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BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER B NA- 1C/2C S/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 Hone y wel l BNA - 2DN Re se t Mo d e Pow er Rx Rx Tx Tx Col Rx Tx Lnk LAN Ch1 Ch2 Hon ey wel l BN A - 2 DN Reset M ode Po we r Rx.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER B NA- 1C/2C S/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 Table of Contents 1 About B NA ........................................................... 5 2 Location o f P arts and Cont rols .......................... 8 2.1 Front S ide .......
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER B NA- 1C/2C S/2DN 4 EN1B- 0198 GE51 R 0801 7 Cables and Conn ectors ..................................... 42 7.1 DB9F Nu ll M odem Cab le ........................ 42 7.2 Ethernet C onnectors ...............................
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER B NA- 1C/2C S/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 5 1 About BNA C - B u s XCL5010 XCL5010 XCL5010 XCL5010 BNA-1C BNA-2 CS BNA-2DN S-B us F&S Bus L1 Bus Hone y well X B S TCP/IP.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER B NA- 1C/2C S/2DN 6 EN1B- 0198 GE51 R 0801 the r eques tin g de vice . St atu s inf orm ati on like LAN communicatio n activity , fiel d bus tra ffic commu nic ation and system heartbeat of th e B uild ing Net work Adapter is indicated by LEDs on the f ront of the device.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 7 Addi tion ally, e ach BNA t ype is equip ped wit h AUI and RJ45 10Base T conn ectors plus a RS232 inter fac e.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 8 EN1B- 0198GE51 R 0801 2 Location of Part s and Controls The num beri ng for the par ts and con trols in this sectio n is referri ng to the pict ures on the rea r side of the title page.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 9 Shows t he actual LA N traff ic us ing 4 LEDs. Col Collis ion ind icator ( Red ) If this LE D is on, then two or more devices on the network are trans mitting at t he same time . T his is not a fault , but a nor mal occur rence on an Ethernet network.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 10 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 the transc eiver shows by itsel f that i t is linked properly to the LAN. 4 Ch1 Bus Channel 1 activity displ ay. This dis play contains two green LEDs, one showing the BNA re ce ive act ivity (Rx) and the ot her show ing th e B NA trans mit activity (T x).
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 1 1 2.2 Rear Side Differences be tween the various BN A type s are expl icit ly note d in t he c orresp onding ele ment description. 8C h 2 3-pin connector f or fi eld bus channel 2 conne ctio n e lectr ically iso lated mee ts the EMC- and F CC-requ irements .
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 12 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 10 Ch1 3-pin connector f or fi eld bus channel 1 conne ctio n e lectr ically iso lated mee ts the EMC-and FCC-requirements. Field Bus w iring is des cri bed in ch apter 5.2 Field Bus Connection (Ch1 / Ch2) on Page 20.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 1 3 3 Before Inst allation Please pay att ention to the steps listed belo w prio r to ins tal ling the Build ing Net work A dapter dev ice. 1 Verify that the product has been received without damage .
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 14 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 Piec es Item 23 p o l e P h o e n i x c o n t r o l l e r b u s channel conne cto rs 4 Opt ional wall mountin g clips 4S m a l l i.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 1 5 4 BNA Operating Positions 4.1 Single Dev ice Figure 4-1: S ingle device ope rating position Figur e 4-1 shows the normal BNA device operat ing positi on e.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 16 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 4.2 Stacked Devic es Figure 4-2: Stacked Dev i ces BNA Devices may also be stacked. Because of stabi lity is sues, it is re comm en ded not t o stack more th an 3 dev ices. 4.3 Wall Mounting It is also possible to moun t the B NA device t o a wall .
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 1 7 dev ic e has to b e pre pa red prio r to moun tin g it to a wall. Figure 4-3 Put the BNA-a dapter w ith the topside down on the desk ( Figur e 4-3 ).
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 18 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 Figure 4-6 Adjus t the four ret aining cl ips (included) on top of the inser ts. Fas ten t he ret ainin g clips with the included four screws ( Figure 4-6 ). Figure 4-7 Use the housing with the clips to mark the pos itions of t he four mounti ng holes on the wall sur face.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 1 9 5 Connections Thi s cha pter d esc rib es how to co nnec t powe r and the field bus to the BN A device. Together with the BNA d evice, a supply p ack wit h insta lla tion m ateria l is de livered con taining the requi red connec tors for powe r and field b us.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 20 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 5.2 Field Bus Connection (Ch1 / Ch2) Regardles s of the ty pe of BNA device , the w iring of the fie ld bus conn ector is alw ays identica l. For connec ting the field b us, the 3 p ole Ph oeni x conne ctor s (inc luded) are r equ ired.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 2 1 For e ach chann el th e r equir ed term ination s ett ing can be adju sted ind ividually . At the re ar side of the dev i ce, a pictog ram ( Fig ur e 5-2 ) symbo lizes the different possible bus term inat ions .
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 22 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 XD508 c ompatible; bus termination enabl ed XD50 8 com patib le sw itch pos ition for C-Busses equi pped only with XL500 family co ntrollers wit h bus termi nation enab led. This switch pos iti on mu st be use d if the BNA de vice is in sta lled at the end of such a C-Bus.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 2 3 6 BNA Bootloader This chapter describes the functi ons of the BNA Bo otloa de r so ftwa re. Ea ch BN A devic e i s e qui ppe d wit h a Bootloade r, which functio ns in the sam e way for all BNA de vice types.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 24 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 Start Initialize Hardware Heartbeat LED Blinks RED New Download? Firmware in Flash? Run Booloader Command Shell Very First Run? Do.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 2 5 6.2 Operating M od es The BNA Bootloader provides two different oper ating mod es: • Normal Mode (default) • Stay in Boot loader M ode Normal Mode is t he defau lt, which dire ctly st arts an appl icat ion fir mwar e foun d in Flas h m em ory.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 26 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 2. Wait t ill the heartbe at LE D starts flas hing RED, then press the M ode Button. 3. The hear tbeat fl ashing im med iately stop s and the LED is perm anently on. The operating modes are displayed using the LAN st atus LEDs Lnk, T x , R x.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 2 7 Start Press Reset Button Mode Button pressed? Mode Button pressed? No Yes No Yes, < 1 sec Heartbeat blinking stops. LEDs LNK, Tx and Rx are representing current mode. Bootloader continues with normal operation after 5 seconds.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 28 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 6.4 Device Setup In or der to s etup the BNA de vice prop erly, the following connecti ons are ne cessary: • DB9F Null-Modem cab.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 2 9 If th is is the very first ru n of the device, then th e Copyright n o tice is f ollowed by the query for the root user password. At the Old password: prompt just hit the Enter-Key.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 30 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 CAUT ION: Using not-all owed IP- Address es could cause interference on the network.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 3 1 As mentioned above, the three c o mmands are th e minimum required commands for setting up a BNA dev i ce. We r ecommend also performing some user definitions (see command um ) for different user roles.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 32 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 Text Text written with this font shows term inal outp ut. Note : All BNA Bootlo ader command s ar e cas e- sensitive ! 6.5.1 Help or ? Entering he lp or ? at t he BNA bootloader> prompt follo wed by <Enter> d ispla ys all avai lable BNA Bo otlo ader comman ds.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 3 3 individual ly. After ha ving entered all requ este d infor mation , i t w ill b e as ked whether t o take o ver the new set tings. If this is denied the old settings will be restored.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 34 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 appl icat ion firmw are vers ions wh en an u pda te of the same becomes necessary. Comm and dc defines the I P address of the FTP- Server, the p ath to the applicati on firmware, a username on the FTP -Server and the user ’s pass word.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 3 5 individual ly. After ha ving entered all requ este d inform ation it will be asked whether t o take o ver the new set tings. If this is denied the old settings will be restored. Otherwise, the ne w settings are stored to the Flash mem ory.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 36 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 the parameters may be w rong is accept able. exit exits the sub-shell and returns to the main s hell.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 3 7 6.5.5 ping - pi ng Sends an ICMP P ing throug h TCP/IP to the FTP- Ser ver d efine d i n the downlo ad conf igur ati on or to the machine addressed by the IP-Address in the option al comm and-line paramet er.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 38 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 may not be desired that every user will be allowed to do ever ything w ith a B NA device. These user accounts are required only for set-up, conf igur ation an d di agnostic applica tions if avai lable .
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 3 9 user View o nly rights. Users who are member of this group are n ot allowe d to change or delete any e xisting definit ion.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 40 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 delete deletes existing user. The username c an option ally be pass ed dire ctly on th e comm and- line. Further more an opti on –all is av ailable that de let es all use r definitions excep t the one f or the root user .
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 4 1 usin g bo otlo ader fun ctional ity via a ne twor k whi ch can be provided by the applic ation firmware , this comm and b ecom es m ore inte res ting.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 42 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 7 Cables and Connectors 7.1 DB9F Null M odem Cable Figure 7-1: Ser ial connectors The female connector is numbered a s shown below.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 4 3 Figur e 7-2 shows how to confi gure a Null Modem Cable DB9F. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DCD RxD TxD DSR DTR GND RTS CTS 9 9.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 44 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 7.2 Ether net Connectors Figure 7-3: BNA Ethernet connecto rs The BNA provides two different types of connect ors to bring the dev ice online on the LAN. Firs t is a RJ4 5 10BaseT connect or an d secon d is an AUI connecto r.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 4 5 piece of equipment on the network is connected to a central hub . The wiring is connecte d to devices usin g a p lug t hat rese mbles a phone jack, calle d RJ45.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 46 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Tx+ Tx- Rx + Rx - Tx+ Tx- Rx + Rx - Figure 7-4: Straight through p inning for BNA to Etherne t Hub connections 7.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 4 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Tx+ Tx- Rx + Rx - Tx+ Tx- Rx + Rx - Figure 7-5: Crossover pi nning for BNA to workstation d i rect- connections 7.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 48 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 Nowadays the AUI is used to connect a small device calle d transce iver, wh ich adapts be tween the AUI on the device and the Ethernet medium used in th e curr ent inst allation . 18 91 5 AUI Interface Specification male connector 1.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 4 9 Tips & Tricks Tip 1 To s imp lify do wnlo ading, we r e- commend reducing (ren a ming) the appl icat ion fir mw are image n ame to the bas e n ame of the image in the FTP - Server publ ication di rectory, e.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 50 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 FA Qs 1. Which t e rminal t ype can be used for conn ecting to t he BNA Bo otlo ader ? For co nne cti ng to th e BNA Boo tloade r, a ny VT10 0 comp atible term inal or VT 100 comp atible termin al emu lation p rog r am can be used.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN EN1B -0198G E51 R0 801 5 1 Glossary 10B aseT 10 = 10Mbp s, Base = baseband, T = twisted pair. Application fir mware An app lica tion fir mware is a s oftwar e that is needed to operate the BNA device in a way the Building Management System requ i res it.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN 52 EN1B- 0198GE5 1 R0801 TCP Transmissio n Cont rol Prot ocol WAN Wide Area Net work XD50 5 C-Bus piggybac k type of XL500 control lers. Comp atib le with EXCEL IRC de vice s on the same bus. XD50 8 C-Bus piggybac k type of XL500 controll ers.
BUILDI NG N ETWO RK ADAP TER BNA-1C/ 2CS/2DN Honeywell Honeywell Re gelsystem e GmbH Hone ywellstr. 2- 6 D-6347 7 Maintal Tel. (49) 61 81 401-1 Fax (49) 61 81 401-400 http://eur ope.hbc. hone Subject to chan ge witho ut noti ce. Printe d in G erma ny.
デバイスHoneywell Q7055Aの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Honeywell Q7055Aをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHoneywell Q7055Aの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Honeywell Q7055Aの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Honeywell Q7055Aで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Honeywell Q7055Aを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHoneywell Q7055Aの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Honeywell Q7055Aに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHoneywell Q7055Aデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。