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Grand str eam Netw ork s, Inc. ww w .gr andstrea Grandstream Networks, Inc. GX P220 0 Enterprise Multimedia Phone for An droid TM User Manual.
Firmware V ersion 1 .0.3.16 GXP2200 USER MANUAL Page 1 o f 159 GXP 2200 User Manual Index GNU GPL INF ORM A T ION ............................ .... ............. ............................. 10 CHA NGE LO G .................. ........................
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 2 o f 159 DIRECT IP CALL ............................................................................................................................... 39 ANSW ER ING A CALL .......................
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 3 o f 159 MESSAGE .................................................................................................................................. 94 MUSI C .......................................
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 4 o f 159 ADV A NCED S ETT INGS/ GENERAL SET TI NGS ...................................................................... 125 ADV ANCED SET TINGS/CALL FEA T URES ...................................
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 5 o f 159 UPGRADE VIA SD C ARD ............................................................................................................... 153 NO LO CAL F IRMWARE SERVERS .......................
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 6 o f 159 T able of Figur es GXP2200 U ser man ual Figure 1: GXP2200 Front Vi e w ................................................................................................................. 14 Figure 2: GX P2200 Back V iew .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 7 o f 159 Figure 40: Inv i te P arty to Confer ence ....................................................................................................... 49 Figure 41: 3 - way C onference Call Est ablished .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 8 o f 159 Figure 81: GXP2200 Co ntact s - Edit Cont act ............................................................................................ 77 Figure 82: GX P2200 Co ntact s - S torage S tatu s .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 9 o f 159 Figure 122: GX P2200 Se arch - Search o n GX P2200 ............................................................................. 100 Figure 123: GX P2200 Se arch - Dial Number ............
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 10 o f 159 GNU GPL INF ORM A TION GXP22 0 0 fir m ware cont ain s t hi rd - par ty sof tware licensed unde r the GNU Genera l Pub lic License (GPL). Grandstream use s softw ar e under th e specif i c te rm s of the GPL.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 11 of 159 C H A NG E LOG This sect ion document s significan t changes f rom previous ve rsions of GXP 2200 user m anual s. On l y m ajor new features or maj or docu m ent updates are listed here. Minor updat es for co rrections or editing are not docum ented here.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 12 o f 159 • Updated w idgets and shortcut s inform ation for idle screen. [ ADD ING AN IT EM TO IDLE SC REEN ] • Added LDA P support. [ L DAP BOOK ] • Added V oi ce Assist support. [ VOICE ASSIST ] • Added V oi ce D ialer supp ort.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 13 o f 159 WE LCO ME Thank you for p urchas i n g Grandstream GXP2200 Enterpr i se M ul t imedia Phon e for A ndr oi d TM . GXP220 0 represents t he fut ure of enterprise business telephones in m odern In ternet age.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 14 o f 159 PR ODUCT O VER VIEW F EA TUR E HIG HTLIGHTS • 480x272 pix el capac i t ive touch scr een TFT L CD • HD wideband audi o, superb full .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 15 o f 159 G XP2200 T ECH NICAL SPECIFICA TION S T able 1: GXP2200 T ec hnical Specifi catio ns Pr otocols and S tandar ds S IP RFC3261, T CP/IP /U.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 16 o f 159 1.2W pow er consum ption per unit Base S tan d Y es, integrated st and w ith 2 adjus table ang les QoS Layer 2 (802.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 17 o f 159 I N S TA L L AT I O N EQU IP MEN T P ACK AG IN G T able 2: GXP220 0 E q uipme nt P acka ging Main Case Ye s (1) Handset Ye s (1) Phone C.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 18 o f 159 T able 3: GXP220 0 C o nnect ors SD Card Slot SD Card S lot USB Po rt USB devices can be connect ed via the US B port. For exam pl e : C onnect a US B flash d ri v e to save captu r ed p ictures ; Connect a US B Wi - Fi do ngle to the GX P2200.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 19 o f 159 T able 4 : GX P220 0 EXT P ackagi ng GXP2200E XT Main Case Ye s (1) GXP22 00EXT St a nd Ye s (1) R J 11 - RJ1 1 Cabl e Ye s (1) Conn ect.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 20 o f 159 The GXP 2200E XT can be conf igured via th e web GUI of the GXP2200 connected. A fter successfully configure d, press Left o r Right button on the GXP2200E XT and users cou ld brow se all t he MPK's s tatus in diffe rent pa ges.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 21 o f 159 GETT ING TO KNOW GXP2200 USING T HE T OUCHSC REEN W hen t he phone boot s up in HOME screen, the LCD w i ll display as be low . A r egistered acc ount i s show n in th e fo llowing figure a nd u sers m ight need registe r their ow n account to hav e the account status displayed.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 22 o f 159 T o fully m ani pu l ate th e GXP2200 cap acitive t ouch screen, us e your fin ger s operate the follow i ng on t he GXP2200 ico ns, buttons , menu item s, onscreen keyboa rd and etc. • Ta p T o select item s on the scr een (e.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 23 o f 159 • The screen w i th selected in a red fram e i s the HOM E screen. Othe rs are sh own w i th i con .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 24 o f 159 Fi g ur e 7 : Del ete GXP220 0 Idle S creen Note : Remov i ng th e widgets /shortcut s from the screen to be de leted is n ecessary . Otherw ise, u sers won't see show up for the screen.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 25 o f 159 Screen indicator . D isp layed on the bo ttom of each i d l e scr een. Ora nge : T he cur r en t di spl a y ed screen . A ccount register ed . D i s played on the defau l t HOME screen when the account is regist ered .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 26 o f 159 6 Call forward (A ccoun t 6) . Displayed i n statu s bar when c all forw ar d is set up fo r account 6. Ala r m . Di splayed in stat us bar when th ere is al a rm set up. DND . Displayed in status bar w hen DND is on .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 27 o f 159 • Engl is h Key board This i s the d efault key board on GXP 2200. T ap on to chan ge keyboard/ input opti ons.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 28 o f 159 Fi g ur e 11 : GXP 2200 Onscr een Keyb oard - Lower case Fi g ur e 12 : GXP 2200 Onscr een Keyb oard - Capital Up percase Fi g ur e 13 :.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 29 o f 159 Fi g ur e 14 : E nglis h Key board - Numbe r a nd Sym bols Fi g ur e 15 : C hi ne s e K eyboar d - N u mb er an d Symbo ls Note : • T o configure keyb oard and input opt ions, us ers could go to Se tti ng s - > Langu age & K ey board - > Key board S ettin gs .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 30 o f 159 Fi g ur e 16 : GXP 2200 Keyboar d T able 6 : GX P2200 K ey p ad B ut t o ns Co nta ct s .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 31 o f 159 Send /Redial . Vo l u m e . Note : T o capture a screensh ot, pres s the MENU and SEARCH but ton at the s am e ti m e. Then the scree nshot picture w ill be saved under File M anager -> u ser_data -> s creensh ot folder .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 32 o f 159 Fi g ur e 17 : GXP 2200 St a tus Bar Once the st atus bar is opene d, users cou ld view the notificati on s , process and system settings. • Notific ati on Users cou ld tap on the not i ficat ion m essage to open it and v iew the deta ils.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 33 o f 159 Fi g ur e 19 : GXP 2200 St a tus Bar - Process • Sy stem Settings Users cou ld access som e of the frequently used features from system sett i ngs. For e ach option, please see t he descri ption below .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 34 o f 159 Note : Handset M ode i s fo r audio path and GXP220 0 dia l er cont rol w hen running 3rd pa rty app t hat us es m edi a path. Current ly t h ere are three opt i ons suppor ted: • En abled: Defau lt m ode.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 35 o f 159 MAK ING PHONE CALLS REG IST ER ING S I P ACCO U N TS The GX P 2200 supports up to 6 independent SIP accounts. Each acc ount m ay have sep arate SIP servers, usernam es and NAT conf igurations.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 36 o f 159 HAND SET , SPEAK ER AN D HEADSET MO DE The GX P2200 allow s users to sw itch a m ong handset, spe aker or headset w hen m aki ng c alls.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 37 o f 159 2. Off hook and di al • T ake the handse t off hook , or press the speak er button , or press the he adset button to bring up t he ca .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 38 o f 159 5. Vi a Con tacts • Access the cont acts inform ation b y t apping on the onscreen M enu icon -> Cont act s icon ; • The LCD scr .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 39 o f 159 7. Making Call Via Bluetooth Headse t • Connect Bl uetooth heads et with th e GXP2200 ; • Make an outgo ing ca ll; • If the call i.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 40 o f 159 • Input th e 12 - di gi t tar ge t IP a d dress. F or example, if the t arget IP address i s 0 and the port is 5062 ( i .e ., 192.168.1. 60:5062), input the follow i ng: 192*168* 1*60#5062 T he * key re present s the dot (.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 41 o f 159 2. Mu ltiple I ncoming Calls • W hen there is another incom i ng call, u s er s wil l he ar a ca ll waiting to ne , with the LCD di s pla y ing t h e ca ll er name and ID .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 42 o f 159 Fi g ur e 29 : Aut o Ans we r O pti o n in Web G UI Fi g ur e 30 : Auto Answer Opti o n in LCD Auto Ans wer opti ons: • No: D i sab le Auto - Answ er feature. This i s the defau lt setting.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 43 o f 159 Fi g ur e 31 : S witc h i ng T o Bl uet ooth H eadse t Press the B luetooth hea dset ca ll button to han g up the call. C ALL HOLD During th e active call, press HOLD button to put t he call on hold.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 44 o f 159 C ALL W AITIN G W hen t her e i s a n active ca ll, tap on the righ t panel to open up anot her line or accept the new incoming ca ll. This w ill autom ati ca lly put th e current call on h ol d.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 45 o f 159 Fi g ur e 34 : B l i nd Tra ns f er Note : • If w rong digits are e ntered, t ap on to delete t he digit one by one ; • If user s would li k e to cance l the transfe r , pres s button to go back to the previous t alking screen.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 46 o f 159 Fi g ur e 35 : A ut o Atte nde d T r a nsfer • Enter the d igits a nd then pr ess the " S end" sof t key on the right; • W hen the G XP2200 hears the ringback t one, t he fo llowing scree n wi ll show .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 47 o f 159 Fi g ur e 37 : Auto Atte nded Trans fer - Split 3. A ttended Tr ansfer with 1 Line on Hol d and 1 Lin e T alking • During the active c all, t ap on in the right pa nel to m ake the secon d call.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 48 o f 159 Note : • To transfer c alls across SIP dom ains, SIP serv ice prov i ders m ust supp ort transfer across SIP dom ains; • If users w ould like to cance l the tra nsfer , p ress button to go back t o the p revious t alking screen.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 49 o f 159 • Users could m anuall y select acco unt, enter d igits and then tap on the icon, or select th e call ( on hold or active ) to add to the c onferenc e; Fi g ur e 40 : Invit e Party t o Confere nce • Repeat the a bove step to add m ore parties in.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 50 o f 159 3. En d conference To end th e conferenc e, ta p on to disconnec t all the pa rties from the conference.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 51 o f 159 retrieve th e voicem ail , p ress the M essage butt on and tap on th e account to di al into the voi cem ail box. Then follow t he Inter active V oi ce R esponse ( IVR ) for the m essage retrieva l process .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 52 o f 159 T o record the call, insert S D c ard or USB flas h drive to the GXP 2200 first . During the esta blished call, t ap on "Options&qu.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 53 o f 159 in the st atus bar . Press the M ute button again to u nmute the c all . DND T o turn o n DND, t ap o n the st atus ba r -> Syste m Se ttings on the GX P2200 LCD . Then touc h the DND icon to turn it o n/off.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 54 o f 159 Fi g ur e 47 : Call Forwar d - Unco nditi onal Time B ased Fo rward : A ll the incom i ng cal l s will be forwarded to the num ber as schedule in the time peri od. During th e setup tim e, the call wil l be forwarded to the num ber i n "In T i m e Forward T o:" field.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 55 o f 159 M U LT I - PU RPOS E K EYS The GXP2200 su pport s mu l t i - purpo se k eys (M PK) w ithout extension boar d (GXP2200E XT) by dow nl oad i ng MP K app from GS Market.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 56 o f 159 T o enable shared cal l appe arance, the user w ould need to registe r the shared line acco unt on the phone. In addition , they would need to enable SC A and configure S CA options v ia LCD or w eb GUI.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 57 o f 159 *67 Block Caller ID (per c all) • Enter *67 and t he number to call ; • D ial out. *82 Sen d Caller I D (per call) • Enter *82 and t he num ber to cal l ; • D ial out. *70 Disable Call W aiting (per Call) • Enter *70 and t he num ber to cal l ; • D ial out.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 58 o f 159 GXP2 200 APPLICA TIONS C U S TO M I Z ING IDLE SCREENS On the G XP2200 i d le screens, use r s co ul d add app icons, shortcut s, w idgets, and other ite ms w hen there is free sp ace on the desktop.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 59 o f 159 • W a llpa pers are ima ges from G aller y , L ive wallp apers a nd system e m bedded w al l p aper f iles . O nc e selected and set up, i t will disp l ay as th e background of the screen ; 4.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 60 o f 159 CHANG IN G IDLE SCREEN W ALLP APER 1. Follow the steps i n Add an item to idle scr een and select W allpap ers ; 2. T ap on Gallery , L ive wallpa pers , or W allp apers for im age sourc e.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 61 o f 159 Fi g ur e 54 : Move C lock App to Des ktop Press M enu button, then us ers could sort the app s by T im e, Na m e or create New Folder t o categorize the apps in the m enu.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 62 o f 159 OPEN ING APPS W hen t he GXP2200 is in idle screen, t ap on the onsc reen ME NU icon to access t he list fo r all the apps . T ouch an app's icon to open it. O r t ouch an app's w idget i con on the i dle scree n (if already added ) t o quickly launch it .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 63 o f 159 S torage Sp ace : to v iew the app s stored on the phone and externa l storag e device, e.g. , S D ca r d ; Run ning : to view the running or cached app s. 2. V iew apps' det ails In the Man age a pplic a tion s screen, touch a n app, process o r service to open i t.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 64 o f 159 Note : S topping an app, ope rating syst em processes or services m ight disable on e or more depen dent funct i ons on GXP2200 . U sers m ay need rest art the GX P2200 to restore ful l funct ionality .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 65 o f 159 P L AY ING WITH APPS In this sect ion, the app s that com e with GXP 2200 are descr ibed in deta il s. B LA CKLIS T GXP2200 B lacklist app he l p s users to m anage the blacklist and b lock setti ngs.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 66 o f 159 Fi g ur e 60 : GXP 2200 Blac klist T o add numbe r i n Blackli st , T ap the Ad d button. Once Add i s touc hed, there are three w ays to add num ber to GXP2200 B lacklist: A dd Ma nuall y , A dd from cont ac ts a nd Add fr om ca ll hist ory .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 67 o f 159 Fi g ur e 62 : Ma nually Ad d N u m ber t o Bla ckl ist The follow ing figure shows A dd from con t acts to b l acklist. Once A dd from con tac ts option i s touched, th e contact s inform ati on w ill show .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 68 o f 159 Fi g ur e 64 : Add N umber Fr om C all Hi stor y To delete bl acklist ent ry , t ap on Delete butt on in Figur e 60 : GXP220 0 Blacklist . The fol l ow ing screen w i th all the black list entr ies will show .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 69 o f 159 Only , Block A nony mou s or Block An onymous And Blacklist . Then tap on OK ; Block Notificati on : T urn on/off Block Not ification; Time S ettings : Set up the block sched ule.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 70 o f 159 T o open Bookmar ks , Most vis it ed page s , His t o ry , t ap the icon on the top right i n t he f i gu re abov e . T o zoom in/zoom out, place two finge rs on the blank area of the w eb page, then pinch to gether or sp read out.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 71 o f 159 Fi g ur e 70 : GXP 2200 Calc ulator - A dv anc ed Pan el C A L E N DA R In Calendar app, use rs could creat e, m odi fy and view the events as well as configure the C al end ar to provide n otificat i on fo r the upcom i ng event s.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 72 o f 159 Fi g ur e 72 : View Cale ndar E vent s by Day • W hen v iewing Calend ar by Month or by Day , slide lef t/r i ght t o view di f ferent m onth or date.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 73 o f 159 • Incom ing calls, ind icated by per call ; • Outgoing ca lls , i n dicated by per call ; • Missed calls , indicated by per call . Fi g ur e 74 : GXP 2200 Call Hi story - A ll C alls In Call Hi s tor y app, the f ollow ing operations c ould be done: • T o dele te call log .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 74 o f 159 • T o add contact . T ap on one e ntry and t ouch A dd a con tact ; • T o dial out th e number from Call H i st ory . T ap on one e ntry a nd touch to dial out; • T o edit num ber based on t he selecte d entry in Call Hist ory .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 75 o f 159 Fi g ur e 77 : GXP 2200 Clock S cree n • T urn on n ight mode by t apping on ; • Set up a larm by t ap ping on the icon . Fi g ur e 78 : GXP 2200 A l arm S creen C O N TA C T S GXP2200 s upport s up to 100 0 entries in cont acts.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 76 o f 159 Fi g ur e 79 : GXP 2200 Contacts Scree n • A dd cont ac t . T ap on Ad d to br i n g up screen to ed it New conta ct . E nter contac t i nform ation ( e.g., Fir st nam e, Last nam e, Phone nu m ber , Email address and etc).
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 77 o f 159 Fi g ur e 81 : GXP 2200 Contacts - Edi t Con t act • Delete Con tact . T ap the cont act you w oul d like to de lete and tap on D el ete ; • Ma ke calls via Cont act s .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 78 o f 159 Fi g ur e 82 : GXP 2200 Contacts - Storage Status • Impo rt co ntacts . XML/Vcard/C SV form at phonebo ok could be im ported to GX P2200.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 79 o f 159 Fi g ur e 84 : GXP 2200 Contacts - Expor t File • D own load phon e book . T he GX P2200 supp or t s rem ote downloa d ing phonebook f rom H TTP/T FTP se rver . T ap Op t ion s -> Download , and th e fol lowing f i gu re will sho w .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 80 o f 159 Fi g ur e 86 : GXP 2200 Contacts Optio ns - Displ ay Optio ns • A dd acco un t to sy nc u p contac ts . T h e GXP2 200 can us e sync ed up accounts from Googl e, Skype, Corporate and etc to synchroniz e contact in form ation i nto th e local contact s.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 81 o f 159 Fi g ur e 88 : GXP 2200 Email Setup W izar d - Set Up Email Press "Nex t" for quick setup.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 82 o f 159 Once the Em ail accou nt is successful ly set up, users cou ld pr ess MENU but ton and bring up the Refresh , Compose , Fol ders , A c co unts and Acco unt settings options.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 83 o f 159 oper at ions could b e done : Open . T ap on Ope n to open the fi l e / fol d er ; Copy .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 84 o f 159 GS MA RKET GXP2200 prov ides direct access to app s via b uil t - in GS Market app. Users cou l d brow se, search, dow nl oad an d insta ll the app s from there for t ools and gam es. • Browse ap ps .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 85 o f 159 Fi g ur e 93 : GX P2200 GS M ar ket - Sear ch App • Do wnlo ad an app . T o dow nl oad a n app, tap the i co n right next to the app . Th e dow nl o ading process w ill be aut omat i cally started .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 86 o f 159 Fi g ur e 95 : GX P2200 GS M ar ket - Inst alled Fi g ur e 96 : GX P2200 GS M ar ket - C o nfi r m U ni n s tal l IP L O C AT I O N The IP L ocation app prov ides use rs with a t ool to resolve the IP add ress to the locat ion.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 87 o f 159 Fi g ur e 97 : GXP 2200 Loca tion For ex am pl e, in the abov e figu re, the IP addr ess 67.1 10.250.15 2 is m apped to Y orba L i nd a in Cal i for nia, USA . The tim e zone is UTC - 07:00 a nd the weather co de is US A1267.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 88 o f 159 • Search T ap on "Search " or button and enter the keyw ord to start s ear ch ing cont act inform ation from the LDAP server as configured . The result wi ll be returned and disp l ayed in a rea l - t ime m anner .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 89 o f 159 MEDI A PL A YER GXP2200 M edia Player suppo rts video form at in MP4 and 3GP , audio form at in AAC, MP3, A MR , W A VE, MIDI and V orbi s t o be di spl a yed .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 90 o f 159 Fi g ur e 103 : GX P2200 M edia Pl ayer - Sort Music Fil es T o edit m usic files, tap on Edi t option. Then users cou ld click on t he checkbox for each f ile and per form operations to Se nd th e f il e , Add to P laylist , and Del ete .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 91 o f 159 Fi g ur e 105 : GX P2200 M edia Pl ayer - M u si c F ile Op tions T o play the m usic, sim pl y touch th e m usic fil e you w ould like to p lay . Fi g ur e 106 : GX P2200 M edia Pl ayer - P la y i ng T o view the lyric s , to uch the frequ ency bar on the above figure.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 92 o f 159 Fi g ur e 107 : GX P2200 M edia Pl ayer - Lyr i c s • Vi d eo . On Local Fi les t ab, S el ec t Vi d eo to b ring up the screen for the det ected v i de o fi les. U ser c ould Sort or Edi t the v ideo fi l es , s i mi lar to the ope rations for Mus i c f iles as descr ibed abov e .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 93 o f 159 Fi g ur e 109 : GXP 2200 Media Player - Fol der • Play list . T ap on the Play list tab on the left pan el to bring up P lay list screen. Fi g ur e 110 : GXP2200 Me dia Pla yer - Playl ist T o create Ne w Playlist , tap on the Ne w Playlist butto n.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 94 o f 159 Fi g ur e 111 : GX P2200 Me dia Player - Create N ew Playli st T o e di t or pl a y a Pla y lis t , t ouch and h old onto o ne of the P lay lis t . Th en optio ns Pla y , Clear A ll , Del ete , Rename w ill s ho w .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 95 o f 159 Fi g ur e 113 : GXP2200 Me ssage • Vi ew D ialo g T ap on the cont act yo u hav e pervious chat ted wi t h to view the m essage dialog.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 96 o f 159 Fi g ur e 115 : Message Optio n s If uses se lect Lock/Un l ock f or the m essage, by d efault th is mes sage wil l st ill rem ai n on the phone w hen users delete the dialog w ith the contact.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 97 o f 159 Fi g ur e 117 : GXP2200 Me ssage – SMS Draft Lis t • Delete SM S T ap on D elete in Figur e 11 3 : GXP2200 Mess a ge and s el ect the m essage you would like to delete . T hen T ap on D e let e again .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 98 o f 159 Use M usic app on GXP2200 to listen to m usic and other au dio fi l es. W hen M usi c app is la unched, it w ill scan and detect the f iles in interna l sto rage and US B/SD storage. The files cou ld be displayed by Artis t , Album s, or per so ng.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 99 o f 159 Fi g ur e 120 : GXP 2200 Music - Now Playi ng: MEN U Opt ions SEAR CH GXP22 00 Search ap p could b e used to sea rch inform ation in web or i n G XP2200. • Launch Search app . Return to HOM E first and press the search b ut ton .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 100 o f 159 suggest ions w i ll d isplay , ta p on the suggest ion to launch the app. If it's number , "Dial num ber" using the e ntered d igits w ill display , tap on it the c all will be m ade via the first r egistered acc ount .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 101 o f 159 Under P hon e , tap on Clear shortcut s . The suggest i ons that hav e been recent ly selected in Search app w i ll be c leared. VO I C E ASSI ST GXP22 00 V oice Assist allows us ers to di a l num ber , send text m essage or access Google search in seconds.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 102 o f 159 Fi g ur e 126 : GXP 2200 V oi ce Assist - Call Number/C ontact Res ult • Search text . For ex ample, speak "search Bos ton". T he d etected r esult w ill show . Users could select " Exi t " or tap on the result in the fo llowing pict ure.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 103 o f 159 Fi g ur e 128 : GXP 2200 V oi ce Assist - Searc h Res ult • Send name /n umbe r T ext co nte nt . For exam ple, speak "send John tex t hello". The detected res ult w ill show .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 104 o f 159 Fi g ur e 130 : GXP 2200 V oi ce Assist - Sen d T ex t Resu lt VOICE DIA L ER GXP2200 V oice D ia ler allow s users to m ake calls by directly s peaking the num ber or cont act nam e. T o use it, open the app and s imply speak to the m i crophone i co n with number or contac t n ame.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 105 o f 159 Fig u r e 132 : GXP2200 V oi ce Dialer Res u lt For exam pl e, speak " 1234" and th e detecte d result w ill show . Users could se lect "Qu i t " or t ap on the desired result.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 106 o f 159 Af ter the reco rding is done, p ress the button to sav e the fi l e. The record ing f ile will be s aved t o File Man ager -> user_dat a -> rec ord ing .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 107 o f 159 CONNECTING TO NETW OR K AND DEVICES The GXP2200 supports a v ariety of netw or k connect ion s (E thernet, W i - Fi) a nd devic e connection s , including EH S headset (P lan t ro ni cs) , USB, SD card and Bluetooth d evice .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 108 o f 159 2. Touch N etw o rk ; 3. Check or unc heck the opt i on for Wi - Fi . Or, users could open the top stat us bar - >Sys tem Settings and tap on W I - FI icon to turn i t on/off. ADD ING WI - FI NETWORKS 1.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 109 o f 159 To connect t o a Bluetooth dev ice, turn on GX P2200 ’ s Blueto oth radio first . T he first t i m e when using a new Bluetooth device with t he GXP2200 , " pai r" the dev i c e with GXP 2200 so that both dev ices know how to connect secu rely to e ach other.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 11 0 of 159 3. Check Bl uet oot h to turn i t on; 4. The GXP2200 sc ans and disp l ays th e IDs of all ava ilable Bluetoot h dev i ces in range.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 111 of 159 U N PA I R ING A B LU ETOOT H DEV IC E 1. I n the B luetooth sett i n gs, tap and ho ld on the B luetooth device ID you want to unp air f or 2 - 4 seconds ; 2. In the prom pted m essage, t ouch Unpa ir .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 11 2 of 159 T o connect and use U SB cam era: 1. Insert USB cam era into USB port at the back of the GXP2200; 2.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 11 3 of 159 GXP2 200 WEB GUI SETT IN GS The GXP 2200 em bedded Web server res ponds to HTTP/ HTTPS GET/P OST requests. E mbedded HT ML pages al low users to configure the a ppl i cat ion phone throug h a W e b brow ser such as Microsoft ’ s IE , M ozil la Fir e fox , Google Chrom e and etc.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 11 4 of 159 3. Open a Web brow ser on your com puter; 4. Enter the p hone’s IP address in the add ress bar of th e brows er; 5. Enter the a dm i nistrator’s l o gin and p assw ord to access the Web Conf iguration M enu.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 11 5 of 159 DEFIN I TION S This section des cribes the opt io ns i n the G XP2200 W eb GUI . As m entioned, yo u can l og in as an adm ini strat or or an end user .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 11 6 of 159 ST A TUS/SYSTEM I NFO Product M odel Product m odel of th e phone. Hardw are Revision Hardw are version num ber . Part Num ber Product part num ber . System V er sion Firmw ar e version.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 11 7 of 159 T el URI If the phone has a n assigned PS TN telephon e num ber, this fi el d should be set to "User=P hone". Then a "User=P hone" param eter will be attached t o the Request - Line an d "TO" hea der in the S IP request to indicate the E .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 11 8 of 159 AC COUNT/SIP SETTING S SIP Registratio n Selects w hether or no t the ph one will send SIP Register m essages t o the proxy /server.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 11 9 of 159 Callee Request T imer If set to "Yes " and the remote party supports session t imers, the phone w i ll use a sess ion tim er when it receives inbound cal l s. The defa ult setting is "No".
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 120 o f 159 AC COUNT/COD EC SETTINGS DT MF This pa rameter spec i fies th e m echanism to tr ansm it DTMF dig i ts.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 121 o f 159 no talk ing. If s et to "No", th is feature is dis abled. T he defau lt sett i ng is "No". V oi ce Fram es Per TX Configures th e num ber of voice fram es trans mitted per packet.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 122 o f 159 Allow 31 1, 61 1, and 91 1 or any 10 d igit num bers with leadi ng digits 1617 ; • Ex a m pl e 2: {^ 1900x+ | <=1617>xx xxxxx }.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 123 o f 159 "No". Auto Ans wer If set to "Y es", the phone w ill autom atically tur n on the speaker phone to answ er i ncom i ng ca lls after a short rem i nd ing beep.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 124 o f 159 Hoteling E vent Enables B roadsoft Hotel i ng Event fe ature. The d efau lt sett ing is "No". The "Broads oft Ca ll Center" o ption needs to be enab led first. Call Cent er S tatus Enables Bro adsoft Ca ll Center S tatus .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 125 o f 159 xx+ : at least 2- digit num ber; xx : o nl y 2 - d i g it number; [ 345]xx : 3 - d i g i t num ber with the leadin g digit of 3, 4 or 5; [ 6- 9 ]xx : 3 - dig it number w ith the leading d igit fr om 6 to 9.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 126 o f 159 the loca l SIP and R T P port s. This i s usually necessary w hen m ul tiple phones are be hind th e sam e full cone NA T . The d efault setting is "Y es" (This par am eter m ust be set to "No" for D irect IP C alling to w ork).
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 127 o f 159 <=255), ph one wi ll make direc t IP ca ll to c.XXX where aaa.bbb.ccc com es from the local IP address R EGARDLES S of subnet m ask. #XX or #X are a lso valid so leading 0 is not required (but OK).
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 128 o f 159 Default Ri ng Cadence This def ines the r ing cadenc e for the phon e. The def ault sett ing is: c=2000/4000 .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 129 o f 159 Account Select s the S IP Acc ount used for th e m ul ti - pur pose keys. N a me Configure s t he display nam e for the multi - pur pose key. User ID C onfigure s the UserID for t he correspon ding m ul ti - purpose key m ode.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 130 o f 159 N a me Configures t he disp l ay nam e for the multi - pur pose key. UserID Config ures the UserID for t he correspon ding m ul ti - purpose key m ode. MPK ID This i dent i f ies the "M PK ID x" for "MP K x ".
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 131 o f 159 DNS Ser ver 1 Enter the DNS Server 1 add ress w hen static I P is used. DNS Ser ver 2 Enter the DNS Server 2 add ress w hen static I P is used. Enable PPP oE Select "Yes" to enab le PPPoE .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 132 o f 159 are supported : • Norm al ( M/DD/ YY YY ): 1/31/2012 • YYYY/ MM / DD : 2012/01/31 • MM / DD / YY Y Y: 01/31/2012 • DD / MM / YY YY : 31/01/2012 The defau lt setting is DD/MM /YYYY.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 133 o f 159 HTT PS. Firmw are Server Path Defines the server path for the f i rmw are server. It could be d ifferent from the conf i gu ration server for prov isioning. Config Serv er Path Defines the server path for provis ioning.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 13 4 o f 159 value is "Y es". Authent icate Conf F ile Authent icates conf iguration file before accept ance. The d efault sett i ng is "No". Factory Res et Restore to factory defau lt se tt ings.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 135 o f 159 MAINTEN ANCE/ L ANGU AGE Language Select the langu age disp layed on the ph one. MAINTEN ANCE/TR - 069 Enable TR - 0 69 Enables TR - 069. T he defau lt setting is "No". ACS URL URL for T R - 069 Auto Conf iguration Serv ers (A CS).
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 136 o f 159 phone, the o ld phonebook entries w ill be rem oved. The defau lt sett ing is "No". Replace Dup licate It e ms If set to "Yes ", when the X ML phonebook file is downloaded to th e phone, the dup licate ent ries w ill be remov ed.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 137 o f 159 User Name Configures th e bind "Use rname" f or querying LDA P servers. Som e LDAP servers a llow anonym ous bi nds in w hich case the s etting can be left blank. Password Configures the bind "P assw ord" for query ing LDAP servers.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 138 o f 159 LD AP Ma il F ilte r Configures t he filter used for m ai l lookups. Ex a m pl e: (m ail= %) LDAP Di splay ing Na me Attributes Configures th e entry inf ormation to be sh own on phone 's LCD.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 139 o f 159 Headset Ty p e Selects w hether the conn ected hea dset is norm al RJ11 headset or Plantron ics EHS headset. Headset Key Mode Wh en headset i s connec ted to the p hone , users cou ld use the HEA DSET button in tw o different m odes: 1.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 140 o f 159 REBO OT ING FR OM REMO TE L O C AT I O N S Press the Reb oot button at the t op rig ht - hand c orner of th e W eb GUI t o reboot the pho ne rem otely. The w eb browser w ill th en display a m essage win dow to conf irm w ith the user if they w ish to re boot the pho ne or no t.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 141 o f 159 GXP2200 LCD SET TINGS The GX P2200 LCD ME NU provides easy access to the sett ings on the phone. Most of th e settings f rom We b GUI c ould be conf igured on the LC D sett i ngs as w ell.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 142 o f 159 No ne . Call forw arding feature is disab led. This i s th e default s etting ; Un con dition al . Forw ard all ca lls to particu lar num be r; Time based . Set a tim e range.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 143 o f 159 on the netw ork . S OUND Use the Sound s ett ings to conf i gu re ho w the GXP2200 r i ngs, plays m usic or other m edia with aud io, notificat ion r ingtones and alarm s. • Silent m od e .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 144 o f 159 • V isible passw ords . C hec k /uncheck to show /hide p assw ord as you typ e ; • Select devi ce admin istrators . Add o r remove dev i ce adm inistrators ; • Use secur e credentials .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 145 o f 159 Fi g ur e 137 : GXP 2200 Account & S ync T ap "Add account" on th e above figure and fo llow the setup w i zard to add acco unt. The follo wing exam pl e show s adding a Google account.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 146 o f 159 Fi g ur e 139 : GXP 2200 Account & S ync - Si gn In Wit h Googl e Acco unt Fi g ur e 140 : GXP 2200 Account & S y nc - Linke d W ith Googl e Acco unt Once the acc ount is set up, users w ill be a ble to sy nc up with the f ollowing : • Google Play .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 147 o f 159 Fi g ur e 141 : Goo gle P lay Stor e Sig n In W ith Li nked Ac count • Co ntacts . Use rs will s ee contact s sync up fr om the l inked acc ount i n Menu -> C ontact s .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 148 o f 159 Fi g ur e 143 : GX P2200 St orage • Ap ps . S torage st atus for App s inst alled on the GXP2200 . • User_dat a . S torage st atus on Use r_data d irectory . T ap on U ser_dat a to acces s the fil es in File Manager .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 149 o f 159 exam ple, i n 24 - hour fo rmat, 13:00 w ill be displ ayed instead of 1:00 pm . • Select da te format .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 150 o f 159 • Factory Reset . Open and tap on Factory Reset to restore the GXP 2200 to fact ory defau lt settings .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 151 o f 159 UPG R AD IN G AND PR OVISIONING The GX P220 0 ca n be upgrad ed via TFTP/ HTTP/HTTPS by configur ing the URL/IP Address for t he TFTP/HTTP/ HTTPS s erver and selectin g a dow nload method.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 152 o f 159 adm ini strat or usern ame and p assw ord. Go to Main tenance sectio n , sel e ct Upgra de t ab. In the Upgrade w eb page, ent er the IP address or the F QDN for the upgrade server an d choose to upgrade via TFTP , HTTP or HTTPS.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 153 o f 159 • Dow nload the latest GX P2200 firm ware fi l e fr om the fol low ing link and s ave it in y our PC; http://w ww .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 154 o f 159 • Dow nload the firmw ar e file to PC an d save it in SD c ard; • Insert th e SD card to GXP2200; • Pow er cycle the GXP2200; •.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 155 o f 159 Note: W he n th e GX P220 0 boots up, it wil l i ssue TFTP or H TTP req uest to dow nload a co nfigurat i on XML fi l e nam ed " cfgxxxxxxxxxxxx" followed by " cfgxxxxxxxxxxxx .
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 156 o f 159 F A C T OR Y FUNC TIONS A ND F AC TO R Y RES ET F ACT O R Y FUN CTION S T o check the f unctions of G XP2200 LED, LCD, Keyboard and Audio, open the GXP 2200 onscr een MENU -> Di a gnosi s to perform the diagnosis when troubleshoot ing the dev i c e.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 157 o f 159 Fi g ur e 148 : GXP 2200 LCD - Factor y Reset 3. T ap on Factor y Reset , a conf irm ation mes sa ge w ill s how . T ap on OK to confi rm. Fi g ur e 149 : GXP 2200 LCD - Confirm Factory Res et REST ORE T O F A CT OR Y DEF A UL T V IA THE WEB GUI 1.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 158 o f 159 Fi g ur e 150 : GXP 2200 Web GU I - Confirm Factory R eset REST ORE T O F A CT OR Y DEF A UL T VIA HARD K EYS If users could not access.
Firmware V ersion GX P2200 USER MANUAL Page 159 o f 159 EXPERIENCI NG THE GX P22 00 APPLICA TION PHO NE Please v i s it our w ebsite: http://w ww .gran dstream .co m to rece ive the m ost up - to - date updates on firm ware releases, a dditiona l f eatures, F AQs, doc um entation and n ews on new product s.
デバイスGrandstream GXP2200の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Grandstream GXP2200をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGrandstream GXP2200の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Grandstream GXP2200の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Grandstream GXP2200で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Grandstream GXP2200を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGrandstream GXP2200の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Grandstream GXP2200に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGrandstream GXP2200デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。