FujiFilmメーカーFinePix E550の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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swheeler Page 1 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center Getting to Kno w Y our Digit al Camera Objectives : Partici pants in this course will learn the ba sic functi ons of a digit al camera. Course instructi on will also inclu de information about i mage size and r esizi ng, and uploadin g images to a compu ter.
swheeler Page 2 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center Focusing Yo ur Camera Center AF ( Auto Focus) Most digi tal cameras use con trast detecti on to auto focus (AF).
swheeler Page 3 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center that somethi ng else happens to fall un der one of the AF poi nts and is al so more contrasty than your main subject.
swheeler Page 4 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center If you don't hav e a tripo d, hold the cam era with b oth hands and keep it steady by leanin g and bracing yourself agai nst a wall, tree or pole, the roof of a car, an ythin g. You can also h old your cam era in both hands and brac e your elbows agai nst your body.
swheeler Page 5 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center Zoom Optical Zoom v. Di gital Zoom Most digi tal cameras com e with a zoom l ens, whi ch allows you to adjus t the lengt h of the lens to ei ther move cl oser to the object (a long l ens) or to move far ther away from the obje ct (a short l ens).
swheeler Page 6 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center Even if you can 't get as cl ose, use photo edi ting software to crop instead of using the di gital zoom. You can't crop a tremendou s amoun t, but you can get cl oser while retai ning quali ty.
swheeler Page 7 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center Flash Lucky for us, an au tomati c flash is inclu ded on just about every camera sold today. And most i nclu de a fill-fl ash setting for thos e less-tha n-perfect lightin g situations that need a littl e boost.
swheeler Page 8 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center Flash off There are occa sions when y our camera thinks the fl ash is needed, but in fact it isn't.
swheeler Page 9 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center Digital Camera Scene Modes What are all those symbol s for? Click here for c ontent source web site. You went out and purchased a di gital camera a nd the instructi on book menti ons "Scene Modes" and you see a l ot of funny icons on one of the dials of you r camera.
swheeler Page 10 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center Landscape - take photos of wide scenes. Camera automati cally focuses on a distan t object. Macro - take cl ose-up shots of s mall objects, flower s and insects. L ens can be moved closer to th e subj ect than in oth er modes.
swheeler Page 11 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center Program Auto (P) , your n ight pictures al ways come out too dar k. They a re simpl y underexposed. But, why i s that -- i f your camera's shutter speed ranges from, sa y 10 sec. to 1/2,000 sec.
swheeler Page 12 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center Switchi ng to Manual mode al lows me to access the sl owest shutter sp eed availabl e on this camera , 3 sec. whil e keeping the aperture at F2.8 (t he largest aperture avail able). The effe ct is immediat ely better, but i t does seem a bit too brig ht, giving an almost a dayl ight effect.
swheeler Page 13 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center Size of Picture Click here for c ontent source web site. Pixel Count One of the mai n ways that manufacturers cate gorize their di gital cameras is in terms of pixel count . Thi s is the num ber of ind ividual pi xels that go into maki ng each image.
swheeler Page 14 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center “good/normal ” compressi on setting wil l compress an imag e at a ratio of 16: 1. A “better/fin e” setting will comp ress an im age at a ratio of 8:1 . A “best/s uperfine” setting wil l compress an i mage at a ratio o f 4:1.
swheeler Page 15 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center 818 Kil obytes 1600 x 1200 (Images shown are scaled for effect.) 1372 Kil obytes 2048 x 1532 (Images shown are scaled for effect.) Top of Page Protecting You r Images There are ti mes when you get th at “Once in a li fetime” shot.
swheeler Page 16 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center Resize in the Cam era Some digi tal cameras wil l allow the photograph er to resize the i mage insid e the camera. Not e: There ar e a number of softw are appli cations that will achi eve the same affect as resizing in the camera .
swheeler Page 17 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center Ten Tips for G r eat Pictures + One Click here for c ontent source 1. Look your subje ct in th e eye Direct eye cont act can be as engagin g in a picture as i t is in real life.
swheeler Page 18 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center picture di splay panel to revi ew the results. On cloudy day s, use the camera' s fill- flash mode if i t has one.
swheeler Page 19 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center your imp ortant subject at one of the intersections of l in es. You'll need to lock the focus if y ou have an auto- focus camera be cause most of them f ocus on what ever is in the center of the viewfi nder.
swheeler Page 20 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center Look it up i n your camera man ual. Can't find it? Then don't take a chance. Posi tion yourself so subjects are no farther than ten feet away. Fi lm users ca n extend the flash range b y using K odak Max versatilit y or versatili ty plus film.
swheeler Page 21 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center Good 9. Take some v ertical pictures Is your camera vertically challeng ed? It is if you n ever turn it sideways to tak e a vertical picture. All sorts of thi ngs look bett er in a vertical picture.
swheeler Page 22 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center 10 + One Change the angl e you are shooting from • Shoot High • Shoot Low • Shoot Left • Shoot Righ t Use the Rul e of Thirds • See Righ t Avoid Borin g Composition • Look for lin es in the im age compositi on.
swheeler Page 23 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center Capturing and P rinting Digital Images Capturing the Image(s) 1. Once the Came ra is attached to th e computer the followi ng dialog box will open. S elect Copy pictures to a folder on my computer using Microsoft Sca nner and Camera Wizar d.
swheeler Page 24 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center 3. The computer has now captured all the imag es from the cam era. 4. Select Clear A ll . This wil l enable the us er to select what pi ctures they wish to save to the compu ter. To select indi vidual images, simply cli ck the right corner of the i mage with the mouse.
swheeler Page 25 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center 5. To select all images in the camera cli ck on Select All. 6. To rotate the i mage(s) clockwise cli ck here. 7. To rotate the i mage(s) counterclockwi se cli ck here. 8. Click here to r eview the properties of th e image selected.
swheeler Page 26 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center 9. Type in the name of the picture fil e (e.g. Family Vacation Su mmer 2004). 10. Locat e the drive to save the image fil es to. 11. Sel ect this opti on only if you wish to d elete all the images off the camera upon completi on of the save.
swheeler Page 27 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center 12. Sel ected images ar e copied to the compute r. 13. There a re three opti ons to select from: • Publish these pictures to a W eb Site • Order Prints of these from a ph oto printi ng Web Site • Nothing , I’m finished workin g with t hese pictures.
swheeler Page 28 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center Example of o rder Prin ts of these from a photo printing Web S ite Example of “ Nothing,” I’m fin ished worki ng with these pictures.
swheeler Page 29 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center 14. In thi s example, sel ect Nothing, I’m finished working with these pictures. 15. Imag es are now saved to the locati on selected earlier.
swheeler Page 30 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center Digital Photograp hy Glossary Published: May 1, 2002 Content Pasted from http:// www.microsoft.com/windowsx p/using/digitalphotogr aphy/glossary/default .mspx Strugglin g with a word or ph rase? You'r e not alone.
swheeler Page 31 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center CMYK Cyan, Magenta , Yell ow, Black. The four col ors in the inksets of many photo-qua lity pri nters. Some prin ters use si x ink colors to achieve smooth er, more ph otographi c prints. The two addi tional colors are oft en light er shades of cyan and mag enta.
swheeler Page 32 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center synonymous wi th bla ck and white. Highlights The brig htest parts of a p hoto. Histogram A graphi c representation of the rang e of tones from dark to li ght in a ph oto. Some digi tal cameras include a hi stogram feature that enables a pre cise check on the exposure of the photo.
swheeler Page 33 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center recharged many ti mes. Ni MH batteries pr ovide suffi cient power to run digi tal cameras and flashes. Online photo p rinter A company th at receives di gital ph otos uploaded to its Web site, pri nts them, then send s the pri nts back by mail or courier.
swheeler Page 34 of 34 IMT – Cholla Training Center port, but sl ower than those tha t connect vi a FireWire. White balanc e A functi on on the camera to compensate f or different col ors of light bei ng emitted by d ifferent li ght sources. Top of Page Sources used i n this docu ment: • 101 Uses for a Di gital Camera http:// pegasus.
デバイスFujiFilm FinePix E550の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
FujiFilm FinePix E550をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはFujiFilm FinePix E550の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。FujiFilm FinePix E550の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。FujiFilm FinePix E550で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
FujiFilm FinePix E550を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はFujiFilm FinePix E550の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、FujiFilm FinePix E550に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちFujiFilm FinePix E550デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。