Honest TechnologyメーカーVHS to DVD 4.0 Deluxeの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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honestech ™ VHS to DVD ™ 4 .0 Deluxe User Guide.
3 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe 5. Limited Warranty a. Licensor does not warrant that the fun ctions contained in the Licensed P roduct and Ha rdware will meet License e‟s requirements or that the op eration of the Software an d Hardware will be uninterrupted or error-free.
4. honestech ™ T able of Content s END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT ....................................................................................... 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ...............................................................................
5 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe 1. Introduction Video t apes can de teriorate over ti me. Deterior ated videos will ex hibit color bleed, white specks, and other distortions. Don ‟t let this hap pen to your precious memories by archiving your video tape collection onto DVD /CD.
6. honestech ™ Whether you crea te VCD , SV CD, DVD or Blu- ray discs, all of your ho me movies will play in superb digital quality . Simply load the disc you have created and p lay it on your ho me DVD player or PC. Si t back, relax and enjoy the show ! 1.
7 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe 2. Overv iew honestech™ VHS to DVD™ 4.0 D eluxe allow s you to convert analog videotap es to Blu-ray , DVD, or CD. Y ou can create Blu-r ay , DVD or VCD discs of TV programs , movies or video s from your ca mcorder or VCR in re al time.
8. honestech ™ 3. honestech™ VHS to DVD ™ 4.0 Deluxe Inst allation 3.1. Installing honest ech™ VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe 3.1.1. Insert the in stallation CD into the CD/DVD dr ive on your computer . Do Not connect the VIDBOX – if you have connected the device, un plug it now .
9 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe 3.1.4. Read the License Agreement. Cli ck [Next >] after a ccepting the Li cense Agreement to continue with the installation . 3.1.5. Click [C hange… ] if you wan t to install the softw are in a differ ent folder . C lick [Next >] to continue with the installa tion.
10 . h onestech ™ 3.1.6. Accept the defaul t progra m folder or create your own program folder by enter ing a new folder name. Then click [Next >] to continue w ith the insta llation. 3.1.7. Click [Inst all] to start ins talling the softw are with the curren t settings.
11 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Del uxe 3.1.8. The setup statu s screen w ill display the insta llation progress. Please wait for completion. 3.1. 9. W indows Media Runtime Setup window will appear , c lick [Y ES ] to c ontinue, click [N o] if you already have Windows Me dia Player ver sion 1 1 or later in stalled.
12 . h onestech ™ 3.1. 10. Windows Me dia User Licen se Agreement will appear , click [Y ES ] to continue. 3.1. 1 1. After Window s Media Format Series installs, the following window will appear . Click [ OK ] to finish the Windows Med ia Runtime Setup.
13 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe 3. 1 .1 3. Please make sure that your VIDBOX is NOT con nected to you r computer . 3. 1. 14 . The ne cessary device dr iver files have installed completely .
14 . h onestech ™ 3. 1.15. Click [Finish] to complete the installa tion. 3. 1. 16 . Setup has finished copying files to your co mputer . Before yo u can use the progra m and VIDBOX , you must restar t your compu ter .
15 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe 4. Product Reg istration Complete the reg istration for m to receive ex clusive information via email, rega rding product updates, p atches, and dis count coup ons. T o temporarily turn o ff the registr ation reminder , use the „Do not display this message for… days‟ option at the bottom of the window .
16 . h onestech ™ 5. St arting honestech™ VHS to DVD ™ 4.0 Deluxe Y ou can start ho nestech™ VHS t o DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe by simply dou ble-clicking on this icon. Or you can star t the program through the S ta rt menu button by clicking St art A ll Programs honest ech™ VHS to DVD™ 4.
17 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe The A d vanced Mode is reco mmended for users who need to make m ultiple recordings, edit recordings, and /or create menu s. This mode can also be used to re cord to dual layer discs and will save your recordings for futur e use.
18 . h onestech ™ 6. Easy Wizard Mode The Easy Wizard Mode assist s you w ith the conversion o f your vide o tapes to DVD or Blu-ray disc. From dis c selection and cabl e connection s to recording and burning , the Wiz ard w alks you through the ent ire process .
19 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe Step 2 . Insert either a blank DVD or Blu-ray disc into your disc drive, and click the arrow pointing to the right to proceed. *Make sure your disc drive is capable of writing to a DVD or Blu -ray disc. Most DVD ROM drives are able t o play DVDs but are unable to write to t hem.
20 . h onestech ™ St ep 3. Select your video p layback device (e.g. VCR, Camcorde r etc..), and click the arrow pointing to the right to pro ceed. *This is the video player that w ill be playing yo ur video w hile the Wizard is recording it.
21 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe Step 3-1 . Select your video conne ctor type: RCA (Composite) or S-Video, and cli ck the arrow pointing to the right to pro ceed. *S-Video cables transmit a higher qua lity video signal than regular RCA (Composite) cables , but contrary to pop ular belief, they do not carry an aud io signal.
22 . h onestech ™ Step 3-2 . Connect your dev ices with the appropriate cables as shown belo w , and click the arrow pointing to the right to pro ceed. * RCA (Composite) cable con nections are shown her e. S -Vide o connection s will differ slightly , but will be fully illu strated if S-Vide o is s elected as the connection type in step 3- 1.
23 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe Step 4 . Set your Record settings by adjusting the Recording Time slider to mat ch the length of your vid eo. Due to the size limitation o f DVD discs, recordin g over 2 hours to a single layer DVD (over 4 hours to a du al layer DVD) will result in lower quality vid eo.
24 . h onestech ™ Step 5 . Record your video a nd burn to disc. Position your video tape/sour ce to the point where you wish to begin recording and s tart playback. Once your video appears in the Vi deo preview screen on the left, click t he Record button to start record ing.
25 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe 7. A dvanced Mode T o open the Advanced Mode, select “A dvanced Mode” fro m the main menu s creen. The Advanced Mode co m bines the same recor ding functionali ty of the Easy Wizard Mod e with the ability to manage your video conver sions from recording, to editing an d finally to burning .
26 . h onestech ™ The Advanced Mode open s to the Cap ture screen upon se lection from the Main Menu . Y ou can choose to move to an y of the three Advanced Mode sections , Capture, Edit or Burn at any ti me, by selecting the m from the top of each screen.
27 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe Recording St atus Display – dis plays the for mat selected for record ing (DVD, MP EG , WMV or LongDVD), the re cording ti mer , the file size of the re cording in megabytes, and the Max imum Recording Time. Record and Burn – automates the Advanced Mode si m ilar to the E asy Wizard.
28 . h onestech ™ Getting Star ted: Capture There are five steps to capturing in the Advanced M ode: Step 1 – Connections Step 2 – Record Settings Step 3 – Optional Sett ings Step 4 – Preview Step 5 – Recording These step s are describe d in more detail below .
29 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe Step T wo – Record Settings Before making any settings, yo u will need to determine the requiremen ts for your f inished product.
30 . h onestech ™ Quality – specify the quality set ting that your video will be record ed in. * This option, in co mbination with the For mat option, will deter mine how much video can be recorded to dis c. (Does not apply to VCD or SVCD Format s).
31 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe Step Three – Optional Set tings Set Recording T ime – Setting a Re cording Ti me enables the Advanced Mode to stop recording once the time entered has elap sed. The timer w ill not start until the Re c ord button is clicked.
32 . h onestech ™ Step Five – Recording Recording St atus Display – us e this display to check the sta tus of your recording, verify the recording for mat (DVD, SVCD, WMV etc..) , or monitor the size of you r file. The Maximum Recording T ime (MRT) indicate s how many hours of video recording are available on you r computers har d drive.
33 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe In the edit screen , you can spli t your video clips into s maller segment s , arrange segment s within the story board, add tran sitions, apply effect s and overlay text. When you ar e finished editing, you can merge and save the changes yo u have made to create a new video clip.
34 . h onestech ™ Preview Pane l – used to preview and edit your video clips. S tart here to begin the edit proce ss. Merge and Save – used to merge the clip s in the S toryboard Panel together and create a new , finished video clip.
35 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe Step T wo – Split Clip Once you have lo cated a sec tion in your video that requires an edi t, w hether it is a cut, a transition, or a special ef fect, you w ill want to split your clip as a w ay t o isolate the sec tion that requires editing .
36 . h onestech ™ Step Four – A dding Effects (optional) The Edit scree n includes a large selection of optional ef fects that can be used to visually enhance your video. T o access the effect s, select one of the three e ffect tabs above the Vi deo Clipboar d: Tr ansitions, Vi s ual Effe c ts, or Title s.
37 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe T o change the appearance of your title, click the Ti tle icon to ac cess the T ext Editor . The T ext Editor allow s you to chang e the location of the title within the screen, or resize it by dra gging one of the corner box es diagonally .
38 . h onestech ™ Step Five – Merge & Sav e When you are fini shed editing and customizing y our video, you can select the fir st segment or frame in the S toryboard pane l and click „Play‟ in the Prev i ew Panel to rev iew the entire contents o f the S toryboard.
39 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe The Burn scree n is used to create menus and w rite your video clips t o disc. Y ou can choose from a list of de fault themes , or customize y our own menu to include chapter s , personal background imag es, and backgrou nd music.
40 . h onestech ™ Disc Menu Scree n – create disc menus by adding video clip s from the Clip Panel. Getting Star ted: Burn There are five steps to bur ning in the Advanced Mode: Step 1 – Insert .
41 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe Step T wo – Settings Click the Settings button at the bo ttom of the Burn screen to a ccess the disc and menu settings. Select disc ty pe – s pecify the typ e of disc for m at you wan t to record your vide o clips to.
42 . h onestech ™ Chapter Menu – select this op tion if you w ant to include a chap t er menu for you r clips. The chapter menu w il l allow you to sel ect from individu al chapters made for each clip. Set duration of back ground music – adjust this op tion if you plan on adding bac kground music to your main disc menu .
43 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe Step Three – A dd Clips Drag the video clips you w ant to burn fro m the Clip Panel an d drop them in the Disc Menu Screen. A sample disc menu w ill appear af ter adding a cl ip, providing a pr eview to you r disc menu.
44 . h onestech ™ T o manually ad d chapter point s, play your clip in the pr eview p anel and click the Add chapter but ton during playbac k. Chapter point s will be added to the fra m e visible in the preview p anel and w ill appear as a thu mbnail image in the Chapter Pool on the lef t.
45 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe Home Menu : Click this but ton to view the main disc menu screen. Step Five – Burn Before burning yo ur video clip s to disc, you w il l want to ve rify that th e total, require d size of your clip(s) doe s not exceed the total available size of your di sc.
46 . h onestech ™ Burn Options: Disc Name – u se this option to cr eate a name for your disc. The name will be visible w hen played on a compu ter or fro m the display interface on supported DVD players. Drive – use this option to sele ct the disc drive that will burn y our disc.
47 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe 8. A udio Recorder T o open the A udio Recor der , select “ Audio Recorder ” from the main men u screen. Y ou can use the A udio Recor der to perfor m several audio recording functions including: Record from LP re cords, casse tte tap es, and other au dio sources.
48 . h onestech ™ Recording V olume – use this bar to adjust you r recording volume and manipulate the V olume Meters. T rack List – displays ea ch recording in li st form with size (megabyte s) and duration information.
49 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe Step T wo – Setup Once your conn ections are co mplete; Open the Audio Re corder and che ck your dev ice setting. A udio Device – this field should r eflect the capture de vice/card that connect s betwee n your audio play er and your co mputer .
50 . h onestech ™ Step Three – Record Before clicking re cord, you w ill want to check your recording setting s listed below and make any necessary adjustment s. Set Record T ime – Setting a Record ing T ime enable s the Audio Recorder to stop recording once the time entered has elap sed.
51 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe Step Five – Burn Burn – click the bur n button w hen you are ready to burn you r audio tracks to disc. The burn button will present yo u with 3 burning options: Audio CD – creates a traditiona l Audio CD that w ill play in most s tandard CD players.
52 . h onestech ™ Burn List – display s each audio file to be burn ed, in list for m with size ( megabytes) and duration infor mation. *Use the T ot al Size listed at the botto m of the Burn Lis t to avoid adding more than your di sc will allow .
53 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe 9 . Uninst all honestech ™ VHS to DVD™ 4 .0 Deluxe 1. Find its pro gram grou p St art A ll Programs honest ech VHS to DVD 4 .0 Deluxe 2. Select Uninst all honestech™ VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe Please click [Y es] to un install.
54 . h onestech ™ 4. Uninstall Completed Y ou will see a screen confirming a su ccessful completion. Please click OK to finish the pro cess..
55 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe 10 . A ppendix (A dvanced Mode) About Video/Disc Format Opt ions VCD (700 MB) * – select this option if you plan to bu rn up to 1 ho ur & 6 minute s of video to a video CD .
56 . h onestech ™ About Maximum Reco rding Time (MRT ) The MR T displays how many hour s of video recording are available on your computers hard drive. If the M RT ind icates les s than 1 hour of recording ti me available , it may be time to backup or re move some files fro m your hard driv e.
57 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe A Video Propertie s window should appear (shown below). In the V ideo Decoder t ab, you w il l find an option for Video S tandard. Use the drop dow n m enu to select the V ideo S tandard setting for the t ape you are attempting t o record.
58 . h onestech ™ 11 . T roubleshooting This information i s provided to a ssist you in resolving video or audio problems w ithin the VHS to DVD progr am. The solutions given are common an swers to the pr oblems listed and are not comprehensive. Some proble ms may require further technical trou bleshooting to fully resolve .
59 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe Video Prob lems No video: Check your cable connection s to make sure they are secure. V erify you are connect ing your cables t o the ports labeled „Output‟ on your video play er . V erify you are only conn ecting one typ e of video cable, RC A (yellow) or S -Video.
60 . h onestech ™ A udio Problems No Audio: Check your cable connection s to make sure they are secure. V erify you are connect ing your cables to the port s labeled „Outpu t‟ on your video/audio player .
61 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Deluxe honestech™ Product s.
62 . ho nestech™ honestech™ Audio Reco rder ™ 2.0 Deluxe With just a few clicks, convert your an alog music into digi tal formats including MP3s a nd audio CDs. Convert all of your analog music, including LP , 8-track , and cassette tape s into WA V file, MP3, audio CDs a nd MP3 CDs, and listen to them on your portable m usic players.
63 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Plus honestech™ Clay mation Stu dio ™ 2.0 W ith honestech™ Claymation Studio ™ 2.0 , you can easil y create stop motion vi deo. Capture images usin g a di gital cam era, webc am or DV camcorder and add background im ages, audio, an d music to create your own s top-motion movi es.
64 . ho nestech™ honestech™ Fire m an CD/ DV D Bu rn er ™ 3.0 honestech™ Firema n CD/DVD Bu rner ™ 3. 0 allows you to creat e data, audio, or vid eo discs. Y ou ca n also import au dio from music CDs and create system back up/recovery discs and bootableCD/DVD.
65 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Plus honestech™ DVD Autho ring Studio ™ 2.0 W ith honestech™ DVD Authoring Studio ™ 2.0, you can archive u p to 27 hours movi e in one du al- layer DVD. Create your own high -quality DV D movies with this p owerful software.
66 . honestech™ honestech™ Burn DVD ™ 3 .2 honestech™ Bu rn DVD ™ 3.2 l ets your convert your video of vari ous formats into DVD, VCD and SVCD. The simple 3 step in terface guides us er through the entire process. ho nestech™ Burn DVD 3.2 is easy en ough for novice yet powerful enough for e xperienced users.
67 . VHS to DVD™ 4.0 Plus honestech™ Photo DVD ™ 3.0 honestech™ Ph oto DVD ™ 3.0 i s a simple program that allo ws you to creat e personalized photo slide shows o n CD/DVD t o watch on your television or comp uter . Y ou can even add background music or a narrated a udio file to your slide show .
68 . ho nestech™ honestech™ Vid eo Patrol ™ 5.0 honestech™ Video Patr ol ™ 5.0 provid es a comprehensive p ersonal video m onitoring surveillance soluti on. Y ou can m onitor your home or office from an ywhere with broadb and internet access.
Honestech™ , I nc. North and Latin America P .O. Box 26365 Austin, TX 78755 T oll Free Numb er : 1- 877 -484-6246 (U.S. Only) Fax : 512- 248 -2215 Email : support@ honestech.com For local and int ernational support phone numbe r , please visit our web site: www .
デバイスHonest Technology VHS to DVD 4.0 Deluxeの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Honest Technology VHS to DVD 4.0 Deluxeをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHonest Technology VHS to DVD 4.0 Deluxeの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Honest Technology VHS to DVD 4.0 Deluxeの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Honest Technology VHS to DVD 4.0 Deluxeで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Honest Technology VHS to DVD 4.0 Deluxeを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHonest Technology VHS to DVD 4.0 Deluxeの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Honest Technology VHS to DVD 4.0 Deluxeに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHonest Technology VHS to DVD 4.0 Deluxeデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。