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IP 720 Phone ™ User Manual 7/2009 4290 -0017.
WARNING! Toll fraud is committed when individuals unlawfully gain access to customer telecomm unication systems. Th is is a criminal off ense. Currently, we do not know o f any telecommunications syst em that is immune to this type of criminal activit y.
IP 720 Us er Ma nual i Contents Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v About This Manual . . . . .
ii IP 720 Us er Ma nual C HAPTER 4 User Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 The LCD Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Basic Phone Ope ration . . .
IP 720 User Manu al iii NOTE This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the li mi ts f or a Class B digi tal dev ice, purs uant to Part 15 of th e FCC Ru les. Thes e limits are desi gned to provi de reas onable protection against harmful interferen ce in a residential installat ion.
iv IP 720 User Man ual.
IP 72 0 Us e r Man ua l v Warranty What The Warranty Cove rs AltiGe n Commu nica tio ns warr ants it s hard ware produc ts to be f ree f rom de fects i n mate rial a nd w orkma nsh ip du ring t he w arra nty pe riod .
vi IP 72 0 Us e r Man ua l How to Obtain Service End use r custome rs should co ntact you r Authorize d AltiGen Dealer for servi ce. Authorized AltiGen Dealers mu st follow the step s below for service: 1. Take or sh ip the p roduct (shipment p repaid ) to your AltiGen distrib utor or to AltiGen Commu nications, Inc.
IP 72 0 Us e r Man ual 1 About This Manual This manual describes how to get the Alti-IP 720 p hone up and running on a vo i c e ov er IP (Vo IP) netw or k . It prov ides information about ho w to se t up, conn ect cables to, and configu re an IP 72 0 phone.
2 IP 720 User Manu al.
IP 720 User Man ual 3 C HAPT ER 1 The IP 720 Phone TheAltiG en IP 720 phone i s a bus iness t elephone t hat pro v ides voice communi cation over an IP networ k.
4 IP 72 0 User Man ual 1 LCD S creen Displays fe atures s uch as dat e, time, phone n umber, caller ID, c all waiting , line/cal l status and call time.
IP 720 User Man ual 5 Note: * Indicates a norm al operating mode k ey feature, which is availab le only aft er regi stering t he IP 72 0 with the phone s erver and logged i n as an ex tension. 14 Navi gation but tons / b uttons l et you scroll t hroug h text on the LCD screen.
6 IP 72 0 User Man ual Figu re 2. IP 720 Ph one, Bo ttom Vi ew 1 DC Port Connects t o power ou tlet 2 Power Cable Restraint Secu res the power ca bl e, preventi ng it from acci de ntal ly be ing pu ll.
IP 720 User Man ual 7 Hardwa re Items in the Package The follo wing hardware items are included in this p ackage: • IP 720 set and stand • Handset • Handset cord • Power cord • Network cable • 3.
8 IP 72 0 User Man ual Auto Answer Rin g W h en A uto Ans we r is s et to Yes , specif ies how many seconds the IP phon e shou ld ring b efore the cal l is au to mat ically answer ed (1 -20 se conds).
IP 720 User Man ual 9 Call Record A llo ws a prog rammabl e key to be used for on - deman d record in g. • Must be enabled by t he system admini strator. • User presses the key to sta rt recor ding, pre sses the ke y aga in to stop reco rding. Th ere is no pa use func ti on.
10 IP 720 User Ma nual Headset but ton When p ressed, the user wi ll be abl e to ac tiva te t he RJ-9 h eadset po rt. • This but ton is used as a hoo k swit ch f or he adset p orts. • The but to n is used as a he ad set-in - use ind i cator whe n a Plan tronic s wireless PSB port is conne cted.
IP 720 User Ma nual 11 American Disabilities A ct (ADA) Complianc e The hearing aid-compatible hands et on the IP 720 phone is eq uipped with a magnetic coupler, which meets the ADA HAC requirements. The dialing pad also complies with ADA standards. Redi al butto n Red ials a s elected numbe r from the la st16 numbers dial ed.
12 IP 720 User Ma nual.
IP 720 User Ma nual 13 C HAPTE R 2 Setting Up the IP 720 Phone To set up the IP 720 p hone, follow these i nstruct ions: 1. Gather network settin gs infor mation (this i nformation i s needed t o conf.
14 IP 720 User Ma nual — CHECK MEMORY (RAM checking state) — CHECK FW (Firmware check ing state) — INIT NETWORK — LOADING FW... — LOADING NOW. — Boot Done — INITIALIZING 4. Conf igure startup network sett ings. (To dis play the phon e’s menu, as requi red below, press t he Menu button on the pho ne.
IP 720 User Ma nual 15 c. The p hone will attempt to register, as shown in the LCD screen: If the pho ne successfully p asses through these stages, the phone shows the date, time, and extension in the LCD scr een and i s now in normal oper ating mode.
16 IP 720 User Ma nual • Rebootin g the phone — To reb oot th e IP 720 phon e, p ress * * 3 , then press the Enter button..
IP 720 User Ma nual 17 C HAPTE R 3 Configuring the IP 720 Phone Phone, syst em, and netwo rk settings can be configured t hrough t he IP phon e’s menu. The phone can also be r egistered thr ough this menu, i f necessary. • T o g et t o the me nu, pr ess the Menu b utton.
18 IP 720 User Ma nual Syste m Settings Ring Tone Phone Setting > Ring Tones Sets the de sired ri ng tone. Auto Answer Phone Setting > Auto Answer Sets wh ether to e nable automati c answer ing. Auto Answer Ring Phone Setting > Auto Ans Ring Sets how ma ny secon ds the phon e shoul d ring befo re it is au tomati cally answer ed.
IP 720 User Ma nual 19 Networ k Set t ings Regis tration from the Phon e’s Menu Under normal cir cumstances, the IP 720 phone r egisters itself automatically. However, if registration failed for s ome reason (for example, the server was not availabl e), regis tration can b e started again from th e IP 720 phon e’s menu: 1.
20 IP 720 User Ma nual Confi gu ring IP Settings An IP address is a unique logical addr es s that identifies each host computer on a TCP /IP network . An IP address i s a 32-bi t number expressed as fo ur decimal numbers fr om 0 to 255, separate d by pe riods.
IP 720 User Ma nual 21 1. Press the Menu button. 2. Use the button to scroll to System , then pres s the En ter button. 3. Sc rol l to TFTP Server , then press Enter . 4. Enter the TFTP server address, using th e * key to inpu t period s. 5. The IP 72 0 wil l do wnl oa d the fi rmwa re fro m the TF TP se rver on the next reboot.
22 IP 720 User Ma nual Distinctive R inging Supp ort If the Distinctive Ring options are enabled by th e system administ rator, you ma y have three diff erent ring cad ences that distingu ish the type.
IP 720 User Ma nual 23 Greetings are affiliated w ith acti vit y code s. The user can ch oose, for example, the “meeting” greeting or the “business trav el” greeting.
24 IP 720 User Ma nual.
IP 720 User Ma nual 25 C HAPTE R 4 User Guide The LCD Scre en In normal o p erating mo de, the phone’ s LCD screen displays the da te, time, and exten sion number on the first line: If an activity co de has been set on the phone, that code is displayed in place of the extens ion number.
26 IP 720 Us er Manu al TH - Num ber of ca lls in queu e whose queu e time is greater than the service level t hreshol d. SL - Service level in percentage.
IP 720 User Ma nual 27 Con fer enc e* To initiate a conference dur ing a call: 1) Pr ess the Conference button (t his automatically selects a new line and places the other party on hold).
28 IP 720 Us er Manu al Greeting* P ress the Greeting but ton to quickly acce ss voice mail greetings. Handset/ Headset/ Speaker To switch between handset, headset and speaker, t he user can go offhook, press the Speaker button, or press the Headset button.
IP 720 User Ma nual 29 Progr a m- mable Key* • N/A • BLF • Fe ature Code • Admin Defined # • Lin e P ark • Call Record • Work group Status • User Defined # 1) Press the appropriate key.
30 IP 720 Us er Manu al * * Feature Codes * * 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Re stor e de faul t set tings (w hen u ser is i n th e Configura t ion Menu) * * 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Re boot AltiServ Feature Codes ## <pwd > .
IP 720 User Ma nual 31 Making Ca lls #34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dial By Nam e 1 #35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vir tual Log In ( Stati on Privi lege Ove rrid e) #69 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
32 IP 720 Us er Manu al Dialing an IP Number Directly from the IP 720 To dial an IP num ber directly from t he IP 72 0 phone set, enter the IP address, using the * k ey to enter periods and followed by the # key. Note: This works only when the IP 720 is operating in Bas ic mode.
IP 720 User Manua l 33 Appendix A Specifications Ne tw or k Proto cols • S IP, RTP, RTCP, T FTP, TCP, UDP, DHCP, DNS, ARP, ICMP, Telne t Cal l Co ntr ol Proto cols • SIP Audio Standards • C odec : ITU G.711 (PCM ), two low bit rate (G.723 .1 and G.
Trou blesh ooting 34 IP 720 Use r Manua l Troub leshoot ing The fo llowing tabl e prov ides help f or the mos t common problems an end user may en counter .
Append ix A IP 720 User Manua l 35 Imag e up date fa iled. If sett ing Boot Download to Ye s, after the phone reboo ts an d if the set t ing still says Yes, the boot failed . • Check the I P 720 phone ’s IP a ddress, n etwor k, defaul t ga tew a y set tings.
Trou blesh ooting 36 IP 720 Use r Manua l Regis ter f ail ed • Che ck to m ake sure the extensio n numbe r an d exte nsion passw ord a re se t up prope rly an d th at t he IP extens ion is enabled. • Check to mak e sure th e IP P hon e Se r vi ce is started in MAXCS.
Append ix A IP 720 User Manua l 37 LCD Me ssages Local M enu Co nfiguration Me ssages The following messages may be displayed in the LCD when accessing the IP 720 phone’s menu: Mes sage E xplana tio.
Trou blesh ooting 38 IP 720 Use r Manua l IP Phone Runn in g Me ssages The fo llowing mess ages may be displa yed in th e LCD when runnin g the IP 720: Message Defini tion AW UNREACHABLE! Fa iled t o co nnect t o th e Alt iGen ph one se rver.
Append ix A IP 720 User Manua l 39 IP Phone Boot Me ssag es The fo llowing mess ages may be displ ayed in th e LCD when booti ng the IP 720: REGISTERING! User en tere d #27 to manual ly registe r th e IP exte nsi on. REMOVE OLD EXT. W h en #27 is en tered, the ext en s ion /p asswor d con fig ura tion in the IP p hon e is remove d.
Trou blesh ooting 40 IP 720 Use r Manua l.
IP 720 User Manua l 41 Glossary A ASCII - American Standard Code for Inf ormation Interchange. B Boot - to c ause the com puter to sta rt executin g instructions.
42 IP 720 Use r Manua l E exte nsi on n um ber - an arbitrary numb er of two to fi ve dig its tha t matc hes a station to a particul ar user. F Firewall - a se t of rel ated prog ra ms , loc a te d at a netwo r k ga te wa y se rv er, that prote cts th e r esource s of a netw ork f r om users of othe r net work s .
Glossary IP 720 User Manua l 43 L Local address - an address us ed in a pe ripheral n ode or stat ion in plac e of a networ k address an d trans formed to or f rom a net work ad dr e ss for del ive r y purpo ses. Logoff - the procedu r e by which a user di sconnect s from a p rogra m or sessi o n.
44 IP 720 Use r Manua l P phy sic al e xte nsi on - is asso ciated wi th a p hysical p ort and device. An ext ension is create d, by def a ul t, as a ph ysical ex tensi o n (as op posed to a v irtu al or workgr oup extensi on ) unles s there are no more phy sical po rts available .
Glossary IP 720 User Manua l 45 T TCP/IP - T ransmis sion Contr ol P rotoc ol/I ntern et Pro tocol . A fu ll set of p rotoc ols used on the Inter n et. TDM - Time Di vision Mult i ple xi ng. TFTP (Trivial Fil e Transfer Protocol) - a vers ion of the TCP/IP FTP protoc ol that has no dire ctory or password capab ility.
46 IP 720 Use r Manua l.
IP72 0 User Manu al 47 Index A activ ating IP phone exte nsion 14 Activity button 7 , 23 assigning a local IP address 20 a TFTP se rver 20 audio st an dards 33 au t o an swer 7 device 8 ring 8 B BLF, .
48 IP 72 0 U ser Man u al LCD messages, exp lained 37 , 38 , 39 LCD screen 4 , 25 , 33 LED, in button s 33 line park, c onfigur ing 10 local addres s, setting 19 M MAX Com munica tion S erver, setti n.
デバイスAltigen 720の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Altigen 720をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAltigen 720の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Altigen 720の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Altigen 720で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Altigen 720を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAltigen 720の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Altigen 720に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAltigen 720デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。