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Communication Server Security Setup Guide CommWorks Ready Part Num ber 10031 370.
Communication Server Security Setup Guide CommWorks Ready Part No . 1003137 0-01 Published November 2000.
3Com Corporation 5400 Bayfr on t Pl aza Santa Cl ara, California 95052- 8145 3C OM COR POR A TION (h er eina fter 3Co m ) LIMIT ED USE SOF TW AR E LICE NSE AGR EEMEN T REA D CA REF UL L Y : B y .
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A BO U T T HI S G UIDE This chapter c overs security issues over the network, assi gnin g ri ghts and permissions to users. If release notes are shipped with your product and the i nformation there differs from the inf orma tion in this g uide , fo llow the i nst ructi ons i n t he r elease no tes.
x C HA PTER : A BO UT T HIS G UI DE Y ear 2000 Com pliance For i nformation on Y ear 2000 c om pli anc e and 3Com products, vis it the 3Com Y ear 2000 W eb page: http://www.3com.com/products/yr2000.html Keyboard key names If you must pres s two or more keys simu ltaneously, the key nam es are li nked w ith a p lus sig n (+) .
1 I NTRODUC I NG S ECUR ITY This chapter expl ains how security works and what functions i t performs. It also provides reference i nf orm ati on on pre- de fi ne d us e r g r oups , all per mis s i on s and perm is s ion de finition s .
1-2 C HA PTER 1 : I NTRODUCING S ECUR I TY A com p lete descripti on of all possible perm i ssion s appears in the Securi ty Objects and Permissions section lat er in thi s chapter .
S ecu rity G lossary 1-3 case, simply rem ove perm i ssion f rom the Sa l es Us er group to deny them access to mon it oring f eatur e of fax port 2. Al l other user grou ps, except tho se be longing to th e s ub -gro up Sale s U s e r , can still m on itor the m ode m .
1-4 C HA PTER 1 : I NTRODUCING S ECUR I TY set up here. Ther e ar e two states of an Account # in refer ence to a user . The Accou nt # is either Active or Forw ar ded .
S ecu rity G lossary 1-5 I f you are sati sfied wi th t he pre-defin ed User groups and thei r permissions, you may not need to use this securi ty m odule at all (ex cept t o add new users) . F or m or e info rm atio n on t he p erm ission s for pr e-d efine d gr o ups, see the follo wing se ction, Pr e-De fine d Us er G ro ups.
1-6 C HA PTER 1 : I NTRODUCING S ECUR I TY S erver supervisors c annot c reate fax jobs unless they also be long the Fax Users group. Account Supervisors Account supervi sors are created t o provide added securit y for ind ivid uals wh o nee d it.
S ecu rity G lossary 1-7 Comm Works IP Fax Us ers Members of this gr oup ha ve irrevocable permissions t o creat e f a x j obs . Y ou mu s t belon g to this g roup to create f ax j obs. Assistants Mem bers of t his group can do the same acti ons to fax jobs as the person t hey assist.
1-8 C HA PTER 1 : I NTRODUCING S ECUR I TY ■ Use r Pr ofi le O wne d by 'Sel f' This group allows t he creator of an obj ect addit ional permissions for i t. Y ou can change these permissions as n eeded. For mor e i nformation on the defaul t permissions users have for o bjec ts Owned By Self , see the previous section.
S ecu rity G lossary 1-9 Li st Co ver PageS ee tha t the cover page exi sts in the list of cover pages usin g the Fax S end di al og. Ot her Cover P ag e Permiss i ons are on ly usefu l when you have t he Li st Perm issi on. Use Cover PageS end t he Cover Page with out bound faxes from t he Fax S end dial og.
1-10 C HAPTER 1: I NTRODUCING S ECU RITY R ename F ol de r Change t he fol der's name from the F older Properti es dialog . Vie w Fr o m F o ld e rV i ew a fax from the folder i n t he Fax I mage Vi ewer .
S ecu rity G lossary 1-11 E di t U s e r ' s P h oneb ook E nt ry Change t he phonebook entry i nformation for the user f rom the user' s Phonebook Entry di alog. List U ser See that t he user exist s on the Authoriz ed Users dial og.
2 W ORKI NG W ITH S EC URITY This chapt er explains how to use the security mod ule t o crea te groups and e dit permissions. Star ti ng Secur it y The e xample be low will use the Server Adm i nistrator b u t t o n me n u t o w o r k w i t h se curi ty fe atu re s.
2-2 C HA PTER 2 : W ORKI NG W ITH S ECU RITY Sortin g Security Info rm at ion The Security Setup screen has a com mand bar at the to p. T his section wil l addre ss some of the com mands found in this area.
S ta rti ng S ecuri ty 2-3 Settin g U p Accou nts In a new i ns tallat ion, t wo default acc ounts are created automaticall y: the acc ount names ar e rese rved, an d a re displayed as Acc ount # 1 and S ystem Account. These acc ounts cannot be delet ed.
2-4 C HA PTER 2 : W ORKI NG W ITH S ECU RITY 3 Enter the us er s na m e in the field and click Add . The Us er Proper ti es screen appears: Fig ur e 2-4 User Pr ope rties Field s fo r th is s cr ee.
S ta rti ng S ecuri ty 2-5 Acc ount Status Act iv e : All account rule s ap ply t o t his us er. Fo rward e d : All inbound faxes a nd activity charges will be forwarded to the account named in the Forw arded T o fie ld below. Ac t iv e i s the defau lt setting.
2-6 C HA PTER 2 : W ORKI NG W ITH S ECU RITY Se tt i ng U p Grou ps Af ter manually creati ng users, c reating groups provides structure to the security confi gurati on. For e xample, a sep arate gr oup may be created for each department so that the use o f attachm ents, phone book s or port devices is r estricted.
S ta rti ng S ecuri ty 2-7 5 The Add Mem b ers s creen opens in a window to the l eft of the main screen. Select users one-at-a-tim e or all at once. Click Ad d Mem b er! and th e na m es appe ar in the expan de d gro upna m e fo lde r .
2-8 C HA PTER 2 : W ORKI NG W ITH S ECU RITY De le ting a User -d efine d Gr oup 1 In Secu rity Setup , select the group yo u want to rem ove. 2 Fro m th e Ch ange m enu , click Delete Gr oup . 3 The gro up is r em oved from the list. Sub- Gr oups Use rs and obje cts can belong to mo r e th an one gro up.
S ta rti ng S ecuri ty 2-9 5 On the comm and bar , cli ck P e r m issi o n s . The P er m i ssio n s wi ndow appears: Fig ur e 2-9 Object Pe rm issions by U ser Gr oup 6 This screen shows that all inheri ted per m issi ons have been tr ansferred to al l users in this g ro up.
2-10 C HAPTER 2: W ORKI NG W ITH S EC URITY Do mina nt P er mis s i on W hen a user be longs to mor e than one gr oup with different perm issions, or i s indi vidually defined for sp ecif ic object s, which permission i s used? Rule 1. Indiv idua l s perm is s ions ove rrule the pe rm is s ion s for a grou p .
S ta rti ng S ecuri ty 2-1 1 1. C hang e th e pe rm issio n in th is sc re e n. An exp licit pe rm i ss ion will o ver rid e a gro up-inhe rited perm ission . 2. Make a specif ic group for Sales Att achm ent s. These public attachments are acc essible by al l sal es persons.
3 S EC URITY P E R MI SSI O N E XA M P L E S This chapt er shows two exam p le proced ure s. T hese sam pl es build on concepts discussed earli er in this gui de. Sample Sal es Per m iss ion s This sample uses a group of users cal led SrSales and a group o f attachm ents called Sales Attach me nts .
3-2 C HA PTER 3 : S ECU RITY P ERM I SSI ON E XAM PLES d Click Sales Attach me nts to expand the folder . Click P er m i ssio n s! Fig ur e 3-2 Default Pe rmiss ions e The default perm i ssions for Sales Attachments sh ows t hat no perm i ssions ar e gran ted .
S am ple Sales Perm issions 3-3 d Cli c k P e rm issi o n s! to see that these att achments cann ot be used by thi s gro up. Fig ur e 3-4 Developm ent Perm issions e Ope n the SrSa le s g r oup. f Ope n the All Attachmen ts fol der an d cl ick on Sales Attach m ents .
3-4 C HA PTER 3 : S ECU RITY P ERM I SSI ON E XAM PLES T o Ch ang e I ndi vi du al Per mis s i ons 1 In th e So rted b y Us ers window , select a user tha t does no t belong to either the SrSales g ro up or the Ser ver Supe rvi s or s pre-defin ed group.
7 Clic k Cha ng e Perm issi ons! to all ow this user use of the SalesAttach men ts . Fig ur e 3-7 SalesAttachm ent Perm i ssions C hanged.
1 I NDEX A Acco unt # definition 1-3 Acco unt #1 2-3 Acc ount Status user propertie s 2-5 Acco unt s 1-2 cr ea ting 2 -3 overview 1-2 Add New User 2-2, 2 -3 Add T o Fold er definition 1-9 Add to P hon.
2 owned by self 1-7 pr e-d ef ined User Gr oups 1 -5 securi ty 1-1, 2-1 Own ed By Se lf definition 1-3 overview 1-7 Own ed by Se lf Object list 1-7 P Pas swor d/Co nfirm user propertie s 2-4 Pause Fax.
3Com Cor porati on 5400 B ayfront Plaza P.O. B ox 5814 5 Santa Clara , CA 95052 -8145 ©200 0 3Com Cor porati on All rights rese rved Printed in the U.
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