American MegatrendsメーカーSuper Voyager LCの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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American Megatrends, Inc. 80486 Voy ager LC Motherboard User's Guide MAN-661 4/27/01.
Preface ii © Copyright 1993 Am erican Megatrends , I nc. All right s reserved. Ameri c an Megatrends, Inc . 6145F Northbelt P ark way Norcross , GA 30071 This public ation cont ai ns proprietary inform ation which i s protected by c opyright.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide W eitek i s a trademark of W eitek , Inc. QEMM is a tradem ark of Quarterdeck Office S ystem s . Toshiba is a regi s tered tradem ark of Kabushik i Kaisha Tos hiba. Chips and Technol ogi es , NEAT, and CHIPSet are regi s tered tradem arks of Chi ps and Technologies I ncorporated.
Preface iv Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 1 Specif ications ........................................................................ 2 Microproces sor ..
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Table of Contents , Continue d Chapter 4 A MIBIOS , cont' d Section 2 STANDARD C MOS SETUP ................................................. 43 Date And Day Confi guration ...........................
Preface vi Preface To the OEM, VAR, o r System Integrato r Tha nk you for pur chasing the high per formance Se ries 6 1 Super Voya ger LC A T-com patible m otherboard from Am erican Megatrends. It is assum ed that you have also licensed th e rights to use the A merican Megatrends techn ical docum entation for the Su per Voyager LC .
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Chapter 1 Introduction The Am erican Mega trends Series 61 80486 Super Voy ager LC is an AT®-com patible m otherboard, approx imat ely 8.55 in ches w ide by 13 inches in lengt h. It is similar in size to a standard baby A T mot herboard.
Chapter 1 - Introduc tion 2 Specifications Microprocessor The Super Voyag er LC m otherboard uses either : • an I ntel® 80486DX o perating at 25, 33, or 50 MH z, • an I ntel 80486DX-2 o perating at 25 or 33 MH z, or • an I ntel 80486SX or P23T pr oces sor o perating at 20 or 25 MHz .
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Specifications, Continued Cache Memory The external cache m em ory size is 64 or 256 KB with : • 2-1-1-1 bu rst access w ith 0 w ait states at 20, 25, or 33 MHz operation, and • 3-2-2-2 burs t access w ith 1 w rite wait state at 50 MHz operation.
Chapter 1 - Introduc tion 4 Specifications, Continued ROM The Super Voy ager LC has 64 KB of R ead Only Memory (ROM) used f or the sy stem BIOS at F0000h . Shadow RAM The Super Voy ager LC sy stem BIOS is alw ays shadow ed from ROM to RAM. You c an selec t video BIOS shadowing thro ugh AMIBIOS Setup.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Specifications, Continued System Support Functions The Super Voy ager L C supports all standard IS A fu nctions and some nonsta ndard functio ns: • seven Direct Mem ory A ccess (DMA ) channels: Chann els 0 - 3 are u sed for 8-bit data trans fer; Chan nels 5 - 7 are u sed for 16-bit data tran sfers.
Chapter 1 - Introduc tion 6 Specifications, Continued Keyboard The Super Voya ger LC h as a standard f ive-pin DIN con nector for an AT-c ompatible keyboard. The S uper Voya ger LC al so has a key board lock fun ction to prevent u nauthorized acces s to the system .
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Chapter 2 Installation Unpacking Step Act io n 1 Inspect the cardboard carton for obvious damage. If damaged, call American Megatrends T echnical Support at 404-246-8600. Leave the Super Voyager LC motherboard in its original packing.
Chapter 2 - Ins t al l a t i on 8.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Series 61 Motherboard Lay out.
Chapter 2 - Ins t al l a t i on 10 Installation Steps The steps f or assem bling a sy stem that has an 80486 S uper Voyag er LC m otherboard are show n in the follow ing table. Each step is discussed in detail in the following pages. Step Action Turn to 1 Set sw itch and jumper options.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Step 1 Set Switch and Jumper Options Set all user-config urable jumpers and switch es before installing the mot herboard.
Chapter 2 - Ins t al l a t i on 12 Step 1 Set Switch and Jumper Options, Continue d J12 Select Process or Type J12 is a four-pin single-inlin e berg that selects the processor type. Pins 1- 2 and 3-4 are s horted if the Su per Voya ger LC mot herboard has an 80486DX or DX- 2 microproces sor.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide.
Chapter 2 - Ins t al l a t i on 14 Step 1 Set Switch and Jumper Options , Continue d J23 POWERG OOD Signal S ource J23 is a th ree-pin berg . Pins 1- 2 are shorted i f the In ternal POWERGOOD signal is used. Pins 2-3 are shorted if an Extern al POWERGOOD Signal is used.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Step 1 Set Switch and Jumper Options, Continue d J33 CMOS RAM Drain , cont' d If you forget the system password , you must remove the batter y to make su re that CMOS RAM is w ithout power f or at least 20 min utes so the current passw ord will be erased from CMOS RAM.
Chapter 2 - Ins t al l a t i on 16 Step 2 Install Memory , Continued Reporting Memory The system mem ory config uration is reported by AMIBIOS as it boots and ag ain in t he BIOS Sy stem Confi guration Screen display ed w hen AMIBIOS boot s DOS.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Step 2 Install Memory , Continued SIMM Part Num bers Memor y Type Manufacturer Part Num ber 256 K x 9 Siemens® HYB514256AJ-70 1 MB x 9 Fujitsu® MB85235.
Chapter 2 - Ins t al l a t i on 18 Step 3 Install Processor For Use Only with 80487S X Math Coprocessor The only m ath coproces sor that can be us ed on the Super Voy ager LC m otherboard i s an Inte l 80487SX. An d it can be u sed only if the process or on the Su per Voyag er LC i s an Inte l 80486SX.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Step 3 Install Math Coprocessor, Continue d Test fo r Mat h Coproce sso r The AMIBIOS S yst em Con figu ration screen show n at boot u p indicates if a m ath coproces sor is config ured. If the coprocess or is show n as A bsent, reins tall the coprocessor, as f ollows .
Chapter 2 - Ins t al l a t i on 20 Step 4 Install the M otherboard The moun ting hole pattern on the Su per Voyager LC motherboard is the sam e as the moun ting hole pattern on a baby A T moth erboard.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Step 4 Install the M otherboard, Continued Perform the follow ing steps to install the Super Voy ager LC moth erboard in a compu ter chassis . Refer to the g raphic on the preceding pag e. Step Act i o n 1 Make sure you are wearing an antis t at ic wristband.
Chapter 2 - Ins t al l a t i on 22 Step 5 Connect the Pow e r Supply The power s upply s pecifications sh ould m atch the phy sical config uration of the ch assis. Make sure that the pow er sw itch is Off before installation. Before attaching all com ponents, mak e sure that the proper voltage has been selected.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Step 5 Connect the Pow e r Supply, Continued See the follow ing f igure f or the location of conn ectors P2 and P3. AT-com patible pow er su pplies h ave tw o six -pin con nectors th at are inserted in P2 and P3.
Chapter 2 - Ins t al l a t i on 24 Step 6 Connect th e Key board The keyboard con nector is a fiv e-pin DIN socket (s ee the graphic below ) and is la beled KEYBRD and J3 on the m otherboard.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Step 7 Connect Cables When conn ecting chass is connectors to the moth erboard, make sure y ou attach the correct en d. Most conn ector wires are color-coded. Match the color of the w ires leavin g pin 1 on the sw itch or LED to pin 1 on the con nector end.
Chapter 2 - Ins t al l a t i on 26 Step 7 Connect Cables , Conti nued J22 Reset Bu tton Connector J22 is a two-pin sing le-inline berg. A hard reset is done when the Rese t button is press ed. Pin 1 is groun d and Pin 2 i s Hard Res et. See the follow ing illustration.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Step 7 Connect Cables, Conti nued J18 Keyboard Lock Connector J18 is a five-pin singl e-inline berg. The key board lock allows y ou to lock the k eyboard, protecting the sy stem from u nauthorized u se. Thi s connec tor i s keyed with a bl ank hole .
Chapter 2 - Ins t al l a t i on 28 Step 7 Connect Cables, Conti nued J16 Turbo L ED J16 is a 2-pin berg that connects to th e Turbo LED via a cable. The LED li ghts when the boa rd is r unning at high sp eed. Connect the Turbo LED to J16 as show n bel ow.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide S t ep 7 C onnect C a bles, C o n t i nu e d J1 External Battery Connector The Super Voyager L C has a built-in rech argeable battery on the moth erboard and does not need an external battery . How ever, an external battery can be used w ith th e Super Voyag er LC.
Chapter 2 - Ins t al l a t i on 30 Step 8 Install A dapt er Cards The Super Voy ager L C has ei ght 16- bit slots . The 16-bit sl ots can accept either 8- or 16- bit ISA (XT- or AT-com patible) adapter cards.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Step 8 Install A dapt er Cards, Continue d 8-Bit ISA Slo t Pinout Pin Use Pin Use A1 IOCHCK- B1 GND A2 SD07 B2 RSTDRV A3 SD06 B3 +5 A4 SD05 B4 IR Q9 A5 S.
Chapter 2 - Ins t al l a t i on 32 Step 9 Perform Initial Test and Conf iguration Before powering u p the system to perform the initial test, rev iew the follow ing checklist: _ make sure that all ada.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Chapter 3 BIOS Pow er-On Self Test (POST) Overv iew AMIBIOS provides all IBM-standard POST routines as w ell as enhanced A merican Megatrends rou tines. AMIBIOS POST supports C PU internal diagnostics. POST codes are accessi ble via the Manuf acturing Test Port (I/O Port 80h).
Chapter 3 - BIOS P OST 34 Beep Codes Fatal e rror s, liste d belo w, are co mm unicate d thro ugh a series of audible beeps. A ll errors except Beep Code 8 are fatal. Fatal errors halt t he boot process. In most cases, display ed errors all ow th e sy stem to contin ue.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide A MIBIOS Display ed Error Messages Error mes sage are display ed as follow s: ERROR Messa ge Line 1 ERROR Messa ge Line 2 foll owe d by Press the <F1> key to continue and the system halts. The system does not halt if Wait for <F1> If Any Error in ADVA NCED CMOS SETUP is Disabled.
Chapter 3 - BIOS P OST 36 Error Message Explanation Type Mism at c h detect ed by A MIB IOS. Run A MI B I OS Setup. CMOS Memory Size M ismatch The amount of m emory on the m otherboard is di f ferent than the am ount in CMOS RAM. Run A MIB IOS Set up.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Error Message Explanation Error OF F BOARD PARITY ERROR ADDR ( HEX) = (XXXX) XXXX is the hex address where the error occ urred.
Chapter 3 - BIOS P OST 38 POST Memory Test Normally , the only visible POST routine is the m em ory test. The inform ation that appears w hen the sy stem is pow ered on is show n below . AMIBIOS (C ) 1992 Amer ican Megatre nds Inc., BIOS Rele ase 50020692 XXXXX KB OK Press <DEL> if y ou want to run SETUP (C) American Megatrends I nc.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Chapter 4 A MIBIOS Keyboa r d Speed Sw itching You can in crease processor speeds at any tim e by press ing <Ctrl> <Alt> <+>. Processor speed can be decreased by pres sing <C trl> <Alt> <->.
Chapter 4 - AMIBI OS Features 40 A MIBIO Setup, Continued STANDARD CMOS SETUP AMIBIOS ST ANDARD CMOS SETUP, discussed in Section 1 beginn ing on page 45, conf igures sys tem com ponen ts such as floppy drives, h ard disk dri ves, m onitor ty pe, and ke yboard.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Section 1 Running A M I BIOS Setup The system parameter s (such as a mount of memory, number and ty pe of disk drives, and v ideo display ty pe) are stored in CMOS RAM. When the com puter is turn ed off, a back- up battery provides power to CMOS RAM, w hich retain s these parameters.
Chapter 4 - AMIBI OS Features 42 A MIBIOS Setup Key s Key stroke Action <Esc> Returns to previous screen. → , ← , ↓ , ↑ M ove the cursor from one option to the next. <PgUp> and <PgDn>; <Ctrl><PgUp> and <Ctrl><PgDn> Modify the default setting of the options for the highlighted parameter.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Main Menu A MIBIOS Setup Options AMIBIOS Setup Main Menu options are shown below . Each option is explained in detail in this section. Warning Message A w arning is displayed w hen STANDA RD CMOS SETU P, ADVANCED CMOS SETUP, or ADVANCED CHIPSET SET UP is selected.
Chapter 4 - AMIBI OS Features 44 Write to CMOS and Exit The options selected and con figured in the Standard Setup, ADVANCED CMOS SETUP, ADVANCED CHIPSET SETUP , and the n ew pass word (if any) are s tored in CMOS RA M wh en this option is selected. A CMOS RAM ch ecksum is calculated and written to CMOS RAM.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Section 2 STA NDARD CMOS SETUP Overv iew Pre ss <Enter > when STANDARD CMOS SE TUP is highlighte d.
Chapter 4 - AMIBI OS Features 46 Date And Day Co nfiguration Move the cu rsor to the Date field v ia or and set the Date an d Day by pre ssing <PgU p> and <PgDn> to change the setti ngs. Ranges for each settin g are show n in the low er right corner of th e screen.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide STA NDA RD CMOS SETUP Options, Co ntinued Hard Disk Drive C: Hard Disk Drive D: Move to these f ields via th e and key s and select th e hard disk drive type via <PgUp> and <PgDn> that m atches the drive parameters for the hard disk drive in the com puter.
Chapter 4 - AMIBI OS Features 48 STA NDA RD CMOS SETUP Options, Co ntinued Hard Disk Drive Types Type Cy linders Heads Write Preco mpen satio n Landi ng Zone Sectors Cap acity 1 306 4 128 305 17 10 MB.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide STA NDA RD CMOS SETUP Options , Co ntinued Floppy Drive A Floppy Drive B: Move to th ese fields via the an d key s and select the floppy type via <PgU p> and <PgDn >. The setting s are 360 KB 5¼ inch , 1.
Chapter 4 - AMIBI OS Features 50 Section 3 A DVANCED CMOS SETUP ADVANCED CMOS SETUP in AMIB IOS Setup for the Super Voyager L C motherboard is show n below.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide A DV ANCED CMOS SETUP Options Ty p e ma t i c R a te P r o g r a mmi n g Ty p e ma t i c R a te P r o g r a mmi n g Typem a tic Rate Typem atic Rate Delay Typematic Programm ing enables or disab les the follow ing tw o options.
Chapter 4 - AMIBI OS Features 52 A DV ANCED CMOS SETUP Options , Cont inued System Boot Up Num Lock This option turn s off Nu m L ock wh en the sy stem is pow ered on so you can use the arrow keys on both the nu meric key pad and the key board. The settings are On or Off.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide A DV ANCED CMOS SETUP Options, Cont inued Password Check ing Option This option can enable pas sw ord checking ev ery tim e the system boots or AMIBIOS Setup is run.
Chapter 4 - AMIBI OS Features 54 Section 4 A DVANCED CHIPSET SETUP The Super Voyager L C BIOS ADVANCED CHIPSET SET UP scree n is shown belo w . Use the and keys to sc roll t hrough the options. Help Screens As w ith all AMIBIOS Setup screens, each ADVANCED C HIPSET SETUP option has context-sens itive Help information.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Warning Screen A w arning screen appears w hen ADVA NCED CHIPSET SET UP is selected. Press any key to continue.
Chapter 4 - AMIBI OS Features 56 A DVAN CED CHIPSET SETUP Options 8-bit AT Cycle Wait Stat e This optio n sets the n umber of w a it states inserted before 8-bit AT cycle operation s. The settings are 4 WS (the default) or 5 WS. 16-bit AT Cycl e Wait State This optio n sets the n umber of w a it states inserted before 16-bit AT cycle operation s.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Section 5 A M IBI OS Passw ord Support AMIBIOS Setup h as an optional pass word f eature. The sys tem can be config ured so that all users mus t enter a passw ord every tim e the sy stem boots or w hen Set up is ex ecuted.
Chapter 4 - AMIBI OS Features 58 Changing a Password Select the Change Pas sword option from the AMIBIOS Setup Main Menu. Enter th e passw ord and press <Enter>. The screen does not display the characters en tered. After th e new passw ord is entered, rety pe the new password as prompted an d press <Ent er>.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Section 6 Hard D isk Utility AMIBIOS includes three hard disk utilities: Utility Purpose Turn to Hard Disk Form at Perform s a low level form at of t he hard drive(s). Read t he s ystem or hard disk dri ve doc um entati on t o find out if t he hard di s k has been preform atted.
Chapter 4 - AMIBI OS Features 60 When to Use A MIBIOS Hard Disk Utilities When Conditions Run... Installing a new hard disk. The hard disk drive manufacturer provided a lis t of bad tracks, the system documentation includes the optimum interleave factor, and the drive is preformatted .
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Hard Disk Format Utility Warni ng The Hard Disk Format utility destroys all hard disk data. Back up the data on the hard disk be fore r unning this utility. This routi ne does not w ork on IDE or SCS I drives.
Chapter 4 - AMIBI OS Features 62 Hard Disk Format Utility , Co ntinued Ans wer th e questions on the screen. The fi rst two qu estions are already com pleted if only one h ard disk drive w as selected in STANDARD C MOS SETUP and the cu rsor is on Interl eave .
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide A uto Interleave Utilit y Warni ng The A uto Interleave utility destroy s hard disk data. Back up the data on the hard disk be fore r unning this utility.
Chapter 4 - AMIBI OS Features 64 Media A nalysis Utilit y The Media Analys is utility perform s a series of tests to locate bad o r damag ed tracks on the hard di sk as a res ult of ag ing or poor handling. This utility locates all bad tracks and lists them in the Bad Track List Box.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Hard Disk Utilit y Error Messages Initialization Erro rs Message Expl anation No Hard Disk Installed There is no hard disk dri ve i n t he s ystem but Hard Disk Utility w as selected. FATAL E RROR Bad Hard Disk No response f rom the hard dis k , or the hard disk is not repairable.
Chapter 4 - AMIBI OS Features 66 Hard Disk Utilit y Error Messages, Continue d Operation Errors Message Expl anation Address Mark Not Found The address m ark (init i al addres s) on the hard dis k could not be f ound. Attac hm ent Failed t o Respond No respons e has been received from the hard disk drive.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide A ppendix A Upgrading to 256 KB Cache Parts To upgrade to 256 KB of cache m emory , you w ill need 28-pin 32 KB x 8 static RA M chips w ith an access tim e of 15 or 20 ns: • If th e moth erboard has a 33 or 50 MHz process or, use 15 ns SRAM.
Appendix A - Upgrading Cache Mem ory 68 Cache Diagram.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide A ppendix B Heat Dissipation The 50 MHz 80486DX and 66 MHz 80486D X2 are very high perform ance CPUs that can rival the perform ance of any cu rrently available CPU, includin g RISC processors.
Appendix B Heat Dissipation 70 Heat Dissipation, Continued Test Procedure to Assu re Proper Operating Tem peratures: 1. Install th e Am erican Megatrends m otherboard or CPU card in a fu lly loaded sy stem .
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide A ppendix C Using QEMM® Using QEMM Version 5.0 and higher with the Series 61 Motherboard This d iscussion a pplie s to the Ser ies 61 motherbo ard r unning at any freq uency.
Appendix C Using QEMM 72 A ppendix D Miscellaneous Series 61 BIOS Data The following information w as gathered from the A MIBCP file for the Series 61 A MIBIOS.
Super-Voyager LC Motherboard User's Guide Miscellaneous BIOS Facts, Continued Advanced BIOS Features Cloc k Switching throug h a special port: High/O n value : I /O por t 00E8h, Data = 02, Mask =.
74 Index 16-bit DMA Active Clock 54 8-bit A T Cy cle W ait State 54 8042 - G ate A 20 Fail ure 32 Abo ve 1 MB Me mory Test 50 Ada p ter Ca rd 16-Bit Card Pino ut 28 8-Bit Pino ut 29 Auto I nterle ave .
Index, Continued Hard D isk utilities 57 Error messages 63 When t o us e 58 Hard Dri ve 45 Heat D issipation 67 Heat S ink for 50 MH z CPU s 2 Hidde n refr esh 14 I /O Po rt 80h 31 I nstallation St ep.
Index 76 Index, Continued POST Memory T est 36 Pow er Supply 20, 21 Cutting key s 20 Processor error 32 QEMM 69 Rese t Button Conne ctor 24 SCSI 59 Setup 37 Abo ve 1 MB Me mory Test 50 Auto Config ura.
Index Index, Continued Turb o LED 2 6 Turbo Sw itch 26 U33 17 Unpacking the Mother board 7 Upgradabl e Pro cessor 17 VG A adapte rs 10 Video ROM Shado w C000,32K 52 Warnin g Messa ge 41.
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American Megatrends Super Voyager LCをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAmerican Megatrends Super Voyager LCの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。American Megatrends Super Voyager LCの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。American Megatrends Super Voyager LCで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
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