HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカー5969-8430の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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HP Net Serv er 10/100TX PCI LA N A dapter Installation Guide HP P art Num ber 5969-8430 Pr inted in Apr il 2000.
ii Not ice Th e inf o rma tion c o ntained in this d o cu me nt is subje ct to cha ng e with o ut no tic e. Hew lett-Pack ard ma k es no wa rran ty o f any k ind with regar d to this m ater ial, inclu ding , but n o t limite d to , the imp lied w arra nties o f mercha ntability an d fitness fo r a pa rticular pur po se .
iii Audience A ssum ptions The gu ide is f o r th e pe rso n w ho installs , administe rs, and tr oubleshoots LAN server s. H ewlett-Pa ckar d Comp a n y assum es y ou are qualif ie d in the se rv icing o f H P N e tSe rve r equ ipme nt and train ed in rec og nizin g h azar ds in prod uc ts w ith hazar dou s en er g y level s .
v Contents 1 HP NetServer 10/ 100T X PCI L A N Adapter f o r PCI S yst ems1 Incl uded Part s ...................................................................... 2 2 Where to Go f o r More I n format i on ..................................... 3 Readm e F il es .
Contents vi Sett ing F ull Duplex i n W indows NT/2000 ........................ 2 4 Sett ing F ull Duplex i n Net W are S er v ers .......................... 24 Sett ing F ull Duplex i n O ther O perati ng System s ............. 2 5 Join a Virtu al LA N.
Contents vii Rem ov ing an Ex i sti ng Adapter i n W i ndows NT ................... 42 Fas t Eth ern et W i ring........................................................... 43 Power Managem en t..........................................................
1 1 HP NetServ er 10/100T X PCI LA N A dapter fo r PCI Systems • Co mpatible w ith IEEE 802.3u 100Base -T s tan dar d fo r 100 Mbps • Co mpatible w ith IEEE 802.3i 10Base -T and Ethern et s tan dards f o r 10 Mb ps • Suppo r ts PCI slots (Pe ri ph eral Component Int er conn ect) v ersion 2.
Chapt er 1 HP N etSer ver 10/ 100TX PCI L A N Adapter f or PCI Sy stems 2 • B us mas ter data transf er mo de and op timized d rive rs ensu re high perfo r man c e and lo w CP U utilizatio n • Ful.
3 2 Wh ere to G o fo r M ore Information Re adme Files Fo r de tailed inf o rmation ab o ut the adapte r, vie w the " R eadM e " f iles o n th e HP NetServer 10/100TX P CI LAN Adapter Dr ivers CD .
5 3 Insta lling the A dapter in the NetServer NOT E If y o u are re plac in g an existing adap ter w ith th e H P NetSe rver 10/100 ada pt er i n Win d ows NT , see t h e sect ion Removi ng an Existing Adapter in W indow s NT in Chapte r 10, "Te c hn ical Info r mation," later in th is guide.
Chapter 3 Installing the A dapter in the N etServer 6 Figure 3- 1. Instal l i ng the Adapter i n t he HP NetServer.
7 4 Connecting the Network Cable 1. Co nn e ct a Tw isted Pair Eth ernet (TPE) netw o rk cab le to the adapte r as s h ow n be lo w . • Fo r 100BASE-TX, y our n etw ork cab le must be Cate go ry 5, tw isted - pair w iring.
Chapter 4 Connecting the Ne tw ork Cable 8 Connect the W ake on LA N Pow er Cable Fo r the W ake o n LAN (W OL ) f e ature to w ork c o rr e ctly , the adapte r must b e c o n n ec ted to a co ntinuou s po we r so urc e.
Chapter 4 Connecting the Ne tw ork Cable 9 Figure 4- 1. Connecting the Wake On LAN Cable 3. Loca t e th e WOL con n ector on y our mot h er boar d . Th e lo catio n v aries , de pe ndin g on the v e ndo r an d mod el o f mo therbo ar d.
Chapter 4 Connecting the Ne tw ork Cable 10 anothe r co mpute r or netw ork de v ic e. Ty pic ally , this w ake-u p pac ke t cau se s the adapte r to s ignal the co mputer to po w er up an d r un a pr e-de fined progra m .
11 5 Configuring the A dapter and Installing Drivers Novell NetW are 5.0 Only U se the N etW are Install p rogram to install the H P N e tSe rve r 10/100 adapt er dr ive r in No ve ll NetWare 5.0. For Nov e ll Net Wa r e 4 .1 x , s ee t h e Novell NetW ar e 4.
Chapter 5 Configuring the Adapter and Insta lling Drivers 12 (press Esc ) the manual install and return to the N WC onf ig scr een .) 11. Sel ect Sa v e para met ers and lo ad driv e r to c o ntin ue. 12. Fo r eac h additio nal adapte r y o u w ant to install, resp o nd to th e pr ompt an d th en r epe at steps 7-11.
Chapter 5 Configuring the Adapter and Insta lling Drivers 13 list o f driv ers ap pears. 5. In ser t t h e H P NetServer 10/100TX PCI LAN Adapte r Dr ivers CD into the CD -R OM driv e and c hoo se I nstall an unliste d driv er b y clic king Insert . 6.
Chapter 5 Configuring the Adapter and Insta lling Drivers 14 Se tup A uto run sc ree n appears, y o u may clo s e it.) 2. From the Co ntr ol P anel, do uble -c lic k the S y s tem ic o n, se le ct the H ardw are tab , and clic k the De v ice M anager b utto n.
Chapter 5 Configuring the Adapter and Insta lling Drivers 15 A dd in g an A d apter while In stalling Win do ws NT The H P drive r that ships w ith Windo w s NT 4.
Chapter 5 Configuring the Adapter and Insta lling Drivers 16 3. When the lis t o f adapte rs appe ars, sc ro ll to the end o f the list and se le ct < Other> Req u ires d isk fro m man u facturer , then clic k Co ntinue .
Chapter 5 Configuring the Adapter and Insta lling Drivers 17 doub le-c lick th e HPS et ic o n in th e Windo w s Co ntr ol Pane l. To run diagno stic s , se lec t the adap ter and clic k the Diagno stics tab , then clic k Ru n Test s . Fo r additio nal info rmatio n, clic k Help in the H PSe t w indo w .
Chapter 5 Configuring the Adapter and Insta lling Drivers 18 Figur e 5- 1. HPSet for Windows NT Pri ority Packet: A n Overview Prio rity Pac ke t is a traf f ic-p rioritizatio n utility that enab les y ou to se t up p riority filte rs to proc e ss high pr iority tr aff ic b ef ore normal traff ic.
Chapter 5 Configuring the Adapter and Insta lling Drivers 19 and po rt. Priority Pac ke t prov ides tw o dif f ere nt method s f o r prioritizin g tr aff ic: IEEE 802.
Chapter 5 Configuring the Adapter and Insta lling Drivers 20 The requirements f or ef f ec tiv ely using IEEE 802. 1p taggin g are: • Th e ot h er devi ces r eceivi n g a n d r out i n g 802.1p tagged packets must suppo rt 802. 1p. • Th e adapt er s on th es e dev ice s must suppo r t 802.
21 6 Installing M ultiple A dapters The adapter’ s 12-digit, hexade cimal Ethernet address is prin ted o n a stick er plac e d o n th e adapte r. The Ethernet addre ss is so me time s c alled the nod e ad dres s o r th e M AC ad dres s.
23 7 Selecting Duplex M ode (Optional) Dup lex ing is a pe rfo rman ce o ptio n th at lets y o u cho o se how th e ad ap t er sen ds a n d r ecei ves d ata pack ets o ve r the netw o rk. The adapter can o perat e at full duplex only w h en co n n ec ted to a f ull duplex 10B ASE-T or 100BA SE-TX sw itch , or t o anoth er full duplex adapter .
Chapter 7 Selecting D uple x M ode (Optiona l) 24 M a nually Configuring for Full Duplex If y o ur sw itch suppo rts auto -n ego tiatio n with th e NW ay standard, duplex c onf iguration is auto matic and no ac tio n is requ ired o n y o ur part. H o w e v er, many c urr ently in stalle d sw itc hes do not s upport auto -n ego tiatio n.
Chapter 7 Selecting D uple x M ode (Optiona l) 25 FORCEDUPLEX=2 SPEED=100 (or 10 if 10B ASE-T) Fo r mo re info r mation, se e the R eadM e f ile f o r Ne tWare ser v er s. Settin g Fu ll Duplex in Oth er Operating Sy stems See t h e OTHER.TXT Re adM e f ile in th e OTH ER dire cto r y on the HP NetServer 10/100TX PCI L AN Adapter Dr ivers CD .
Chapter 7 Selecting D uple x M ode (Optiona l) 26 on a join t pr ojec t . Join i n g wo r ker s with VLANs fo r ms l ogica l w orkin g gr oups . VLANs ar e nor mally only co nfig urable at the s w itc h.
Chapter 7 Selecting D uple x M ode (Optiona l) 27 ass igned to ad apte rs that ar e already in an Adapte r Teaming o ptio n. 5. E n ter th e VLAN ID an d VLAN Nam e. T h e VLAN ID mus t match the V LA N ID o n th e sw itch. Valid I D range is f r om 0-4095.
Chapter 7 Selecting D uple x M ode (Optiona l) 28 info rmatio nal purpos es o nly and do es n’ t h ave to match the name o n the sw itch. 7. Repeat st eps 3 an d 5 for ea ch VLAN y o u wan t t h e server t o jo in. 802.1p/ 802. 1q is enable d f or all VL ANs after i t is en a bled for t h e fir st VLAN.
29 8 Choosing A dapter Teaming Options Th e H P NetSe rver 10/100 ada pt er pr ov ides s ev eral options fo r inc rea s ing thro ug hpu t and f au l t to le ra nc e w hen ru nning Window s 2000, Window s NT 4.0 or NetW ar e 4.2 o r n ew er : NOT E U se o f the teaming f e atures re quires H P Se rve r adapte rs.
Chapter 8 Choosing Adapte r Teaming Options 30 Setting up A dapter Fault Tolerance NOT E U se this pro ce dure f o r se tting up AF T o nly . If se tting up A L B or F EC, use the pr ocedu r es i n th e n ext sect i on s. T h e AF T f eatu re runs auto matic ally w h en y o u e nable ALB or FE C .
Chapter 8 Choosing Adapte r Teaming Options 31 Configurin g P rop er t ies The de f ault AF T pro pertie s are s uitab le f or mo st applic atio ns. To adj ust the m, f o llow th is pro ce dure . 1. Run HPSet. 2. On th e adap ter list, s ele c t the de s ired A FT te am.
Chapter 8 Choosing Adapte r Teaming Options 32 NOT E Th e HPANS.LAN dri v e r req u ire s mo re res ou rce s (me mo ry ) than a traditional L AN driv er. To acc o mmo date this, the minimum an d m ax im um p a cket r ecei ve buffers n eed t o b e inc rease d.
Chapter 8 Choosing Adapte r Teaming Options 33 ;- Bind the protocol to HPANS instead of to the base driver bind ipx HPANS net=1 Variab le D ef in itio ns: slot = th e slot number y o ur HP N etSe r ver 10/100 ada pt er i s installe d in, suc h as 1. If y o u do n’t kno w the numb er, lo ad the driv er w ithou t it.
Chapter 8 Choosing Adapte r Teaming Options 34 Setting up A LB in W indow s NT 4.0 1. Do ub le -clic k the Network ico n in Co ntrol P anel. 2. On th e A dapte rs tab , se le ct an adapte r that will b e in th e team, and the n click P ro perties . (Do n’t us e an adap ter that is on a VLAN.
Chapter 8 Choosing Adapte r Teaming Options 35 Setting Up Ci sco Fast EtherChannel Fas t EtherChan n e l (FEC) is a pe rfo r mance tec hnolo gy dev elo ped b y Cisc o to in cr ease thr oughput be twe en sw itch es. H P has impleme nted FEC o n se rv er adapte rs to incre ase y our serve r’s th r oughput.
Chapter 8 Choosing Adapte r Teaming Options 36 De leting a T e am 1. Do ub le -clic k the Network ico n in Co ntrol P anel. 2. On th e A dapte rs tab , se le ct the FEC te am to de lete . 3. Click Re move . A c o nfirmatio n dialo g b o x appe ars. Clic k Yes .
37 9 Troubleshooting and FA Qs If the A dapter Can’ t Connect to the Netw ork Make su re th e cable is installed proper ly. The netw ork c ab le mu st b e se c urely attached at b o th RJ -45 co n n e ctio n s ( adapte r an d hub) . The maximum allo wab le distan ce from adapter t o hub is 100 meters.
Chapter 9 Tr oubles hooting a nd FA Qs 38 LED Func tion Indic ator s L ED M ea ning ACT/ LNK On Th e a da p ter a n d s wit ch ar e r ecei vi n g p ower ; th e ca ble co n nec tio n be tw e en the sw itch and adapter is g o od .
Chapter 9 Tr oubles hooting a nd FA Qs 39 Make su re y ou’r e using th e corr ect driv ers. Mak e s ure y o u’re u sing the driv e rs that co me w ith th is adapte r. Drivers th a t support pr ev io us ve rsions of th i s ada pter don’t suppo r t t h is ve rsion of th e adapter.
Chapter 9 Tr oubles hooting a nd FA Qs 40 • A t 100 Mbps, co nnect to a 100B A SE-TX hub/swit ch (not 100BA SE- T4). • Fo r NetWare, make sure y ou spec ify the co rrect frame ty pe i n y our NET.CFG fi l e . • Make sure the dupl ex mode se tting o n th e ada pter m atc hes the settin g on the sw itc h.
41 10 T echnical Information PCI Ins talla tion T ips PCI c o mputers are de signed to auto matically co nfigure add-in ca r ds e ac h time the s e r ve r starts. Y o ur PCI s erv e r sets the I/O addres s and IR Q lev e l f o r y o ur n etw o rk adapte r w h en the se rve r starts.
Chapter 10 Technical Information 42 y o ur PCI BIOS S etup progra m. He r e a r e some exam pl es o f PCI BIOS setup pr ogr a m paramete rs: PCI slot #: Slot where t he adapt er i s ins tall ed Master.
Chapter 10 Technical Information 43 2. Click the Adapte rs tab . 3. U nder the “ Ne tw o rk Adap ters” f ield, highlight th e adapte r y ou’ re remo v ing an d clic k the Re move bu tton. 4. Click OK . 5. Fo llo w the instructio n s in the s ec tio n Insta lling the Adapter in the N etServer at the start o f this manual.
45 11 Specifications Com patibilit y PCI v2. 2 systems Data Rate Mode 10 or 100 Mb ps In terrup t Level s PCI: INTA SRAM T ransmit /Receive Bu ffer 6 KB Pow er Requ irements 1.
Chapter 11 Specifica tions 46 Ne w Zealand: A S/NZ S 3548 - EN55022 Taiw an: B CIQ , CIS PR 22 , Class B Elec trom agne tic Im munity EU Co untr ies: EN50082-1,E U, in cludin g: ESD, IEC-801-2:1984, 4KV Contact, 8KV A ir , Radiate d Immun ity , IEC-801- 3:1984, 3V/m , 80% AM Mo d, 27 - 1000 MH z EFT, IE C-801-4: 1988 1.
47 12 Warr anty and S upport The hardw are w arran ty b elo w ap plie s to c o mpo nents pu r chase d as ac c es so ries . If y ou r co mpo nent w as fac to ry in stalle d as part o f a H P N etS e rve r mode l, ref er to the w arr an ty state me nt pro vi ded w ith y o ur sy ste m do c ume ntation.
Chapter 12 Warranty and Support 48 Histo ry: • What sy mpto ms d id y ou no tic e? • Did the sy mpto ms ap pe ar whe n th e LA N ad apter w as f irst installe d, af te r n ormal o peratio n, or af.
49 13 Regulatory Information Notice for Uni ted States (Federal Comm unications Comm ission) This e quipme nt has b ee n tes ted and fo un d to c o mply w ith th e limits f o r a Class B digital d ev ic e , pursuant to Part 15 o f the FC C R ule s.
Chapter 13 Regulatory Infor mation 50 Notice for Canada (I ndustry Canada) This clas s B dig ital apparatus me e ts all req uireme nts of th e Canadian Interfe rence -Cau sing Equipme nt R egu latio n s. Ce t appareil numé rique de la clas se B r es p ect e tou t es les ex ige nce s du Rè gle me nt sur le maté riel b r o uille ur du Canada.
Chapter 13 Regulatory Infor mation 51 Notice for Taiw an Class A War ning St at ement.
Chapter 13 Regulatory Infor mation 52 Declarati on of Conformity (US and E U) DECLA RA T ION OF CONF ORMI T Y accord ing to IS O/I EC Guid e 22 and E N 45014 Manufact ur er’ s/Supplier Na me: Hewl e.
53 A Quick Install Guide in Chinese.
Appendix A Quick Installation Guide (C hinese) 54.
55 Index 8 802.3i, 1 802.3u, 1 A Adap ter Ethernet addre ss , 21 Adap ter Fau lt Tole rance , 30 Adap ters multiple , 21 Ad aptiv e L o ad B alancing, 3 3 Ad aptiv e L o ad B alancing N T 4.0, 34 Adap tiv e L o ad B alancing, Ne tW are, 34 Addi n g a VLAN i n Win dow s 2000, 27 Addi n g a VLAN i n Win dow s NT 4.
Index 56 in t er fer en ce, 4 9 J Jo in a Virtual L AN , 25 M MAC ad d r ess, 2 1 N Ne tW ar e A dapte r Fault To lerance , 31 Ne tW are U s ers, 21 No de address, 21 No ve ll NetWare 4.
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HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5969-8430をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) 5969-8430の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5969-8430の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5969-8430で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
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