HoneywellメーカーHCE 60の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Storey Controller HCE 60 Installation and Operat ion.
Contents 1 Contents Overview 3 Application 3 Inst allation proc edure 4 Classi fying zones and ac tuators 4 Installatio n 4 Configuration and el ectric al connec tion 4 Start-up 4 Creating a zoning pl.
Contents 2 Ass igning zones and is suing room names 32 Example: As signing an HCW 22 setpoint adjust er to zone 1 32 Example: A ssigni ng room nam e LIVI NG to zone 1 34 Ass igning wireless set point .
Overview 3 Overv iew For y our information Technical term s are explained in the glos sary (Page 45). They are identifi ed in the text by an *. Application The storey c ontroller HCE 60 rec eives inf ormat ion on the t emperat ure of the room from the set point adjus ters* and t he Hometroni c Man- ager.
Overview 4 Installation procedure Classifying zones and actuators • Det ermi ne which heating ci rcuits * are controll ed by the storey controll er. Installati on • I nstal l Homet ronic com ponents .
Creating a zoning plan 5 Creating a zoning plan A temperat ure zone is an area of the building, e. g. a room, in which the setpoi nt tem perature* is set with a set point adjus ter. The storey controll er controls all therm al actuat ors of a t emperat ure zone identi- cally.
Creating a zoning plan 6 For more t han 8 temperat ure zones or 24 act uators: ► Determine the num ber of addit ional st orey control lers required us ing the following tabl e: Temperature zones (maxim um) A ctuators (max imum) No.
Creating a zoning plan 7 Example of z one divisions 1, 2 etc. = Zone A = Living room E = Bedroom B = Dining room F = W C C = Kitchen G = Bathr oom D= H a l l.
Creating a zoning plan 8 This example s hows: • The l iving area is c overed by 6 tem perature zones. The additional module HCS 60 is required for this partit ioning. • A total of 8 actuat ors are cont rolled by the s torey cont roller. Up to 8 tem perature zones c an be control led by the additi onal m odule HCS 60.
Creating a zoning plan 9 The division yi elds the f ollowing zoning plan: Temperature zone Ac t u at or (ty pe, location) Setpoint ad- juster (location) Room name at HCM 200 Heating loop 1 (living roo.
Installation 10 Installation Caution The storey c ontroller has a wireles s recei ver whose funct ion is im paired by m etal objec ts or wireles s de- vice s. ► When s electi ng the operating s ite ensure t hat there is suffic ient dist ance to m etallic objec ts and radio de- vice s.
Installatio n 11 Wall installation Four 4.2 m m holes for inst allati on are located on t he storey c ontroller. Dimensions of stor ey controlle r in mm 324 335 ø4.
Installation 12 DIN rail installation ► Place housing on t he DIN rail from below (1). ► Press housing upward and snap into pl ace (2). Installing Hometronic components ► Install c omponents as desc ribed in the ac com panying inst allation instru ctions.
Configuration and el ectric al connec tion 13 Configuration and ele ctrical connection Danger Danger to life through electric shock! Live elect rical c ontacts (actuat or outputs , m ains fus e and transform er) lie open while t he device is being cabled.
Configuration and el ectric al connec tion 14 Opening housing ► Loosen the screw on the front (1). ► Push both snap lo cks in- ward (2). ► Remove the housing c over from above (3). Plugging in the expansi on module (optional) The expansion module HCS 60 expands the number of pos sible tem perature zones per s torey control ler from 5 to 8.
Configuration and el ectric al connec tion 15 Setting actuator Only one type of act uator can be c onnected t o a storey c on- troller at a t im e. If ac tuators which are open with current and actuators which are clos ed with current are t o be used, 2 storey c ontrollers with the respec tive sui table cont roller are required.
Configuration and el ectric al connec tion 16 Switch position A ctuator ty pe Property Normally closed Opens the heati ng circui t if power is present at i ts c ontrol input . Normall y open Opens the heati ng circui t if power is not present at its control i nput.
Configuration and el ectric al connec tion 17 Use only cabl es with wire diamet ers up to 1. 5 mm 2 . W e rec- omm end the cabl e type JE-Y (St)Y 2 × 2 × 0. 8. Use t he accom - panying connect or types and c ables of s uffic ient lengt h. 1. Connector (1 t o 12) 2.
Configuration and el ectric al connec tion 18 Connecting actuators Danger Danger to life through electric shock! Live elect rical c ontacts (actuat or outputs , m ains fus e and transform er) lie open while t he device is being cabled. Touc hing a live cont act c auses c ritical injuries.
Configuration and el ectric al connec tion 19 ► Insert connec tor of ac tuator connect ion cables into the sock ets of the respec tive zones. ► Squeeze the cables i nto the stress r elie f clamp. ► Break out the openings for the cables on t he housing us ing a diagonal cut ter.
Configuration and el ectric al connec tion 20 Connecting setpoint adjuster HCW 23 The setpoint adjust er HCW 23 is gi ven fixed assignm ent vi a the zone wiring. Alternat ively, a s witchover relay can be c onnected. If the rem ote c ontroller HCW 23 is removed, t he assignm ent has to be rem oved as well.
Configuration and el ectric al connec tion 21 Connecting boiler regression and pump rel ay Boiler feedback is possible with c ontrollers MCR 200, MCR 40 and ZG 252 N. ► Connect the inputs in acc ordance with the acc ompanyi ng instruc - tions. (Ground input on term inal 10 and t emperat ure input on term i- nal 5 of the HCE 60.
Configuration and el ectric al connec tion 22 W ith cont roller ZG 252 N, the t emperat ure and ground inputs are located at the foll owing terminal s: 456 1 0 TW ZG 252 N Ground input TW-Input 789 1 1 1 2 Depending on the desi gn, the tem perature s elector and ground inputs are f ound on different term inals of the control ler MCR 200.
Configuration and el ectric al connec tion 23 Connections of storey controller a nd pump relay A2 A1 1 2 HREL 1 12 34 5 678 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 RC PR S torey controll er 1 1234 5 6 78 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 RC PR S .
Configuration and el ectric al connec tion 24 Inserting connectors ► Insert connec tors int o the connect or strip of the st orey controll er. ► Insert connec tor of antenna cable int o the antenna soc ket of the s torey control ler.
Configuration and el ectric al connec tion 25 Installi ng antenna An antenna m ust be c onnected t o each st orey controll er! Take the antenna f unction i nto acc ount when selecti ng the operating si te: ► Antenna (1) mus t be instal led outside m etal housings (e.
Start-up 26 Start-up During start -up, set point adjus ters – and the t im e program of the wireless setpoint adjuster HCU 30 if applicable – are as signed t o the tem perature zones of t he storey c ontroller. A room name is defi ned for each t emperature zone at the Hom etronic Manager.
Start-up 27 ► Insert 2 m ignon batteries of type LR06, 1.5 V . ► Ensure that t he polarity is corr ect. 1. Send button (requi red for start -up) Starting up storey controller ► Plug in power plug. The mains volt age LED illumina tes. Starting up setpoint adjuster HCU 30 ► See instruct ions of s etpoint adjuster HCU 30.
Start-up 28 LED indicators on storey controller The LEDs on the s torey cont roller indic ate the operating mode of t he storey c ontroller and the i nstall ed tem perature zones.
Start-up 29 Operating modes of storey controller Normal mode In norm al mode, LEDs 1 t hrough 8 provide inform ation on t he posi- tion of t he actuat ors: Green Thermal ac tuator opened Off Thermal actuator c losed Fault mode In fault mode, the stat us dis plays provide i nformat ion on a fault in the individual tem perature zones.
Start-up 30 Buttons The storey c ontroller has 2 buttons: • Fault button : Pressi ng the Fault but ton switches the st orey controlle r to the fa ult di splay .
Start-up 31 A ctivating cooling function ► Press Fault but ton for 4 sec onds. The storey controller s wit ches to t he fault di splay. The LED flashes red while pressi ng and then illuminates.
Ass igning zones and is suing room names 32 A ssi gning zones and issuing r oom names The following sec tion desc ribes how a setpoint adjuster i s ass igned to a tem perature zone and how a room nam e is then assi gned to this zone. The procedure is identic al for both devi ce types.
Ass igning zones and is suing room names 33 ► Find the zoning plan. ► Press and hold Ins tallat ion button on storey c ontroller f or at least 2 seconds . The LED illum inates. The LED of zone 1 flashes red. The storey controller i s in in- stall ation mode and wait s for the signal from the setpoi nt adjuster.
Ass igning zones and is suing room names 34 Example: A ssigning room name LIVING to zone 1 ► Press the ins tallat ion button at the st orey controll er once m ore. The LED of the s elected zone flashes green. The st orey control ler waits for a si gnal from the Hometronic Manager.
Ass igning zones and is suing room names 35 ► Press the Input button. The follow ing text is displ ayed: LIFESTYLES TIME PROGRAMS SETTINGS VERSION ► Select the " Settings " subm enu and press t he Input butt on.
Ass igning zones and is suing room names 36 The LED on the st orey cont roller in z one 1 illuminates green. The name "Living" has been assi gned to temperature zone 1. ► Enter room nam e in zoning plan. ► Repeat these st eps until a room nam e is as signed to al l tem perature zones.
Ass igning zones and is suing room names 37 Assigning setpoint adjusters of ty pe HCW 23 to a zone Setpoint adjusters of type HCW 23 have a fix ed alloc ation to zones 1 and 2 due to their wiring. If the rem ote c ontroller HCW 23 is removed, t he assignm ent has to be rem oved as well.
Ass igning zones and is suing room names 38 ► Press Inst allati on button . The LED of zone 1 flashes green. ► Assign room names for heating . ► Press Inst allati on button . The LED of zone 1 flashes green/ orange. ► Assign room names for cooling .
Ass igning zones and is suing room names 39 Canceling assignment of the room name or time program to the temperature zone ► Press the Ins tallat ion button again, until t he LED of the zone t o which the tim e program or room nam e is as signed, f lashes green.
Ass igning zones and is suing room names 40 ► Select the " Heating" subm enu and press t he Input butt on. A lis t of the as signed room names (temperature zones) appears in the displ ay: LIVING * DINING * KITCHEN * BEDROOM * ► Select room name (in t his c ase, Living) and press the Input but ton.
Ass igning zones and is suing room names 41 Off No device ins talled Red Setpoint adjuster i s inst alled Green Hom etroni c Manager resp. wireless setpoi nt adjust er HCU 30 are instal led Orange Hom.
Ass igning zones and is suing room names 42 Checking assignment of room names ► Change setpoint tem perature at Homet ronic Manager (see ins truc- tions of Homet ronic Manager) LEDs 1 through 8 of the ass igned zone flash up to three t imes. The assignment i s correc t.
Ass igning zones and is suing room names 43 The colors of LEDs 1 t hrough 8 now provide inform ation on a fault in the tem perature zones: Off No fault Red Cable break / no connec tion to s etpoint adj uster Green No connec tion to Hom etroni c Manager resp.
Ass igning zones and is suing room names 44 Resetting storey controller to state of delivery All c urrent ass ignment s are lost if t he storey cont roller is reset to the s tate of del ivery. The st orey controll er retains i ts c on- figurati on after a power failure.
Appendix 45 A ppendix Glossary Boiler feedback Homet ronic cont rols the heat ing boiler via an analog c ontrol de- vice of Honeywell. Heating circuit Area control led by an actuat or. Hometronic Home aut omati on system from Honeywell. Hometronic Manager Central operati ng device of t he Homet ronic Sys tem.
Appendix 46 Help with problems Problem Cause/Solution LED does not illuminat e when pow er plug is plugged i n. Mains voltage not connect ed. ► Check voltage of el ectric al outlet . ► Check fuse at storey c ontroller. LEDs 1 through 8 of the zones do not illuminate red continu - ously during st art-up.
Appendix 47 Problem Cause/Solution A room nam e cannot be instal led at the Homet ronic Manager. An "*" i s already present next to the room in the "Ins tallat ion" menu. The room nam e was already iss ued. ► Uninstall room name.
Appendix 48.
Appendix 49 Overv iew of Hometronic heating components A Setpoint adjuster HCW 22 Regulates s etpoint temperat ure for each t emperat ure zone via adjustm ent dial B Wi reless setpoint adjuster HCU 30.
Appendix 50 Zoning plan Zone A ctuator (ty pe, location) Setpoint adjuster (location) Room name 1 Heating *Cooling 2 Heating *Cooling 3 Heating *Cooling 4 Heating *Cooling 5 Heating *Cooling * Cooling.
Appendix 51 Distribution limitation • m ax. 5 (8) zones per s torey cont roller • m ax. 3 connec tions per zone • m ax. 24 actuat ors per st orey control ler • onl y one type of therm al ac tu.
Notes 52 Notes.
Honey w ell A G Böblinger St raße 17 D – 71101 Schönaic h Tel. 01801 / 466390 The right is reserved to m ake modifications T his company is certificated to This docum ent is definitive for the enclo sed product and repl aces all previous publi- cations.
デバイスHoneywell HCE 60の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Honeywell HCE 60をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHoneywell HCE 60の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Honeywell HCE 60の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Honeywell HCE 60で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Honeywell HCE 60を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHoneywell HCE 60の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Honeywell HCE 60に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHoneywell HCE 60デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。