Fujitsu Siemens ComputersメーカーPoint 1600の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Conn ectivit y P erip herals Ins t all ati on G uid e P o int 510 P o int 1600.
Conn ectivit y P erip herals Ins t all ati on G uid e P o int 510 P o int 1600.
Fuji tsu Pe rson al Sys tems, I nc. has made e very ef fo rt to en sure th e accu ra cy and com plete ness of this document. Howev e r, because o ngoing development efforts are continually improving our products, we ca nnot g uarant ee the accurac y of t he co ntents of this d ocume nt.
Ag en cy Com plian ce FCC Notice This equ ipmen t has been te sted a nd f ound to c omply wit h the limi ts for a Clas s B digit al devic e, pursua nt to Part 15 of the FCC rule s. These li mits are desig ned to provide rea sonab le pro tecti on aga inst harm ful interfer ence in a res ide ntial insta ll ation.
v T ab le of C o nt en ts Ab out Thi s G ui de ... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ... .... ..... ... ..... .... ... ..... ..... .... ... ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. vii Or gan iza tion. ... ...... .. ...... ....
vii Abou t This Guide Th is guide provides in stalla tion instruct ions for connec tivity periphe rals comp atible with Po int 1600 and Point 510 pen tablet sys t ems includ ing the following: • Por.
viii About Thi s Gui de.
1-1 Chapt er 1 Intr oduc tion to C onnec tivity P e riph erals Conne ctivity perip herals for the Poi nt 5 10 and Point 1600 pen tablet sy stems are engine ered us ing mod ular de sign p rinciples . Each conne ctivity peripher al is as sembled using comp onent s which may b e used in d iff er ent connectivi ty peri pheral products.
1-2 Intr oduc tion to Connect ivity Peri pheral s Table 1 -2 shows what t ype of c o nnectors are pr esent on each co n nec tivity per ipheral product. * Alt hough the wall -moun t cradle in cl udes a mouse por t, t he mou se port is not used in the w all-m ount c radl e.
Cra dle Mod u le 1-3 Cr adle Mo dule 1 Th e cradle module is a cent ral compon ent in the following c onn ectivity periphera ls: • por t re plicato r • high- usage c r adle • high - co nnectivity cradle • wa ll- mount cra dle The c radle module holds t h e pen tablet when i t is inserted in these connectivity peripherals.
1-4 Intr oduc tion to Connect ivity Peri pheral s P or t R eplica tor 1 The port replicato r pr o vides t he com bin ed features of the po rtable por t expander, plus additional keyboard and power connectors. The port replicator is a s sembled by in stalling t he portable port expan der in the c radle m odule.
High-Conn ectivity Crad le 1-5 High-Co nnectivity Cr adle 1 Th e high-conne ctivit y cradle prov ides all the co nnectivit y of t he por t replic ator a nd is design ed for desk-t op or counter-t op installations where the cradle remains stationary.
1-6 Intr oduc tion to Connect ivity Peri pheral s W all-Mo unt Cradle 1 Th e wall-mo unt crad le pr ovides a fold ing keyb oard tray and can b e loc ated in hallw ays or other wall areas to giv e mobile wo rkers a c onvenient pl ace to s t ore the pen tablet , input d ata with a keyboard and connect t he pen tablet to an external power source.
2-1 Chapt er 2 Asse mbling and In stalli ng Co nnec tivity P eriph era ls This chap ter d escrib es the assembl y a n d i nst allatio n of conne cti vit y per iphe rals.
2-2 Assemb li ng and I nstalli ng Connec tivit y Peri pher als Connec tors 2 Figure 2-2 shows the loc ation of peripheral connectors on the portable port expander. Figure 2-2. Bottom Vie w , P or t able P or t Expand er Peripheral connectors on the portable port expander are described in Table 2-1.
Assembli ng the Por t Repli cator 2-3 A s sem b li n g t h e P o r t R e pli cat o r 2 The port replic ator is assembled using a cradle module and a portable port expander. The process of assem bling th e port r e p licator is o utlined in th e follo wing: • Inst all the portable port expander in the cradle module.
2-4 Assemb li ng and I nstalli ng Connec tivit y Peri pher als To install t he port able port ex pan der i n th e cradle module, 1. Inse rt th e portab le port ex pander thr ough the bott om of the cradl e modu le as shown in F ig ure 2-3 .
Assembli ng the Por t Repli cator 2-5 re plicat or on the desk st and in one of th ree ori entatio ns: one landsc ape-mo d e an d two port rait-mod e pos ition s.
2-6 Assemb li ng and I nstalli ng Connec tivit y Peri pher als Figure 2-5. Bottom Vie w , P or t Replicator Con necto rs on the port re pli cator are descr ibe d in Table 2-2 . * Because of its mod ular de sign, the por t replicat or i s equ ipped wi th tw o mous e ports.
Assembli ng the Por t Repli cator 2-7 Usin g t he Folding De sk Sta nd 2 The FMWDS3 fo lding desk stand is recommended for us e w ith th e port replic ator. The desk stand can be loc ked into place in fiv e posi tions , one f ol ded po sition and fou r o p e n posi ti ons.
2-8 Assemb li ng and I nstalli ng Connec tivit y Peri pher als A s sem b li n g t h e Hi gh- U s a ge Cr ad le 2 Th e f ol lowi n g ou tl ine s t he p r oce ss of ass emb l ing the h igh- us ag e c rad le : • Att ach the cr ad l e modu le to th e cradl e base.
Assem bl i n g the Hi gh-Us age Cr ad l e 2-9 Figure 2-7. High-Usage Cradle Assem b ly 3. De termine w hich side the a djustm ent kno b will be in stalled on. The knob c an be i nstalled on eithe r the r i gh t or lef t side of the cr adle module to accom m od ate righ t- or left -han ded users .
2-10 Assemb li ng and I nstalli ng Connec tivit y Peri pher als To i nstall the AC adap ter in the c radle base , 1. T urn the cradle base upside down. 2. Deta ch one end of t h e V elcr o strap and inse rt the AC adapt er into th e cavity in th e bottom of th e cradl e base as shown in Fig ure 2-8.
Assem bl i n g the Hi gh-Us age Cr ad l e 2-11 The loca tio n of periph eral con nect ors on the high-u sage c r ad le are sh own in Fi gure 2-8. Tab le 2-3 de scri bes t h es e c onne ctors . T ab le 2-3. High-Usage Cr adle Connecto r s P ort Descript ion Mou se P ort This 6-pi n mini- DIN plug is use d to at t ac h a PS/ 2 -s ty l e m o us e.
2-12 Assemb li ng and I nstalli ng Connec tivit y Peri pher als Installing the High-Usage Cr adle 2 To in sta ll the hi gh- us age c rad le at the w ork sit e, 1. Dete rmine th e appr opriate de sktop loc ation . Accou nt for : • Di stan ce to an AC out let.
Install i n g t he Hi gh- Us age Cr ad le 2-13 8. As an opti onal s tep, yo u c an sec ur e th e cr adle at t he wo rk site u sing one or bo th of t he fo l l owi ng me thod s: • Sec ure th e crad l e u sing a Ken sing ton lo ck.
2-14 Assemb li ng and I nstalli ng Connec tivit y Peri pher als Assembling the H i gh-Con nectivity C r adle 2 The follo wing list ou tlin es the p roces s of a ssemb ling th e high -connec tivit y cradle . Detail ed proce dures are given later in this sect ion.
Assem bling t he Hi gh - Conn ectivity Crad le 2-15 Figure 2-10. High-Connectivity Cradle Ass embly Cradle Base 545HUCAS Cover Screw Ny lon Wash er Sp acer Knob Porta ble Port Kensin gton Secu rity St.
2-16 Assemb li ng and I nstalli ng Connec tivit y Peri pher als To i nstall the AC adap ter in the c radle base , 1. T urn the cradle base upside down. 2. Deta ch one end of t h e V elcr o strap and inse rt the AC adapt er into th e cavity in th e bottom of th e cr adle bas e a s s ho wn i n F igu re 2- 1 1.
Inst alling the High - Conn ectivity Crad l e 2-17 Installing th e High-Con nectivity C r adle 2 To i nstall the high-c onnectiv ity cr adle, 1. Dete rmine th e appr opriate de sktop loc ation .
2-18 Assemb li ng and I nstalli ng Connec tivit y Peri pher als utilize t hes e ports i s deter mined by BIOS settings. Ensure that BIOS options ar e properly configured fo r th e po rts th at y ou i nt end to use . * Because of its mod ular de sign, the por t replicat or i s equ ipped wi th tw o mous e ports.
Inst alling the Wall - Moun t Cr ad l e 2-19 Installi ng the W all-Mo unt Cradle 2 Th e wall-mo unt crad le is a ssemb led d uring ins tallatio n. Install ing the wall-m ount c radle inv olves the following gener al tasks : • Prepare the in stalla tion s ite for t he wa ll-mou nt cra dle.
2-20 Assemb li ng and I nstalli ng Connec tivit y Peri pher als To p repar e the inst allati on site for the wall -mount cr adle, 1. De termine t he approp riate locat ion for the w all-moun t cradle. Account for the following factor s when selec ting the l oca tion: • The wall -mou nt cr adle pr otr udes fr om t h e wall about 3.
Inst alling the Wall - Moun t Cr ad l e 2-21 Figure 2-12 . Wall -Mount C radl e Mount ing Plat e To insta ll the wall-mount cradl e, 1. Att ach the moun ting pl ate t o the ju nction box. T o do so, al ign the sq uare h ole in th e mounti ng plat e wit h the junct ion bo x an d fast en t he pl ate t o the j unction b ox.
2-22 Assemb li ng and I nstalli ng Connec tivit y Peri pher als 4. Con nect the AC adapte r ’s AC power cab le to the AC supply wi re in t he jun cti on box. T o do so, cut the wall plug off of the AC adapter ’ s AC power cable and discar d t he wall plug.
Inst alling the Wall - Moun t Cr ad l e 2-23 7. Rou te the k eyboar d cable thro ugh the notc h o n the l eft s i de of the k eyboar d tray as sembl y as show n in Figure 2-15. 8. Conn ec t the ke yboa rd ca ble to ke ybo ard p ort on t he cr ad le m odul e.
2-24 Assemb li ng and I nstalli ng Connec tivit y Peri pher als 1 1. Con nect the AC power cab le (f ro m the junc tion box ) to th e A C adapter . T o do s o, bri ng th e key boar d tray ass embly c lose to t he c r adle plat e t hat is al ready m ounted on the wall.
Inst alling the Wall - Moun t Cr ad l e 2-25 Figure 2-17. Attaching Ke y board T ra y Assem b ly t o Mo unting Plate (Left S ide) Figure 2-18. At taching K eyboard T ra y Assem bly to Mounting Plate (Bottom) 13.
2-26 Assemb li ng and I nstalli ng Connec tivit y Peri pher als 14 . T igh ten the two (si ze # 10) scr ews, on e on each sid e, that yo u inst alled i n step 9 to fa sten the cradle modul e to the key board tray assembl y .
Inst alling the Wall - Moun t Cr ad l e 2-27 15. A pply the cover label pr ovided w ith the cradle module to t he inside o f th e cradle m odule as s how n in Figure 2-15 on p age 2-23. (This label cov ers access holes in the cradle modul e that are no t used in this assem bly .
2-28 Assemb li ng and I nstalli ng Connec tivit y Peri pher als T esti ng the W all -Mount Cradle Afte r Inst allat ion 2 The wall -mou nt cr adle shou ld be tes ted af ter it is instal led . To do so, perfor m the foll owing proc edure and c orrec t any probl ems noted .
Inst alling the Wall - Moun t Cr ad l e 2-29 Connec tors 2 Conn ectors o n the wa ll-mo unt c r adle are desc ribed in Table 2-5. * Due to the modul ar desi gn of con nectivity peri pher als, the cr adl e module is equip ped with a mouse port. Althou gh thi s port is fully fun ction al, it is not used wi t h t he wall - m ou nt cr adle.
2-30 Assemb li ng and I nstalli ng Connec tivit y Peri pher als Installi ng the Charg e-Only Cradle 2 To install t he charge-only cradle, 1. Pla ce the c ra dle in the loc ation where it w i ll b e used. 2. Plu g t he DC p owe r c able fr om AC ad apter i nt o t he DC input connec tor loca ted on the b ottom of t h e charge-only cradle.
Confi rming External Power I s Sup plied 2-31 Confir mi ng Exte r nal P ow er Is Sup plied 2 All conn e ct ivity per ipheral s (e xcept for th e porta ble port expander ) supply power to the pen table t when the AC adapter is properly connected.
2-32 Assemb li ng and I nstalli ng Connec tivit y Peri pher als.
I-1 C char ge-on l y cr adle d esc ript io n, 1-6 inst a lling , 2 -3 0 conne ctiv ity perip heral s co mpat ible pen tabl ets, vii conne ctor s, t able, 1-2 lock ing and no n-locki ng versi ons , vii.
1/99 58- 0627-00A.
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Fujitsu Siemens Computers Point 1600をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはFujitsu Siemens Computers Point 1600の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Fujitsu Siemens Computers Point 1600の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Fujitsu Siemens Computers Point 1600で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Fujitsu Siemens Computers Point 1600を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はFujitsu Siemens Computers Point 1600の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Fujitsu Siemens Computers Point 1600に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちFujitsu Siemens Computers Point 1600デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。