Hamilton Sundstrand CompanyメーカーeXVGの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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User Manual MODBUS Communication For XVG/eXVG Gas Fuel Metering Valves SD-6021 Rev 1 September 2008 Precision Engine Controls Corporation claims proprietary rights to the inform ation disc losed herein.
PREF A CE The purpose of this manual is to enable users to: Understand the basics of XVG/eXVG Modbus communications via standard definitions, interfaces, and protocols. Setup Modbus communication with a ne twork of one or more XVG/eXVGs. It is expected that the us er have sufficient knowledge of serial communication and Modbus protocol.
Table of Contents PREFACE ........................................................................................................................ 2 Table of Contents ....................................................................................
1 Serial Communication The primary interface used for XVG/eXVG is serial communication, which is the exchange of data one-bit-at-a time, sequentia lly, on a single data line or channel. XVG/eXVG can communicate either in PECC (a propriety standard protocol) or Modbus protocol via the serial interf ace.
Follow RS232 and RS485 standards for wiri ng and biasing of the communication bus. 6 XVG/eXVG Modbus Communication Default Settings The default settings for XVG/eXVG M odbus communication are as follo.
7.2 Modbus Transactions The slave’s response message is also c onstructed using Modbus protocol. It contains fields confirming the action taken, any data to be returned, and an error– checking field.
7.4 Modbus Functions The following Modbus functions are supported by the XVG/eXVG: - Read Registers (0x03) - Write Single Register (0x06) - Write Multiple Registers (0x10) - Diagnostics (0x08) Query Da ta sub-function (0x00) The master can address individual slaves, or can initiate a broadcast message (using device address 0) to all slaves.
Example: Re quest to read holding re gisters 108 - 11 0 Request Response 01 03 00 6 B 00 03 74 17 01 03 06 02 2B 00 0 0 00 64 0 5 7A Slave Address 01 Slave Address 01 Function 03 Function 03 Starting .
Example: Request to write 0x03 to register 2. Request Response 01 06 00 01 00 03 98 0B 01 06 00 01 00 03 98 0B Function 06 Function 06 Register Address Hi 00 Register Address Hi 00 Register Address Lo.
Starting Address Hi 00 Starting Address Hi 00 Starting Address Lo 01 Starting Address Lo 01 Quantity of Registers Hi 00 Quantity o f Registers Hi 00 Quantity of Registers Lo 02 Quantity of Registers L.
8.1 RS-232 Connection (for XVG/eXVG with RS-232 interface) PC COM Port (DB9M Connector) XVG/eXVG Terminal Block Wire Color (If XVG/eXVG is supplied with optional harness) Signal Pin # Signal Pin # SERIAL RX 2 SERIAL TX 39 WHT/ORN/BLU SERIAL TX 3 SERIAL RX 40 WHT/ORN/YEL SERIAL RTN 5 SERIAL RTN 41 WHT/ORN/GRN Table 14: RS-232 Interface Connection 8.
9.1.1 General Setup Parameters Register Number XVG/eXVG Parameter Name Write Access Description Type Default Value 3500 IDM_MO DE W2 Operating M ode: 0=Stro ke, 1=Flow Measurement, 2=Flo w Co nt r ol,.
Register Number XVG/eXVG Parameter Name Write Access Description Type Default Value 3521 IDM_FLO WCTRLEN W4 Flow Control Enable: 0=Baselin e (Stroke Mode) Valve, 1=FM / FC / F L valve U16 1 3522 IDM_F.
Register Number XVG/eXVG Parameter Name Write Access Description Type Default Value 3541 IDM_P ARITY W2 Modbus parit y: 0 = No ne, 1 = Od d, 2 = Eve n U16 0 3542 IDM_RXMS GTMOUT W2 Modbus receive message timeout: 0 = auto- scale to 3.5 character tim es for current baud rate.
Register Number XVG/eXVG Parameter Name Write Access Description Type Default Value 5508 5509 IDM_SETUPCHE CK W4 Setup parameter checksum U32 12345 5510 5511 IDM_SHUTDNFLTS W4 Faults to Shutdown on, s.
Register Number XVG/eXVG Parameter Name Write Access Description Type Default Value 7578 7579 IDM_INPRESOFF W4 Inpu t Pressure Sensor Offset: range -10 – 10 PSIA Float 0 7580 7581 IDM_OUTPRESGAIN W4.
Register Number XVG/eXVG Parameter Name Write Access Description Type Default Value 7650 7651 IDM_AO0CUROFF W4 AO0 Current Offset: range -4 to 4 coun ts Float 0 7652 7653 IDM_AO0V O LTG AI N W4 AO0 Voltage Gain: range 0.
The position interpolatio n feature is enab led / disabled via the IDM_POSINTTBLEN setup parameter. The valve will ignore this data in this table and assume a linear strok e profile when IDM_POSINTTBLEN is disabl ed. Valid Parameter Interpolation Table values are in the range of 683.
Register Number XVG/eXVG Parameter Name Write Access Corresponding Demand Type Pre- Cal Default 5670 5671 IDM_POSTBL35 W2 Counts: 2218.62 50, 13.0mA De mand U 32 567968 5672 5673 IDM_POSTBL36 W2 Counts: 2389.25 00, 14.0mA De mand U 32 611648 5674 5675 IDM_POSTBL37 W2 Counts: 2559.
Register Number XVG/eXVG Parameter Name Write Access Corresponding Pressure Ratio Type Default Value 5950 5951 IDM_PRTBL0 W4 0.1 U32 1677722 5952 5953 IDM_PRTBL1 W4 0.2 U32 3355443 5954 5955 IDM_PRTBL2 W4 0.3 U32 5033165 5956 5957 IDM_PRTBL3 W4 0.4 U32 6710886 5958 5959 IDM_PRTBL4 W4 0.
Register Number XVG/eXVG Parameter Name Write Access Corresponding CdA value Type D efault Value 6050 6051 IDM_CDATBLPR1S10 W4 0.4645910 26 U32 7794 544 6052 6053 IDM_CDATBLPR1S11 W4 0.5226939 92 U32 8769 350 6054 6055 IDM_CDATBLPR1S12 W4 0.5552979 71 U32 9316 354 6056 6057 IDM_CDATBLPR1S13 W4 0.
Register Number XVG/eXVG Parameter Name Write Access Corresponding CdA value Type D efault Value 6144 6145 IDM_CDATBLPR4S12 W4 0.5552979 71 U32 9316 354 6146 6147 IDM_CDATBLPR4S13 W4 0.627973 02 U32 10535639 6148 6149 IDM_CDATBLPR4S14 W4 0.7108669 88 U32 1192 6369 6150 6151 IDM_CDATBLPR5S0 W4 0.
Register Number XVG/eXVG Parameter Name Write Access Corresponding CdA value Type D efault Value 6238 6239 IDM_CDATBLPR7S14 W4 0.6189159 75 U32 1038 3687 6240 6241 IDM_CDATBLPR8S0 W4 0.0175 36998 U32 294222 6242 6243 IDM_CDATBLPR8S1 W4 0.0343 40978 U32 576146 6244 6245 IDM_CDATBLPR8S2 W4 0.
Register Number XVG/eXVG Parameter Name Write Access Description Type Default Value 7544 7545 IDM_BACKPRES0 W2 Backpressure 0 Float 14.7 7546 7547 IDM_BACKPRES1 W2 Backpressure 1 Float 64.7 7548 7549 IDM_BACKPRES2 W2 Backpressure 2 Float 114.7 7550 7551 IDM_BACKPRES3 W2 Backpressure 3 Float 164.
Register Number XVG/eXVG Parameters Name Write Access Description Type 3014 I D M_ADCINPRES RO Input Pressure counts, range 0-409 5 U16 3015 IDM_ADCAI0 RO Analog Input 0 (dem and), ra nge 0-3413 U16 3.
Register Number XVG/eXVG Parameters Name Write Access Description Type 3042 IDM_DO UT1 W3 Digital Output 1 Value, Current/Voltag e: Bit0- Bit5=AI0-AI5, Bit8-Bit1 0 =AO0-AO2 (1=Voltage, 0=Current) – .
Register Number XVG/eXVG Parameters Name Write Access Description Type 3073 IDM_ADCB3GAINOFF RO An alog inp u t w/Auto ADC gain/off applied , cn ts 0- 4095 U16 3074 IDM_ADCB4GAINOFF RO An alog inp u t.
Register Number XVG/eXVG Parameters Name Write Access Description Type 3099 IDM_TESTSTR[0] 3100 IDM_TESTSTR[1] 3101 IDM_TESTSTR[2] 3102 IDM_TESTSTR[3] 3103 IDM_TESTSTR[4] 3104 IDM_TESTSTR[5] 3105 IDM_.
Register Number XVG/eXVG Parameters Name Write Access Description Type 5014 5015 IDM_LVDTS CALEFCT RO Obsolete U32 5016 5017 ID M_RUNTMHRS RO Run Time Hours since last power on U32 5018 5019 IDM_FLOCT.
Register Number XVG/eXVG Parameters Name Write Access Description Type 5056 5057 IDM_OPS RO Histogram array parameter for OutletPress ure, seconds U32 5058 5059 IDM_FS RO Histogram array param eter fo.
Register Number XVG/eXVG Parameters Name Write Access Description Type 7072 7073 ID M_FVOLTSNEG15 RO Fault Log, Vo ltsNeg15 at time of fault Float 7074 707 5 IDM_TEMPAMB W3 Approx. am bient tem p. of electro nics cavity, de g C Float 7076 7077 IDM_AUT OA DCAGAIN RO AUTO ADC A gain, ran ge 0.
- Only one host master can send request message at a tim e. - Each XVG/eXVG unit on the same network must have a unique address. - Adhere to the tables of registers prov ided and their allowable data range. - Do not attempt to write to any register if you are not sure of the consequence.
All XVG/eXVG parameters can be uploa ded using Modbus Read Registers function then convert the resu lts into appropriate number representation for display and monitoring. Model number and part num ber need to be converted into ASCII character string. All registers are readab le, choose whichever parameters are of interest and read them.
Perform the following steps to re trieve the fault records: 1. Read register 3045, IDM_RECORDS, to get the current number of fault records available in the XVG/eXVG. Th e records are named 0, 1, 2, .. , n-1. Maximum n = 16. 2. To retrieve first record, reco rd 0, write 0 to register 3043, IDM_FRECORDNO.
- Write 2 to register 3005. Va lve will close and reset. 6. To restore the previous R and K values, write the value of R to register 7518 and the value of K to 7520. In case the old values are forgotten and the new values have not been saved to the valv e, reset the valve by turning power off then on to restore R and K.
6. Write 32 to register 3033. W ait 100 millisecond s. 7. Write 1 to register 3005. W ait 100 milliseconds. 8. Write 2 to register 3005. Valve will cl ose, reset and assume new address .
デバイスHamilton Sundstrand Company eXVGの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Hamilton Sundstrand Company eXVGをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHamilton Sundstrand Company eXVGの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Hamilton Sundstrand Company eXVGの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Hamilton Sundstrand Company eXVGで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Hamilton Sundstrand Company eXVGを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHamilton Sundstrand Company eXVGの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Hamilton Sundstrand Company eXVGに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHamilton Sundstrand Company eXVGデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。