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2 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Features Wireless 300M rou ter with 4-port 10/100M bps LAN switch and 802 .11n access point Supports all IEEE802 .
3 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M 1. Wireless rout er overview 1.1 Front panel ( LED indicators) SYS (Red): Flickering lig ht indicates a proper connection to the power suppl y .
4 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M 1.2 Back panel ( sockets description ) WAN: 10/100M bps RJ45 port. T he W AN port is w here y ou wi ll connec t Cable/DSL Mod em or other LAN.
5 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M 2 Hardware Inst allation 1. Mak e s ure that all devices including your PCs, modem and router are powered off .
6 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M 3.
7 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M.
8 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M 3.2 Getting St arted To access the router web-interface, open a web-brows er such as Inter net Explorer and enter the IP address of the router (192.
9 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M 3.
10 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Click on the “W izard” option to s etup your router step by step in a sim ple way. There are s ix steps to f oll ow: Please follo w the ste ps to com plete the rout er configuration.
11 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Step 1 – Opera tion Mode Settings The router supports three operat ion m odes: Gate way, Bridge and W i reless ISP.
12 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Step 2 – T ime Zone Settings The T i m e Conf iguration optio n allows you to configure, up date, and maintain the c orrect time for the internal s y stem clock.
13 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Step 3 – LAN Settings Setup the IP a ddress and net w ork m ask for the LAN interf ace.
14 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Select DHCP Client to obtain IP Ad dress autom atically from your IS P. This mode is c ommonly used for Cab le modem services.
15 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Subnet Mask : Enter the Subnet Mas k assigned by y our ISP. Default Gate w a y : Enter th e Gateway assigne d by your ISP.
16 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Choose PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet) if y our ISP uses a PPPoE con nection.
17 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Server IP Addres s, of c ourse it also inc ludes a us ername and pas sword. This mode is t y pica lly used for DSL servic es.
18 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M User Nam e: Enter your PPT P username. Password: Ent er your PPTP pass w ord. Mode 5 L2T P Choose L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling P rotoc ol) if y our ISP uses a L2TP connection.
19 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Subnet Mask : Enter the subnet Mas k. Server IP Addr ess: Enter the PPT P S erver IP address provided by your ISP.
20 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M W i reless Inter face: If you do not want t o use the wireless i nterface, uncheck the box to disable all the wireless functions.
21 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Key length: W EP supports 64-bit or 1 28-bit securit y key. Key Form at: The key can be entered in ASCII (as s y mbols) or Hex (hexadecim al) format.
22 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Pre-Shared Ke y Form at: Specif y the form at of the key, pass phrase or hex. Pre-Shared Ke y: Enter the k ey here (phras e or hexadecim al).
23 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M W PS: Checking this box and clicking “O K” will disab le the W PS function. W PS i s turned on b y default.
24 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M 4.1.2 A ccess Control The W i reless MAC Addres s Filtering feature a llows you to control which wireless stations are allowed to be con nected to the ro uter.
25 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M W DS : Check this box to enable the W DS function. MAC Address : Enter the rem ote AP MAC address.
26 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M If y ou configure the r outer as Virtua.
27 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M 4.2.2 Trigg er P ort Some app lications (lik e Internet gam es, video co nferencing, In ternet calling and s o on) require multiple c onnections.
28 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Incom ing Port R ange: The port or por t range used by the rem ote system when it respo nds to t he o utgoing r equest.
29 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M UPnP devices can be a utomatically discovered by the UPnP service application on the LAN.
30 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Ping Access on W AN: allows or blocks the Ping W AN interface. IGMP Proxy: IGMPproxy is a simple dynamic Multicast Routing Daemon using onl y IG MP signa li ng .
31 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M dropped according to the rule. If no rule matching the packet is found, then the firewall w ill let it go t o the destination.
32 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Allow or block the computers ac cording to their MAC a ddresses. 3. URL filter You can bloc k some URLs us ing the URL Key str ing.
33 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Example 2: b lock “ ”, “” or “ ” for the computer w ith 192.
34 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Example 3: allow to access “ ”, “” or “ ” f or all computers f rom 09:00 to 18:00 dur ing the working da y s onl y .
35 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M 4. Port filter You can lim it som e or all c o mputers to ac cess a certain destin ation I P and/or port.
36 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Example 2: block the com p uter w ith I P address 192.
37 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M.
38 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M 4.
39 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M 4.4 QoS Setup The QoS helps impr ov ing your net work gam ing perf or m ance by s etting priorities for applications .
40 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M 4.5 Router Setu p A s tatic ro ute is a pre-det ermined pathwa y that t he network inf ormation should trave l to reach a specific host or network.
41 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Static Route: C li ck this box to enable the s tatic route. IP Address: T he network or host I P address wished to be accessed.
42 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M 4.6 System 4.6.1 Upgrade F irmware You can up grade the F irmware b y se lecting the file and pressing the button “upload” .
43 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Save to File: G et the router’s s ettings and store it on y o ur local computer. Load from File: Restore the settin gs from the file y ou saved b efore.
44 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M.
45 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M.
46 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M Waste disposal: Do not deposit this equipmen t w ith the household waste. Improper dispos al can harm both the environment and human health.
47 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M WARRA NTY CONDITIONS GARA NTIE BEDINGUNGEN The warranty p er iod is 36 m onths and begins with the sale to the e nd user.
48 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M GARA NTIE VOORWAARDEN CONDITIONS DE GA RA NTIE De garantieterm ijn bedraagt 36 maand en en gaat in op de aankoopdat um van het product d oor de eindgebruiker.
49 GEMBIRD EUROPE B.V. All brands and l ogos are registered trad emarks of their respectiv e owners NSW-R4 WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER, 300M ГАРАНТИЙНЫЙ ТАЛОН УМОВИ ГАР А НТІЙНОГ О ОБСЛУГОВУВ А ННЯ 1.
デバイスGembird NSW-R4の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Gembird NSW-R4をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGembird NSW-R4の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Gembird NSW-R4の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Gembird NSW-R4で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Gembird NSW-R4を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGembird NSW-R4の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Gembird NSW-R4に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGembird NSW-R4デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。