American Power ConversionメーカーSYMF800KHの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Inst allation Symmetra ® MW 800 kW 400 V ON OFF EMO.
Contents Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llati on - 990- 1510D i Safe ty ....... ..... ..... ........ ...... ........ ..... ........ ..... ...... ....... 1 IMPORTAN T SAFETY IN STRUCTI ONS - SAVE THES E INSTRU CTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . .
ii Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llati on - 990- 1510D Extern al Bypa ss Static Sw itch Wiri ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Top cable entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9 Bottom cable entry .
Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llati on - 990- 1510D iii IT Syst ems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Chara cter istics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Refere nce to IEC 603 64-4-4 1 413.
Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llati on - 990- 1510D 1 Safety IMPORT ANT SAFETY INS TRUCTIONS - SA VE THESE INSTRUCTIONS This gui de contain s importan t instru ction s for SYMF800KH tha t should b e followed when handli ng the UPS, External Bypas s S tatic S witch, Batt ery Enclosure s, and Ba tteries.
Safety: IMPORTANT S AFETY INSTRUC TIONS - SAVE THES E INSTRUCTIONS 2 Symmetr a MW 800 k W 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D Installation safe ty Press the optional EPO (Emer gency Power Of f) button to switch off all AC and DC power supply to con nected equi pment in t he room and t o cut of f the load sup ply .
Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 3 System Over view UPS Sections Serial numb er The seri al number i s stated on the type label behind t he finish ing pan el above t he displa y unit. Remove fini shing pane l to s ee seria l number .
4 Symmetr a MW 800 k W 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D Configurations The UPS syst em can b e configur ed in two ways. The Inverter Section can be placed ei ther to the le ft or to th e right o f the Contr ol Secti on. The two configur ations ar e shown belo w .
System Overview: Configurations Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 5 Configu rati on 2 (Inverte r Section place d to the right) Width: 1012 mm Widt h: 1014 mm Control Secti.
6 Symmetr a MW 800 k W 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D External Bypass Static Switch The Exter nal Bypass S tatic Swit ch (Exter nal Bypass S SW ) trans fers th e load (m anually or auto maticall y) from the UPS to an alternat e sour ce without inte rrupting the supp ly to the load.
Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 7 Electrical Installation Electrical Wiri ng Principle See also See separ ate guide on para llel oper ation fo r wiring o verview in parallel systems.
Electrical Installation: Electri cal Wiring Principle 8 Symmetr a MW 800 k W 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D Extern al discon nection switc hes Input/Output wiring pr ecautions W ARNING! The UPS has no i nternal manual disconnec t devices to switch off exter nal AC (Q1 and Q5) and DC (Q7 and Q8) input power .
Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 9 To p C a b l e E n t r y Pr eparing for top cable entry (Defau lt) Cable ent ry in T op Cover of Input/Out put Secti on. Loosen the 8 bolt s in both cable e ntry c overs (4 b olts i n each cov er).
Electrical Installation: Top C able Entry 10 Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D Battery cable connecti ons (top cable entry) W ARNING! Make sur e that the batter y br eakers ar e open (OFF) pri or to running the cables . CAUTION! Refer to t he batte ry manuf acturer’ s installa tion manual .
Electrical Installation: Top Cable Entry Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 1 1 Feed the battery c ables thr ough the gr ommets Connect c a bles fro m batte ry system.
Electrical Installation: Top C able Entry 12 Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D PE and AC cable conn ections (top ca ble entry) Feed the AC and PE cab les through the t op of Inpu t/Output Sectio n. Connec t cables.
Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 1 3 Bottom Cable Entry Pr eparing for bottom cable ent ry Cable ent ry in bot tom cover of Input/Out put Secti on AC I N AC O U T N N A C.
Electrical Installation: Bottom Cable Entry 14 Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D Prepara tion for bottom cabl e entry a. Loosen bol ts of bot h cable entry cov ers and re move. b. Drill h oles for grommets f or AC, DC, and Outp ut circu it groundi ng elect rode cabl e in areas shown.
Electrical Installation: Bottom Cab le Entry Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 1 5 Battery cabl e connection (bottom cable ent ry) W ARNING! Make sur e that the batter y br eakers ar e open (OFF) pri or to running the cables .
Electrical Installation: Bottom Cable Entry 16 Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D Connect c a bles fr om batte ry system.
Electrical Installation: Bottom Cab le Entry Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 1 7 PE and AC cable conn ections (b ottom cable entry) Feed the AC and PE cab les throu gh the bott om of Input /Output Sec tion. Connec t cables.
External Bypass Static Switch Wiring W ARNING! Befor e starti ng instal lation, check an d test that all AC and DC power sour ce break ers are in op en position . W ARNING! Use only manual r eset pr otection as input over -curr ent pr otection. W ARNING! Over -curre nt pro tection r equire d by national wiring rul es.
Electrical I nstal lation: External Bypa ss Sta tic Swit ch Wir ing Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 1 9 T op cable ent ry Loosen th e 8 screws to remove to p covers. Drill ho les for g rommets. Re-f it the c overs and insta ll th e grom met s.
Electrical Installation: Extern al Bypass Static Switch Wir ing 20 Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D Bottom cable entry Loosen th e 8 screws to remove bot tom cove rs. Drill holes for the grommets. Re- fit the covers and in stall the grom mets .
Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 2 1 Communication cable overview Connection plane 0P 0957 X131 X130 Ext er nal EPO placed on wall X133 A 2 1 X185 UPS EMO (Display) X134A.
22 Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D Relay Boar d (Optional) Location of optional Rela y Boar d 123 123 123 12 3 123 123 NC 3 123123.
Ele ctrica l Ins tal lation : Rel ay Bo ard ( Opti onal ) Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 2 3 Communication cables with opti onal Relay Board Shunt trip 24V External Lamp supply V or V Max .
Electrical Installation: Relay Board (Optional) 24 Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D Relay Boar d functions The Relay Boa rd informs the user of the opera tion mode, status, a nd alarm con ditionsa nd has 8 port s on the i nput side a nd 16 output terminal s.
Ele ctrica l Ins tal lation : Rel ay Bo ard ( Opti onal ) Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 2 5 K1 1 Bypass op eration • UPS i s running in normal op eration/ bypass operati on accordin g to AS400/ Novell. Active on Op r .
Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 2 7 Specifications Low-Impedance/High-Impedance Earthing The Symmetra ® MW i s easily integrat ed into e ither a s olid grou nded syste m, or a hi gh-impedanc e grounded sys tem. In a solid grounded syst em, the neutral power source (mains, genera tor , or UPS) is solid ly grounded.
28 Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D Electrical Specifications AC Input W ARNING! Supply the UPS f rom a de dicated, 3 × 400/ 230 V , L1, L2, L3, N, PE sourc e or a high-impedanc e gro unded sys tem. CAUTION! Ensure cl ockwise phas e rotati on (L1, L2, L3) of input voltages .
Specifications: Electrical Specifica tions Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 2 9 DC Input AC Output AC Input Ex ternal Bypass SSW The Exter nal Bypass S SW is designe d to accommodat e a conti nuous ov erload of 25%. Heat dissipation 24.
Specifications: Electrical Specificati ons 30 Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D Notes 1. Nominal (Nom): Inpu t current based on r ated loa d, nominal in put volta ge and ful ly char ged batter ies.
Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 3 1 Requir ed Br eaker Settings (400 V Systems) The Symmetra ® MW is a fault- tolerant system cap able of ha ndling and survivin g overload s and intern al/exte rnal faul ts.
Specifications: Required Breaker Settin gs (400 V Systems) 32 Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 22 kA is the maxi mum peak let-t hrough cu rrent (i ncluding sa fety fact or) avail able duri ng clearin g of an inte rnal faul t in a 200 kW section or a Power Module.
Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 3 3 Appendix System and Pr otective Earthing The purpos e of this appendi x is to de scribe t he system- and prote ctive ear thing principl es of the Symmetra ® MW . CAUTION! All w iring to be in ac cord ance w ith a ppl icabl e natio nal a nd/ or loc al el ectric al wi ring rules .
34 Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D TN S ystems Characteristics TN systems h ave one poi nt conne cted direct ly to ground.
Appendix: TN Systems Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 3 5 Additional r equir ements for genera ting sets ( IEC 60 364-5-5 5 551. 4.2) T o be used when the gener ating set provides a switche d alterna tive to t he public supply .
Appendi x: TN Systems 36 Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D The ch aracterist ics o f protecti ve devi ces and the circuit impedan ces shall be such t hat, if a fault of ne.
Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 3 7 TT Systems Characteristics TT systems have one poi nt connect ed direc tly to gr ound and all exposed co nductive p a rts of t he instal lation mus t be con nected to an earth el ectrode.
Appendix : TT Systems 38 Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D When the pr otective device is an overcurr ent prote ctive devic e, it must be ei ther: • a device with inver .
Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D 3 9 IT Systems Characteristics In IT s ystem s the instal lati on is i nsula ted from earth o r conn ecte d to e arth t hroug h a su fficient ly hi gh impeda nce. Exposed conduct ive part s are ear thed indi vidually , in grou ps, or collecti vely .
Appendi x: IT System s 40 Symm etra MW 8 00 kW 3 × 400/ 230 V Insta llation - 990-1510D In inst allati ons where the neut ral is distri buted, the foll owing condi tions mu st be ful filled: In the c.
Residual Current S ense Mains - input UPS - output PE N PE PE PE Bypass - input Bypass - output L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 N L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 Protective Earthing Condu ctor Protective Earthing Condu ctor Main.
Residual Current S ense Mains - input UPS - output PE N PE PE PE Bypass - input Bypass - output L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 N L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 Protective Earthing Condu ctor Protective Earthing Conducto r Main.
Residual Current S ense Mains - input UPS - output PE N PE PE PE Bypass - input Bypass - output L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 N L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 PE Protective Earthing Conducto r Main Protective Earthing Termina.
Mains - input UPS - output PE N PE PE PE Bypass - input Bypass - outpu t L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 N L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 Main Protective Earthing Terminal External SSW-Bypass Symmetra MW ( PDU ) Service Entranc.
Residual Current S ense Mains - input UPS - output PE N PE PE PE Bypass - input Bypass - output L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 N L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 PE Protective Earthing Condu ctor Main Protective Earthing Termina.
Residual Current S ense Mains - input UPS - output PE N PE PE PE Bypass - input Bypass - output L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 N L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 ( Alternative to earth e lectrode ) Earthing Conducto r Main Prote.
02/2007 990-1510D *990-1510D* APC W orldwide Customer Support Customer s upport for this or any oth er APC pro duct is av ailable at no char ge in any of the foll owing ways: • V isit the APC W eb site to acce ss documents in t he APC Knowled ge Base and t o submit custome r support requests .
デバイスAmerican Power Conversion SYMF800KHの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
American Power Conversion SYMF800KHをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAmerican Power Conversion SYMF800KHの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。American Power Conversion SYMF800KHの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。American Power Conversion SYMF800KHで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
American Power Conversion SYMF800KHを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAmerican Power Conversion SYMF800KHの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、American Power Conversion SYMF800KHに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAmerican Power Conversion SYMF800KHデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。