American Power Conversionメーカー208/220の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Smart- UPS ® VT 10-3 0 kV A 208/ 22 0 V Site Pr e paration and Inst allation Manu al.
Smar t-UPS ® VT 1 0-30kV A, 2 08V, Si te Prep arati on a nd Insta llat ion – 990 -15 98A 1 Smart-UPS ® VT 10-30 kV A 20 8/220 V Si te Pr epa rat ion an d Inst al latio n Ma nual IM PO RT A NT S AF.
Con ten ts 990-159 8B Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V S ite P repa ration and Insta llati on Man ual i Safet y .. .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ... 1 Gene ral Safety Instructions . . . . . . . .
ii Smar t-UPS® VT 10-3 0 kV A, 20 8/220 V Si te Pr eparat ion a nd Ins tall ation M anual 990-15 98B Basic Wirin g Overvie w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Site Prep aration Ch ecklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kV A, 208 /220 V Site Prep ara tion an d In stal lati on Manu al 1 Safety Genera l Safety Instructions This guide contains impo rtant instructions that should be followed whe n handling the UPS, Battery Encl osur es, an d ba tter ies.
Safet y – Gene ral Saf ety I nstru ction s 2 Smart- UPS® VT 10-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa ratio n and Insta llati on Man ual 990-1598B Ge ner al s af ety W ARNING! All electrical power and con trol wiring mu st be installed by a q ualified electrician and comply with l ocal and national co des.
990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 3 Intr oduc tion W elcome to the Site Preparation and Installation Man ual for the Smart-UPS ® VT . This m anual contains information on h ow to prepare your site for the installation of the UPS and optional APC equipment (also available at www .
4 Smart- UPS® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Prepa rati on and Insta llati on Ma nual 990-1598B UPS Family Range and Comp onents 13. 85 i n/352 mm En clo sur es 20.
Intr oducti on – UPS Fa mily Ran ge and Comp onents 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 5 Seria l number The serial n umber is available on the type label o n the rear sid e of the UPS.
Intr oducti on – UPS Fami ly Rang e and Compo nents 6 Smart- UPS® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Prepa rati on and Insta llati on Ma nual 990-1598B User inte rface Display: user-control interface used to conf igure the functionality , monitor the system, set alarm thresholds, and to provide audibl e and visual alarm s.
Intr oducti on – UPS Fa mily Ran ge and Comp onents 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 7 Display port for the co nnection of display communication cab le . Documentation storage. Inlet for co mmunication cables.
Intr oducti on – UPS Fami ly Rang e and Compo nents 8 Smart- UPS® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Prepa rati on and Insta llati on Ma nual 990-1598B Lowe r part of Co nduit Box. Power connection. Communication wiring connection (E PO signalling, Battery T em perature Sensor).
Intr oducti on – UPS Fa mily Ran ge and Comp onents 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 9 APC Netw ork Management Card AP9619 (installed in UPS) and APC Humi dity Sensor (O ptio nal) For in stalling Humidity S ensor see “Co nne ction o f AP C Hum idi ty Se nsor” o n page 40 .
10 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Site Pr eparation Inst allat ion Space Requir em ent s Clearance fo r 20.59 in/523 mm Enclo sur es *) Minimum free rear space for ven tilation 4 in/100 mm.
Site Pr eparat ion – I nstal lati on Space Requiremen ts 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 11 Clear ance for stand -alon e 13.85 in/352 mm Enclo sur e s *) Minimum f ree rear space f or ventilation 4 in/100 m m.
12 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Operating Envir onment Ope rat in g cond itio ns Heat di ssipatio n Audi ble noise Note Install the UPS in an indoor , tempe rature-controlled area , free of co nductive contaminants.
Site Prep arati on – O pera ting Envi ronment 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 13 R ec omm en d ed c u rrent prot ecti on Note 1: If the avail able fau lt curre nt of the in stall atio n is be low 30 kA , a l ower kA IC-ra ted br eaker can be used.
Site Prepara tion – Operati ng Envi ronment 14 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Minimum br eaker settings for 15 kV A UPS No te 1 : For .
Site Prep arati on – O pera ting Envi ronment 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 15 Rec omm ended p hase- conduct or si zes [AWG] for a .
16 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Basi c Wirin g Over vi ew EPO Maintenance Bypass Panel (Optional Equipment) XR Enclosure(s) (Optiona l, 4 Max.
990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 17 Site Pr epar ation Checklist System components. Have you – Sit e Pr epar ation .
18 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Mech anical assembly Stabil izing Brackets Always install the Stabilizing Brackets on the 13.85 in/352 mm Enclosure (shipped with the UPS) to enhance the stability of the Enclosure.
990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 19 Leveling F eet Setting the l eveling fe et Set the leveling feet to ensure the UPS is h orizontal when it is in its final operating positio n.
20 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Floor Anchoring Dril ling flo or ho les for f loor an chori ng Hol e posi tions f or floo r anch ors ( stan d-alon e Enc losures) Refer to th is dr awing fo r floo r anch or po sitio ns for 20.
Mechan ical asse mbly – Floor Anchoring 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 21 Flo or a nchori ng of stand -alon e syst ems In seismic ar.
22 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Electric al Installation Syst em-Elect rica l I nformat ion W ARNING! All electrical p ower and power control wir ing must be installed by a qualified electr ician, and must comply with local and national regulations for m aximum power rating.
Elect rical Inst allat ion – S ystem- Electri cal In format ion 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 23 UPS ratings 220 V 10 kV A 8 kW 15 .
Elect rical Inst allat ion – S ystem- Electri cal In formati on 24 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Sour ce connections 8 W ARNING! The UPS must be s upplied from a 208Y/120 V or 220Y/127 V 4W + GND 6 0Hz sour ce.
Elect rical Inst allat ion – S ystem- Electri cal In format ion 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 25 On e-line d iagram for S mart-U PS VT 10, 15 , 20, 3 0kV A, 20 8V , 3 phas e, sing le ma ins F1, 3P 10kV A, 22.
Elect rical Inst allat ion – S ystem- Electri cal In formati on 26 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B One-li ne di agram for Sm art-UP S VT 10, 15 , 20, 30 kV A, 220 V , 3 phas e, singl e mai ns 10kV A, 26.
Elec tric al Ins t all ation – Wir ing 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 27 Wir ing Note Make sure the UPS is in its location of use before wir ing begins. CAUTION! V erif y c lockw ise ph ase -rotat ion ( L1, L2, L 3) and make su re a neutra l c onnect ion is present.
28 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Input/Out put Wiri ng – S ingle Ma ins (default) The UPS is designed for b oth single (default) and dual mains installations. Follow the below step s to install the UPS in a single-mains in stallation.
990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 29 Loosen th e (4) M 4 screws (2 each side) fro m the bottom part of th e Conduit Box an d remove.
30 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Input/Output Wiring – Dual Mains The UPS is designed for single mains installation as default.
Elec tric al Ins tall ation – Input /Output Wirin g – Dual Mai ns 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 31 Punch 3 holes in the Conduit Box bottom to fit the size of the conduit pipes, and rea ttach the Conduit Box bottom to the Enclosure, re-using the (4) M4 screws.
32 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Exte rnal Bat ter y Wiring Wiring to battery bank or battery racks Attach DC cables to u pper part of busbars as s hown.
990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 33 Communicat ion Wiring to EPO and Optional Equipment Note EPO switch must be connected to a NEC Class 2 wiring. Note Use only 28-16A WG copper wire for the connection of the Emergency Powe r Of f (EPO) and other optional eq uipment.
Elect rical I nstallatio n – Commu nication Wiring to EPO and Opti onal Equip ment 34 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Pin connections J.
Elec tric al Inst allat ion – Communi catio n Wiring to EPO and Optional 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 35 XR Enc losur e, APC Maintenance Bypass Panel, and Generator C ontr ol wiring Pin s 1 th roug h 4 are for batt ery m easure men t (onl y ap plica bl e to APC XR Encl osure s).
Elect rical I nstallatio n – Commu nication Wiring to EPO and Opti onal Equip ment 36 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Pin connections J108 (for EPO w iring options) EPO s wit ch w iri ng.
990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 37 Conne ctio n of APC Humidity Senso r Fr ont p anel r emoval T o remove a Front Panel, tu rn screw clockwise to unlocked position. Pull top of Front Panel free of UPS.
Elect rical I nstal latio n – Connec tion of AP C Humidit y Senso r 38 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Remove the 2 s crews from the cab le inlet at the f ront – and remove cable-inlet plate.
Electr ical Insta llation – Connect ion of APC Humi dity Sensor 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 39 Guide the cable up alongside the sid e panel and insert the Hu midity Sensor plug into the so cket mark ed “Probe”.
40 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Wiring V erification Pr ocedur e Use follo wing procedure to verify that the UPS h as been wired properly: Note Do not c onnect batteries in the UPS. 1.
990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 41 Ins tallatio n Sit e Check list This checklist should be completed by the electrician after the wiri.
*990-1598B* APC W orldw ide Custom er Sup port Cust ome r sup port f or thi s or any othe r APC product is avai lab le a t no c har ge in a ny o f the foll ow ing w ays: • V isit the APC W eb site to access documents in the APC Knowledge Base and to submit customer supp ort reque sts.
デバイスAmerican Power Conversion 208/220の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
American Power Conversion 208/220をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAmerican Power Conversion 208/220の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。American Power Conversion 208/220の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。American Power Conversion 208/220で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
American Power Conversion 208/220を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAmerican Power Conversion 208/220の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、American Power Conversion 208/220に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAmerican Power Conversion 208/220デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。