GarminメーカーGTX 330の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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400W / 500W Series Garmin Optional Displays Pilot’ s Guide Addendum F or: • GDL 69/69A XM Satellite Datalink • GTX 330/330D TIS • Garmin T A WS (GPS 500W & GNS 530W).
Forewar d This Pilot’ s Guide Addendum is written for: • Garmin GPS 400W , GNC 420W/420A W , and GNS 430W/430A W Main System Software V ersion 2.00, 3.00, 3.30, or later •GarminGPS500W&GNS530W/530A WMainSystemSoftwareV ersion 2.
i Introduction W arnings and Cautions WARNING: T errain data are obtained from third party sources . Garmin is not able to independently verify the accuracy of this data which should be used only as an aid for situational awareness . T errain data must not be used as the sole basis for deci- sions or maneuvers to avoid terrain or obstacles .
ii Introduction T able of Contents T able of Contents Part One: T raffic Information Service (TIS) Interface 1 Section 1: TIS Operation and Symbology .................... 1 TIS Operation ...............................................................
1 Part One: Section 1 Part One: T raffic Information Service (TIS) Interface Section 1: TIS Operation and Symbology TIS Operation NO TE: P art One of this Addendum assumes the user has experience operating the 400W/500W Series units and the Garmin GTX 330 T ransponder .
2 TIS Operation and Symbology Part One: Section 1 How TIS differs from TCAS The main differ ence between TIS and TCAS is the source of surveillance data.
3 TIS Operation and Symbology Part One: Section 1 andavoid.”Someofthemorecommonexamplesof these errors follow: • When client or intruder aircraft maneu.
4 TIS Operation and Symbology Part One: Section 1 Own Air craft “Other” T raffic—This symbol r epr esents traffic detected within the selected display range that does not generate a T A. T raffic Advisory (T A)—This symbol is generated when traffic meets the advisory criteria described in TIS Operational Pr oce- dur es.
5 Part One: Section 2 TIS Controls and Display Section 2: Control and Display TIS T raffic Display Status and Pilot Response • STBY — When the 400W/500W displays STBY in the upper right hand corner of the display the TIS system is in standby mode and cannot display traffic data.
6 Part One: Section 2 TIS Controls and Display T raffic Gr ound T r ack T rafcgroundtrackisindicatedinthe 400W/500Wdisplaybya“targettrackvector”,ashort linedisplayedin45°increments, extending in the direction of target movement.
7 TIS Controls and Display Part One: Section 2 Map Page TIS traffic is displayed on the Map Page in addition to the T raffic Page. The Map P age displaying traffic. Configuring TIS T raffic Data on the Map P age T o configure TIS traffic on the Map P age: 1.
8 TIS Controls and Display Part One: Section 2 Highlighting TIS T raffic Using Map P age Panning Another Map Page feature is panning, which allows you to move the map beyond its current limits without adjustingthemapscale.
9 TIS Operational Procedures Part One: Section 3 Section 3: TIS Operational Procedures Introduction TIS warns the user with voice and visual traffic advisories whenever it predicts an intruder to be a threat (see illustration). V oice and visual data are sent fromtheGTX330.
10 TIS Operational Procedures Part One: Section 3 Manual Override The user can manually switch between standby (STBY)andoperating(OPER)modeofoperationto manually override automatic operation. T o place the display into operating mode from the standby mode (to display TIS traffic): 1.
11 XM Radio Introduction Part T wo: Section 1 Part T wo: XM Radio Section 1: Introduction Overview TheGDL69 is a remote sensor that receives broadcastweatherdatafr omadataserviceofXMSat - elliteRadio,Inc.
12 Part T wo: Section 2 XM Weather XM WPT P ages WhenaGDL69orGDL69Aisinstalled,twoXM- relatedpagesareaddedto“airport”pagesintheWPT page group: • T extual MET AR Page .
13 Part T wo: Section 2 XM Weather • Winds Aloft (WINDS). The W inds Aloft selection provides the pilot with wind speed and direction. The winds at a given altitude are selected in the W inds Aloft Alt below the WINDSselection.Theselectedaltitudeis shown along with the product time.
14 Part T wo: Section 2 XM Weather almostcompletecoverageofthecontinentalUnited States,Alaska,andHawaii.Theunobstructedrangeof eachNEXRADisupto250nauticalmiles. When enabled, composite data from all the NEXRADradarsitesintheUnitedStatesisshown.
15 Part T wo: Section 2 XM Weather NEXRAD Intensity Colorsareusedtoidentifythedif ferentNEXRAD echo intensities (reflectivity )measuredindBZ(deci - belsofZ).“Reectivity”istheamountoftransmitted power returned to the radar receiver .
16 Part T wo: Section 2 XM Weather XM W eather Label and NEXRAD Sour ce U.S. XM W eather Label and NEXRAD Sour ce Canada NEXRAD Limitations Certainlimitationsexistregar dingtheNEXRAD radar displays.
17 Part T wo: Section 2 XM Weather T o display MET ARs on the XM W eather page: 1. While viewing the XM Weather page , check the upper left corner to see whether “MET AR” or another weather product is displayed in the upper left corner .
18 Part T wo: Section 2 XM Weather 3. T urn the large or small right knob to move the Map P ointer to highlight an airport with a MET AR flag. 4. Press ENT to display the MET AR text. With “Done?” highlighted, press ENT to return to the map view .
19 Part T wo: Section 2 XM Weather T extual MET AR/T AF Code ThecurrentairportweatherreportsontheT extual MET ARpage(andtheairportweatherforecastsonthe T AFpage,too)usearathercrypticformatoriginally devisedforteleprinters.
20 XM Weather Part T wo: Section 2 3. Press ENT . The first item is the pop-up P age Menu will be “Review TFR?”. 4. Press ENT again to see the TFR Information page . 5. Press ENT when done viewing the TFR Informa - tion page . TheeldsoftheTFRInformationpageareasfol - lows: • T ype .
21 Part T wo: Section 2 XM Weather Cell Movement (CELL MOVE) When enabled, Cell Movement shows the storm cells identified by the ground-based system. The movement is depicted by an arrow . The tip of the arrowr epresentswherethecellisexpectedtobein10 minutes from the time the cell location was deter - mined.
22 Part T wo: Section 3 XM Weather Winds Aloft The W inds Aloft selection provides the pilot with agraphicdisplayofpredictedwindsatanyoneof15 selectable altitudes. The winds at a given altitude are selected in the W inds Aloft Alt selection.
23 Winds Aloft Altitude The W inds Aloft Altitude selection provides the pilot with the ability to select any wind altitude from the ground up to 42,000 feet in 3,000 foot incr ements. When no data are shown at a given altitude, the data for that altitude has not been received.
24 audioID,becausetheGDL69isadata-only receiver .) • Audio Signal . The Audio Signal field indicates thesignalstrengthoftheGDL69A ’ saudio signal.(InthecaseofaGDL69,thiseldshows “antenna”ratherthanasignalstrengthindica - tion.
25 Each of these time stamps is a date-time group in “DDHHMMZ”format,where: • DD is the day of the month • HH is the hour of the day • MM is the minute of the h.
26 TheXMAudiopageallowsyoutocontrolthe functionsoftheXMAudioreceiverintheGDL69A, such as, category and channel selection, artist selection, and volume. Pressing the MENU key displays the Page Menu selections.
27 Part T wo: Section 4 XM Audio XM Audio Menu TheXMAudioMenuprovideschoicesforselecting a channel, displaying the channel, artist, or title, enabling audio output, and controlling the volume. 1. While viewing the XM Audio page , press the MENU k ey .
28 Part T wo: Section 4 XM Audio Enter Channel Number Y oumaydirectlyselectaspecicchannelbyusing the“EnterChannelNumber”itemfromthePage Menu. 1. While viewing the XM Audio page , press the MENU k ey .
29 Part T wo: Section 4 XM Audio Display Artist In List The name of the artists in the range of displayed channels can be shown in the middle pane by using the“DisplayArtistInList”itemfromthePageMenu. 1. While viewing the XM Audio page , press the MENU k ey .
30 Part T wo: Section 4 XM Audio Enable/Mute Audio Output The Enable/Mute Audio Output selection of the Page Menu allows you to toggle the audio output On or Off. When Audio Output is muted, a gr een slash will cross over the music symbol in the song pane.
31 Part Three: Section 1 T AWS Introduction Part Thr ee: T AWS Interface Section 1: Introduction NO TE: GNS 530W units may display a TERRAIN P age, a T AWS P age , or neither , (but not both) depending upon the installed hardw are and configuration.
32 Part Three: Section 1 T AWS Operation Section 2: T AWS Operation T AWS Alerting T A WS uses information pr ovided from the GPS receivertopr ovideahorizontalpositionandaltitude. GPS altitude is derived from satellite measur ements.
33 Part Three: Section 2 T AWS Operation T o display the T A WS Page, select the NA V group and turn the small right knobuntiltheT A WSPage is displayed. T errain information, aircraft gr ound track,andGPS-derivedMSLaltitudearedisplayed on the page.
34 Part Three: Section 2 T AWS Operation TERRAINconguredunitswillrestor ethe“inhibit state”atstartuptothelastpilot-selectedsetting.T A WS configured units will always start up with T A WS alerts uninhibited.
35 Part Three: Section 2 T AWS Operation T AWS Symbols The symbols and colors in the following figure and table are used to repr esent obstacles and potential impact points on the T A WS Page. T A WS uses yellow (caution) and red (warning) to depict terrain information relative to aircraft altitude.
36 Part Three: Section 2 T AWS Operation General Database Information Garmin T A WS uses terrain and obstacle informa- tion supplied by government sources. The data under - goes verification by Garmin to confirm accuracy of thecontent,perTSO-C151b.
37 Part Three: Section 2 T AWS Operation Database Updates T errain/obstacle databases are updated periodi- cally with the latest terrain and obstacle data. Visit the Garminwebsitetocheckfornewerversionsofterrain/ obstacle databases.
38 Part Three: Section 2 T AWS Alerts Section 3: T AWS Alerts Alerts are issued when flight conditions meet parameters that are set within T A WS software algorithms. T A WS alerts typically employ either a CAUTION or a W ARNING alert severity level, or both.
39 Part Three: Section 3 T AWS Alerts WARNING— Estimated potential impact in appr oximately 15 seconds after alert and annunciation. FL T A warning alerts are accompanied by the aural message “ T errain, T errain; Pull Up, Pull Up ” or “ T er rain Ahead, Pull Up; T er rain Ahead, Pull Up ”.
40 Part Three: Section 3 T AWS Alerts Excessive Descent Rate Alert (EDR) ThepurposeoftheExcessiveDescentRatealert is to provide suitable notification when the air craft is determined to be closing (descending) upon terrain atanexcessivespeed.
41 Part Three: Section 3 T AWS Alerts Negative Climb Rate After T akeoff Alert (NCR) ThepurposeoftheNegativeClimbRateAfter T akeoffalert(alsoreferr edtoas“A.
42 Part Three: Section 3 T AWS Alerts “Five-Hundred” Aur al Alert The purpose of the aural alert message “Five-Hun- dr ed” is to pr ovide an advisor y alert to the pilot that the aircraft is five-hundr ed feet above terrain.
43 Part Three: Section 3 T AWS Alerts T A WS Alerts Summary TA W S Annunciation P op-Up Alert Aural Message Description None “T AWS System F ailure” T AWS has failed None None TERRAIN has been inh.
44 Part Three: Section 3 T AWS Alerts Pilot Actions If a T A WS warning and associated aural are received, the pilot should immediately respond to the aural and pullupwithmaximumpoweran.
©2009GarminLtd.oritssubsidiaries Garmin International, Inc. 1200East151stStreet,Olathe,Kansas66062,U.S.A. Garmin A T , Inc. 2345T urnerRd.,S.E.,Salem,Oregon97302,U.S.A. Garmin(Europe)Ltd.
デバイスGarmin GTX 330の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Garmin GTX 330をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGarmin GTX 330の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Garmin GTX 330の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Garmin GTX 330で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Garmin GTX 330を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGarmin GTX 330の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Garmin GTX 330に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGarmin GTX 330デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。