GigabyteメーカーGuru GXの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Guru G X | 0 GSma rt Guru GX User Man ual.
Guru G X | 1 Copy righ t All m obile pr oducts by GIGA - BYTE COMMUNICATI ONS INC. m entioned i n t h i s docu m ent, inc luding t he de v ice, accessories, sof tware, tex t, mus i c, and pict ures, are owned by, or authori zed by origi na l manu f act urers to GIG A - BYTE C O MMUNICATIO NS I NC .
Guru G X | 2 Gener al In fo rmation Thi s s ect ion contai ns im port ant informati on on sa f e and efficient operation. P lease read t hi s inf ormati on be f ore usi ng the device. I gnorance of the foll owing notic es m ay lead to vi olations of the l aw.
Guru G X | 3 Ta ble o f C ont ent s Copyri ght 1 General Inf ormati on 2 1. Get ting Started 4 1.1 Y our Phone 4 1.2 I nstalli ng or uninstalli ng the SIM Card, Batt ery, and Memory Card 4 1.3 Chargi ng the B attery 6 1.4 T urning the P hone O n or O f f 6 1.
Guru G X | 4 1 . Getting Star ed 1.1 Your Pho ne Thi s s ec ti on i ntroduc es y ou to the hardware of t he de v ice. No items No I tems 1 Earph one Jack 10 Pow er Key 2 Receiver 11 SIM card slot/Me.
Guru G X | 5 To instal l the SIM1 card To instal l the SIM2 card To remove t he SIM card Pl ease turn off your phone fi rst . (1) Hold t he phone face up and the t op panel facing y ou . (2) Insert t he tip of the tray e j ect tool int o t he tray ej ec t ho le nex t to the SI M card sl ot.
Guru G X | 6 1.3 Ch arging the Batt ery W hen you take your phone out of box f or the f irst time, the batt ery isn’t at f ull power. P lease charge t he batter y f ully befor e us i ng. (1) Connect t he USB cable to t he A C adapter, and then, connect to the de v i ce v ia the USB cabl e.
Guru G X | 7 Lo ckScreen (1) Tap A pplicati ons tab > . (2) T ap “ Activat e ” to tur n on t he f unction. (3) Then, tap to l ock screen. 1. 6 Con tacts “Contac ts” is your phonebook that y ou can store fri ends’ names, phone number s , e - m ail addresses and other inf or m ati on .
Guru G X | 8 You can sli de the Home Screen f ro m the left side t o t he r ight side or from t he r i ght si de t o the lef t s i de to switc h it. The icons l ocated at the bottom of the hom e page hav e d if ferent f unctions: Self - defined Ho me Screen : You can add the shortc uts and w i dgets.
Guru G X | 9 Sta tus Icons The icons of t he s t atus bar indic ate diff e r ent types of inform a t ion. T ap t he s t atus bar and scroll down to vi ew notificati ons or v i ew system inform ation. Typ e s Icons Descrip tions Phon e call Call i s i n progress.
Guru G X | 10 Typ e s Icons Descrip tions General notifi cation. FM r ad i o is on. Pl aying a song. Downloadi ng an appli cation..
Guru G X | 11 2 . Ph o n e Functions & Messages 2.1 Voi ce Calls To make a call fro m the Ph o ne screen (1) Go t o t he Phone screen. (2) Use the keypad t o input phone num ber s . (3) Tap to m ake the phone call . NOT E : 1. T ap t o dele te a num ber.
Guru G X | 12 Goog le keyboard 2. 3 Mul timedia M essage A Multim edia message or MMS can cont ain lett ers, an image, an audio, or a v ideo f ile. To s end MMS from Message screen (1) Tap A pplicati on s tab> . (2) Tap to c reate a new m ess age.
Guru G X | 13 3 . Wi - F i & Bl uet oot h 3 .1 Wi - Fi Your devi ce can connect t o the det ec t ed network thr ou gh W i - Fi. (1) T ap Appli cation s tab > > W LAN . (2) Switchto t u r n “W i - Fi” on or o f f. To c onne ct t o a Wi - F i netw ork (1) Tap “ W LAN ”, check W i - Fi function and t urn it on.
Guru G X | 14 4 . Multim ed ia A pp lication s 4.1 Camera Your phone i s equipped with a n 13 MP ca mera t o take photos and v i deos. Camera Fu nction Icon Func tion Icon Func tion Sw i tch betweenphot o and vi deo mode. Color Effect m ode. Tap t o t ake a photo .
Guru G X | 15 4.2Mu sic You hav e to c opy y our audi o fil es to the stor age card befor e pl aying m usic, because the music play er only plays audio fil es s av ed in the storage card of your phone. T ap Appli cations tab > . Playb ack screen: Displ ays the play back area w i th t he pl ayback controls.
Guru G X | 16 5 . Pre - In stalled Progr ams In trodu ction Icons Prog rams Descrip tion Icons Prog rams Descrip tion Best Choic e R ecomm ended the best soft w ar e and f unctionalit y. Brow ser Browses the web and download fil es f ro m Int ernet.
Guru G X | 17 Icons Prog rams Descrip tion Icons Prog rams Descrip tion System upda te Checki ng the system updat e inf ormati on. Battery Docto r To sav e juic e and ex tend battery lif e signif icant ly . Voi ce Search Qu ick ly t o search your phone, the web, and nearby loc ations by speaking.
Guru G X | 18 Enab le t he PIN of t he SI M card W hen the PIN is enabled, you are required t o enter the P IN before usi ng t he phone. (1) Tap Appli cati on s t ab > > Securit y > S et up SIM /RUIM card l ock. (2) Tap “SIM1 ” or “SI M2”.
Guru G X | 19 Dig ital Camera Rear Cam era 13 MP Color Cam era with AF and Video Recordi ng Front Camera 5MP Extern al Memory Mem ory Card Micro SD support s up t o 64 GB T emperature Operat ing 0°C t o 40°C SIM Card S l ot Dual S IM card slot. NOT E : 1.
Android 4. 4 | 0 Andr oi d 4.4, KitK a t Intr oduction.
Android 4. 4 | 1 Ta ble o f C ont ent s Chapter 1 Phone Functions & I nput 2 1 .1 P hone C a lls 2 1.2 Vide o C all s 3 1.3 Us i ng On - Scre en Ke yboa rd 3 Chapter 2 Em ail & Mes sag es 5 2 .1 Creat ing and s e ndin g a t ext mess ag e 5 2.2E- ma il A cco un ts 7 Chapter 3 Using the Inter net 9 3 .
Android 4. 4 | 2 1. Ph one Func tion s & Inpu t Pho ne Func tions T ap Appli cati on Draw er > APPS tab > Phone . 1.1 Voice Calls To make a call fro m the Phone screen 1. Go to the Phone screen. 2. Us e t he keypad to i nput phone num ber. 3.
Android 4. 4 | 3 To set up con ference calls 1. When you are already ha v i ng a call c on v ersati on, tap t o ent er another phone nu m ber . 2. W hen s om eone answer your phone c all , tap .
Android 4. 4 | 4 Tap t he keys to enter the charact ers. Set ting t he Input Met ho d fr o m Settings S creen 1. Tap Appli cation Drawer > APPS tab > > Language & i nput . 2. Tap ” Default ” . There i s a pop - up window wil l sh o w.
Android 4. 4 | 5 2 .1 Creatin g and sen ding a messa ge Create and send messages 1. Te x t messages coul d be incl uded te x t and e m otional icons. 2. Multim ed i a m essage s/ MMS cont a i n l etters, an image, an audi o, or a v i deo fil e . 3. Support t o s end v oice mess ag es and at tach fil es wit h ringtone and audi o.
Android 4. 4 | 6 To fo r w ard a text message 1. Tap Appli cation Drawer > APPS tab > . 2. Tap a m ess age t o vi ew the whole thr ead. 3. Tap and hold a mess ag e to showMessage opti on li s t . 4. Tap “ Forward” . 5. Tap to selec t recipient .
Android 4. 4 | 7 2.2 Email A ccoun ts All your receiv ed e m ail messages are deliv ered to your phone . Set up an Int ernet E mail accoun t 1. Tap Appli cation Drawer > APPS tab > . 2. Enter your e - m a il address and Passw ord . T ap “ Nex t ” .
Android 4. 4 | 8 Sen di ng an E - mail from People screen 1. Tap Appli cation Drawer > APPS tab > . 2. Tap a contact y ou w ant t o em ai l t o . 3. Tap the cont act ’ s Email address . Tap “Em a il ”in t he s ubm enu. 4. Enter t he Subj ect and compose your em ail.
Android 4. 4 | 9 Your phone connec ts to the I nternet via: Wi - Fi GPRS/ ED GE/ 3G/ 3 . 5 G/ HSPA + N OT E : If yo u c onne ct t o the Inte rnet , y ou may be charged. If y ou want to st op the c onne cti on, you n eed to tap A pp li cat i on Drawer > A PPS tab > > SIM management > Data conne ct ion to un mark d at a en abled.
Android 4. 4 | 10 To start a d ata connection If you set up m ultipl e data connections, selec t the c onn ec ti on you want t o us e. 1. Tap Appli cation Drawer >APPS tab > >S IM managem en t > Data connect ion . 2. Choose a SIM card you want t o enable data access o v er Mobil e network.
Android 4. 4 | 11 1. Tap Appli cation Drawer > APPS tab > . 2. Tap one of pict ure f olders to v iew t he im ages i n thu m bnail s. 3. Tap an image to v i ew . 4. S lide the screen f rom l e f t side to right side or f r om r i g ht si d e t o le ft s ide to vi ew all the photos i n this album.
Android 4. 4 | 12 Icon Func tion Al bu m art pict ure or animation The ar ea of a udio inf or m ati on Sli de to go f orward or backward To pl ay the song To pause t he son g Previ ous song Nex t s on.
Android 4. 4 | 13 Creatin g a ne w play list Add songs to a specif ic playli st or create a playl ist. 1. Tap Appli cation Drawer > APPS tab > . 2. In Songs tab, long pr es sa s ong y ou want to add , t hen t ap “Add to playli st” in t he pop - up submenu .
Android 4. 4 | 14 Open t he Brows er to vi ew web pages. 1. Tap Appli cation Drawer > APPS tab > . 2. An address bar appear s at the upper side o f screen, and you c an t ype t he URL t here . 3. You can open sev eral web pages at the sam e t im e .
Android 4. 4 | 15 To add a nd sch e d ule an event 1. Tap Appli cation Drawer > APPS tab > . 2. Tap Menu > New e v ent. 3. Enter the det a il s of t h e ev e nt . 4. Sel ect the dates i n t he fi e l ds of “ F rom” and “To” . F or an all - day event, c heck “ ALL DAY ”.
Android 4. 4 | 16 Displ ay your cur rent l ocati on S elec t differ ent layers, such as Traff ic, Satelli te, Transit Li nes , etc. Ty pe i n a keyword and search f or a place you want I nput the start poi nt and end point to g e t the directi on Fi nd places, such as restaurant s, cafes, bar s, attr actions, etc.
Android 4. 4 | 17 5. Tap then T ap a v ideo to upload. 5 .10 Search Search f or t he inform ation in the Int ernet and on the phone . Tap Applicati on Drawer > APPS tab > . You can al s o see the G oogle search bar on t he Home screen. 5 .1 1 D ownl oad s F il es and ot her item s y ou dow nl oaded in Email or B ro wser are stor ed.
Android 4. 4 | 18 A dd t o f a v orites Previ ous radi o fr equency / N ex t r adio f requency Previ ous channel/ Ne x t channel 5.1 4 Googl e+ Y ou can chec k your f riends ’ update s , post updates of your ow n and c hat with y our f ri ends i n Googl e+ .
Android 4. 4 | 19 6 . Ma nagi ng Y ou r Phone 6 .1 Man aging Basic Sett in gs Date and T ime You can set up t he date and t he time on your phone. To set up the date and time 1.
Android 4. 4 | 20 To change the screen o rien tation 1. Tap Appli cation Drawer > APPS tab > >D ispl ay . 2. Check “Auto- rotate screen” t o adjust the screen aut omati cally . To d i spl ay the screen n ever sleep while ch arging 1. Tap Appli cation Drawer > APPStab > > About phone.
Android 4. 4 | 21 Removi ng your accoun t 1. Tap Appli cation Drawer > APPS tab > > ACCO UNTS. 2. Tap the acc ount you w ant to remov e . 3. Tap Menu > Remove ac count. NOT E : 1. L et Go ogle apps access your locati on, please tap Appli cation Drawer > APPS tab > > Goo gle A CCO UNTS > Locat ion setting s > ON.
Android 4. 4 | 22 >S ecurity > Scr een l ock. Confirm t he sa v ed pattern, an d t hen, tap “ None ” to disable it . 6.5 Resettin g Your P hone W ith C l ean Boot, you can reset your phone to its factory default s. W hen y ou reset y our phone, the dat a stored in your phone may be erased.
デバイスGigabyte Guru GXの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Gigabyte Guru GXをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGigabyte Guru GXの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Gigabyte Guru GXの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Gigabyte Guru GXで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Gigabyte Guru GXを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGigabyte Guru GXの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Gigabyte Guru GXに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGigabyte Guru GXデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。