker and MyS QL, u nless an unsupp orted versi on of MyS QL was detec ted.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 20 S et up SNMP co mmu nity stri ngs If any of the devi ces you i ntend m onitor ing do n ot use a read-on ly SNMP comm unity of “public” you will need to add their communities to the list in SNMP Setti ngs .
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 21 Using NetFlow T racker Once you have insta lled NetFlow T racker an d configured y our devic es, data will be availab le with in a few minute s.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 22 D evice traffic meter s In addi tion to the orde rabl e columns ther e are two grap hical me ter col umns tha t allow you to ins tantl y see w hich d evices are curre ntly b usy.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 23 Per-AS data If your r outer us es BGP to rou te traff ic it wil l prov ide s ource and d esti nation origin o r peer AS number s in its NetFl ow dat a. NetFl ow Tra cker cre ates op timise d bi- directi onal charts for ea ch AS jus t as it d oes for e ach inter fac e.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 24 Z ooming in You can z oom in t o the c hart by cli cking the zo om in butt on on th e toolb ar: This w ill zoom in on the c entre of the c hart. If y ou want t o zoom in on a p articul ar selection, see Selecting a time range below.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 25 A lter the fil ter app lied to a s tand ard c hart Most ch arts al low yo u to chang e the ap plie d filter by click the filter e ditor tool bar button : See Creating Filtered Reports for m ore ab out the f ilter editor .
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 26 Working with Pie Chart s M ost charts c an be dis played i nste ad as a pi e chart. Rather than br eaking the se lected time ra nge into s mall ch.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 27 S ort a tabular repor t A repor t can be sor ted o n any of the col umns des cri bing the reporte d elem ents, or can be s orted by traffi c or p acket rate . Simp ly clic k the col umn he ading – if you cl ick a column he adin g twice i t wil l be s orted in th e oppos ite ord er.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 28 Report Tem plat es Wheneve r you create a new tabular re port or chart yo u can ch oose a ny of t he standar d rep ort temp late s dep ending on what you want t o exami ne: Address Reports • Source Address es – shows the IP add ress es that w ere the source of most traffi c or packe ts.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 29 • Bi-directional Con versation s – add s extra co lumns s howing the traf fic and packets sent fr om des tinatio n to s ource and the b i-dir ectional totals f or each c onvers atio n.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 30 • Netw orks – shows the IP subne ts that w ere th e sour ce or des tinati on of th e most traffi c or p ackets. • Netw ork Pai rs – shows the pa irs of c onnect ed IP subn ets that exchange d most traffi c or p ackets.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 31 S ome fi lters al low a rang e of i tems to b e added ; in this case en ter the s tart and end of the range in the boxes provided.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 32 T ime zon e You can change the ti me zone us ed to i nterpr et the start a nd end tim es an d time masks from the default of the time zone used by the NetFlow Tracker s erver. So urce dev ice You mus t sele ct which router or swi tch you w ant to co nsid er.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 33 P rot ocol You can restri ct the se t of I P protoc ols co nside red. F or examp le, you may want to consid er onl y UDP or IC MP tr affic whi le inve stiga ting a denial -of-se rvice at tack.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 34 D iffServ This will select only t raffic bearing one of the selected differentiated service co de points. Since DiffServ and ToS use the same field in the IP header you should not use both fil ters a t the same time.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 35 Long-t erm Report s Long-ter m rep orts all ow you t o look a t data ove r much lo nger time ran ges t han is poss ible w ith the stand ar d real- time dat abase.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 36 I f you sele ct a per -dev ice, pe r-inb ound inter face or per -outbound inter face r eport yo u must al so spe cify wha t dev ice or in terface to rep ort up on.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 37 Repor ts The “Rep orts” menu on t he NetF low Tra cker h omep age con tains lin ks to use r-d efined executive and scheduled reports. An exe cutive report i s a pre -defi ned templ ate th at cont ains on e or more char ts or tabul ar repor ts.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 38 Repor t URL For mat You can e asily g enera te your ow n URLs or modif y auto maticall y crea ted one s for us e in networ k manag emen t por tals favo urites lists . General Form http://<server>:<port>/report.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 39 0023 Next Hop s 0 024 S ource Address Dissemination 0025 Destination Address Popularity 0026 Recogn ised Applica tions 0027 Traffic Cl ass es 0028.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 40 o utput – specifies i f a ta bula r report or chart will be gen erat ed. table A tabular re port wi ll be gen erated ( defaul t) chart A c hart over time will be generated pie A pie chart will be generated n records – specifie s the n umber of rows to show per page of a tabu lar report .
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 41 s ections – sp ecifies the rep ort secti ons to output. The sections, formed by summing the values for each section 1 Title 2 Time range & f.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 42 f ormat – sp ecifies the outp ut form at of the r epor t or char t. html Fu lly in teract ive HTML (default ) print Printable/saveable HTML pdf PDF csv Comm a separ ated val ues x ml XML reload – specifies t he num ber of se conds bet ween automat ic ref reshes o f the repo rt.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 43 e time – specifies the end of the required time range. <time> The time in milliseconds UTC <dd>/<MM>/<yyyy>%20<HH>.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 44 <number> The tim e range will exten d to the e nd of this n umb er of full units before the time of repor t g enerati on nunits – sp ecifies the numb er of uni ts req uired . Note th at this m ay incl ude a p artial u nit.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 45 e date_nunitsago – (optional) specifies the numbe r of units before the time of report gener ation of the last d ay of the time r ange.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 46 S peci fying a time z one By def ault the ti me zon e used to inter pret cal enda r-bas ed time ranges and time -of- day masks is the ti me zone of the Ne tFlow Tr acke r serv er. You c an spe cify a no n-defaul t time zone if you wish.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 47 115 (GMT+ 02:00) B uch arest 1 20 ( GMT+02: 00) Cai ro 140 (GMT+ 02:00) H arare, Pre toria 125 (GMT+ 02:00) He lsin ki, Ky iv, Rig a, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilni us 135 (GMT+02:00) Jerusalem 158 (GMT+ 03:00) B aghd ad 150 (GMT+ 03:00) K uwai t, Riy adh 145 (GMT+ 03:00) M osc ow, St.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 48 285 (GMT+ 12:00) F iji, Ka mch atka, M arshall Is. 3 00 ( GMT+13: 00) Nuk u'alofa Specifying t he chart sample size W hen yo u crea te a real- time ch art the syste m choos es a sam ple si ze that w ill cr eate as close to 150 s amples over the full w idth of the char t as pos sible .
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 49 s ample – sp ecifies the sourc e long-te rm d ata to us e 10minute Daily data (ten minute samples) wil l be used 1hour Weekly data (one hour sam.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 50 i nvpn – sp ecifies a VPN that t he inp ut inter face m ust be p art of. <name> The VPN name; see Device Settings for more i nforma tion <id> The VPN identifier outvpn – sp ecifies a VPN that the outp ut interf ace mus t be par t of.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 51 d stport – sp ecifies an accept able d estina tion app licati on por t numbe r. For mat as for srcport above. dstport_exclude=true – s pecifie s that the s uppli ed des tinatio n appli cation port numbers are ex clude d rathe r than in clude d.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 52 a pplid_exclude=true – specifies t hat the suppli ed ident ified a pplica tions are exclud ed rath er than includ ed.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 53 d stas_exclude=true – spe cifies that the sup plie d de stinatio n auton omous sys tem numbers are ex clude d rathe r than in clude d. as – sp ecifies an accepta ble s ource or d estina tion autonom ous sys tem n umber .
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 54 n exthop – specifies a n ext-ho p address. <addr> The address in dott ed-decimal format <addr1>-<addr2> A range of addresses, .
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 55 Management Port al Access Control Paramete rs The foll owing p arame ters are used by a manag em ent port al that p rovid es us ers w ith acces s to NetF low Tr acker repor ts as des cribe d in Manage ment Por tal Se tting s .
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 56 6 Out In terface 7 I n/O ut In terfac e 8 Protocol 9 Source Port 10 Dest Port 11 Src/Des t Port 12 Source Ap plicati on 13 Dest Ap plicati on 14 S.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 57 64 Filter E ditor button, if applicable 1 28 R efres h and Res olve All buttons , if ap plicabl e 256 Print and CSV buttons, if applica ble 512 Op.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 58 Perfor mance Tuni ng There are several factors that influence how quickl y a given report is generated: Disk Speed The first step in creating a report is reading th e raw data from disk; increasing the speed of t he disk subsy stem will m ake re porting f aster.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 59 Configuration Guide To open a ny of the setti ngs pages , click “Se ttings” on the main p age. If you have pass word p rotecti on ena bled y ou may hav e to logi n as an ad minis trativ e us er to see the link.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 60 Device S etting s Device List This p age all ows you to check th e stat us of a kn own d evice and overr ide the interfa ce descriptio ns and speeds o btained fro m it.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 61 A device ma y be conf igurable to send the BGP next -hop addre ss in its Net Flow export s; if this i s the case you wil l have the optio n to stor e this value in p lace of th e IP ne xt-hop for th e device.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 62 I f you wis h to pre vent inte rfaces that n ever r eport any N etFl ow data f rom ap peari ng in the interfac e stat us repo rt and Filter Editor che ck the b ox corre spondi ng to t he interfa ce in t he “ina ctive” col umn.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 63 Y ou can us e your own ht ml page if you wis h by pu tting it in the “ customw eb” folder under th e NetF low Tra cker install folder; it is the n avail able fr om the Ne tFlow Tracker serv er as, for examp le, http ://s erver /custo mweb /file.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 64 Using Apache as a Port al Server T he Apac he web serv er supp orts se veral d irectiv es in i ts configur ati on file ( httpd.conf ) that all ow i t to be used as a pro gramm able p roxy s erver : RewriteEngine On This enables the URL rewriting module.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 65 Report S ettin gs This p age lets you con figu re vari ous value s affe cting the way rep orts a nd char ts appe ar in NetFlow Tracker.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 66 S aved Filt ers Saved filters can be defined that can be added wherever a filter editor appears in the softwar e.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 67 Y ou can ch oose t o have the re port ge nerated as PDF or as HTML i n the s ame form at as the printable version of a report . HTML ca n be generat ed as a single fi le (MHTML ) or a zip file contain ing the HTML, st yleshee ts and i mages.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 68 E xecutive Reports An exe cutive report i s a pre -configur ed te mpla te that con tains o ne or m ore rep orts or charts and user -defi ned H TML con tent. Th ey can be us ed to pr ovide e asy acces s to often-u sed repor ts or t o group rela ted re ports to gether o n one pa ge.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 69 A HTML cel l has a C SS styl e that is used to c ontrol its appear ance. Th ree st andard styles are offer ed – “ Repor t Title” produce s a.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 70 An Example Exe cutive Report – Top Applications Today an d This Week This r eport co ntains two s ub repo rts, one showing top ap plica tions f or a dev ice over the last 24 hours and the other ov er 7 da ys.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 71 T he four th row c onsists of a si ngle s ub-re port cell containi ng the chart le gend for the firs t sub-re port. N o inter active c ontrol s are s upport ed. Si mply se lect “Tod ay” as the repor t, “Leg end” as the onl y secti on, and d eselec t all con trols.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 72 IP Application Names NetFlow Tracke r recei ves appli cation info rmati on in the for m of a pro tocol nu mber and port nu mber.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 73 AS Names T his page le ts yo u assign na mes to A S numbers appe aring in report s. AS numbe rs below 34 816 are a ssigned by several a gencie s; NetFlo w Track er comes wi th many of these ASes already named.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 74 • Stor e real- time d ata for allows you to ch ange th e numbe r of da ys full r eal-ti me dat a is stor ed for. You can re duce t his to s ave dis k spac e, or in crease i t if you ar e sur e you have enough free sp ace.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 75 Archiving NetFlow Tracke r can be config ured t o archiv e real- time d ata olde r than t he ag e config ured i n Database Settings to a nominated location rather than delete it.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 76 N etF low D ata Rece ived This co unter sh ows th e numbe r of exp orts and the amo unt of N etFl ow data recei ved by the sof tware fr om ea ch devi ce. Note that th is is n ot the am ount of tr affic d escrib ed by the expo rts but th e LAN traffic generated by the exports t hemselves.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 77 N o In Interface If flow s arriv e with no i n interfa ce it may i ndica te a conf igur ation pr oblem o n a Catal yst switch .
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 78 Appendix 1: Device C onfiguratio n This is a brief gui de to se ttin g up NetFlo w on va rious ty pes of devi ce. Not e that if your device isn’t listed here it does n ot mean it is not support ed by NetFlo w Tracker; plea se ask your devi ce vendor for a g uide to en abling Net Flow.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 79 i p flow-cache timeout active 1 This b reaks up long-l ived f lows i nto one-mi nute s egme nts. ip flow-cache timeout inactive 15 This ensures that flows that have finished are exp orted in a timely manner.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 80 E nabl ing NetF low Expor t on a 400 0 Serie s Swit ch The 400 0 and 4500 se ries switc hes requ ire a S upervisor IV with a NetFl ow Service s daught er card (WS-F 453 1), or a Sup ervis or V, an d IOS v ersi on 12.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 81 m ls flow ip interface-full mls nde interface or mls flow ip full If you hav e a Super visor E ngine 2 or 720 runni ng IO S versi on 12.1.13( E) or higher the firs t two co mmands are req uired t o put i nterf ace and r outing inform ation i nto the NetFl ow Expor ts.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 82 Con figuri ng ND E on a CatO S Dev ice A layer 3 switc h runnin g CatOS appea rs as t wo devices; t he MS FC can be co nfigu red to exp ort Ne tFlow infor matio n on al l the pa ckets it route s by f ollow ing the ins tructio ns for conf igurin g an IOS device above.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 83 Configuring Ne tFlow Input Filters f or Traffic Class Repo rting IOS ver sions 12.2( 25)S, 12.2(27) SBC and 12.3(4 )T and gr eater supp ort th e NetFlow Input F ilters feature , whic h can be us ed by Ne tFlow Tracke r to re port up on t he traffi c class used to ro ute e ach flow .
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 84 T o ensure that NetFlow Tracker receives enough information from the device you must ensure that the “Loo k Communi ty Str ing” con figur ed i.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 85 Appendix 2: CSV File Format Every s tandar d char t and tabul ar r eport c an be con ver ted to com ma-sep arat ed-v alue format f or imp orting i nto a d atabas e serv er or s preadsh eet. Chart CSV format Each se ction is separ ated b y a row of “ =” sign s.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 86 Append ix 3: XM L For mat Every s tandar d char t and tabul ar r eport c an be con ver ted to XML for us e in exter nal softwa re. The XML schemas a re provid ed in th e xml subfol der underne ath the fo lder where Net Flow Trac ker is i nstal led.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 87 Appen dix 4: Thi rd Part y Softwar e Compo nents This p roduct i ncludes soft ware d evel oped by the Apache Softw are Fou ndatio n ( http: //www. apache .org / ). This p roduct i ncludes soft ware d evel oped by Advant ys ( http: //ww w.
User’ s Guide – versio n 3.5 NetFlo w Track er 88 j spSm artUp load NetFlow Tracke r incl udes js pSmar tUpload 2.1 whi ch is no longe r availab le. T his is distr ibuted u nder t he Adv antys F reewar e licens e contr act, a copy of w hich is availab le at h ttp: //web.
デバイスFluke Computer Accessoriesの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Fluke Computer Accessoriesをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはFluke Computer Accessoriesの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Fluke Computer Accessoriesの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Fluke Computer Accessoriesで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Fluke Computer Accessoriesを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はFluke Computer Accessoriesの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Fluke Computer Accessoriesに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちFluke Computer Accessoriesデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。