FujitsuメーカーMB88121 SERIESの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Fujit su Micr oelectr onics Eur ope User Guide FMEMCU-UG-910017-11 MB88121 S ERIES MB91460 S ERIES STARTER KIT SK-91F 467-FLEXRAY USER GUID E.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Revision H istory FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 2 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH Revision History Date Issue 22/11/2005 V1.0, MSt, first o ffi cial ve rsion 01/06/2006 V1.1, MSt SK-91F467D-208PFV information removed, Getting started chapter changed to new Monitor debugger version This document contains 73 pages.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Warranty an d Discl aimer © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 3 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 Warranty and Disclaimer To the m axim um ex tent perm itted b y applicabl e .
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Contents FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 4 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH Contents REV ISION HIS T ORY .......................................................... .................................................. 2 WA RRA NTY A ND D ISC LA IMER .
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Contents © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 5 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 3.6 Fle xR ay P hysi cal Lay er ................................................................................... ...... 27 3.6.1 Chan nel A .
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Contents FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 6 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 6.1 Prog ram min g int erna l Fl ash of M B91F4 67D A se ries ............................................. 61 7 TR OUB LE S HOOT ING ..........
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Introducti on © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 7 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 1 Introduction 1.1 A bstract The SK-91F467-FLEXRAY is a multif unctional development board for the FUJITSU FlexRay communication controller MB88121 and the 32-bit Flash m icrocontroller MB91F467DA.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Introducti on FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 8 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 1.2 Feat ures • Supports 32-bit Flash microcontroller MB91F467D • Supports FlexRay CC MB88121 • 9-12V (2000mA) unregulated external DC pow er supply • 5V, 3.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Introducti on © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 9 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 1.3 Gener al Descri ption The SK-91F467-FLEXRAY supports t he FUJITSU 32-bit Flash microcontroller MB91F467D and the FUJITSU FlexRay stand alone communication controller MB88121.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Introducti on FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 10 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 1.3.1 On Boar d Memory The starter kit includes 32M Bit (4MByte) SRAM memory on board. The SRAM can be used with 5V, or with 3.3V ex ternal bus supply v oltage.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Introducti on © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 11 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 Either the DT R line or the RTS line of X1, X 4 or X8 connectors can be select ed to gen erate a system rese t.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Installation FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 12 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 2 Installati on Remove the board c arefully from the shipping carton. First c heck if there are an y da mages be fore pow er on the sta rter kit.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Installation © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 13 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 For the power supply of the SK-91F467- FLEXRAY a DC input volta ge of 9V – 12V is recommended.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Installation FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 14 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 2.1 Jump er Setti ngs The following table lists all jumpers including its de f ault sett ing and location on the starter kit.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Installation © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 15 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 Jumper Description / Function Type Defau lt Layout Coordinates Schematic Page JP55 FlexR.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Installation FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 16 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 2.2 Jumper Location The following picture show s the silk plot of the starter kit wi th marked default jumper settings.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Installation © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 17 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 2.3 Sof t ware Installatio n 2.3.1 Install ation of Softune Workbench Fujitsu supplies a full working 32bit development environment with the “SK-91F467- FLEXRAY” starter kit called Softune W orkbench V6.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Installation FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 18 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH Figure 2-8: Softune Workbench V6 IDE.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Jumpers and Sw itches © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 19 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 ON OFF Dip-Switch S5 (defaul t se tti ng) 1234 MD0 MD1 MD2 nc 3 Jumpers and S witches This chapter descr ibes all jumpers and switches that ca n be modified on the st arter kit.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Jumpers and Sw itches FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 20 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH ON OFF Dip-Switch S2 (defaul t se tti ng) 123456 MD0 MD1 MD2 MDE0 MDE1 MDE2 3.2 FlexRay CC Operating -Mo de (S2) The DIP-switch S2 is used to set t he operating mode of the FlexRay communication controller.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Jumpers and Sw itches © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 21 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 ON OFF Dip-Switch S1 (defaul t se tti ng) 1234 MDS0 MDS1 MDS2 nc 3.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Jumpers and Sw itches FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 22 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 3.4 Power Supply There are four on-board switching regulators to provide the voltages 5V, 3.3V, 2 .5V and 1.8V on the starter-kit.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Jumpers and Sw itches © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 23 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 Figure 3-4: Voltage Test Points Regulator Test point Voltag e U9 J21 +5V U11 J22 +3.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Jumpers and Sw itches FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 24 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 3.4.1 MCU Po w er Supply Voltage J P21 With this jumper it is possibl e to connect the M CU external bus interface supply VDD35 to 3.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Jumpers and Sw itches © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 25 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 Jumper Setting Description ON (close d) AVcc i s connected to MC UVcc JP15 OFF .
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Jumpers and Sw itches FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 26 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 3.5 MCU- FlexRay CC Conn ection at SK- 91F46 7-FL EXRA Y The FlexRay communication contro ller MB88121 provides different communication modes t o a microcontroller.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Jumpers and Sw itches © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 27 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 Jumper Set ting Description 2-3 CC SPI- mode switch S1-3 connected to CC MD S2 .
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Jumpers and Sw itches FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 28 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH JP49 Connects FT1080 module CH-A W A KE to con figuration switch S6 J P50 Conne.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Jumpers and Sw itches © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 29 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 JP63 Connects FlexRay channel B R S-485 transceiver output B to Sub-D-9 connect.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Jumpers and Sw itches FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 30 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH ON OFF Dip-Switch S6 (defaul t se tti ng) 1234 EN WAKE nSTB nc 3.6.3 FT1080 C ont rol Sett in gs (S6) The DIP switch S6 is used to set EN, W AKE and nSTB signals of the FlexRay physical layer driver modules f rom TZM (FT1080).
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Jumpers and Sw itches © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 31 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 3.7 CA N0 – CAN 2 Three high-speed CAN-transceivers (PCA82C250) are on-board to connect all availabl e on- chip CAN to 9-pin D-Sub connectors ( X9, X10 and X11).
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Jumpers and Sw itches FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 32 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 3.8.1 UA RT 2 UART2 (connector X1) is selected as L IN master at de fault setting.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Jumpers and Sw itches © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 33 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 3.8.2 UART 4 (Flash programmi ng) UART4 (connector X4) is selected as RS-232 at default setting. UART4 is also used to write user software into the Flash of the M CU.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Jumpers and Sw itches FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 34 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 3.8.3 UA RT 5 UART5 (connector X8) is selected as RS-232 a t default setting.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Jumpers and Sw itches © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 35 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 3.9 User Push Buttons IN T0, INT 1, INT2 and I CU0/T IN0 There are four user push buttons on the starter kit, which can be connected to the microco ntro lle r.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Jumpers and Sw itches FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 36 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 3.11 Reset Generat ion A system reset can be generated in different ways. The first poss ibility is to press the user reset push button (SW1).
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Jumpers and Sw itches © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 37 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 JP57 Select which UART should do the system reset J P29 The polarity of the DTR/RTS signal can be i nverted by this jumper.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Connectors FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 38 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 4 Connectors 4.1 Po wer Connecto r (X5) The following f igure shows the power connection j ack of the st arter kit. This connect or is used to connect a n external unregulat ed DC power supply voltage ( 9V-12V DC recommended 2000mA).
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Connectors © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 39 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 4.3 CAN Connec tor (X9, X10, X11) Three 9-pin D-Sub male connector s are used for the CAN interfaces CAN0, CAN1 and CAN2.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Connectors FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 40 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 4.5 FlexRay Ph y sical Layer Mod ule Con nector (X3, X7) To use the FlexRay physical layer.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Connectors © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 41 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 4.6 USE R-LEDs and optional LC-Displa y ( D1-D16, J6) There are sixteen user LEDs on-board, D1-D8 connected to MCU port P25 and D9-D16 connected to MCU port P16.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Connectors FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 42 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 4.7 In-Circuit-Progra mming Connector (X12) There is a Flash-programming socket on the starter kit which makes it possible to program the Flash MCU with a special programming adapter.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Connectors © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 43 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 4.9 External Bus C onnec tor s (X13, X14) 4.9.1 VG96A BC D IN 41612 (X13) Pin Name MCU-P. Pin Name MCU-P. Pin Name MCU-P. A1 2.5 V - B1 2.5 V - C1 2.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Connectors FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 44 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 4.9.2 VG48A BC D IN 41612 (X14) Pin Name MCU - P. Pin Name MCU - P. Pin Name MCU - P. A1 CSX0 56 B1 GND - C1 CS X 1 57 A2 CSX 2 58 B2 1.8V - C2 CSX3 59 A3 NC - B3 G ND - C3 NC - A4 CSX 6 60 B4 1.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Getting St arted © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 45 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 5 Gettin g Start ed Make sure Soft une Workbench for FR is ins talled on your PC and the “SK-91F467- FLEXRAY” or “SK-91F467D-208PFV” is read y to use (power-on (X 5), serial connection (UART4) to COM port of the PC).
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Getting St arted FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 46 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH W henev er you modify the source-files, you have to re-compile and link the related files to produce a valid load module (ABS-f ile). This is done using the MAKE-function.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Getting St arted © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 47 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 5.2 Pro ject Start-up In order t o allow a quick and sm ooth project start-up Fuj itsu Microelectronics Europe supplies a template project as a reference.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Getting St arted FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 48 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 6. Star t Softune W or kbench and open y our project Figure 5-2: Open Softune Workbench w orkspace (*.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Getting St arted © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 49 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 7) Select A ctive Con figura tion “MON DEB UG” Figure 5-3: Project configuration selection 5.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Getting St arted FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 50 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH Figure 5-4: Open Softune Workbench Linke r mapping file Check linker mapping list in t he*.mp1 file by right-click on “my_application.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Getting St arted © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 51 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 Start Softune Monitor Debugger v ia the “ Debug ” Command Figure 5-6: Start Softune Workbench Monitor Debugger 10. After the project is built and debugg ed successfully switch to the act ive config uration S T AN D ALO NE 5.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Getting St arted FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 52 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 5.3 Softune W orkbench Monitor Debugger 5.3.1 General Descr iption W henev er you have created a valid load module successfully, you can switch from the development mode to the debugging mode o f Softune W orkbench.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Getting St arted © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 53 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 Make sure you have connect ed the “SK-91F467-xxx” starter kit and your monit or-kernel is stored in the internal f lash memory of the MB91F467DA series at the starter kit.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Getting St arted FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 54 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH After starting the debugger, the source window will be opened which contains locate-.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Getting St arted © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 55 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 5.3.2 Basic D ebugg er Features GO: Executes the program continuously from the memory location pointed to by the curren t pro g ram coun ter (PC ) unti l a ter minati on fac tor o ccu rs.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Getting St arted FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 56 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH A BORT : Forcibly terminates execution. This button is not fully supported by the monitor debugger and may cause malfunction if used to abort “continuous operation” of the MCU .
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Getting St arted © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 57 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 The memory window can be very helpful t o check t he registers or the frame memory o.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Getting St arted FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 58 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH A set of commands can be combined to a “macro”.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Getting St arted © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 59 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 5.5 Memor y Configuration for User A pplica tions Valid load module f iles can only be achie ved if the lang uage too l configuration is appropriate.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Getting St arted FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 60 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH Always check the Link er Settings (“Project – Setup Pr oject – Linker – Disp.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Flash Progr ammin g © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 61 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 6 Flash Programmi ng 6.1 Programm ing in tern al F lash of M B91F 467 DA series To program t he Monitor debugger or any other A pplication into the int ernal Flash memory of MB91F467DA series following steps must be taken.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Flash Progr ammin g FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 62 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 4) Connect starter kit and PC w ith a RS232 cable.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Flash Progr ammin g © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 63 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 CAUTION : DO NOT INTERRUPT O R CUT OFF PO W ER DURIN G ERASE !!! Chip-erase successful Sending download command loading and programming.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Trouble s hooting FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 64 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 7 Trouble shooting Prob l em Solution Starter kit does not power-on correc tly. Some or all of the power LEDs (D24, D30, D34, and D40) do not lit up.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Silk-Plot of the Board © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 65 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 8 Silk-Pl ot of the Board 8.1 Top Si de A B C D E F G H J K L M N 1 1 2 2 3 3 .
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Silk-Plot o f the B oard FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 66 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 8.2 Bottom Side A B C D E F G H J K L M N 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 .
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 PCB History © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 67 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 9 PCB Histor y 9.1 SK- 91F467- FLEXRA Y V1.0 Part Proble m Fixed U20 Wrong UB/LB connec tion ( W RX2 and W RX3 has to b e conn ected) V1.1 X 14 Connect 1.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Appendix FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 68 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 10 Appendix 10.1 Related Produ cts • SK-91460-MAIN Evaluation main board for M B91460 Series • SK-91460-91F467D-208PFV MCU-board incl.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Appendix © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 69 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 10.2 Informa tion on the WWW Inform ation about FUJITSU MICROELECT RONICS Produc ts can be f.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Appendix FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 70 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 10.3 Tab les Table 2-1 : Ju mper se ttin gs ................................... .......................................................... ....
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Appendix © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 71 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 Table 7-1: Troub le sh ooti ng ................................................................................................. 64 Table 9-1 : H isto ry P CB V 1.
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Appendix FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 - 72 - © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH 10.4 Fig ures Figure 2-1: AC pl ug ada pter ................................................................................................. 12 Figure 2-2: AC pl ug ada pter sel ecti on .
SK-91F467- FLEXR AY V 1.1 Appendix © Fujitsu Microe lectron ics Europ e Gm bH - 73 - FMEMCU- UG-910 017-11 10.5 A bbreviation s ADC Analogue Digital Converter ASSP Applicat ion Specif ic Standard Pr .
デバイスFujitsu MB88121 SERIESの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Fujitsu MB88121 SERIESをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはFujitsu MB88121 SERIESの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Fujitsu MB88121 SERIESの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Fujitsu MB88121 SERIESで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Fujitsu MB88121 SERIESを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はFujitsu MB88121 SERIESの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Fujitsu MB88121 SERIESに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちFujitsu MB88121 SERIESデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。