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S er vic e Guide Gatewa y M350 Notebook.
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i Contents Replacing Gateway M350 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Identifying the no tebook model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Identifying compon ents . . .
1 Replacing Gate wa y M350 Components Use this service guide to help plan your mai ntenance tasks for the Gateway M350 notebook. All tasks covered in this guide can be p erformed by an authorized field technician without jeopardizing the notebook’ s warranty .
2 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com Identifying th e notebook model The label on the bottom o f the notebook contains information tha t identifies the notebook model and its features. Wa r n i n g It is impor tant tha t you use the correct ser vice gu ide f or the noteboo k.
3 Ident ifying comp onents www .gatewa y .com Identifying components Where screw measurements are shown, the first numb er indicates screw head width, and the sec ond number indicates screw length. Use this chart to identify the main components of the notebook.
4 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com Preparing y our work space Before performing maintenanc e on the notebook, make sure that your work space and the notebo ok are correctly prepared. ■ W ear a groundin g (ESD) wrist strap , and use a groun ded or dissipative work mat.
5 Preve nting stat ic ele ctricity discharge www .gatewa y .com Pre venting static electricity disc harge The components inside the notebook are extremely sensitive to static electricity , also known as electro static dis charge (ESD) . Before replacing components, follow these guidelines: ■ T urn off the notebook.
6 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com Before working with notebook co mponents, follow these guidelines: ■ A void static-causing surfaces such as carpeted floors, plastic, and pack ing foam. ■ R e m o v e c o m p o n e n t s f r o m t h e i r a n t i s t a t i c b a g s o n l y w h e n y o u a r e r e a d y to use them.
7 Removing th e battery www .gatewa y .com Remo ving the batter y T o remove the battery: 1 Disconnect the AC adapter and modem and ne twork cables and prepare the notebook by following the instructions in “Preparing th e notebook” on page 6 . 2 T urn the notebook over so the bottom is facing up.
8 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 4 Lift the battery out of the ba y ..
9 Replac ing the h ard driv e kit www .gatewa y .com Replacing the har d drive kit T ools y ou need to complete this tas k: Screws removed d uring this t ask: Phillip s #0 scre wdriv er 2 chrome 2.
10 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com T o replace the hard drive kit: 1 Disconnect the AC adapter and modem and ne twork cables and prepare the notebook by following the instructions in “Preparing th e notebook” on page 6 . 2 T urn the notebook over so the bottom is facing up.
11 Replac ing the h ard driv e kit www .gatewa y .com 5 Slide the old hard drive kit away from the connector . 6 Lift the end of the hard drive kit furt hest from the connector , then remove the kit from the bay .
12 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 7 Place the new hard drive kit into the bay and slide it into the connector . 8 Replace the screws that secure the hard drive kit to the notebook.
13 Replaci ng the hard d rive in the hard dr ive kit www .gatewa y .com Replacing the har d drive in the har d drive kit T ools y ou need to complete this tas k: Screws removed d uring this t ask: T o.
14 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 5 Remove the four screws that secure the hard drive to the hard drive kit bracket. 6 Remove the bracket from the old drive. 7 Insert the new drive into the bracket so the screw holes line up. 8 Replace the four screws that secure the bracket to the drive.
15 Replaci ng the hard d rive in the hard dr ive kit www .gatewa y .com 9 Slide the new hard drive kit into the notebook. 10 Replace the screws that secure the hard drive kit to the notebook.
16 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com Replacing the optical drive T ools y ou need to complete t his task: Screws removed d uring this t ask: T o replace the hard driv e in the ha.
17 Replacin g the optica l drive www .gatewa y .com 4 Remove the two optical drive screws. 5 Slide the old drive out o f your notebook. Tips & T ric ks T o make rem oving the o ptical driv e eas ier , insert a strai ghtened pape rclip into the manu al eject hole on the optical drive .
18 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 6 Slide the new drive into your notebook. 7 Replace t he two optical drive screws..
19 Replacin g the keybo ard c over www .gatewa y .com Replacing the ke yboar d co ver T ools y ou need to complete this tas k: T o replace the keyboard cover: 1 Disconnect the AC adapter and modem and ne twork cables and prepare the notebook by following the instructions in “Preparing th e notebook” on page 6 .
20 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 6 Insert the small flat-b lade screwdri ve r or non-marring tool under the bottom right c orner of the keyboa rd cover and gently pry it up. Important Inserting a piece of cloth betw een the scr ewdriv er and ke yboard and notebook case wil l help pre vent d amage to the noteboo k.
21 Replacin g the keybo ard c over www .gatewa y .com 7 Pull the cover off the no tebook. Y ou will hea r small snapping sounds as the cover comes away from the notebook. Be careful not to break off the tabs found on th e left end of the cover . 8 Slide the two tabs on the left end of the new cover under the notebook frame.
22 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 9 Press down on the cover in several places until it clicks in place. The cover is correctly mo unted when you can run you finger a long the cover and find no loose spot s. The cover should be flat all the way across.
23 Replaci ng the key board www .gatewa y .com Replacing the ke yboar d T ools y ou need to complete this tas k: Screws removed d uring this t ask: T o replace the keyboard: 1 Disconnect the AC adapter and modem and ne twork cables and prepare the notebook by following the instructions in “Preparing th e notebook” on page 6 .
24 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 6 Remove the four keyboard screws that secure the keyboard to the notebook. 7 Lift the back edge of the keyboa rd slightly , then carefully slide the keyboar d back until the four ta bs on the front edge of the keyboard are free from their slots.
25 Replaci ng the key board www .gatewa y .com 8 Slowly rotate the keyboard toward you so it lies keys -down on to p of the notebook. Be ca reful not to damage the LCD panel. 9 Carefully insert the sma ll flat-blade screwdriver between the keyboard cable and the black plastic hin ge where the cable c onnects to the system board.
26 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 11 V erify the black plastic hinge on the system board keyboard connec tor is in the raised position. 12 Insert the end of the keyboard cable between the black plastic hinge a nd the white connector .
27 Replaci ng the key board www .gatewa y .com 17 Replace the four keyboard screws. 18 Reassemble the notebook. Screws.
28 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com Ad ding or replacing memor y modules Addi ng or replacing memory in the memory bay T ools y ou need to complete t his task: Important Use only memory module s designed f or the Gate wa y M350 .
29 Adding o r replaci ng memo ry modules www .gatewa y .com T o add or replace memory modules: 1 Disconnect the AC adapter and modem and ne twork cables and prepare the notebook by following the instructions in “Preparing th e notebook” on page 6 .
30 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 5 If you are removin g a module, gen tly press outward on the clip at each end of the memory module until the module tilts upward. 6 Pull the me mory module out of the slot. 7 Hold the new or replacement module at a 30-degree angle and pre ss it into the empty memor y slot.
31 Adding o r replaci ng memo ry modules www .gatewa y .com Replacing memor y under the ke yboar d T ools y ou need to complete this tas k: Screws removed d uring this t ask: T o replace memory module.
32 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 6 Remove the keyboard cover by following the ins tructions in “Replacing the keyboa rd cover ” on page 19 . 7 Open the keyboard compartment by following th e instructions in “Replacin g the keyboard” o n page 2 3 .
33 Adding o r replaci ng memo ry modules www .gatewa y .com 11 Gently push the module down until i t clicks in place. 12 Reassemble the notebook..
34 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com Replacing the IEEE 802.11 Mini PCI car d T ools you need to complete this tas k: Screws removed d uring this t ask: T o replace the IEEE 802.
35 Replacin g the IEE E 802.11 Mi ni PC I card www .gatewa y .com 6 Remove the keyboard cover by following the ins tructions in “Replacing the keyboa rd cover ” on page 19 . 7 Open the keyboard compartment by following th e instructions in “Replacin g the keyboard” o n page 2 3 .
36 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 9 Move the antenna wires out of the way , then press outward on the clip at each side of the module until th e module tilts upward.
37 Replacin g the IEE E 802.11 Mi ni PC I card www .gatewa y .com 11 Hold the new mo dule at a 30-degree a ngle and press it into the empty slot. This module is keyed so it can only be inserted in one direction. If the module does not fit, make sure that the notc h in the module lines up with the tab in the module slot.
38 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com Replacing the cool ing assembl y T ools you need to complete this tas k: T o replace the cooling as sembly: 1 Disconnect the AC adapter and modem and ne twork cables and prepare the notebook by following the instructions in “Preparing th e notebook” on page 6 .
39 Repla cing the c ooling as sembly www .gatewa y .com 6 Loosen the five captive screws that secure the cooling assembly to the notebook. These screws cannot be remo ved.
40 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 10 Remove a ny therma l grease residue that may remain on t he processor from the old cooling assem bly . The residue can be re moved using Isopropyl Alcohol, Acetone, or T oluen e and a lint free cloth.
41 Replacin g the hinge c overs www .gatewa y .com Replacing the hinge co vers T ools you need to complete t his task: Screws removed d uring this t ask: T o replace the hinge cov ers: 1 Disconnect the AC adapter and modem and ne twork cables and prepare the notebook by following the instructions in “Preparing th e notebook” on page 6 .
42 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 6 Open the keyboard compartment by following th e instructions in “Replacin g the keyboard” o n page 2 3 . 7 Open the LCD pan el all the way . 8 Remove the hinge cove r screws for the cover you are repl acing.
43 Replacin g the hinge c overs www .gatewa y .com 9 Insert the small flat-b lade screwdri ve r or non-marring tool under the bottom of th e hinge cover , then carefully pry it up. Press down o n the two plastic screw tab s while you pry . 10 Snap the new co ver into place over th e hinge.
44 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 11 Replace the hinge cover scre ws. 12 Reassemble the notebook..
45 Replacin g the LCD p anel ass embly www .gatewa y .com Replacing the LCD panel assemb ly T ools you need to complete t his task: Screws removed d uring this t ask: T o replace the LCD panel ass emb.
46 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 6 Open the keyboard compartment by following th e instructions in “Replacin g the keyboard” o n page 2 3 . 7 If the notebook has IEEE 802.11 wireless networking built in, detach the two antenna cables.
47 Replacin g the LCD p anel ass embly www .gatewa y .com 10 Remove the four hinge screws that secure the LCD panel to the notebook. Note the location of the LCD panel grounding wires attached to one of the left and right h inge screws. 11 Lift the LCD pan el assembly away from the notebook.
48 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com Replacing the palm rest assembl y T ools you need to complete this tas k: Screws removed d uring this t ask: Flat-b lade driv er Scribe or non -marring tool - OR - Phillips #0 scre wdriv er 4 black 2.
49 Replacin g the palm r est ass embly www .gatewa y .com T o replace the palm rest assembly: 1 Disconnect the AC adapter and modem and ne twork cables and prepare the notebook by following the instructions in “Preparing th e notebook” on page 6 .
50 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 10 T urn the notebook over , then remove the thirteen screws on the bottom of the notebook. Important The three shor ter scre ws fit into th e battery ba y .
51 Replacin g the palm r est ass embly www .gatewa y .com 11 T urn the notebook over , then remove the seven screws on the top of the notebook. 12 Remove t he four screws on the back of the notebook. Important The chro me scre w fits in the silve r EMI shield.
52 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 13 Carefully insert the sma ll flat-blade screwdriver between the touchpad cable and the black plastic hinge where the cable connects to the system board. Gently lift the hinge off the cable. The ca ble is now free.
53 Replacin g the palm r est ass embly www .gatewa y .com 18 Insert the end of the touchpad cable between the black pla stic hinge and the white connector . 19 Pre ss th e bl ac k pla sti c hi nge on to th e to uc hpa d ca ble . 20 Reassemble the notebook.
54 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com Replacing the diskette drive T ools you need to complete this tas k: Screws removed d uring this t ask: Flat-b lade driv er Scribe or non -marring tool - OR - Phillips #0 scre wdriv er 4 black 2.
55 Repl acing t he disk ette drive www .gatewa y .com T o replace the disk ette drive: 1 Disconnect the AC adapter and modem and ne twork cables and prepare the notebook by following the instructions in “Preparing th e notebook” on page 6 . 2 T urn the notebook over so the bottom is facing up.
56 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 10 Remove the three screws that secure the diskette drive to the notebook . Scre ws Scre w.
57 Repl acing t he disk ette drive www .gatewa y .com 11 Carefully insert the sma ll flat-blade screwdriver between the diskette drive cable and the black plastic hin ge where the cable c onnects to the system board. Gently lift the hinge off the cable.
58 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com Replacing the memory car d reader T ools you need to complete this tas k: Screws removed d uring this t ask: Flat-b lade driv er Scribe or non -marring tool - OR - Phillips #0 scre wdriv er 4 black 2.
59 Replac ing the memo ry card r eader www .gatewa y .com T o replace the memor y card reader : 1 Disconnect the AC adapter and modem and ne twork cables and prepare the notebook by following the instructions in “Preparing th e notebook” on page 6 .
60 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 10 Remove the three screws that secure the memory card rea der to the notebook. Screws Screw.
61 Replac ing the memo ry card r eader www .gatewa y .com 11 Unplug the card reader cable from the system board. 12 Connect the new card reader cable into the system board. 13 Replace the three screws that secure the card reade r to the notebook. 14 Reassemble the notebook.
62 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com Replacing the modem T ools you need to complete this tas k: Screws removed d uring this t ask: Flat-b lade driv er Scribe or non -marring tool - OR - Phillips #0 scre wdriv er 4 black 2. 5 × 5 mm (hinge cov ers) 4 chrome 2.
63 Replacing th e modem www .gatewa y .com T o replace the modem: 1 Disconnect the AC adapter and modem and ne twork cables and prepare the notebook by following the instructions in “Preparing th e notebook” on page 6 . 2 T urn the notebook over so the bottom is facing up.
64 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 12 T urn the modem over , then unplug the modem c able from the modem. 13 Connect th e modem cable into the new mod em. 14 Align the mo dem’ s screw holes with the hol es on the notebook, then press the modem in to place.
65 Replaci ng the CMO S battery www .gatewa y .com Replacing the CMOS batter y T ools you need to complete t his task: Screws removed d uring this t ask: Flat-b lade driv er Scribe or non -marring tool - OR - Phillips #0 scre wdriv er 4 black 2. 5 × 5 mm (hinge cov ers) 4 chrome 2.
66 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com T o replace the CMOS batter y: 1 Disconnect the AC adapter and modem and ne twork cables and prepare the notebook by following the instructions in “Preparing th e notebook” on page 6 . 2 T urn the notebook over so the bottom is facing up.
67 Replaci ng the CMO S battery www .gatewa y .com 10 Locate the old battery on the system board. 11 Insert the small fla t-blade screwdrive r or non-marrin g tool under the old battery and gently pry it up unt il it pops out of the socket.
68 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com Replacing the system boar d T ools you need to complete this tas k: Flat-b lade drive r Scribe or non-marring to ol - OR - Phillips # 0 scre wdriver 5.
69 Replacing th e system board www .gatewa y .com Screws remo ved duri ng this task: 4 blac k 2.5 × 5 mm (hinge covers) 4 chrome 2.5 × 6 mm (LCD panel hinges) 4 chrome 2.5 × 2.5 m m (ke yboard) 10 chrome 2.5 × 6 mm (bottom, palm rest) 3 chrome 2.5 × 3.
70 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com T o replace the sy stem board: 1 Disconnect the AC adapter and modem and ne twork cables and prepare the notebook by following the instructions in “Preparing th e notebook” on page 6 . 2 Identify the correct system bo ard installed in the notebook.
71 Replacing th e system board www .gatewa y .com 6 Remove the optical drive by following the instructions in “Replaci ng the optical drive” on p age 16 . 7 Remove the bottom memory modu le by following the in structions in “Adding or replacing memory in the memory bay” on page 28 .
72 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 19 Unplug the speakers from the system board (one conne ctor). 20 Unplug the a udio board from the system board.
73 Replacing th e system board www .gatewa y .com 21 Unplug the front LED panel from the system board. 22 Remove the four hex nuts o n the rear I/O panel.
74 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 23 Remove the seven system board screws and the two system board hex nuts. 24 Remove the system board. Make sure that the rear I/O panel clears the bottom of the chassis and the side audio jacks clear th e bottom of the chassis.
75 Replacing th e system board www .gatewa y .com 25 Use a flat-blade screwdriver to tu rn the processor lock screw ¼-turn counter-clo ckwise, then remo ve the p rocessor from the old system board.
76 Replacing G ateway M3 50 Compo nents www .gatewa y .com 27 Place the new system board into the notebo ok. 28 Replace the seven system board screws from the holes marked 5, 6, 14, 17, 18, 19, and 20; the long hex nut from the hole marked 2; and the short hex nut from the h ole marked 11.
デバイスGateway M350の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Gateway M350をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGateway M350の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Gateway M350の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Gateway M350で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Gateway M350を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGateway M350の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Gateway M350に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGateway M350デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。