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HiSpeed Fast Ethernet Switch Part No. US70 70447-001 , Rev 01 Troubleshootin g Guide.
ii US7070447-001 T rade mar k s T echnical Suppo rt • Y our name, address, te lephon e, and fax number • T ype o f equip ment, ser i al numbe r, and software ver s ion nu mber • A descripti .
US7070447-001 iii Rev 01 T able of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction Purpose of the Guide ... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ............. ...... ....... ...... ...... ......... 1-1 Basic Trouble shooti n g T ips ...........
iv US7070447-001 Rev 01 Chapter 4 Cabling Basic C onnection s ....... ............. ................... ............. ............. .................... ............ ......... 4-1 10BASE -TX Ports ....... .................... ............. ...........
US7070447-001 v Rev 01 HiView Switch Mana g ement ........... ............. ............. .................... ............. ............ ......... 6-4 Windows 95/Window s NT 4.0 ......... ............. ................... ............. ............. .
vi US7070447-001 Rev 01 Chapter 10 T roubleshooting at the Network Layer IP (Internet Protocol) ... ...... ....... ...... ....... ............. ...... ....... ...... ....... ............. ...... ...... ....... 10 -1 Other IP-relat ed Services ........
US7070447-001 vii Rev 01 Chapter 12 FDDI Concepts HiSpeed FDDI Uplink ..................... ............. .................... ............. ............. ................... 12 -2 Cable Conne ction s ............. ............. ............. ........
viii US7070447-001 Rev 01.
US7070447-001 vii Rev 01 List of Figures Fi g ure 2-1. Model HS140-01 0 base mo del wit h an HS-1 50-010- 16E expansi on module install ed .......... ............. ............. ................... ............. .. 2- 4 Fi g ure 2-2. HS150- 100-16 base mode l with an HS 150-100- 8E exp ansion module in stalled .
viii US7070447-001 Rev 01.
US7070447-001 ix Rev 01 List of T a bl es T able 2-1. Base model co nfi g urations .... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... .. 2 - 3 T able 2-2. HiSpeed swi tch expan sion module s .. ............. ............. .
x US7070447-001 Rev 01.
US7070447-001, Rev 01 1- 1 Chap ter 1 Introduction Purpose of the Guid e The purpos e of this trouble shooting gu ide is t o assist users in u nderstanding , identi fying and d iagnosing network re lated pr oblems in a s witched ne twork environ ment.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 1-2 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential ❒ Are all users af fected ? Or a cert ain group o f users on a specif ic segment? ❒ Are all typ.
Introductio n US7070447-001, Rev 01 1-3 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Abatch pr ogram call ed di spc fg is avail able on Hi tachi’ s anonymous F TP server (204. 48.18.63). When u sed in combi nation wit h HiSpeed’ s debugging commands , relevant co nfigurat ion on the switch is captured and the re sults are writte n to the file d ispcfg.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 1-4 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential.
US7070447-001, Rev 01 2- 1 Chap ter 2 HiSpeed Switch What is the HiSpeed Switch? The HiS peed switch is a multipr otocol, Fa st Etherne t workgrou p switch th an can be confi gured for up to 32 10/ 100 Mbps LAN switc h ports, de pending on t he model.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 2-2 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential ❒ Supports multiple hardware c onfiguratio ns and p rovides suppor t for th e followi ng port co .
HiSpeed Switc h US7070447-001, Rev 01 2-3 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Each of t he HS150 and HS14 0 models has one expansi on slot whi ch can be populat ed with an e xpansion modu le that d oubles the number and/ or type of availa ble ports . The expansi on modules c an be inst alled i n the field o r at the factor y prior t o shipment.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 2-4 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential HS140/150-010 Model The -010 mod els ship wi th a sixt een port module confi gured in t he capti ve slot.
HiSpeed Switc h US7070447-001, Rev 01 2-5 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Key : ➀ Conso le port ➁ Reset button/Power LED ➂ Onboard module (with TX ports ) ➃ Expansi on slot (wi th TX po rts) ➄ UpLi nk slot Figure 2-2.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 2-6 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential UpLink Modules The upli nk module is install ed into the u plink slo t locate d in the upp er left corner of the f ront pane l. The upli nk provide s high-speed s erver ac cess for F DDI and A TM.
US7070447-001, Rev 01 3- 1 Chap ter 3 Hardware Diagnos tics The power and st atus LEDs indi cate the gen eral opera tions of the HiSpe ed switch. The HiSpee d switch pr ovides tr ansparent op eration o nce it ha s been ins talled and configu red.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 3-2 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Figure 3 -1. Module LEDs Reset Button The Reset button , loc ated on the fr ont pan el of the s wit ch, all ows you t o manuall y recycl e power a nd reset the switc h.
Hardware Diagnostics US7070447-001, Rev 01 3-3 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Reset Button The Reset button , loc ated on the fr ont pan el of the s wit ch, all ows you t o manuall y recycl e power a nd reset the switc h.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 3-4 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Each FX port has two LEDs t o the ri ght of the SC connector . T able 3- 3 lists th e LED s a nd t hei r fu nc tion. T a ble 3-2. RJ-45 LEDs LED Color Status Desc ription LINK Link Green Solid Link is active and c onnecte d.
Hardware Diagnostics US7070447-001, Rev 01 3-5 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential HiSpeed Memo ry , Boot Prom, Flash Components The HiS peed switch is shipp ed standard f rom the fac tory with the foll owing system co nfigurat ions.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 3-6 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential ❒ Etherne t port se ttings: autonegotiat ion is ON ❒ Spanning T ree is en abled These se ttings pr ovide for switching in a single broadcast domain.
US7070447-001, Rev 01 4- 1 Chap ter 4 Cabling The HiS peed switch model s are si milar in p hysical ma keup of port s and LEDs. This sec tion desc ribes th e followi ng port typ es, LED confi gurations , and connect ions for a ll models.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 4-2 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential ❒ Line tr ansmission modes on the 10/100BASE-TX por ts suppor t both half-d uplex and ful l-duplex oper ations.
Cablin g US7070447-001, Rev 01 4-3 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential 10/100BASE-TX Ports The 10/100 BASE-TX ports on the HiS peed switch ar e standar d RJ-45 connect ions using UTP Category 5 cabling.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 4-4 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Console Port The consol e port ha s a DB-9 mal e connector u sed to connect a ma nagement termina l to the s witch by mean s of a str aight-thr ough DB-9 to DB-9 standard serial port cab le.
Cablin g US7070447-001, Rev 01 4-5 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential to view a nd configu re the cons ole parame ters. For informati on on these commands , refer t o the HiSpeed Switch User Guide , document number US7070424-0 01, that was shipped wit h your swit ch.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 4-6 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential.
Doc Part Nu mber, Version Numb er 5- 1 Chap ter 5 Fundamental s of Netwo rking T oday , there a re many different types of computers and networking equipment available.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting GUide 5-2 Doc Part N umber, Version Num ber Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Figure 5 -1. Network Media Layers 1 through 3 define the network and how da ta is transferred across the network. Layers 4 through 7 define how the data is used.
Fund amentals of Networ king Doc Part Number, Version Number 5-3 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential The LLC sublayer defines the logical connection to the upper la yer services based on a socket or Service Access Point (SAP).
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting GUide 5-4 Doc Part N umber, Version Num ber Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential.
Doc Part Nu mber, Version Numb er 6- 1 Chap ter 6 Methods of Managing the Sw itch Hitachi ’ s HiSpeed swit ch can be ma naged using the foll owing: ❒ Serial connection on the console port ❒ T el.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting GUide 6-2 Doc Part N umber, Version Num ber Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Conf igure the te rmin al to u se the foll owin g para mete rs : ❒ Data bits : 8 ❒ .
Methods of Managi ng the Sw itch Doc Part Number, Version Number 6-3 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential T roubleshootin g a T elnet Session Use the f ollowing p rocedure when yo u cannot es tablish a T elnet session t o the switc h: 1. V erify tha t the consol e settin g on the swi tch is unl ocked.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting GUide 6-4 Doc Part N umber, Version Num ber Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential HiV iew Switch Management The HiS peed switch ca n be config ured using Hitachi’ s HiV iew graphica l user interf ac e ( GUI) ap plicati on.
Methods of Managi ng the Sw itch Doc Part Number, Version Number 6-5 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential UNIX The minimum sy stem requi rements to run on a UNIX pl atform ar e as foll ows: ❒ Sun SP A RC station ❒ SunOS 4.1. 1 or late r ❒ Motif 1.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting GUide 6-6 Doc Part N umber, Version Num ber Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential ❒ Selec t th e VL AN p rior to c han ging the VLAN co lor .
Methods of Managi ng the Sw itch Doc Part Number, Version Number 6-7 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential “::= { enterprises hicam(399) nsg( 2) nsgConventions(200) 1 }”.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting GUide 6-8 Doc Part N umber, Version Num ber Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential 2. Click on the menu bar labelle d “ T ools ”, then cl ick on “ MIB compil er …” A dialog windows will appear (s ee Figure 6-1).
Methods of Managi ng the Sw itch Doc Part Number, Version Number 6-9 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential 6. Click on the menu bar labell ed “ To o l s ”and click on “ MIB Br owser ”. A dial og window will appear . See Fig.2 belo w . Go to this dir ector y : iso.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting GUide 6-10 Doc Part N umber, Version Num ber Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential SNMPT alk Issues For the RMON gr oup s to wo rk p rope rl y , the mib.rt f il e ne eds to be loa ded in t he same dir ectory as SNMP T alk.
US7070447-001, Rev 01 7- 1 Chap ter 7 Bridging Con cepts Basic Bridgi ng Concepts A bridge o perates at the Dat a Link Layer of the OSI mod el by forwardi ng or floodi ng packets based on th e destina tion MAC addresse s. A bridge n ormally operate s in promis cuous mode an d learns a ll packets on the netwo rk.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 7-2 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Figure 7 -1. Using Spanning T r ee When Spannin g T ree is implement ed, redunda nt bridge ports ar e blocked and looping is elimin ated, as s hown in Figur e 7-1.
Bridging Co ncept s US7070447-001, Rev 01 7-3 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential If, on an y given por t, a bridg e decides to keep a pa cket from a nother bridg e instea d of the pa cket that it would send , it no lon ger trans mits BPDU messag es.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 7-4 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Probl em: After r ebootin g my PC, I cannot log onto my Novell or DHCP server . Solution: PCs equ ipped with faster proc essors wil l boot up before ST A on the switch h as complete ly stabi lized.
Bridging Co ncept s US7070447-001, Rev 01 7-5 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential CLI Commands /vbridge/show/fwt Di splays the bridge forw arding T able. /vbridge/show/filter/all Displa ys all s tat ic e ntr ies in th e Bri dge Forwarding T able. /vbridge/show/bridge <vlan#> Displ ays the brid ge para me ters per VLAN.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 7-6 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential.
US7070447-001, Rev 01 8- 1 Chap ter 8 VLAN Concepts A VLAN is a net work that logicall y divides workgroups by functio ns, applic ations, et c. without regards to t he physic al locat ion of user s, there by locali zing netwo rk traf fic to t hose you woul d communicat e with most o ften.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 8-2 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Figure 8-1. VLANs VLANs provide some of the foll owing benef its: ❒ Reduced co sts As a comp any grows an d reor ganizes , physical moves, add s, and re-cabl ing are made t o their network.
VLAN Concept s US7070447-001, Rev 01 8-3 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential T roublesh ooting VL ANs Probl em: Cannot p ing a user(s) on a differ ent VLAN. Solution: V erify the foll owing: V erify tha t the por t(s) the user(s) is connec ted to has the co rrect VLAN number( s) assigned to it.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 8-4 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential VLAN Tips For each VLAN created wi th an IP ad dress, an associ ated entr y is also gen erated. Therefo re, it is critic al to ver ify that th ese entri es exist.
Doc Part Nu mber, Version Numb er 9- 1 Chap ter 9 T roublesho oting at the MAC Layer Ethernet Etherne t is a LAN based tec hnology wit h data transmiss ion rates of 10 or 100 Mbps. CSMA/CD (Ca rrier Se nse Mult iple Acces s with Coll ision Det ection) protoco l dictat es how Ethernet frames t raverse the network .
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting GUide 9-2 Doc Part N umber, Version Num ber Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Ph y sical Media Specific ations Common Ethernet Errors 10BASE-5 (Thick Co axial cab le) 10BASE-2 (Thin C oaxi al cab le) 10BASE-TX (Uns hi elde d T wisted Pair -UT P) 10BASE-FX (Fiber Opt ical Lin k) Max.
Tro uble s hoot in g at th e MA C Laye r Doc Part Number, Version Number 9-3 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Ethernet Tips ❒ Ensure that both port speed and duplexity on the switch and endstations are th e same. ❒ By default, autonegotiation is enabled on the switch.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting GUide 9-4 Doc Part N umber, Version Num ber Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential T roublesh ooting Ethernet Probl em: Swit ch is n ot repor tin g any port sta tist ics e ven w ith tr aff ic o n my network. Solution: By def ault, port s tatisti cs is di sabled on t he switch .
Tro uble s hoot in g at th e MA C Laye r Doc Part Number, Version Number 9-5 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential CLI Commands /ETHERNET/SHOW >port Displ ays all port speed s, duple xity , auto nego tiat ion . /ETHERNET/SHOW >stat Disp lays if Et herne t st a tis tics are en abl ed/ disabl ed on a pe r port basi s.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting GUide 9-6 Doc Part N umber, Version Num ber Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential.
US7070447-001, Rev 01 10- 1 Chapter 10 T rou bl eshoo ting a t the Networ k Laye r IP (Internet Protocol) The HiSpeed switch s upports IP ( Internet Pr otocol), a widely used Net work Layer protoco l used by de vices to communicate a cross a networ k.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 10-2 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Other IP-related Servic es The HiS peed switch sup ports the followin g IP-rel ated funct ions: ❒ Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Used to resolve an IP to MAC address allowing devices to communica te at the Data Link layer .
Trou ble s h oot ing at th e Net work Layer US7070447-001, Rev 01 10-3 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential T o prevent rou ting loops, t he HiSpeed swi tch imple ments Split Horizon. N etworks t hat are lea rned thro ugh a part icular i nterface wil l not get advertise d back out that same i nterface.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 10-4 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Common ICMP Destination Unreachable Mes sa g es Network Unreachable This me ssage is sent by a r outer ind icating tha t it cann ot reach t he speci fied network.
Trou ble s h oot ing at th e Net work Layer US7070447-001, Rev 01 10-5 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential T roublesh ooting I P Probl em: A n externa l ro uter is co nnected to my s witch. I ca n ping the r outer interf ace on my network but cannot r each any net works beyond t he rou t e r .
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 10-6 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential and per fo rmanc e is sues. I f us ing stati c rout es o n the Hi Spee d s witch, you must con figure t hos e r out es on t hose di re ctly con nected swi tches and rout ers.
US7070447-001, Rev 01 11- 1 Chapter 1 1 Basi c A TM Concept s Asynchron ous T ransfer Mode (A TM) is a connectio n-oriented p rotocol u sing 53 byte fi xed lengt h cells. On e signifi cant adva ntage of A TM is the a bility to carry voice, vi deo and dat a traf fic s imultaneousl y over a 155 megabit per second pi pe.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 11-2 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Permanent V irtual Circuits vs. Switched V irtual Circuits A TM connections can be est ablished manua lly (Per manent V irtual Circui ts) or dynami cally (Switc hes V irtual Circuit s).
Basi c ATM Concept s US7070447-001, Rev 01 11-3 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential The comp onents of an Emulated LAN (ELAN) c onsists of the fol lowing: ❒ LAN Emulatio n Client (LEC) ❒ LAN Emulat.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 11-4 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Classical IP over A TM (CIP) Classic al IP (CIP) all ows devices in dif ferent IP su bnets to communicate ac ross an A TM network.
Basi c ATM Concept s US7070447-001, Rev 01 11-5 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Figure 1 1-4. A TM PTOP T runkin g T runking allows mult iple VLANs t o share th e same virt ual channe l connection (VCC) usin g either Permanent V irtual Connec tions (PVCs) or Switch ed V irtual Connecti ons (SVCs).
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 11-6 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Hitachi HiSpeed A TM Specifications ❒ UNI 3.0 & 3. 1 signaling i s support ed. ❒ Conforms t o ILMI Regist ration 3 .1 and ILMI MI B 4.0 specif ications.
Basi c ATM Concept s US7070447-001, Rev 01 11-7 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential ❒ If your A TM configur ation is corrupt , delete y our A TM file fr om the CLI (rm atm. cur), rese t the sw itch , and re-c o nfigu re A TM. ❒ Signali ng changes may require you to reb oot the swi tch.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 11-8 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential T roubleshootin g CIP Probl em: I’ve cr eated a CIP service but still cann ot connect to t he A TM network.
Basi c ATM Concept s US7070447-001, Rev 01 11-9 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Probl em: The CIP connec tion is up and ac tive but I cannot ping acr oss t he A TM network.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 11-10 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential T roubleshootin g PTOP Probl em: I’ve cr eated a P TOP servi ce but cannot connect to th e A TM network.
Basi c ATM Concept s US7070447-001, Rev 01 11-11 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential – V erify si gnaling an d ILMI statu s should be ‘up’. /ATM/SHOW >port V erify the foll owin g using /ATM/SHOW/connec tion: – OAM is up. – SSCOP , and ILMI is up.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 11-12 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential T roubleshootin g T runkin g Probl em: I’ve cr eate d a T runking servic e but cannot connect to t he A TM network.
Basi c ATM Concept s US7070447-001, Rev 01 11-13 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential V erify the following using /ATM/SHOW/connection: – OAM is up. – SSCOP , and ILMI is up. (for SVC o nly) – A T runk SVC or PVC con nection is cr eated pe r T runk ins tance.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 11-14 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential CLI Commands /ATM/SHOW >connection Disp lay s all a ctiv e A TM ci rcu i t s /ATM/SHOW >port Displays A TM port , Sig naling, a nd ILMI configura tions /ATM/SHOW >lec , lec <lec#> Disp lays a ll or a spec ifie d LEC statu s.
US7070447-001, Rev 01 12- 1 Chapter 12 FDDI Concepts FDDI employes a dual ri ng topolog y using two counter-r otating fi ber rings : a primary and seconda ry . Data tr avels on t he primar y ring whil e the seco ndary back up ri n g is ut iliz ed if th e pr ima ry r ing fa ils.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 12-2 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential In a nor mal ring ope ration, a n FDDI stati on captures a free to ken and tra nsmits complete ly unless the token holding t imer (THT) ex pires. As the frame t raverse s the ri ng, every st ation ex amines the f rame and ch ecks for e rrors.
FDDI Conc ept s US7070447-001, Rev 01 12-3 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential The FDDI Up link module provides fiber opt ic connec tivity betwe en switche d 10/ 100 Ether net networ ks and an FDDI backbone net work.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 12-4 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Observing L EDs T able 2-1 prov ides inf ormation ab out what th e LEDs mean in v arious st ates FDDI Bridge Modes The HiS peed switch ca n operate in any of t he followi ng bridging mod es: ❒ Filter ing ❒ Forwardi ng ❒ Promiscuo us.
FDDI Conc ept s US7070447-001, Rev 01 12-5 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Filterin g Mode W ith FDDI Filteri ng, packets bet ween FDDI- native devic es are fi ltered at the FDDI Uplink, not at th e switch’ s bridging ta ble. This me thod of fi ltering reduces the burd en on the HiSpe ed pr oce ss or .
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 12-6 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential ❒ For AppleT alk us ers, must be ru nning soft ware vers ion 1.3.28 or later . ❒ FDDI Port serv ic e can onl y be bou nded to VLAN 1. RIP must be ‘active’ to route t raf fic from o ne VLAN to anoth er across FDDI.
FDDI Conc ept s US7070447-001, Rev 01 12-7 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Probl em: I’m having a communication pr oblem with Platelike over FDDI . Solution: Use the f ollowing s olutions : V erify that you are running firmware version 1.3.28 or above.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 12-8 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential Probl em: T raffic thr ough the FDDI po rt seems to slow and/or hang. Solution: There is cur rently an is sue with the FDDI dr iver a nd buf fe r managemen t.
FDDI Conc ept s US7070447-001, Rev 01 12-9 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential CLI Commands /FDDI/SHOW/MAC>nbraddr D isplays the FDDI M AC Neigh bor addres s table. /FDDI/SHOW/MAC>status C hecks for th e status o f the Ring M anageme nt state, duplicat e address tests, an d time v alues.
HiSpee d Switch Tro ubleshoo ting Guide 12-10 US7070447-001, Rev 01 Draft Level—Hitachi Confidential.
US7070 447-001, R ev 01 Index-1 Symbols Numbers A B C , D Index.
Inde x-2 US7070447-00 1, Rev 0 1 E F G H I L.
US70704 47-001, R ev 01 Index-3 M N O P R , S T.
Inde x-4 US7070447-00 1, Rev 0 1 U V.
デバイスHitachi US7070447-001の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Hitachi US7070447-001をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHitachi US7070447-001の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Hitachi US7070447-001の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Hitachi US7070447-001で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
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