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24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unne l Data Shee t 1 Cover page AMD-8151 TM HyperT ransport TM AGP 3.0 Graphics T unnel Data Sheet 1O v e r v i e w The AMD-8151 TM HyperT ransport TM AGP3.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 2 T rad emarks AMD, the AMD Arrow lo go, and combina tions th ereof, and AMD-8151 are tr ademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. HyperT ransport is a licens ed trademar k of the Hyp erT ransp ort T echnology Cons ortium.
3 24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet T able of Contents 1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Device Features .
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 4 List of Figur es Figure 1: System blo ck diagram. ................... ........................... .................. ........................... ...... ............ ..... 1 Figure 2: Configurati on space.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 5 List of T ables T able 1: IO signal t ypes. ..................... ........................... .................. ........................... .......... ................. ..... 6 T able 2: T ransla tion from AGP req uests to link request s.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 6 2 Or derin g I nfo rm atio n 3 Sign al D esc ripti on s 3.1 T erminology See sect ion 5.1.2 fo r a des criptio n of the regi ster namin g conven tion used in t his documen t. See the AMD-8151 TM HyperT ransport TM AGP3.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 7 3.2 T unnel Link Signals The foll owing are s ignals as sociate d with the Hy perT ransp ort TM links. [ B, A] in the signal na mes belo w refer to the A a nd B sides o f the tunnel.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 8 3.3 AGP Sig na ls In the table below, “Term” indicates the standard AGP 3.0 termination impedance to ground; “PU” indicates a weak pullup resistor; “PD” indicates a weak pulldown resistor.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 9 The SERR# and PERR# signals a re not sup ported on t he AGP bridge . A_G NT# . AGP master grant signal. Output VDD15 T erm Low PU High A_IRDY#. AGP master ready signal. IO VDD15 T erm T erm PU PU A_MB8XDET#.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 10 3.4 T est and Miscellaneous Signals 3.5 Power and Gr ound VDD12[B, A]. 1.2 v olt power plan e for the HyperT ransport TM technology pins. VDD12A prov ides power to the A sid e of the t unnel.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 11 4 Functional Operation 4.1 Ove rview The IC conne cts to the host through either the s ide A or side B HyperT ransport TM lin k interf ace. The other sid e of the t unnel may or may not b e connected t o another d evice.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 12 In summary , St op Grant br oadcasts with SMAF fiel ds specif ied by DevA:0 xF0[ICGSMAF] enab le the clock gating wi ndow and S TPCLK deassert ion broadc asts dis able the window .
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 13 All AGP tran sac tio ns a re comp lia nt to AG P o rde ring rul es. APG tran sac tio ns a re trans late d i nto lin k t ransa c- tions as fol low s: 4.5.2 V arious Behaviors • The AGP bridg e does not claim lin k special cycles.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 14 The first calibration cycle occurs approximately 4 mill iseconds after the deas sertion of R ESET# (whether AGP 2.0 or 3.0 signal ing is enabled). 5 Regis ters 5.1 Regis ter Over view The IC includes s everal s ets of re gisters accessed through a v ariety o f address spaces.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 15 The foll owing are c onfigu ration space s: The IC does not cl aim confi guration- regist er access es to unimplemente d functio ns within its devic es (they are forwarde d to the other side of the tunnel ).
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 16 AGP Device S tatus And Command Register DevA:0x04 Default: 0 210 0000h Attribu te: See below . AGP Device Revi sion and Class Code Regist er DevA:0x08 Default: 0 600 00??h Attribu te: See below .
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 17 AGP Device Graphic V irtual Memory Aperture Regis ter DevA:0x10 It is e xpected t hat the s tate of thi s regist er is copi ed into t he host by software. This re gister c ontrols no hard- ware in the I C.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 18 AGP Miscella neous Contr ol Regis ter DevA:0x40 Default: 0 000 0000h Attribu te: See below . Bits D es cri ption 31:8 Reserve d. 7 Mu st b e low . This b it is requi red to be low at all tim es; s etti ng it h igh res ults in und efi ned beh av ior .
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 19 AGP PHY Contr ol Regi ster DevA:0x[54, 50] These registers apply to t he compensat ion value s of AGP clock -forwarde d data and strobe si gnals as f ollows: • DevA:0x50: data sign als A_AD[31:0 ], A_CBE_L[3:0], A_DBI[ H, L], and A_SBA[7 :0].
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 20 AGP PHY Skew Contr ol Register DevA:0x58 DSKEW and SSKE W are desi gned su ch that when they are both programmed t o the s ame value, the AGP out - put str obes tran sition near the cent er of the data eye.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 21 AGP Mos t R ec ent Req uest R egi ster DevA :0 x60 As each P IPE mode or SBA mode AGP reques t is transferred into the I C, the fields are placed in to this register . Thus, this regi ster provi des t he fields of the most recen t AGP reque sts.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 22 AGP Command Register DevA:0xA8 Default : 0000 0000h Attribu te: Read-wri te. 4 FWSUP: f ast wri te support flag. 0= Fast writes are not suppor ted. 1 =Fast write s are su pported. The state of this bit is contr olled by De vA:0x40[FWDIS].
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 23 AGP Control Register DevA:0xB0 Default : 0000 0000h Attribu te: Read-wri te. AGP Apertur e Size Re gister DevA:0xB4 Default: 0 001 0F00h Attribu te: See below . 2:0 DRA TE: data transf er mode ra te.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 24 AGP Device GAR T Pointer DevA:0xB8 This register control s no hardwar e in the IC. I t is expec ted that the stat e of this registe r is copied into the h ost by softwa re. Default : 0000 0000 0 000 0000h Attribu te: Read- write.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 25 Link Config uration And Contr ol Registe r DevA:0xC4 and DevA:0xC8 DevA:0x C4 applies side A of t he tunnel and De vA:0xC8 ap plies to side B of the t unnel. The defaul t value for bit[5 ] may vary ( see the de fini tion) .
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 26 18:16 Max link width in. Read only . This spe cifies the width o f the inc oming link to be 16 bits wi de for side A and 8 b its wide for si de B. 15 Reserve d. 14 EXTCTL: extended contr ol time during ini tializati on.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 27 Link Fr equency Capability 0 Register DevA:0xCC Default: 0 035 0022h. Attribu te: See below . Link Fr equency Capability 1 Register DevA:0xD0 Default: 0 035 0002h. Attribu te: See below .
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 28 Link PHY Compensation Contr ol Registers DevA:0x[E8, E4, E0] The lin k PHY ci rcu itry inc lud es au tom ati c co mpen sat ion that is used to adj ust the el ect rica l ch arac ter isti cs f or the link tra nsmitter s and receive rs on both s ides of the t unnel.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 29 Clock Contr ol Register DevA:0xF0 See sect ion 4.3.1 fo r deta ils on clock gating. AMD s ystem reco mmendations f or System Mana gement Acti on Field (SMAF) cod es are: 0=ACPI C2; 1=ACPI C3; 2 =FID/VID change; 3=ACPI S1; 4=ACPI S3; 5=Throt- tling; 6 =ACPI S4/S5.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 30 5.3 AGP Bridge Confi guration Regis ters These regist ers are loca ted in PCI configur ation sp ace, i n the seco nd device (devi ce B), functi on 0. See se ction 5.1.2 for a descr iption of t he register naming conve ntion.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 31 AGP Bridge Bus Number s And Secondary Latency Regis ter DevB:0x18 Default : 0000 0000h Attribu te: Read-wri te.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 32 • Host- initia ted trans actions inside the windows are route d to the AGP bu s.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 33 DevB :0 x24 . Default: 0 000 FFF0h Attribu te: Read- write. DevB :0 x30 . Default: 0 000 FFFFh Attribu te: Read-wri te. AGP Bridge Interrupt and Bridge Contr ol Register DevB:0x3C Default: 0 000 00FFh Attribu te: See below .
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 34 6 Elect rical Data 6.1 Absolute Ra tings The IC is not des igned to opera te beyond t he paramet ers shown in t he following t able.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 35 6.3 DC Characteri stics See the Hyp erT ransport TM T echnology El ectrica l Specifica tion for the DC chara cterist ics of lin k signals . The foll owing tabl e shows curr ent consu mption in amps and power i n watts fo r each power plane.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 36 The fol lowing t able shows DC cha racteri stics for sig nals on the VDD15 power plane whe n AGP 2.0 sign aling is enabl ed. The fol lowing t able shows DC cha racteri stics for sig nals on the VDD15 power plane whe n AGP 3.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 37 6.4 AC Characteri stics See the Hyp erT ransport T echnology El ectrica l Specifi cation f or the AC cha racteri stics of link si gnals. The foll owing tabl e shows AC spec ificati on data f or clocks .
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 38 The foll owing tabl e shows AC spec ificati on data f or clock- forwarded operation of AGP signals. AGP 2X AGP 4X AGP 8X Symbol Parameter Description Min Max M in Max Min Max Units Notes t TSF A_PCLK to transmit str obe f irst strobe edge 2 12 1.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 39 7 Ba ll D es igna tion s To p s i d e v i e w. 123456789 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 A L T ACAD _.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 40 Alphabet ical list ing of sig nals and co rrespondi ng BGA designa tors. Signal n ame Ball S ignal nam e Ball Signal name Ball Si.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 41 Signal name Ball Signal nam e Ball Signal nam e Ball Signal name Ball Signal name Ball Signal name Ball Signal name Ball VDD12A 1.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 42 8 Package Specificati on Figur e 4: Package mechanical drawing. AMD Øb PACKAGE D1/E1 D2/E2 SYMBOL D/E D3/E3 aaa bbb ccc 6. "x" in front of package variation denotes non-qualified package c) Die and passive fudicials a) Marking on die, label on package 7.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 43 9T e s t The IC incl ude s the f ollo wi ng t est m odes. 9.1 High Impedance Mode In high- impedance mode , all the signals of the IC are pla ced into t he hig h-impedance state. 9.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 44 NAND tree 1: output si gnal is STRAPL[5] . However , the gate con nected to the last si gnal in t his NAND tree (LDTCOMP[3]) i s an AND gate r ather th an a NAND gat e; so t he expect ed output o f this NAND tr ee is invert ed compared to t he other NAND t rees.
24888 Rev 3.0 3 - July 12 , 2004 AMD-8151 TM AGP T unnel Data Sheet 45 NAND tree 3: output signal is STRAPL[3] . Nand tree 4: output signal is STRAPL[ 2]. Notes: • LDTSTOP#, A_TYPEDET#, TEST , STRAPL[ 0], A_REFCG , A_REFGC, A_CALD, A_CALD#, A_CALS, and A_CALS# are not in th e NAND trees.
デバイスAMD 8151の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
AMD 8151をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAMD 8151の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。AMD 8151の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。AMD 8151で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
AMD 8151を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAMD 8151の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、AMD 8151に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAMD 8151デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。