Golden TechnologiesメーカーGC440の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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O w ner ’ s Manual Com p anion II, 4-w heel Com p anion II, 3-w heel Com p a ni on I Golden Te chnologies · 401 B ridge Stre et · Old Forge, PA · Te l: 800-624 -6374 · Fax: 800 -628 -5165 · www.
Th ank you for purch asing your Com panion S coot er. We are h on ored you ha ve cho sen Golden T echn ologies for y our mo bility n eeds. Please n ote, unless ot her wise spec ifie d, t he term Comp a nion refers to each of the model s li s ted b elow: Comp ani on I — 3 wh eel sc o oter GC2 40 — 300 l b.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Co mpanio n 3 I. INTRODUCT ION ................................................................................................................... 4 F eature s a nd Ben efi t s ................
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Co mpanio n 4 Congrat ulations on the pu rchase of your ne w Gol d en Com panion scooter . T he Compani on, th e Compani on II, and the f our-wh eel Compan ion II al l com bine cutt ing edge t echnolog y with attr active designs t hat are a lso hi ghly function a l in to day’s wor ld.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Co mpanio n 5 Features and Benefits Your Golden Com panion scoot er shipping cart on cont ains an informat ional DV D that high - light s th e featur es an d bene fit s of your Companion scooter as wel l as im portant safet y and operating instr uction s.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Co mpanio n 6 Accessories for the Companion Scooters A variet y of accessories are ava ilable for your Golden Com panion Scoot er*. P lease con tact your Autho ri zed Gold e n Technol o gies ' Dealer for more info rmation.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Co mpanio n 7 Your Golden Com pa nion is a batt ery-oper ated personal mobility vehicle. Please exercis e caut ion an d con sider ati on when you are op erating it .
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Co mpanio n 8 DRIVING ON INCLINES • For maximu m sta bility, l ean for war d in your Companion ’s seat wh ile pro ceedin g up ramps, inclin es, cu rbs, or any low rise . See figu re 1. • Drive w ith caut ion when attemptin g to neg otiate an y in cline, even h a ndic a p access ramp s.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Co mpanio n 9 If i t is necessary to ba ck d own a slo p e follow one of two proced ur es. NO T E : Wh e n us i ng eit he r o f t he fo llo w i ng pro ced ur es to bac k down a slo pe, Go lde n Tec hno log i es , Inc.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 10 P lease use y o ur Go l de n Compa nion sco ot er o ften an d a ll o w i t to expan d t he h o r i zo ns of y o ur da ily life.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 11 Th e rapid d evelopmen t of el ectronics, especially in the area of commun icati ons, has satur ated our en vironm ent with el.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 12 FOR Y OUR RE C ORD S Please f ill in y our Comp anion’s informat ion b elow. T his infor mation will be us eful in the event th at you ever nee d to con tact Gol den Techn ologies, Inc.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 13 Spe cific ation GC240 GC340 GC440 Len gth 42.5 in . 45.8 in . 47.5 in. Width 23.5 in . 23.5 in . 24 in. Tires Solid Solid Solid Fro nt 9 in. 9 in. 10 in. Rear 9 in. 10 in. 10 in.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 14 CONTROLS Sp eed Ad just ment D ial • Th e sp eed adjust ment d ial all ows you t o pres elect th e maximum top speed of you r Go lden C omp anion. See figu re 5. • Tu rn th e dial coun terclock wise to o perate yo ur scooter at t he l owest s p eed level .
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 15 Pow er Indic at o r LED When the po wer to yo ur Compa ni on i s turne d on, the P ower Ind icato r LED (L ig ht Emitti ng Diode) will ligh t u p. See figure 5. T his LE D is u sed for di agnosing operation al problem s th at may ari se.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 16 DC Voltage M eter Th is met er (see figure 5) shows t he amount of voltag e in you r Com pa nion ’s bat ter ies. • Green indi cates a full ch ar ge on th e batte ries . • Yellow indicat es caut ion and approxim ate ly a one-h alf charge of the ba tteries.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 17 Armrest W idth Adjustment T o ad just th e armrest width: 1. Loosen the adju stme nt knobs at the rear of the seat. See figu re 6 . 2. Slide th e armrest s in or out to th e desir ed w idth .
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 18 V. O P E R A T I O N Freewh eel Mod e You r Gol den Com pani on is equi pped with a freewheel lever th at c an set y our sco oter in or out of fre ewheel mod e. T he freewh eel lever engages your p a rk br ak e.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 19 MOUNTING NOTE: For your first driving sessions, make certain that yo ur G ol den Comp anion star ts ou t on a le vel su rf ace a nd th at y ou will con tin ue driv ing on a lev el su rface .
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 20 St eerin g St eering you r Go ld en Comp anion is easy and logi cal. 1. With b oth han ds on the han dgrips of t he tille r (see figure 4.), tu rn th e tiller t o the ri ght t o trav el to the ri ght.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 21 CO NTROL THRO UGH TIG HT SPOTS As yo u use your Go ld e n Compa nion to g rea tly i ncrea se your mobi l ity, y o u wi l l undoubte d ly encoun ter some o bstacles t hat wi ll requ ire practice t o ne gotiate sm oothly a nd safe ly.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 22 1. R EM OVING THE SEAT NOTE : Pin chless s eat hing es are stan dard on al l Gold en C omp anion scoote rs. 1. Remove th e key. 2. Make su re that t he scooter brake is en - gage d.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 23 VII. DISASS EM B L Y FIGURE 17. BATTE RY CONNECTO RS 4. DISCONNECT THE FRONT AND REAR FRAM E SECTIONS. 1. Pul l up o n the T hand le nex t to the s eat post S ee figu re 1 8 . Pull ing up on t he T hand le wi l l sepa rate the front a nd re a r section .
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 24 FIGURE 20. CO RRE CT FRAME ALIGNM E NT VIII. ASSEM B L Y Th e Companion scooters are easy to assem- ble. Ma ke sure th e key is out of the key switch befor e assem bling your s cooter.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 25 VIII. ASSEM B L Y WAR NING: Do not sit in or attempt to mov e your Companion unless the fr ame are r ear carri age are s ecure ly eng aged . Ac cident al sep arat ion of th e fr ame f rom th e r ear c arri age ma y oc cur and c ause injury of d am age.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 26 NOT E: A ll Go lden C ompan ion s cooter s sho wn a bove can be e quipp ed w ith dock ing d evic es for loadin g on t o a vehicl e by me ans of a mech anic al l ift or hoist . C o ntact your Gold en T echno logi es, In c.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 27 X. CARE AN D M AINTENANCE ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Th e Golden Com panion is vir tually maint enan ce free. All of the b earing s on your G olden Compan ion ar e per mane nt ly lubr i cate d an d s eale d.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 28 X. CARE AN D M AINTENANCE BATTERIES AND CHARGING Batt ery main ten ance is th e most im portant part of m aintain ing y our scoot er. Keeping the batter i es fully charge d hel ps to exten d batt ery lif e.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 29 IF YOUR COM PANION DOES NOT OPERATE • Make certain t hat t he freewhee l lever is set to t he engage d positi on. See page 18 . • Check th e main cir cuit breaker. If necess ary, r eset t he circu it b rea k er.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 30 Resett ing t he M ain Circu it B reak er 1. If the m ain circuit breaker t rips as a resu lt of run- down bat teries or becau se of a tem porary overlo ad, reset the c ircuit bre ak er: 2.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 31 3 Fla s he s Consu lt your auth orized G o lden T echnologies , Inc. de al er.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 32 X. CARE AN D M AINTENANCE 7 Fla s he s • Indic ates a problem with t he throt tle contr ol lever . • May al so ind ica te a p robl em wi th the pote nti ome ter ( spe e d co ntr o l).
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 33 XI. W ARRANTY.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 34 XI. W ARRANTY.
Com p a nion Own er's Manua l : G C240, GC340, GC440 Compa n io n 35 W ARRAN TY/R EGISTRA T ION FORM Gold en T ec hnol ogies Pr oduct Registrati on For m Pl ea se fi ll ou t thi s p r od uc t reg is tra tion f orm o r yo u ca n a l so regi s ter y our product online at www .
401 Bridge Street Old Forge, PA Tel: 800-624-6374 Fax: 800-628-5165 Com pani onOM .08 1409 Com p a nion II, 4-w heel Com p a nion II, 3-w heel Com p a ni on I.
デバイスGolden Technologies GC440の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Golden Technologies GC440をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGolden Technologies GC440の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Golden Technologies GC440の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Golden Technologies GC440で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Golden Technologies GC440を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGolden Technologies GC440の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Golden Technologies GC440に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGolden Technologies GC440デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。