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Use and Care Guide Gas Slide-In Range Safe~ instructions ....................2-6 Operating Instructions, Tips Aluminum Foil...................................5, 19, 27 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Oven . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HELP US HELP YOU... Read this book carefully. 1[ is in[ended to help you operate and maintain your new range properly. Keep it handy for answers to your questions.
—- — ———- .— - — —— — - — IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS u 1 ● Read all instructions before using this appliance. IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE The California Sate Drinkin& Wtiter.
u ! ~PORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (colllllllled) WARNING–All ranges can ti p and @ ,$ injury could result. To prevent accidental tipping of the range from abnormal usage, including excess loading of the oven door, attach it to @ i. the wall or iloor by installing the Anti- Tip device supplied.
● Never block the vents (air openings) of the range. They provide the air inlet and outlet that are necessary for the range to operate properly with correct combustion. Air openings are located at the rear of the cooktop, at the top of the oven door, and under the stortige drawer.
~PORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (conl[nued) ● If you should have a grease fire in the broi Ier ptin, turn off oven, and keep oven door closed to contain fire until it burns out. Cleaning Your Range & ● Clean only parts listed in the Use . . . ,“~~.
-.._...——-——— —— ——— —.—..-————— —.--— FEATU~s OF YOU”R WNGE a-” F ,= e 1 JGSP30GER JGSP31GER JGSP40AES @ ——.—..—.—-—- .———.. -—- ——.——.—-— -—-,.--—— -.——. -— ----———.
OVEN CONTROL CLOCK Am TMER Clock To Set the Clock The clock must be set for the automat ic oven timing functions to work properly. The time of day ctinnot be changed during u Timed Bake or CLEAN cycle. Step 2: Press the INCREASE or DECREASE pad to set the time of day.
SU~ACE COOKING Electric Ignition Surface Burner Controls Your surface burners are lighted by electric ignition. Knobs th:i( turn the surt:~ce burners on irnd 011. tire eliminating the need for standing pilot lights with marked as to which burners (hey control.
Top-of-Range Cookware Aluminum: Medium-weight cookware is recommended because it heals quickly and evenly. IMost foods brown evenly in tin aluminum skillet. Use saucepans with tight-fitting lids when cooking with minimum amounts of water. Cast Iron: If heated slowly, most skillets will give satisfactory results.
USING YOUR OVEN (continued) Oven Shelves The shelves are designed with stop-locks so that when placed correctly on the shelf supports, they will stop before coming out completely from the oven, and will not tilt when removing food from or placing food on them.
—.. . .--——. ——————— —.—-—.— -—- -— —.- .. —- BAKING Y()(ll” (l’ Cl] ICI1l[)C’I”; I[lI!’L’ i L’[)1111’[J]]L’L] ’L’l’)’ :lcc Llr:l(L’ly Llsi 11: :111 OVC1l C’( )11{ 1’01 sy’l L’111.
TIMED BAKING (Coll[lllllccl) I+ow to Set [)elay Start and Automatic Stop u st~l) 1 : ]’1’L’S [h~ (’()()ti l-i ~ti P:ILI COO K TIM E n Step 2: t’or 3 Il(>llrs t~l’ C()()kitlg [illlc, A press the INCREASE p:id Lltl[il “3:()( ).. ~Ippc:Irs i II I he d ispl t]y.
BAKING For best btiking resul [s, follow ~hese suggestions: Oven Shelves Arrange the oven shelf or shelves in desired locations while the oven is coo].
BA~NG (continued) Baking Guides When using prepared baking mixes, lollow packuge recipe or ins[ructit~ns for best baking results. Cookies When baking cookies, i“l~t cookie shee[s (without sides) produce better- look in: cookies.
— ‘oAsTING ‘--x Roilst;n: is ct~t)king by ~lry IIcLI(. ‘r~ll~l~t” IllCill or polllll~ Cllll bC l’oilSICLl LlnC()’Cl’~d i]l yollr ov~l). Roilsting (cnlI)cralurcs, which sh(~ulci bt! low iInd StCildy, kC~p Sl)iltlel”l ng (() il Ill i rl I 111 U ITl.
K —..— —————— ROASTING (LollllllllCLi) Questions and f4nsvers ROASTXNG GUIDF: .< ?.i .{50” J.:i -—— — ji 40 10 to 15 11)s. {)}c’r 15 11)s I s 25 I i 20 —— Illtcrll:li !I’nl[)lr;itllrt> ‘l;.
——- ———— BROILING ‘x -. —-.— 19 ———. -— —..
BROILING GU~E 4. If ~lcsirccl. tnurin:lte tne:its 01” chicken bef(~rc hr(~iling t)r brush with biubccue siILIcc I:ist 5 to I () nlin;llcs only. Q{]~ntity and/Or Shell’ l~()()d ‘I”hickncss I](]siti(m 1!;1(’()[1 I/2 Ih. (;ih{)[l[ X (. I hin SI i~cs ) (;rllnnd Ilecl I Ill.
OPEWTING THE SELF-CLEANING OVEN N(~rnl~l Cleaning ‘Tinle: 3 hour~ Before a Clean Cycle Quick Reminder: 1. Prepare the oven for cledning. 2. Close the oven door.
‘ OPEWTING THE SELF-CLEANING OVEN (continued) After a Clean Cycle When the clean cycle is finished, the word “CLEAN” After a clean cycle, you may notice some white ash in will go OLIt in the display and the oven will begin to the oven. Just wipe it up with a damp cloth.
r —— ———— CA~ AND CLEANING Removal of” Packaging Tape Burner Assembly I I Burner Top F Trim Ring 1. I , Burner Bow l r T ‘Burner Bod y * Spark Igniter C; A~;rl”loN: I)() Nor l ” OPE;KA’1’FI “l’ HP; 1111 KNh:K W I’1’H()[J’I’ A1,I.
Burner Grates Porcelain enamel burner grates should be washed regularly and, of course, after spillovers. Wash them in ht~t, soapy water and rinse with clean waIer. You mtiy ulso use tibrasive cletiners and steel wot)l ptids to clean burner grates. Dry the grates with a cloth-don’t put them back on the range wet.
CAW Am CLEAN~G (continued) Oven Shelves You may clean the shelves with a mild abrasive cleanser following manufacturer’s directions. After cleaning, rinse the shelves with clean water and dry with a clean cloth. To remove heavy, burned-on soil, soapy metal pads may be used following manufacturer’s directions.
Oven Light Bulb The light bulb is located on the back oven wirll. Before replacing the bulb, disconnect electric power (o the ronge ~t the mtiin fuse or circuit breaker panel or unplug the range frotn the ele~tri~ (~utl~~. IJ~~ the bulb cool completely before removing it.
CA~ AND CLEANING (continued) Oven Door The oven door is removable, bllt it is heavy. You may need help rcmovi ng and replacing the door. To remove the door, open it a few inches (o the special stop position (hat will hold the door open. Grasp firmly on each side and lift the door strtiight up and off the hinges.
,,: = .-. c r, -— ~, “— - -- : r . .- —.
——— ——— i t CAW AND CI.EANING fllti-rrip Device (conlinllucl ) 2. 1 ; ‘ , ,, , 1’ Chain ! : Mainback w, Washer and ! 1 Q Chain ‘% Long Screw , ~ Wall Plate Y, Washer = h~ I A ~,A[J’1.10N: l;xcessike Sli](.k irl the cllaill could allow the r:ll]ge tt) tip over.
MINOR ADJUSTMENTS YOU CAN MA~ Broil and Oven Burner Air Adjustment Shutters Air adlusttnent shulters I’or [he broil :lnd oven burners reguliiie the tlow ot irir to the tltimc Th~ iiii iidjustm~llt shatter for (he Lop burner is on (he rcur wal I of. ihe oven.
- — ;., -c . * . A z —. =, .; .- = w ,r — — —. J .- = r, —, L - . r; I . — — —.
—— —— NOTES 34.
Wdll Be There With the purchase ofyc)ur r~ew GE applizlrlce, receive the assurance that ifyou ever t~eed iI~f( )rr~latiotl or ~~ssistat~ce [i-OIll (lE;, we’ll be there.
—— — YOUR GE GAS RANGE WARRANTY Save proof of original purchase date such as your sales slip or cancelled check to establish warranty period. — WHAT IS COVERED FULL ONE-YEAR WARRANTY This warr.
デバイスGE JGSP31GERの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
GE JGSP31GERをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGE JGSP31GERの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。GE JGSP31GERの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。GE JGSP31GERで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
GE JGSP31GERを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGE JGSP31GERの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、GE JGSP31GERに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGE JGSP31GERデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。