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Promaster 250Z, 260Z, 272Z 09254300A 8/04 Printed in USA Service Manual 992018, 020, 023, 027, 029, 030 992032, 033, 034, 035.
2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Service and Replacem ent Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Product Reg istration . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Ariens Co mpany 655 West R yan S tre et P .O. Box 157 Brillio n, Wiscons in 541 10-0157 USA T ele phone (920) 756-214 1 Facsimi le (920) 7 56-2407 EC DECLARA TION OF CONFORMITY ISSUED BY TH E MANUF .
4 CE Sound and Vibration – Bruit s et vibrati ons CE – CE Geräusch- und Vibrationswer te – CE Geluid en trill ing – CE støj og vibration – Livello sonor o e vibrazi oni CE – Sonido y vib.
5 THE MANUAL The purpos e of this manual i s to provi de comple te instruc tions fo r service, maintenanc e, disas sembly , repair , and i nstallation of the mec hanical co mponen ts for the P romaster 250Z , 260Z, and 272Z.
6 SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL Thes e are safety alert sym bols. They mean: • A TTENTION ! • YOUR SAFETY IS INVOL V ED! Whe n you se e this symb ol: • BECOME ALERT! •OBEY TH E MESS A GE! SIGNAL W ORDS The saf ety alert symb ols above and signal wor ds below are us ed on dec als and i n this ma nual.
7 • If machi ne st ops going uphil l, stop bl ade and ba ck down slo wly . • Avoid sudden turns. • Keep sa fety de vices (g uards , shield s, swit ches, etc .) in pl ace and wo rking. • Check interlock system per manual b efore us e. • Unders tand locatio n and fu nction of all control s.
8 Figure 2 - Safety Dec als SAFETY RULES Read, understand, and follow all safety practices in Owner /Operator Manual bef ore beginni ng assembl y . Fail ure to follow instructi ons could r esult in pe rsonal injury a nd/or dam age to unit . AL WA YS re move key fr om ignition and wire from spark plug be fore assemb ly .
9 Local re gul ations may re stri ct the age of the oper ato r . NEVER allow chil dr en to oper ate or pl ay on o r near unit . Be alert an d shut off unit i f childre n enter area . NEVER o perate unit a fter or during the use of medica tion, d rugs or al cohol.
10 DO NOT o perate on slopes of more th an 17 degr ees. Use of a Rollover P rotection Sy stem (ROPS ) is recom mended for s lope oper ation. Always wear a sea t belt w hen opera ting unit u sing a Rollov er Protec tion System (ROPS ). Keep a ll mov ements on t he slop e slow and g radual.
11 Shut off fuel and allow engine to c ool com pletely befo re storin g in clo sed ar ea or cover ing un it. Clean gr ass and de bris from unit, espe cially fr om around muffler and en gine, to he lp prevent fires. For ext ended stor age, shu t off fuel and cl ean unit thoroug hly .
12 S PECI FICATIONS Model Number 992018 992023 992027 Model PM260Z 25 HP Kohler with 50 Inch D eck PM250Z 20 HP Briggs & Stratt on with 5 0 Inch Deck PM260Z 25 HP Kohler with 72 Inch Deck Length -.
13 Model Number 992020 992029 992030 992032 992033 992034 992035 Model 260Z 25 HP Kohler w/60" deck 260Z 25 HP Kawasaki w/60" deck 272Z 25 HP Kawasaki w/72" deck 272Z 26 HP EFI Kohler w.
14 Figure 3 CONTROLS AND FE ATURES 1. Mower Deck wit h Chute Defl ector 2. Fuel S hut off V alv e 3. Parki ng Brake 4. Battery 5. Hour Meter 6. Oil Pres sure In dicator 7. Engine F rame an d Hood 8. Fuel T anks and Caps 9. C hok e Cont rol (not on EF I* mod els) 10.
15 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Prope r maintenanc e can prol ong the li fe of unit. The followi ng char t shows the recomm ended serv ice sched ule. More frequent service may be requ ired due to work ing cond itions (Hea vy load s, high am bient temp eratures, d usty co nditions, or airborne debris).
16 SERVICE AND ADJUSTMENT S Gravel y Dealer s will p rovide any serv ice whic h may be requir ed to ke ep your uni t operati ng at peak efficiency . Should engine service be required, i t can be o btained from a Gravely Dealer or e ngine manu facturer ’s autho rized serv ice cent er .
17 5. Engage parking brak e. 6. Lev ers must be r eturned t o their orig inal posi tion in order to operate th e unit (Fi gure 5). T RANSPORTING UNIT AL WA YS shut off engine, set parking brake, a nd remov e key when transporti ng unit on a truck o r trailer .
18 FILLING FUEL T ANK Add fuel to the tank as ne eded. IMPORT ANT : Refer to E ngine Manual for correc t type and gra de of fuel. See Specifications fo r fuel tank cap acity . T o add fuel to the f uel tank: 1. Refue l the unit only in a wel l ventilate d, open area.
19 Battery Removal and Inst allation Remove 1. Pl ace hood in full s ervice po sition (s ee Servic e Positi ons on page 1 6). 2. Disco nnect negat ive (-) ca ble first, the n positiv e (+) cable (Figur e 8) . 3. Remove battery h old-down br acket an d battery from un it.
20 BELT S Belt Access 1. Prope rly sto p and park u nit (refer to Owner ’s Manu al). 2. Lo wer the mo wer . 3. Place seat in m ost rearwa rd posit ion. 4. Rem ove be lt co vers. 5. Place foot board i n open pos ition (Figur e 9). 6. Secur e raised fo otboard w ith latch.
21 Figure 1 1 TIRES Before each us e, make a v isual che ck of tir es.The correc t air pressur e is 12-15 psi (83- 103 kn/m 2 ) f or th e rear tires, and 2 0-25 psi (138 -172 kn/m 2 ) for the fron t tires.
22 4. Have someone depress c enter of sea t to activ ate seat swi tch. 5. S tart th e engine a nd run at abo ut half throttle or fast er . Rele ase parking br ake. 6. Mo ve the cont rol le vers from Forw ar d to Rev erse several t imes to m ake sure controls are fre e and check ne utral adjus tment.
23 LEVELING THE MOWER DECK These adjustm ents should b e made on a leve l surfa ce with the tires infla ted to th e correct ai r pressu re. The mower is leveled fro m side to side with the slots where 4 c hains fasten to th e mower mount ing brackets.
24 ENGINE T ROUBLESHOOTING The fol lowing tr oublesh ooting ch art is to be used to isola te engine p roblems and give po ssible causes and correc tive act ion respons es. The troubles hooting ke y is generi c and can be used for sever al types of engines.
25 REMOVING THE ENGINE 1. Place the mow er in the full servic e positi on. 2. Disconnec t the batte ry cables , negative fi rst. 3. Disco nnect ignition w ires usin g the conn ectors. 4. Remove the belts from th e pulley and clutch. 5. Unscr ew the bolt from the center of the output shaft and rem ove clutc h.
26 CHECKING THE HYDRAULIC FLUID LEVEL A chec k of the h ydraulic fluid leve l should be made dai ly . NOTE: The oil le vel shou ld be cen tered betw een the two ma rks on the dipstick. T o Check: First, remove any dirt that may be around t he cap on the tank.
27 replac ed. If the f low drop is less th an 1 GPM you will ne ed to replac e the wheel motor . REPLACING THE HYDRAULIC PUMP The two hy draulic pum ps are located insi de the chassis in fron t of the engi ne. The pumps are m aintenanc e free and sho uld be re placed in th e event of a failur e.
28 13.Plac e the br ake cali per into pos ition an d inser t bolts from the insi de of the fram e outward. Use lock was her and n ut and tighten. 14.Pos ition whee l on hub an d inser t lug nuts fin ger tight. 15.Tighten lug n uts using the pattern shown in Figur e 20.
29 HYDRAULIC DIAGRAM 992018, 023, 027 A A B B A A B B A B Lift Cylinder Oil Filter Left Wheel Motor Upper Lower Right Wheel Motor Upper Lower PRESSURE RETURN SUCTION Right Pump Left Pump Oil T ank Dec.
30 Models 992020, 029, 030, 032, 033, 034, 035 PD1774.
31 Mower S pindles This unit util izes a mai ntenance f ree exten ded life spindl e. No rout ine maint enance is required . In the event o f bearing failure or a b ent sh aft the spindle shoul d be repl aced. T o Remove the Spindle 1. Pl ace the un it in se rvice pos iti on.
32 SUSPENSION The fron t susp ension c onsists of a we ldment tha t is a squar e tube (Fig ure 22). A pivot pi n holds th e axle to the chas sis. T wo c aster whee ls are attached. T he front axle is maintenanc e free exc ept for one gr ease fittin g at th e chassis fo r the pi vot pin.
33 T OOLS There ar e some s pecializ ed tools and test eq uipment that are needed for electric al repair work . A brief desc ripti on of thes e follows . Long or needle nose pliers - used to co nnect or be nd wires and connect ors in c lose qu arters.
34 V olt age Measurement There ar e two bas ic rules to be reme mbered wh en using a voltmete r . A volt meter mea sures the v oltage difference between the test leads and the v oltmeter is always connected a cross the circuit unde r test.
35 Check the alternato r voltage regu lator out put (if used ) at every period mainte nance ins pection. O ver chargi ng is a common ca use of batter y failur e. Battery Charger Under n ormal cond itions, the e ngine alte rnator will have no problem keeping battery cha rged.
36 the wiring harness. Con nections G and M open to e ach other . ST ART Position - Hold swit ch in ST ART posit ion whil e test ing. There should b e continu ity between c ontacts S1 and S 2. Thes e connectio ns apply power to close the sol enoid co ntacts and operate th e starter motor.
37 T o che ck a dio de, isolate it from th e circuit by disco nnecting one end. W ith a mult itester set on the lowes t ohms scale se ttin g, me asur e t he r esis tan ce in one dir ection, re verse th e test lea ds, and m easure in the ot her directio n.
38 WIRING DIAGRAMS Models 992018, 020, 027 PD3230 PD2 1 1 0.
39 Model 992029, 030, 034, 035 PD3242.
41 Models 992032, 033.
42 T ROUBLESHOOTING TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTION Engine doe s not crank. 1. PTO engaged. 2. Park ing brake d isengage d. 3. Loose or corrod ed batte r y cables . 4. Disch arged bat tery . 5. Fault y starter . 1. Disenga ge PTO. 2.
43 Unit doe s not driv e. 1. Park ing brake e ngaged . 2. Transmissi on bypass levers open. 3. Hyd rauli c oil l evel low. 4. F aulty hydrauli c dri ve sys tem. 1. Disenga ge parking brake. 2. Close tr ansmis sion bypass lever s (see Movi ng Unit Manually on page 16) .
GRA VEL Y A Div i sion of Ari en s Compan y 655 W est Ryan S treet P. O . B o x 1 5 7 Brillion, WI 541 10-0157 920-756-2 141 Fax 920-7 56-2407 www .gravely .
デバイスGravely 272Zの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Gravely 272Zをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGravely 272Zの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Gravely 272Zの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Gravely 272Zで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Gravely 272Zを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGravely 272Zの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Gravely 272Zに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGravely 272Zデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。