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489 Generator Management Relay COMMUNICATIONS GUIDE Software R evision: 3.00 GE Publication Code: GEK -10 6495A GE Multilin Part Number: 1601-0149-A2 Copyright © 2004 GE Multilin GE Multilin 215 Anderson A venue, Markham, Ontario Canada L6E 1B3 T el: (905) 294-6222 F ax: (905) 201-2098 Internet: http://www .
489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind i GE Multilin T able of Contents MODBUS PROTOCOL Electrical Interfa ce ............................ ............................ ........................ ........................... .....
Table of Contents 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin ii GE Multilin.
Modbus Protocol 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 1 GE Multilin 489 Communications Guide GE Publication Code: GEK-106495A GE Multilin Part Number: 1601-0149-A2 Copyright .
Modbus Protocol 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 2 GE Multilin Data Packet Format A complete request/response sequence cons ists of the following bytes (transmitted as separate data fr ames): 1.
Modbus Functions 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 3 GE Multilin CRC-16 Algorithm Once the following algorithm is complete, the working register “ A ” will contain the CRC value to be tr ansmitted. Note that this algorithm requires the characteristic polynomial to be reverse bit ordered.
Modbus Functions 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 4 GE Multilin Function Codes 03/04: Read Setpoints / Actual Va l u e s Modbus implementation: Read Input and Holding R.
Modbus Functions 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 5 GE Multilin Function Code 05: Execute Operation Modbus Implementation: Force Single Coil 489 Implementation: Execute Oper ation This function code allows the master to request specific 489 command operations.
Modbus Functions 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 6 GE Multilin Function Code 07: Read Device Status Modbus Implementation: Read Exception Status 489 Implementation: Read Devi ce Status This function reads the selected device status.
Modbus Functions 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 7 GE Multilin Function Code 16: Store Multiple Setpoints Modbus Implementation: Preset Mu ltiple Registers 489 Implementation: Store Multiple Setpoints This function code allows mult iple Setp oints to be stored into the 489 memory .
Modbus Functions 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 8 GE Multilin Function Code 16: Performing Commands Some PLCs may not support execution of commands usi ng function code 5 but do support storing multiple setpoints using func tion code 16.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 9 GE Multilin Modbus Memory Map Memory Map Information The data stored in the 489 is grouped as Setpoints and Actual V alues. Setpoints can be read and written by a master computer .
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 10 GE Multilin Each communications port can individually select the ID number of the event of interest by writing address 3003h. This wa y the front port, rear port and auxiliary port can read different event s from the event recor der simultaneously .
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 11 GE Multilin 489 Memory Map The 489 memory ma p is shown in the following table.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 12 GE Multilin 023D Reactiv e Power Mvar Pretrip –2000000 to 2000000 1 Mvar F13 0 023F Apparent Power MV A Pretrip .
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 13 GE Multilin 029E RTD #3 Pickup 0 to 4 1 – F123 0 029F RTD #4 Pickup 0 to 4 1 – F123 0 02A0 RTD #5 Pickup 0 to 4.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 14 GE Multilin 0320 RTD #12 Pickup 0 to 4 1 – F123 0 0321 Open Sensor Pickup 0 to 4 1 – F1 23 0 0322 Short/Low T .
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 15 GE Multilin 0421 Phase B Current Angle 0 to 359 1 ° F1 0 0422 Phase C Current Angle 0 to 359 1 ° F1 0 0423 Phase .
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 16 GE Multilin 04AC RTD #11 T emperature –52 to 251 1 °C F4 –52 04AD RTD #12 T emperature –52 to 251 1 °C F4 .
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 17 GE Multilin 0643 RTD #4 Maximum T emperature (F ahrenheit) –52 to 251 1 °F F4 –52 0644 RTD #5 Maximum T empera.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 18 GE Multilin 07A1 Number Of Thermal Resets 0 to 50000 1 – F1 0 MAINTENANCE / TRIP COUNTERS 07A2 Loss Of Excitatio.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 19 GE Multilin 1138 Clear Breaker Information 0 to 1 1 – F103 0 SYSTEM SETUP / CURRENT SEN SING 1180 Phase CT Primar.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 20 GE Multilin 1242 Assign T rip Relays (1-4) 0 to 3 1 – F5 0 1 1243 General Input B T rip Delay 1 to 50000 1 s F2 .
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 21 GE Multilin 12B2 Input Name 0 to 12 1 – F22 _ 12B8 Block Input From Online 0 to 5000 1 s F1 0 12B9 Gener al Input.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 22 GE Multilin 13A2 T achometer Alarm 0 to 2 1 – F115 0 13A3 Assign Alarm Relays (2-5) 1 to 4 1 – F50 16 13A4 T a.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 23 GE Multilin 160E FlexCurve™ T rip Time at 1.80 × PU 0 to 65535 1 ms F1 65535 160F FlexCurve™ T rip Time at 1.90 × PU 0 to 65535 1 ms F1 65535 1610 FlexCurve™ T rip Time at 2.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 24 GE Multilin 1643 FlexCurve™ T rip Time at 11.5 × PU 0 to 65535 1 ms F1 65535 1644 FlexCurve™ T rip Time at 12.0 × PU 0 to 65535 1 ms F1 65535 1645 FlexCurve™ T rip Time at 12.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 25 GE Multilin 1733 FlexCurve™ T rip Time at 1.90 × PU 0 to 65535 1 ms F1 65535 1734 FlexCurve™ T rip Time at 2.00 × PU 0 to 65535 1 ms F1 65535 1735 FlexCurve™ T rip Time at 2.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 26 GE Multilin 1768 FlexCurve™ T rip Time at 12.0 × PU 0 to 65535 1 ms F1 65535 1769 FlexCurve™ T rip Time at 12.5 × PU 0 to 65535 1 ms F1 65535 176A FlexCurve™ T rip Time at 13.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 27 GE Multilin 2009 Undervoltage Curve R eset Rate 0 to 9999 1 s F2 14 200A Undervoltage Curve Element 0 to 1 1 – F2.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 28 GE Multilin 20A9 Overfrequency T r ip Level 1 2501 to 7000 1 Hz F3 6050 20AA Overfrequency T rip Delay 1 1 to 5000.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 29 GE Multilin 213A Zone 2 Angle 50 to 85 1 ° F1 75 213B Zone 2 T rip Delay 0 to 1500 1 s F2 20 POWER ELEMENTS / REAC.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 30 GE Multilin 2428 RTD #1 T rip T emperature 1 to 250 1 °C F1 155 2429 RTD #1 Name 0 to 8 1 – F22 _ RTD TEMPERATU.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 31 GE Multilin 2566 RTD #6 T rip V oting 1 to 12 1 – F1 22 6 2567 Assign T rip Relays (1-4) 0 to 3 1 – F50 1 2568 .
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 32 GE Multilin 26A4 RTD #11 Alarm Events 0 to 1 1 – F105 0 26A5 RTD #11 T rip 0 to 2 1 – F115 0 26A6 RTD #11 T ri.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 33 GE Multilin 282A Time to T rip at 3.75 × FLA 5 to 999999 1 s F10 5 282C Time to T rip at 4.00 × FLA 5 to 999999 1 s F10 5 282E Time to T rip at 4.25 × FLA 5 to 999999 1 s F10 5 2830 Time to T rip at 4.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 34 GE Multilin 2A65 Current Demand Alarm Events 0 to 1 1 A F105 0 MONITORING / MW DEMAN D 2A70 MW Demand Period 5 to .
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 35 GE Multilin 2B0F Averaged Gener ator Load Maximum 0 to 2000 1 × FLA F3 125 2B10 Hottest Stator RTD Minimum – 50 .
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 36 GE Multilin 2B48 Analog Input 2 Minimum –50000 to 50000 1 Units F12 0 2B4A Analog Input 2 M aximum –500 00 to .
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 37 GE Multilin 2C58 Analog Input 2 T r ip Pickup 0 to 1 1 – F130 0 2C59 Analog Input 2 T r ip Delay 1 to 3000 1 s F2.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 38 GE Multilin 2D2A Pre-Fault S ystem Frequency 50 to 900 1 Hz F2 600 2D2B Pre-Fault An alog Input 1 0 to 100 1 % F1 .
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 39 GE Multilin 3017 Ground Current 0 to 20000000 1 A F14 0 3019 A-B V oltage 0 to 50000 1 Volts F1 0 301A B-C Voltage .
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 40 GE Multilin Memory Map Data Formats The data formats used in the Mo dbus memory map are shown below .
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 41 GE Multilin F100 Unsigned 16 bit integer TEMPEATURE D ISPLAY UNITS 0C e l s i u s 1 F ahrenheit FC101 Unsigned 16 b.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 42 GE Multilin F127 Unsigned 16 bit integer ANALOG OUTPUT PARAMETER SELECTION 0N o n e 1 IA Output Current 2 IB Outpu.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 43 GE Multilin F134 ctd. 16 Not Used 17 Not Used 18 Not Used 19 Not Used 20 Differential T rip 21 Acceleration T rip 2.
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 44 GE Multilin F134 ctd. 122 Input C Control 123 Input D Control 124 Input E Control 125 Input F Control 126 Input G .
Modbus Memory Map 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 45 GE Multilin F208 Unsigned 16 bit integer UNDERVOLTAGE TRIP ELEMENT T YPE 0C u r v e 1 Definite Time F209 Unsigned 1.
DNP Protocol 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 46 GE Multilin DNP Pr otocol Device Pr ofile Document The communications port configured as a DNP slav e port must support the full set of features listed in the Level 2 DNP V3.
DNP Protocol 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 47 GE Multilin Implementation T able The table below gives a list of all objects recognized and returned by the relay .
DNP Protocol 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 48 GE Multilin Default V ariations The following table specifies the defau lt va ri ation for all objects return ed by the relay . These are the v ariations that will be ret urned for the object in a response when no specific v ariation is specified in a request.
DNP Point Lists 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 49 GE Multilin DNP Point Lists Binary Input / Binary Input Change (Objects 01/02) The poin t list fo r Binary Inpu ts (O.
DNP Point Lists 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 50 GE Multilin Any detected change in the state of any point assigned to Class 1 will cause the gener ation of an event object.
DNP Point Lists 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 51 GE Multilin Binary / Control Relay Output Block (Objects 10/12) The following restrictions should be noted when using object 12 to control the points listed above: 1. The Count field is checked first.
DNP Point Lists 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 52 GE Multilin Binary / Froze n Counter (Objects 20/21) The counters cannot be cleared with the Freeze /Clear functi on codes (9/10). Instead, the control relay output block points can be used to clear groups of counters.
DNP Point Lists 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 53 GE Multilin Analog Input / Input Change (Objects 30/32) In the following tabl e, the Format column indicates that the a ssociated data point format is determined by the entry in Data Formats on page 40.
DNP Point Lists 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 54 GE Multilin 35 F1 La st T rip Ambient RT D Class 1 Note 3 36 F4 Last T rip Hottest Ambient RTD T emperature (°C) Cl.
DNP Point Lists 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind 55 GE Multilin 74 F1 Third Harmonic Neutral V oltage (volts) Class 2 Note 10 75 F10 Third Harmonic Neutral V oltage (ten.
DNP Point Lists 489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin 56 GE Multilin TABLE NOTES: 1. Unless otherwise spec ified, an event obje ct will be gener ated for a p oint if the current value of the point changes by an amount greater than or equal to two percent of its previous v alue.
489 Communications Guide http://www .GEind i GE Multilin Index A ANALOG INP UTS DNP point list ................................................................ 2-5 3 B BAUD RATE ....................................................
489 Communications Guide http://www .GEindus /multilin ii GE Multilin T TIMING .............................................................................. 2-3 TRACE MEMORY ............................................................. 2-10 U USER DEFINABLE MEMORY MAP .
デバイスGE 1601-0149-A2の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
GE 1601-0149-A2をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGE 1601-0149-A2の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。GE 1601-0149-A2の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。GE 1601-0149-A2で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
GE 1601-0149-A2を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGE 1601-0149-A2の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、GE 1601-0149-A2に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGE 1601-0149-A2デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。