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Hardware M anual for the HE500TIU050 HE500TIU100 IC300TIU101 HE500TIU102 HE500TIU103 HE500TIU110 IC300TIU111 HE500TIU112 HE500TIU113 HE500TIU200 IC300TIU201 HE500TIU202 HE500TIU203 A nd Sm artStack Mo.
PREF A CE 06 A pr 2000 P A GE 3 GF K-1819 Warnings , C aut ions , an d N otes as Used in this Publi cation Warni n g n ot i ces are used in thi s publi cat i on to emph as ize that hazard ous voltag e.
PA GE 4 06 A pr 2000 PRE FAC E GF K-1819 A BOUT PROGRAMMI NG EX AMPLES Any ex am pl e program s and program segm ent s in this manual or pro vi ded on acco m pany i ng diskett es are inc luded solely f o r ill ustr ativ e purposes.
PREF A CE 06 A p r 2000 PA GE 5 GF K-1819 T A BLE OF CONT EN T S ABOU T PR OGRAM MIN G EX AMPLE S ....................................................................................................4 DEC L ARA TION OF EMC CON FORM ITY.................
PA GE 6 06 A pr 2000 PRE FAC E GF K-1819 7.1 .2 Dis p lay Te s t ......................................................................................................................35 7.1. 3 K ey boar d T es t .......................................
CH.1: I N TRO DUCTION 06 A p r 2000 PAGE 7 GF K-1819 CHAPT ER 1: IN T RODUCTION 1.1 Sco pe The O per ator Stati on (TI U050/10X/11X/20X) is an O per at or Stati on (OS) t hat prov i des e xt ens iv e m oni t or ing and c ontrol in an extrem ely small package.
PA GE 8 06 A pr 2000 CH. 1: INTRODUCTIO N GF K-1819 HE500TIU113 -01 HE500TIU113 -02 8 Line s x 20 C h aracters plus 128 x 6 4 pixe ls with Dev i ceNet Net w or k . 8 Line s x 20 C h aracters plus 128 x 6 4 pixe ls with Dev i ceNet Net w or k and Re al Time Clock .
CH.1: I N TRO DUCTION 06 A p r 2000 PAGE 9 GF K-1819 A n i m a t e d B i t m a p s N oN oN oS t a n d a r d Al ar m s and St at us pages Stan d ar d Standar d Standar d Stan d ard Num eri c keys St an.
PA GE 10 06 Apr 2000 CH. 1: INT RODUCTIO N GF K-1819 3. PC to TI U Programmi ng Cable HE693CBL232 or equiv alent See Chapt er on Co mmuni cations.
CH.1: I N TRO DUCTION 06 A p r 2000 PAGE 1 1 GF K-1819 1.3 T echnical Specificat ions T a bl e 1.2 – Techn ical Sp ecificatio ns Parameter Conditions Mi n .
PA GE 12 06 Apr 2000 CH. 1: INT RODUCTIO N GF K-1819 1.4 Up grade Revi s ion Sof tware & Fi rmw are 1.4. 1 Scope To avail of any new f eat ur es that are included in t his new release on unit s that were purchased pr ev i ous to t hi s rel eas e, bot h s oft ware and f i rmware requi r e updati ng by the user.
CH.1: I N TRO DUCTION 06 A p r 2000 PAGE 1 3 GF K-1819.
PA GE 14 06 Apr 2000 CH. 1: INT RODUCTIO N GF K-1819 NOT ES.
CH.2: TI U050 06 Apr 2000 PAGE 15 GF K-1819 CHAPT ER 2: TIU050 2.1 Sco pe The TIU050 i s a 2 line t ext onl y displ ay t er mi na l. T he har dware descri pt ion is detail ed in t h is chapt er . 2.2 T IU050 Button S electi on Actions a) PAUSE key select s data f or ed i ti ng OR exit s fr om data editi ng.
PA GE 16 06 Apr 2000 CH. 2: TIU 050 GF K-1819 2.4 T IU050 Port s 2.4. 1 TIU050 Configur ation of t he RS-485 Port The confi gurati on bank (sho wn in Fi gure 2.
CH.2: TI U050 06 Apr 2000 PAGE 17 GF K-1819 Pull-up and Pull -dow n swit c hes are used t o incr ease the si gnal l ev el on the RS- 485 bus. T h is i s usef ul if there i s a long bus and a signif i cant am ount of att enuati on is antici pat ed. Te r m in a t i o n resistance of 120 Ω m ust be plac ed ac r oss each end of the RS- 485 bus.
PA GE 18 06 Apr 2000 CH. 2: TIU 050 GF K-1819 NOT ES.
CH. 3: TI U100/101/102/ 103 06 Apr 2000 PAGE 19 GF K-1819 CHAPTER 3: TIU100/101/10 2/103 3.1 Sco pe The TIU10X 128 x 64 p ix el displ ay, which allows f or s om e gr aphic s and v ar i ous font s to be displ ay ed. . The har dware de scri pti on is detail ed i n thi s chapt er .
PAGE 20 06 A pr 2000 CH.3: TIU100/ 101/102/103 GF K-1819 3.4 T IUX Rear View 3.5 T IU100 Port s Figur e 3.2 – Rear Vi ew of TIU100/ 101/102 Pi n 13 Pin 1 T IU100 13- pi n Termi nal B loc k Pi n 1 Pi.
CH. 3: TI U100/101/102/ 103 06 Apr 2000 PAGE 21 GF K-1819 3.5. 1 TIU10X Conf igur ation of t he RS-485 Port The confi gurati on bank (sho wn in Fi gure 3.
PAGE 22 06 A pr 2000 CH.3: TIU100/ 101/102/103 GF K-1819 Te r m in a t i o n resistance of 120 Ω m ust be plac ed ac r oss each end of the RS- 485 bus. W ith sw i t ch 2 ON, a 120 Ω resistanc e i s p l aced acr oss the bus. Thi s s hould onl y be used if the TI U050/ 100/110 is the last devi ce at either end of the bus.
CH. 4: TI U110/111/112/ 113 06 Apr 2000 PAGE 23 GF K-1819 CHAPTER 4: TIU110/111/11 2/113 4.1 Sco pe The TIU11X 128 x 64 p ix el displ ay, which allows f or s om e gr aphic s and v ar i ous font s to be displ ay ed. The har dware de scri pti on is detail ed i n thi s chapt er .
PAGE 24 06 A pr 2000 CH. 4: TIU110/ 111/112/113 GF K-1819 4.4 T IU11X Rear View 4.5 TI U110 Port s Figur e 4.2 – Rear Vi ew of TIU11X Pi n 13 Pin 1 T IU110 13- pi n Termi nal B loc k Figur e 4.
CH. 4: TI U110/111/112/ 113 06 Apr 2000 PAGE 25 GF K-1819 Figur e 4.4 – A utomation Equi pment Port Recei ve & Tr a n sm it LE D s The LED ’ s fl as h when the TI U110 is comm unicating wit h t he AE.
PAGE 26 06 A pr 2000 CH. 4: TIU110/ 111/112/113 GF K-1819 4.5. 1 TIU11X Conf igur ation of t he RS-485 Port The confi gurati on bank (sho wn in Fi gure 4.
CH. 5: TI U200/201/202/ 203 06 Apr 2000 PAGE 27 GF K-1819 CHAPTER 5: TIU200/201/20 2/203 5.1 Sco pe The TIU20X i s 240 x 128 pix e l displ ay whic h a ll ow s for f u ll graphi c screen. The hardware de scri ption i s cov er under the following c hapt er 5.
PAGE 28 06 A pr 2000 CH. 5: TIU200/ 201/202/203 GF K-1819 5.3 T IU20X Cont rast Adjust men t On menu page 1 ( a fter the star t -up screen), hol d the ENTER key and pres s the UP or DO WN ke y to adjust t he contrast. The contrast sett ing is stored and not lost af ter re m o vi ng pow er .
CH. 5: TI U200/201/202/ 203 06 Apr 2000 PAGE 29 GF K-1819 Figur e 5.4 – A utomation Equi pment Port Recei ve & Tr a n sm it LE D s The LED ’ s fl as h when the TI U20X is comm unicating wit h t he AE.
PAGE 30 06 A pr 2000 CH. 5: TIU200/ 201/202/203 GF K-1819 5.5. 1 TIU20X Conf igur ation of t he RS-485 Port The confi gurati on bank (sho wn in Fi gure 2.
CH. 6: COM M UNI CA T IONS 06 A pr 2000 PAGE 31 GF K-1819 CHAPT ER 6: COMM UNICATIONS 6.1 P C t o Operat o r Station Communi cat ion s The seri al pin connecti ons f or tr ansmi t (Tx), rec eiv e (Rx) and gr ound ar e displ ay ed bel ow. 6.2 A utom at ion E quipm e nt (A E) C omm unic ati ons C o nnec ti ons 6.
PAGE 32 06 A pr 2000 CH. 6: COMMUNI CA T IONS GF K-1819 6.4 RS- 422/485 F o ur -W ire Note: The descri pti ons us ed by diff er ent m anuf ac tur er s for RS - 422/485 connecti ons v ary. Please ref er to the aut om ation equi pm ent manuf acturer s own manual s f or connect i on details.
CH. 6: COM M UNI CA T IONS 06 A pr 2000 PAGE 33 GF K-1819 6.5 RS- 485 Two -Wire Figur e 6.3 – RS-485 Two- Wi re R S 42 2/ 485 (2 -w i re ) Rx D 8 AE Rx - Tx D 0V R S232 6 7 5 Tx + Tx - Rx + R S4 22/ 485 3 4 2 0.
PAGE 34 06 A pr 2000 CH. 6: COMMUNI CA T IONS GF K-1819 6.6 Cur re nt Lo op The f ol l ow i ng diagr am shows the connect ion t o a devi c e w it h an active 20 m A current loop. The c ur r ent loop on t he TI U100/ 110 is passiv e. Eit her t he PLC must prov ide t he 20 m A source or an ext erna l c ur r ent source m us t be suppl i ed.
CH. 7: GETT ING STARTED 06 A pr 2000 PAGE 35 GF K-1819 CHAPT ER 7: GE TT I NG S T A RT ED 7.1 Sel f-T est Power up the uni t with the UP and EN T ER key s pressed at t he same time. The unit ent er s a self - t es t m ode. T he s elf-t est consists of the followi ng f our checks: 7.
PAGE 36 06 A pr 2000 CH. 7: GETT ING STARTED GF K-1819 7.2 Up dating the Proto col W hen the so f tware is i nstall ed the user decides where t he m ain CBREEZE folder r esi des. Dur i ng instal l ati on the followi ng f olders are cr eat ed: - In t he pr otocol director y 3 fol ders are created, TIU0xx , TIU1 xx and TI U2xx.
CH. 8: NET W ORKS 06 Apr 2000 PA G E 37 GF K-1819 CHAPT ER 8 : NE T WORKS 8.1 Sco pe Thi s chapter gives a bri e f int r oduc ti on int o the net worki ng hardw are av ailabl e on the Operat or Station range. T he part nu m ber s of t he v ari ous opti ons are a v ailable in the I ntr oduc ti on Chapter of this manual .
PAGE 38 06 A pr 2000 CH. 8: NET W ORKS GF K-1819 "self -arbi trati on" causes the contr oll er with the gr eat er Network ID nu m ber to cease broadcasti ng without aff ec ting the mess ag e- i n-progres s of the ot her controll er .
CH. 8: NET W ORKS 06 Apr 2000 PA G E 39 GF K-1819 8.4. 2 DeviceNet Protoc ol Som e o f the comm un ic ati on protoc ol feat ur es of Dev ic eNet consist of the f oll owing: 1. A Devi ceNet product can behav e as a Cli ent, a Server or both. 2. Mast er/Sl a ve operati on.
PAGE 40 06 A pr 2000 CH. 8: NET W ORKS GF K-1819 8.5 CAN Wirin g Rules 121 Ω V- CN _ L SHI E LD CN _ H V+ V- CN _ L SHI E LD CN _ H V+ V- CN _ L SHI E LD CN _ H V+ 121 Ω V- CN _ L SHI E LD CN _ H .
CH. 8: NET W ORKS 06 Apr 2000 PA G E 41 GF K-1819 8.6 Pr ofi bus Prof ibus utili s es a Master-Sl a v e type o f co mmuni cation w i t h the TIUXX2 functi on i ng as a slav e device. Decentr ali s ed Peripher al s (Slav e) Baud rat es o f up to 12 MBd can be obtained t hrough Pro fi bus .
PAGE 42 06 A pr 2000 CH. 8: NET W ORKS GF K-1819 It s i s necessary to t erm inate both ends of t he network. Both termi nat ions m us t hav e pow er t o them to insure pr oper oper at ion of the net work. T he foll ow ing di agram illustrat es the c or r ec t connec ti on f or the t e rm i n ati on re si st or s.
CH. 9: SMART S T A CK 06 A pr 2000 PAGE 43 GF K-1819 CHAPT ER 9: SMA RT S T A CK 9.1 Sco pe Horner has no w added t he S m artStack m odules f ro m t he OCS Range to t he TIU20X range. The Smar t S tack system i s a m ethod of allowing I /O e x pans ion on an HM I.
PAGE 44 06 A pr 2000 CH. 9: SMART ST A CK GF K-1819 NOT ES.
デバイスGE HE500TIU200の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
GE HE500TIU200をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGE HE500TIU200の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。GE HE500TIU200の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。GE HE500TIU200で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
GE HE500TIU200を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGE HE500TIU200の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、GE HE500TIU200に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGE HE500TIU200デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。