FreecomメーカーTough Drive 3.0の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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TO U G H D R I V E E XT ER NA L MO BI LE HAR D D RI VE / 2 .5" / U SB 2 .0 WI N & M Ac USER MANUAL Rev. 8 48.
2 EN Fr eecom T oughDrive Dea r use r! Thank yo u for cho osing th e Free co m T o ug hD ri ve as a n ex ter nal hard d rive. For op ti- mal use an d per forma nce we advis e you to read this m anual ca refu lly b efore us ing this prod uc t. Freec om T echnologies • German y ww w .
3 EN User manual Gen eral In formati on ........................................................................................................... page 4 Precau tionar y measure s ......................................................................
4 EN Fr eecom T oughDrive * T o achieve opt ima l per fo rm an ce from the Freeco m T o ug hD rive you r PC sho ul d be eq uip pe d with an USB 2.0 po r t. Gene ral Information The followi ng hardware and sof t w are requirem ents must be fulf ille d to ensur e trouble - fre e ope ratio n.
5 EN General I nformation Prec au ti ona r y mea sur es T o ensure that your F reecom T ough Dri ve func tio ns properl y , plea se take n ote of the fo l - lowing pr ecau tions . If these are not fol lowed , you may v oid your war rant y and damag e the Freecom T oughD rive.
6 EN Fr eecom T oughDrive Freec om T o ugh Dr ive The hi -spe ed dat a tr ansf er through the USB 2. 0 i nter face makes it ideall y sui tab le for data -s torage, f il e sharing , backup, archiv ing, aud io playba ck a nd all appli catio ns t hat nee d fas t f ile access .
7 EN 1 Hardware Installation Chapter 1 : Hardware Inst allatio n Conn ec t the inte r f ace c ab le to th e Freecom T o ughD rive. Si nce USB 2. 0 is bac k wa rd s co mp at ib le wi th US B 1. 1, th e Fre ec om T ou gh - Dri ve ca n b e co nn ec te d t o a ll USB p or t s.
8 EN 3 Fr eecom T oughDrive Chapter 3: Instal lation of t he app licat ion soft ware 3. 1 In st al lat io n sof t war e PC 1 . Click on " Star tPC .
9 EN 3 Installation of the application s of t ware 3. 2 I nst al lat io n sof t war e Mac 1 . Click on "Star t MAC" in the main direc tor y of th e hard drive. The Free com st ar t menu ope ns. 2. Click on " Inst all NTI Sha dow". The ins tallati on st ar ts now.
1 0 EN 4 Fr eecom T oughDrive C h ap ter 4: F re ec om H ard D ri v e P ro tec ti on T o ol 4. 1 U sin g the F ree com Har d Dr iv e P rotecti on T ool (P C) Y ou r Freecom T o ughD rive is equi ppe d with a pass word pr otec tio n feature. Th is provid es the bes t possib le prote cti on.
11 EN 4 Freecom Hard Drive Pro tec tion T ool 3. Dou ble - click o n the „Password .e xe“ s ymb ol to run the F ree com Har d Dr ive Protec tio n sof t wa re. The H ard Dr ive Protec tio n Wiz ard wi ll ope n. Click “ Ne x t ” to p rocee d. 4.
1 2 EN 4 Fr eecom T oughDrive Acce ss in g t he pa ss wor d - e nc r yp te d ha rd d rive 1 . Ope n th e vi r tual CD - ROM Dri ve and dou ble - click o n “ Passwor d.e xe” . The Freecom Hard Dr ive Protec tio n tool o pens . 2. Enter yo ur passwor d a nd click “Finish” .
13 EN 4 Freecom Hard Drive Pro tec tion T ool 2. Click on “ Lost your passwo rd?” and conf irm that yo u want to s tar t the “Eras e an d Format Har d Disk Wi za rd” . 3. T o continue, you have to c onf ir m that all data o n your hard dis k will be d ele ted.
1 4 EN 4 Fr eecom T oughDrive Re movi ng t he p as swo rd e nc r yp t ion It is p ossibl e to re move the p asswo rd pr otec tion feature, meanin g that th e dat a on t he drive will a lways be v isibl e when you co nnec t th e drive. 1 . Make sur e y ou al ready run the “P assw ord.
15 EN 4 Freecom Hard Drive Pro tec tion T ool 4. 2 Usi ng t he Free co m Har d Dri ve Prote c ti on T o ol (Mac) Y ou r Freecom T o ughD rive is equi ppe d with a pass word pr otec tio n feature.
1 6 EN 4 Fr eecom T oughDrive 3. Enter a pass word. T his p asswor d wi ll b e r equi red to access the protec te d p ar titio n. Conf irm th e passwo rd in the se cond f i eld an d click on “O K” . Acce ss in g t he pa ss wor d - e nc r yp te d ha rd d is k 1 .
17 EN 4 Freecom Hard Drive Pro tec tion T ool I los t my pas swo rd , wh at c an I d o now? If you l ose your passwor d, you w ill not b e abl e to access your dat a anymo re. Th e onl y way to continue using yo ur T ou ghDr ive is to erase a nd for mat the hard d rive.
1 8 EN 4 Fr eecom T oughDrive Re movi ng t he p as swo rd e nc r yp t ion It is p ossibl e to re move the p asswo rd pr otec tion feature, meanin g that th e data on th e drive will a lways be v isibl e when you co nnec t th e drive. 1 . Make sure you alr eady r un “Pass word ” to have access to your protec ted dat a.
19 EN 5 Using F reecom T urbo USB 2.0 ( only PC) C h ap ter 5 : U si ng F re ec om T u rb o U SB 2 .0 ( o nl y PC ) By inst allin g the T ur bo USB 2.0 drive r for your T oughD rive, the dat a trans fer rate can b e signif icantly incre ased (up to 4 0% faste r tra nsfer sp eed compa red to st andar d Hi gh - Spee d USB) .
2 0 EN 6 Fr eecom T oughDrive Chapter 6: Partit ioning your Freecom T oughDrive 6. 1 G e nera l inf orm at ion Y ou r Freecom T oughDr ive was partiti one d and format ted t o provid e you with the ma xi - mum availabl e c apaci t y a nd compatibi lit y.
21 EN 6 Partitioning your Freecom T oughDri ve Ex am pl e for d i f fe re nt pa r ti t io ns wi t h di f fe re nt f il e sy ste m s on on e Fre ec om T o ug hD rive Fil e sy st em T ot al si ze o f Fr.
2 2 EN 6 Fr eecom T oughDrive 5. Click with the r ight m ouse but ton on the "unallo cated " area and se lec t the optio n "New Par tition" ( Windows 200 0: "Create Par tition Wiz ard"). The " New Partitio n Wiz ard" ope ns.
23 EN 6 Partitioning your Freecom T oughDri ve 6. Sel ec t " Primar y p ar titio n" and click on " Ne x t " . 7 . Now you can adjus t the size of your par tition . Cl ick on "N ex t " if onl y one par t ition is to b e cr eated.
2 4 EN 6 Fr eecom T oughDrive 9. Se le ct the f or ma tti ng o pt ion " Form at this par ti tion with the f ollow ing set tings" . Cho ose ei th er "FA T3 2" or "NT FS" , the "A ll oc ati on uni t siz e" sh ou ld re ma in on "D ef au lt" .
25 EN 6 Partitioning your Freecom T oughDri ve 6. 3 . 3 Cre at in g t wo or m ore p ar t it i on s on t he Fre e co m T o ug hD rive u nd er W in - dows 20 0 0 / XP / V is ta 1 .
2 6 EN 6 Fr eecom T oughDrive 8. Click o n " Finish" to create the "Ex te nded par tition" . The unallocate d spa ce now change d to "Free spa ce" .
27 EN 6 Partitioning your Freecom T oughDri ve 9. Rig ht-click on " Free Space" and se lec t " New Lo gical D rive" ( Wind ows 200 0: "Create Logic al Dr ive"). Th e "N ew Par titi on W iz ard" ( W indows 2000 : "Create Par ti tion Wizar d") ope ns.
2 8 EN 6 Fr eecom T oughDrive 6. 4 Part it i oni ng you r Freec om T o ugh Dr ive und er M ac OS X 1 . Ope n the " Disk Utili t y". This can be fo und in "Applicatio ns" — > "Util ities" . 2. Click on th e tab " Par titio n" .
W ARR ANTY (valid in E urope/T urke y only) W e thank you f or purchasing this F reecom pr oduct and hope you will enjoy using it. In order to avoid unnecessary inconvenience on your part, we suggest reading the quick install guide, instruc tion manual and any additional electronic and or printed manuals.
デバイスFreecom Tough Drive 3.0の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Freecom Tough Drive 3.0をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはFreecom Tough Drive 3.0の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Freecom Tough Drive 3.0の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Freecom Tough Drive 3.0で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Freecom Tough Drive 3.0を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はFreecom Tough Drive 3.0の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Freecom Tough Drive 3.0に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちFreecom Tough Drive 3.0デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。