GigabyteメーカーGSmart Roma RXの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Rom a RX | 0 GSmar t Ro ma R X User Man ual.
Rom a RX | 1 Copy righ t All m obil e product s by G IGA - BYTE COMMUNICATIONS I NC. m entioned i n th i s document, inc luding t he device, accessories, sof t w ar e, t e x t , m usic, and pic tures, ar e ow ned by , or authori zed by origi nal manu f ac turer s to GIGA - B YTE C OM MUNICATIO NS INC .
Rom a RX | 2 Gener al In for mation Thi s s ec ti on contai ns im port ant inf o rm ation on safe and eff icient oper ation. P lease read t h i s inf ormati on befor e using the dev ice. Ignorance of the f ol lowing noti ces m ay lead to v i olations of the l aw.
Rom a RX | 3 Ta ble of C onte nt s Copyri ght 1 General I nform ation 2 1. Get ting Start ed 4 1.1 Y our Phone 4 1.2 I nstall ing or uni nstalling t he SIM Card, Batt ery, and Memory Card 4 1.3 Chargi ng t he Battery 6 1.4 T urning t he Phone On or O f f 7 1.
Rom a RX | 4 1 . Getting Star ed 1.1 Your Pho ne Thi s section int roduces you t o the hardware of the devic e. No items No I tems 1 Micro - USB Po rt 9 Menu 2 Earph one Jack 10 Home 3 Receiver 11 R.
Rom a RX | 5 To instal l the SIM 1 card To instal l the SIM 2 card To remove t he SIM card Pl ease turn off your phone first, and use your finger to sli de t he SIM card out o f c ard s l ot. NOT E : SIM Card Data Switch 3G (GSM+ WCDMA ) is set in S IM1 by de fau lt ho wev er switc hable to SI M2 by ma nual setup .
Rom a RX | 6 To remove t he battery Use your fi ngerti p to lift the bat tery, and then remov e it. To repl ace the back cover (1) I nsert t he cover int o the slot fr o m the bottom . (2) Then, press all around back cov er f ully until hearing clic ks.
Rom a RX | 7 NOT E : To ensu re safety, do not remo ve the battery fro m th e p hon e wh ile the AC adapter is conne cte d or whi le it is be ing char ged. 1.4 Turning the P hone on or o ff To t urn on y our pho ne Press and hol d the power butt on until t he d i splay appears “ GSm ar t ” logo .
Rom a RX | 8 A dding a Cont act (1) Tap A pplic ation s tab > . (2) Tap > to add a new contact . (3) Choose where you want t o synchroni ze the new contac t wit h G oogle account, P hone, SIM1 or SIM2. (4) A new contact screen appears. (5) Tap each fi el d to f ill out t he contact inf or m ati on.
Rom a RX | 9 Sta tus Icons The icons of t he s t atus bar i ndicate diff erent types of inform ati on. Tap the status bar and scroll down to vi ew notific ations or vi ew s ystem inf ormati on. Typ e s Icons Descrip tion s Phon e call Call i s in progress.
Rom a RX | 10 Typ e s Icons Descrip tion s Notif icatio n Mi ss ed cal l . General notif ic a t i on. FM r adio is on. Pl aying a song. Downloadi ng an appli cati on.
Rom a RX | 11 2 . Ph o ne Fu nctions &M essages 2.1 Voi ce Call s To make a call fro m the Phone screen (1) Go t o the Phone screen. (2) Use the keypad t o input phone num ber s. (3) Tap to m ake t he phone call . NOT E : 1. T ap t o dele te a num ber.
Rom a RX | 12 Goog le™ keyboard 2. 3 Mul timedi a Message A Multim edi a m ess age or M MS can c ontain let ters, an im age, an audio, or a video fil e. To s end MMS fro m Message screen (1) Tap A pplic ation s tab> . (2) Tap t o creat e a new m essage.
Rom a RX | 13 3 . Wi - F i & B lue too t h 3 .1 Wi - Fi Your devi ce can connect to the det ected network thr ough W i - Fi . (1) T ap Appli cati on s tab > > W i - Fi . (2) Switchto t u r n “W i - Fi” on or o ff . To c onne ct t o a Wi - F i netw ork (1) Tap “W I - FI” , chec k Wi - F i functi on and turn it on .
Rom a RX | 14 (2) T ap “SE ARCHFORDEVICE S” to s earc h f or a new devic e. (3) Det ect ed Bluetoot h devices are di splayed on t he screen . Tap one de v ic e t o connect . (4) S tart to pair, enter t he password, and thent ap “OK ” to fini sh pairi ng.
Rom a RX | 15 4 . M ultimedia A p plications 4.1 Camera Your phone is equi pped with a n 5 MP cam era to tak e photos and videos. Camera Function Icon Func tion Icon Func tion Tap t o take a photo . Color eff ect Tap t o record a v ideo . Model ing stickers Sw i tch between cam era m ode and record m ode.
Rom a RX | 16 4.2Mu sic You hav e to c opy your audio fil es to the s tor age card bef ore playing m usic , because the m usic play er only plays audi o files sav ed in the storage card of your phone. Tap Appli cation s tab > . Playb ack screen: Displays the pl ayback area w i th t he playback c ontrols.
Rom a RX | 17 5 . Pre - In stalled Program s Intr od uction Icons Prog rams Descrip tion Icons Prog rams Descrip tion Best Choic e R ecomm ended t he best soft ware and f uncti ona l it y. Bro wser Browses the web and download fil es from Int ernet.
Rom a RX | 18 Icons Prog rams Descrip tion Icons Prog rams Descrip tion P lay ™ store To f ind appli cati ons which you can download and i nstal l on your phone. ToD o To s av e all t he t ask s and dai l y planni ng . S ystem upda te Checki ng the system updat e inf ormati on.
Rom a RX | 19 6 . Ma nag i ng Y our P ho ne 6 .1 Prot ecti ng Y our Ph one You can prot ect your phone f rom unauthori zed users in a f ew different ways . Set up P IN Protec tion (1) T ap Appli cati ons tab > > S ecurit y > Screen lock > PI N .
Rom a RX | 20 7 . Specifi cat i ons System I nformat ion P l a tf orm Androi d™ 4. 4 Proces sor 1.3G Hz Quad Core Mem ory ROM 4 GB/ RAM 512M B Disp lay Size 5” Resoluti ons 854 x 480 pix els Size Dim ensions 142 x 73 x 9.
Rom a RX | 21 3. Memo ry co mprises o f approxi mately 2 G B firmware, plu s 2 G B o f “ Phone storag e” for d ownl oade d app licat ions a nd the ir data , mus ic, pic ture s, v ide os an d doc uments . If thi s docum ent i s modif i ed , p l ease do wnloa d t he lat est v ers i on on G Smart o f fi cial web si t e .
Android 4. 4 | 0 Andr oi d 4.4,Ki tK at Intr oduction.
Android 4. 4 | 1 Ta ble of C onte nt s Chapter 1 Phone Functions & Input 2 1 .1 P hone Ca ll s 2 1.2 Vide o Ca ll s 3 1.3 Us i ng On - Scre en Keybo ard 3 Chapter 2 Em ai l & M ess ag es 5 2 .1 Creat ing and s endi ng a te xt mes sa ge 5 2.2E- ma i l Acc oun t s 7 Chapter 3 Using the Inter net 9 3 .
Android 4. 4 | 2 1. Ph one Func tions & Input Pho ne Func tions T ap Appli cati on Drawer > APP S t ab > Phone . 1.1 Voice Calls To make a call fro m the Phone screen 1. Go to t he Phone screen. 2. Us e t he keypad t o input phone num ber. 3.
Android 4. 4 | 3 To set up con ference call s 1. When you are already ha v i ng a ca l l conv ersati on, tap to enter anot her phone number . 2. W hen s om eone ans w er your phone cal l , tap .
Android 4. 4 | 4 Tap t he keys to enter t he characters. Set ting t he Input Met hod from Set tings Screen 1. Tap Appli cation Dr awer > APPS tab > > Language & i nput . 2. Tap ” Default ” .There i s a pop - up w i ndow wil l sh o w.
Android 4. 4 | 5 2 . Em ail & Mes sa g es 2 .1 Creatin g and sen ding a messa ge Create and send messag es 1. Te x t mes sages coul d be i ncl uded te x t and emotional icons. 2. Multim edia m essage s/ MMS c ontain l etters, an im age, an audi o, or a v ideo f il e .
Android 4. 4 | 6 3. Type your m ess age and t ap to send your m essage. To fo rward a text message 1. Tap Appli cation Dr awer > APPS tab > . 2. Tap a m ess age t o v i ew t he w hol e t hread. 3. Tap and hold a mess ag e to sho w M essage opt ion li st.
Android 4. 4 | 7 2.2 Ema il Acco unt s All your receiv ed email messages are del iv ered to your phone . Set up an Int ernet E mail acco unt 1. Tap Appli cation Dr awer > APPS t ab > . 2. Enter your e- m ail address and Passw ord . T ap “ N ex t” .
Android 4. 4 | 8 4. E nter the r ecipient’s em ailaddress . 5. Enter t he Subj ect and c o m pose your em ail. 6. Tap t o send your email . Sen di ng an E - mail from People screen 1. Tap Appli cation Dr awer > APPS t ab > . 2. Tap a contact y ou w ant t o em ail t o .
Android 4. 4 | 9 3 . Us in g t he I nter ne t 3 .1 Co nne ct ing to the Inte rne t Your phone connec ts to t he Internet via: Wi - Fi GPRS/ ED GE/ 3G/ 3 .
Android 4. 4 | 10 4. Tap ”Add VPN network ” t o e di t VPN net work. 5. A f t er filling in all nec ess ary inf ormati on, t a p “ S av e ” to fini sh the setti ngs. To start a d ata connectio n If you s et up m ulti pl e data connections, sel ect t he connecti on you w ant to use.
Android 4. 4 | 11 4 . M ultim edia Ap plica tions 4 .1 View ing P hotos an d Vide os To v iew phot os in the alb um 1. Tap Appli cation Dr aw er > APPS t ab > . 2. Tap one of pict ure f older s to v i ew the images in thumbnail s. 3. Tap an image to v i ew.
Android 4. 4 | 12 Icon Func tion Al bum art pict ure or anim a ti on The ar ea of a udio inform ation Sli de to go f or w ar d or backward To pl ay the song To pause the son g Previ ous song Nex t son.
Android 4. 4 | 13 3. Tap to selec t an e f fect you want. It e m s will be ad j usted aut om atically . 4. Tap arrow to show diff erent preset rev er b li st. 5. Tap to selec t an e f fect you want. Creatin g a ne w playl ist Add songs to a specif ic play list or c reate a playl ist.
Android 4. 4 | 14 5 . Prog rams 5.1 Browser Open t he Browser to vi ew w eb pages. 1. Tap Appli cation Dr aw er > APPS t ab > . 2. An address bar appear s at t he upper side of screen, and y ou can t y pe the URL ther e . 3. You can open sev er al web pages at t he same tim e.
Android 4. 4 | 15 To v ie w an event 1. Tap Appli cation Dr aw er > APPS tab > . 2. Tap Cal endar arrow > Agenda t o display the ev ents. To ad d and schedule an event 1. Tap Appli cation Dr aw er > APPS tab > . 2. Tap Menu > New e v ent.
Android 4. 4 | 16 1. Tap Appli cation Dr aw er > APPS t ab > . Icons Func tion Displ ay your c urrent locati on S elec t diff erent lay ers, such as Traffi c, Satelli te, Transit Li nes, etc.
Android 4. 4 | 17 1. Tap Appli cation Dr aw er > APPS tab > . 2. Tap Menu > Sing i n. T hen select one o f your account s t o si gn in. 3. T ap the Y ouTube ic on on the t op left of the screen . 4. Tap your account nam e into account i nformation screen.
Android 4. 4 | 18 A dd t o f avorites Previ ous r adio f requency / N ex t radi o fr equency Previ ous channel / Next channel 5.1 4 Googl e+ Y ou can chec k your f riends ’ update s , post updates of your ow n and c hat wit h your f riends in Googl e+ .
Android 4. 4 | 19 6 . Ma nagi ng Y ou r Phone 6 .1 Man aging Basic Sett i ng s Date and Ti me You can set up t he date and the time on your phone. To set up the date and time 1. Tap Appli cation Dr aw er > APPS t ab > > Dat e & t im e. 2.
Android 4. 4 | 20 To change the screen orien tation 1. Tap Appli cation Dr aw er > APPS tab > > D isplay . 2. Check “Auto- rotate screen” t o adj ust t he screen autom ati cally . To d i spl ay th e screen never sl eep while ch arging 1. Tap Appli cation Dr aw er > APPStab > > About phone.
Android 4. 4 | 21 Removi ng your accoun t 1. Tap Appli cation Dr aw er > APPS tab > > ACCOUNT S. 2. Tap the acc ount you w ant to r e m ov e . 3. Tap Menu > Remove ac count. NOT E : 1. Let Go ogle app s access you r lo cation , please tap Appli cation Drawer > A PPS tab > > Goo gle A CCO UNTS > Locatio n setting s > O N.
Android 4. 4 | 22 >S ecurit y > Screen loc k. Con f i rm the sa v ed patter n, and then, t ap “ None ” t o disable it . 6.5 Resettin g Your Phone W ith Clean Boot, you can reset your phone to its factory default s. W hen you reset your phone, the dat a stored i n your phone m ay be er ased.
デバイスGigabyte GSmart Roma RXの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Gigabyte GSmart Roma RXをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGigabyte GSmart Roma RXの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Gigabyte GSmart Roma RXの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Gigabyte GSmart Roma RXで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Gigabyte GSmart Roma RXを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGigabyte GSmart Roma RXの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Gigabyte GSmart Roma RXに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGigabyte GSmart Roma RXデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。