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K9696V2 – 12/ 04 – Rev. B Multi-Media Unit Installation Instructions.
ISSUE DATE REVISIONS REV. A July 2004 Honeywe ll template . REV. B Decemb er 2004 Form atting: p aginati on, mino r edits ..
Declaration of Conformity A Rapid Eye Multi-Me dia LT unit (HRM xx xyyzzzz ) complies with Council Directives 89/336/EEC and 73/23/EEC. Thes e Euro Nor ms have b een ap plie d: • EN50022: 1998, Rad .
7 Table of Contents 1 W alk -through ................................................................................ 1–1 1.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 6 F requent Questions ...................................................................... 6–1 6.1 Supporting an I nstallation ...........................................................................
1–1 1 Walk-through 1.1 Overview New to Mul ti-Media ? Installers who are n ew to Multi can benefit most from s ection 1.2: a walk-through of the key steps of a R apid Eye M ulti-Media unit i nstallation.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 1–2 1.2 W alking Through Steps 1. 2.1 to 1.2 .10 offer a walk-throu gh of a Multi in stallation. Pr ocedur es follow in section 2 : Field Work , p. 2–1. 1.2.1 Cameras ! 1 Connect cameras (as many as 16) to the Multi-Me dia unit Fig.
Walk-through 1–3 1.2.3 Other Hardware Ports for future use The USB ports, Prin ter port, VG A2 port, the MIC IN connec tor and t he eigh t, numb ered RS-232 ports are for future use. Plea se do not c onnect USB devic es or a pr inter to a Multi-Media unit.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 1–4 1.2.6 A Database for Multi ! 5 Start Admin to create a Multi database Fig. 5. Shortcut f or Admin , on the Windo ws deskto p ! 6 Log on to a Multi databa se, or create one using Admi n Fig. 6. The windo w for logging on can also be use d to obtai n an empty Mult i central databa se.
Walk-through 1–5 1.2.8 Type of Connection ! 8 Add info rmation a bout the connectio n, and sa ve it Fig. 8. Select a net work or dial-up connecti on. About connections • 2.6: LocalView , p. 2–7 • 2.7: Network Connection , p. 2–9 • 2.8: Dial-up Connection , p.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 1–6 ! 10 Log on to Vi ew Fig. 10. Use the s ame da tabase c reate d earlier , using A dmin; s ee fig. 6 on page 1–4. 1.2.10 Testing a Connection ! 11 Test the connec tion; use View to run a Mainte nance session Fig.
Walk-through 1–7 ! 12 Start a Live session Fig. 12. Select a site on the Sit es tab, th en clic k Live . 1.3 Where T o, Next? In these in stallation i nstructions Detaile d procedur es and re ference ma terial, for eac h step of the walk-throu gh, star t on p.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 1–8 Background information CCTV. For in-dep th referen ce work a bout the field of closed-c ircuit t elevision in a secu rity se tti ng, se e: • Kruegle, Herman, CCTV Surveillance: Video practic es and technology , Butterwo rth–Heinem ann, Newton (MA), 1995, ISBN 0-7506-90 28-3, TK6680.
2–1 2 Field Wor k Audience Field t echnicia ns, task ed with t he initial steps of an i nstall ation (see s ectio ns 1.2.1 and 1.2.2), will fin d the steps e xpanded and explained in more detail, in this section. ! 13 Road map to field work • Unpack the unit.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 2–2 Table 1 content s of Rapid Ey e’s hardwar e kit, WAMU LTI5 HW P4 item, on e of ea ch, unl ess other wise no ted Part # power co rd P8137 rack ears .
Field Work 2–3 Table 3 Panel conn ectors Connector Label Description SERIA L PORTS General- purpose serial port s, DB9 connec tor. VIDEO IN PUTS – IN BNC con nectors f or video sig nal cabl e from the c amera s in a CCTV sys tem. A Multi-Medi a unit has 16 video input connec tions.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 2–4 2.3 Reporti ng the Installation Flexibility As you star t connec ting, h ardware to the Mu lti-Me dia unit, H oney well reco mmend s that installers t ake notes in a form similar to the o ne provid ed in 7.
Field Work 2–5 UPS: re member t he camer as Poweri ng the cameras (or their p ower sup ply) from a UPS ensures t hat the Multi-Medi a unit can c ontinu e to recor d video d uring a p ower ou tage, whether th e outa ge is due t o your utility or to a criminal act.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 2–6 2.4.2 Unit Recovery Unit recovery is an internal diagnostic that seldom occurs and cannot be interru pted, even by po wering down a unit. A unit recov ery can ta ke well over two hours on u nits with a large s torage cap acity; see tabl e 4.
Field Work 2–7 Securing a cam era Foreth ought abo ut poor c amera a ngles an d the pos sibility of tamper ing with ca meras or vandalism c an help to assi st police if an are a become s a crime scen e, for optima l gatheri ng of evid ence, wh ether for c orporat e use, or fo r use of vid eo in a court of law.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 2–8 • revi ew an d sea rch th e sys tem log • record an d monitor liv e video, au dio or data • make and v iew a video-cli p that inc ludes audio a.
Field Work 2–9 ! 18 To ch ange a LocalView p assword 1. After locki ng a LocalVi ew function, a s explain ed in pr ocedure ! 17, click that function’ s Passw ord button. A wind ow appears s howing a v irtual keypad. 2. Using t he virtual k eypad, e nter a num ber.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 2–10 Within DHCP witho ut DNS, an ass igned IP address ne eds to be reserved or it may change. Plan to let the net work’s a dminis trator a s well as t.
Field Work 2–11 2.7.2 Using a PC Onsite Proced ures ! 20 to ! 25 ex plain how t o use a PC on site. ! 20 To co nnect a null-modem cabl e 1. Power of f the M ulti-Me dia unit. 2. Co nnect the 9-pin (or 25-p in) female conne ctor of a null modem cabl e to one of the PC’s serial p orts.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 2–12 Fig. 18. Naming a conn ection, u sing Hyp erTerminal 2. In the Connection Description dialog, ty pe “Rapi d Eye Multi- Media ” (or simila r) in the Name fie ld . 3. Click OK . A Connect To dialog appears.
Field Work 2–13 Table 6 Comm and s fo r lau nchi ng HyperTerminal Windows Click [Start] an d point t o … … then click 98 Progra ms, Accessor ies, Commu nications, HyperTerminal Hypertrm.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 2–14 Table 8 Default Mult i network se ttings Field N ame Defau lt Address Shell comm and IP Addr ip= Subnet Mask netmask= Gatew ay 172.25.100. 4 gatewa y= Multi Sh ell Ref erence While us ing the s hell, w hat you typ e is saved as soon as yo u press th e En ter key.
Field Work 2–15 After 10 mi nutes of inac tivity, the Multi-M edia Shel l times ou t. To retu rn to it, tu rn the Multi-Media u nit off, then u se procedure 22. ! 25 To return to the Multi-Media Shell after a time out • Turn the Multi-Med ia unit off, wait fi ve seconds, then turn the unit on again and go back to the pr evious pr oced ures.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 2–16 2.8.1 Modem Reference The def ault sett ings for th e mode m in a Mult i-Medi a unit are li sted in t able 10. Co nsult the orga nization’s N etwork Adm inistrator or Multi Syst em Admini strator (Mult i SA) if th is modem’s s ettings ne ed to be c hanged.
Field Work 2–17 2.11 Upgrading Unit Sof twar e Upgrade CD-ROM Onsite, you can upgrade Multi -Media units equipped with a CD-RO M drive. Fig. 21. Upgrading a u nit in th e field.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 2–18 Please contin ue..
3–1 3 Checking for Video Audience After i nstallers hav e field- tested c onnect ions (see 2 .9 on p. 2– 16), the next ste ps involv e working with Multi softwar e from a PC. Y our organiz ation’s M ulti SA n eeds to esta blish that video c an be ob taind o n a PC.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 3–2 ! 32 To inst all Multi so ftware 1. Run the Rapid Ey e MULTI ADMIN and VIEW CD-ROM . The instal lation s tarts automatically. You need Administrator rights to install View to run on Win dows 2000, NT or XP.
Checking for Video 3–3 3.2 Using Admi n ! 33 To co ntinue installing a Multi-M edia un it ... Before you ca n check for vi deo, a recor d of a Rapid Ey e site and co nnection is made, using Admin . A site is a term used for a unit, with its camera s or other hardwar e.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 3–4 After addin g security Changing the password to the “Administrator ” account is among a Multi SA’s fi rst tasks to secure a Multi system from tampering. Afte r adding a password, your Multi SA can create accounts and identify Multi sites.
Checking for Video 3–5 5. In the Create Database di alog, “Crea te empt y da taba se” is se lected by def ault . Click OK . You are logged on to an empty database, bearing the name that you typed at st ep 2, and t he Admin window appears. What next? Add sit e informati on to the databa se, as expla ined in t he next sec tion, 3.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 3–6 Dealing wi th connections Indicat e which of th e two b asic connec tions you will use to te st your Mult i-Media unit: • a dial-up co nnecti on • a networ k connecti on Confirmation You network a dministra tor c an confirm tha t network ed Multi-Med ia units can be reach ed by PING.
Checking for Video 3–7 Fig. 26. The “-> Dial up” in th e connect ion name i appear s as you clic k Use Dial-up Networking. Dealing with dial-up co nfusion Please s ee th e Admin User Guide , if you need more sophist icated conn ection schem es, such as: • irregular use of area code #1.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 3–8 3.2.5 Record of a Network Connection ! 37 To mak e a r ecord of a network co nnectio n 1. Using Admin so ftware, in the Add Site/Update Site dialog, clic k in the “Con nect ions t o th e Site ” pan e.
Checking for Video 3–9 3.3 Using View to C onnect Checking for vid eo View is us ed to display vi deo from a Mult i-Media unit. Before us ing a Rapi d Eye site, a security vali dation i s performe d using a V iew Maintenance session . After t his in itial maintena nce ses sion, you use Vi ew to obtain vide o from the Ra pid Eye sit e.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 3–10 3.3.2 Running V iew Logging o n to View Three p ieces of informat ion ar e needed: • user acco unt. Use the “A dminis trator” ac count. It has the ri ght to us e all of the functions in V iew. It also grants acc ess to every Ra pid Eye s ite in your sy stem.
Checking for Video 3–11 3. To start a Ma intenanc e ses sion, eith er: • Righ t- click on the site name to se lect Maintain from the shortc ut menu. • Sele ct the site ; then click the Maintain command on th e Actions menu. - or - • Sele ct the site; t hen cl ick on the toolbar .
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 3–12 ! 39 To indicate the time zone of a Multi-Media unit 1. Using Vie w, select a unit whose time zo ne needs to be set. 2. Start a ma intenanc e sessio n. 3. Cli ck the Ti me tab. See figure 32. 4. If the z one ind icated in the Ti me Zone box is inc orrect, click the ar row in the box.
Checking for Video 3–13 Fig. 33. Different rules for daylight savings ti me in one time zone. The mes sage also ap pears if a time zone’ s area is chan ged, sinc e some areas wit hin a time zone can have dif ferent rule s fo r daylig ht sa vings time.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 3–14 Auto-synch statisti cs Last Sync hroniz ed at. Latest time that the SNTP server was used. Period . Time amo unt bet ween sync hronizatio ns. A dynam ic value, tha t keeps the unit’s clock 0.4 to 0.
Checking for Video 3–15 Fig. 34. Time tab ind icating t hat a Multi-Me dia unit’s cloc k could b e synchron ized to your PC’s clock. 3.3.5 Testing a Connection: Camera The came ras conn ected to a Multi -Media uni t are det ected automati cally.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 3–16 ! 43 To co nfigure a Rapid Eye site’s camera(s ) 1. Run a maint enance s ession at t he pilot si te.
Checking for Video 3–17 3.4 Results To reca p, the con nectio n to the si te has been c hecke d and you hav e: • used Adm in to cre ate a record for each unit in a Mu lti d at a b a se • used Vi ew to run a ma intenanc e sessio n to adjust the Multi-Me dia unit’s t ime and camera(s) • used View to run a l ive video se ssion at th e site.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 3–18 Please contin ue..
4–1 4 Audio 4.1 Audio at a Mul ti-Media Site Microphone s If secur ity proced ures call for vie wing th e person that is sp eaking, pl an to plac e microp hones in ca mera ran ge. However , microp hones c an be placed indepe ndently of cameras; they hav e their own cablin g.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 4–2 Honeywell re commends that s peakers be placed aw ay from microphone s, to avoid audio fee dback. Fig. 38. Speakin g remotely from a PC runni ng View, or onsite usi ng LocalVi ew, an operator can comm unicat e with p eople at th e site.
Audio 4–3 4.2 Audio for Op erators At View Operat or’s PC When liste ning, soun d sour ces are mixe d at a View o perator’s s tation, r egardless of the number of sites be ing monitor ed at once. Each Rapid Eye site can s end two cha nnels of audio to a View oper ator.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 4–4 ! 48 To en able au dio for u se onsite, by Loca lView 1. Usi ng LocalVie w, on t he Aud io Set up tab, add a c heckmar k to the box for Channel 2 (Right ) Used by S ite O perator for Lo cal Audio Mo nitoring .
5–1 5 Other Site Hardware Audience You can add hardware to a Multi -Media unit at any time. Multi software is then used to make Multi-Me dia unit s “aware” of t he hardwar e.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 5–2 Do not b lock the a ir in takes on th e side of a Multi- Media un it. A warni ng stick er indica tes thi s on the r ight-ha nd side of the unit. Placing equipme nt, such as a monito r, directly on to p of the M ulti-Media unit is not re commended.
Other Site Hardware 5–3 Fig. 41. Handle on moun ted hard disk. Fig. 42. Pull t o remove a mounted hard disk from a unit; push to insert . Remove the front cov er of the un it befor ehand. 5.3 Har dware Options A Rapid Ey e Multi-M edia unit interfac es with har dware suc h as: • cameras, domes tha t pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ )—5.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 5–4 5.4 Connecting a PTZ Dome To conn ect th e Data In port of a PTZ dome (an RS-485 connect or) to one of the ports on a Multi -Media unit (RS-232 connect or), a 232/485 co nvert er is need ed. Config ure a PT Z camera u sing Main tenanc e function s in Multi View software.
Other Site Hardware 5–5 Honeywell re commends that cable not be “T-tapped”; th is can intro duce unwan ted distor tion in to the vide o signa l. To obta in a video f eed, use an ou tput por t on the Mult i video uni t. 5.4.3 Configuring PTZ You can us e other P TZ hardwar e and its sof tware dri ver at an other site.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 5–6 5.5 Alarm Sensors Tools You need: • a slot screwdr iver—su pplied. Th e screws are sl ightly smaller than those for a 1/8" screw driver. - and - • a wire stripper. Cable To connec t alarm-typ e hardwar e to a Multi-Me dia unit, use hookup wire in the 2 0-gauge range.
Other Site Hardware 5–7 Fig. 45. Input configur ation dur ing a maint enance ses sion. By defa ult, alarm/co ntrol inputs ar e config ured as N O. Inputs to a Multi- Media unit, used by hardware devices Inst allers should re port i f inpu t devices are u sing conne ction s that a re: norm ally open , normally clos ed or end-of-li ne.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 5–8 Table 14 Sensor har dware Acronym Sensor Input Implication NO Normally Ope n input is ac tive wh en switc h goes ON NC Normally Clo sed inp ut is act ive when s witch goes OFF EOL End of Li ne input is active wh en switc h goes ON , or if wires to the alarm s ensor a re cut 5.
Other Site Hardware 5–9 Alarm panel An alarm panel or other ext ernal devic e can be prese t to warn yo ur organiza tion, if failur e occur s. Failure t o operat e due to a power fa ilure als o trig gers th e relay, b ut does so immedia tely. Softwar e setup ! 54 To set the FAULT RELAY to trigger 1.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 5–10 Fig. 48. FAULT RELAY c onnector on Multi-M edia unit’s bac k-panel, showing connec tion to an ext ernal alar m panel.
Other Site Hardware 5–11 5.11 Por t Use: Restri ctions Some ser ial port conn ectio ns on a Multi-Medi a unit are no t allowed; see table 15 . Table 15 Serial port use: re stri ctions serial con nection connect only t o seria l port (C OM) .
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 5–12 Please contin ue..
6–1 6 Frequent Questio ns 6.1 Supporti ng an Installation If you are in stalling a Multi- Media unit an d having trou ble, see the fre quently aske d questio ns (FAQs) l isted in t able 16. Similar questions are used by Honeyw ell tec hnical support, when cus tomers c all.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 6–2 # Freque ntly asked q uestion Secti on No vi deo i s reac hing Vi ew 10 How ar e the ca meras co nnecte d? 2.5 11 Is ther e a power outag e? Has the UPS failed? 2.4 12 Are the unit , cameras and other h ardware powered? 2.
Frequent Questions 6–3 6.2.1 Coaxial Cable Cabling to camera For shor t camera-to- monito r distance s (several hu ndred fe et), use pr e-assemble d or field-conn ected l engths of RG5 9/U coaxi al cable, wit h continu ous shiel ding, us ing a BNC connec tor at each end.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 6–4 6.2.3 Electrical Interference To mana ge electr ical in terfer ence (al so calle d electr o-magne tic int erferenc e or EM I), you can surve y the fa.
7–1 7 Find-it 7.1 Knowle dge Base ! 1 Conne ct camera s (as many as 16) to th e Multi -Media unit 1–2 ! 2 Connec t the Mult i-Media unit t o a network or tel ephone lin e 1–2 ! 3 Supply ing pow .
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 7–2 ! 30 To u pgrade a Mu lti-Medi a uni t’s softwa re, onsit e 2–17 ! 31 Road map fo r using Multi so ftware to obt ain vide o 3–1 ! 32 To i nstall Multi software 3–2 ! 33 To conti nue installing a Multi -Media unit .
Illustrations: Find-it 7–3 Table 8 Default M ulti net work sett ings 2–1 4 Table 9 Multi-Media Shell commands 2–14 Table 10 Default m odem s ettings 2–1 6 Table 11 TCP port s 3–9 Table 12 Ca.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 7–4 Fig. 21. Upgrading a u nit in th e field. 2–17 Fig. 22. In organizations wh ere security is a high priority, Admin is not installed on all PCs. Th e PCs of Vie w operators d o not nee d Admi n . 3–1 Fig.
More FAQs: Find-it 7–5 Fig. 45. Input co nfiguratio n during a maintenanc e sessi on. By default, alarm/control in puts are co nfigured as NO. 5–7 Fig. 46. Schemat ics: ( a ) normally open, ( b ) normally closed or ( c ) end-of-line 5–7 Fig. 47.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 7–6 After 1 0 minutes of inactiv ity, the M ulti-Me dia Shell times out. 2–13 After 1 0 minutes of inactiv ity, the M ulti-Me dia Shell times out. 2–15 Honeywell r ecommen ds power ing down a un it befor e connec ting hardw are to it.
More FAQs: Find-it 7–7 Up to 24 mA ca n be draw n at each ou tput. 5–8 To avoi d short-cir cuits, e nsure that b are wire i s not visi ble at the r ear panel. 5–8 Do not co nnect a dev ice to CON TROL outp ut 6 after enabl ing the FAU LT RE LAY.
Site Information Checklist: Find-it 7–8 7.5 Site Informati on Checklist Organizati on personnel Personnel Name, telepho ne #, e mail Installer Multi SA Network Admi nistrator Onsite per sonnel Emerg.
Site Information Checklist: Find-it 7–9 Site de finition Rapid Eye site… Identific ation Name Serial number Time z one Street address Multi-Media unit location: floor, room, ar ea… SNTP servers .
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 7–10 Communications to unit Connection Value Type - Network, Dial-up or both Network IP address Dial-up remo te access s ervice (RAS) server (yes/no)? Un.
Site Information Checklist: Find-it 7–11 Video camer a configu ration # Color / B&W / no ne Camera mode l, locatio n PTZ ad dress 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 - checklist continues on .
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 7–12 Sensor h ardwar e Input Type (NO , NC, E OL) Descri ption 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 - checklist continues on next page -.
Site Information Checklist: Find-it 7–13 Control outputs Output Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Serial ports Port Use: ex ternal mod em, PTZ controller, POS h ardware… Comment / parameter s 1 2 - chec.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 7–14 Point of sale hard ware Type Name / model # Data / text of interest.
15 8 Index A ADEMCO PTZ d river. See Ja velin /ADEMC O admini strato r, Multi. See Mul ti SA alarm bell, and au dio interferenc e, 4–3 alarm panel, 5– 9 alarm sensor, c onnectin g, 5–6 amplif ie.
Multi-Media Unit: Installatio n Instructions 16 I Illustrations, list, 7–3 Industry Canada, 3 input, s ensor hard ware: confi guring, 5– 6; NC. See normally closed sensor; NO.
Index 17 site informatio n, checkli st, 2–1, 2–4, 6–1, 7–8 SNTP Server. See clock soun dscape, 4–2 speake r, audio, 4–1 spot checki ng: audi o, 4–2 stadiu m crowd, no ise from, 4–2 sub-pan el, detach able, 5 –2 sunlig ht, on camer a lens, 2 –7 synch ronizing unit time to PC, 3–12, 3– 14 System a dministrator , Multi.
Honeywe ll Vid eo Syst ems 171 Eilee n Way Syosse t, NY 11791, USA www.h oneywel lvid TEL 1-800-796-C CTV TEL+1–516–92 1–6704 Honeywell S ecurity Australia Pty Lt d. Unit 5, Riverside Ce ntre, 24–28 Ri ver Road Wes t Parramatt a, NSW 2150, Austra lia www.
デバイスHoneywell K9696V2の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Honeywell K9696V2をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHoneywell K9696V2の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Honeywell K9696V2の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Honeywell K9696V2で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Honeywell K9696V2を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHoneywell K9696V2の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Honeywell K9696V2に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHoneywell K9696V2デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。