HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカー6200ylの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Technical overview HP ProCurve Switch 5400zl, 3500yl, and 6200yl Series Table of contents Executive summ ary .............................................................................................. 4 Introduc tion ...............................
2 Specifications ................................................................................................. 18 Management m odule .................................................................................. 18 Line interface m odules ....
3 Appendix C: Powe r over Ethernet ..................................................................... 47 PoE device types ............................................................................................ 47 Power delivery options .......
4 Executive summary HP ProCurve Networking has an extensive line of network ing products built around the conc ept of the HP ProCurve Adaptive EDGE Arch itecture™ (AEA) that provides the security, m.
5 Product positioning Overview A widely used method f or segmenting t he areas in whic h switches are in stalled cal ls for three di fferent classifications: access, distribution, and core. Acce ss switches provide aggregation of end nodes for connection to a distribution or core s witch and a re usually fou nd in wirin g closets.
6 • Diagnostic —remote intelligent mirroring, loopba ck interface, UDLD , sFlow support • Investment protec tion —upgradable management engine an d CPU (for 5400zl and 8200zl Ser ies), upgrada.
7 Figure 1. ProVi sion ASIC Archi tecture for HP ProCurve Switch 5406zl The diagram above illustrates an example of the logical in terconnection of the ProVision ASICs on the 6-slot 5406zl series s witch. Al l of the key el ements are c onnected to the active back plane.
8 Policy Enforcement Engine The ProVision ASICs on e ach line interface modul e contain the Policy Enforcement Engine. This engine provi des fast packet classification t o be applied to ACLs, QoS, R ate Limi ting, and som e other features through an onboard TCAM.
9 ProVision ASIC CPU Each ProVisi on ASIC cont ain its own C PU for lear ning of Lay er 2 nodes, pac ket sampling f or the XRMON funct ion, han dling local M IB count ers, and runni ng other module-rel ated opera tions.
10 HP ProCurve Switch 5400zl Series The HP ProC urve Switc h 5400zl series is a high-en d edge switch. This switch series has been designed to be a feature- oriented hi gh-perform ance wiring closet switch. It can also be used as a low-to-medium distribution switch when used with Premium License , described later in this docu ment.
11 Figure 2. H P ProCurve Switch 54 00zl Chass is and Bundles The HP ProCurve Switch 5406zl-48G Intellig ent Edge (J8699A) and 5412zl-96G Intelligen t Edge (J8700A) are preconfigured bundles that offer a pretested envi ronment and a lower cost starter switch to which addi tional mod ules can be a dded.
12 However, when the m anagement module is removed, all ports lose com munica tion and the system will be powere d down. Figure 3. H P ProCurve Switch 5406zl chass is layout Figure 4.
13 The internal power supplies are inserted in the back sl ots. These slots are labeled PS 1 and PS2 on the 5406zl and PS1 through PS4 on th e 5412zl. A power supply is hot-swappab le provided at least one other power supply is oper ational.
14 Both internal supplies have over-current, over-tem perature, and over-volt age protection , as well as integrated fans. Hot swapping is allo wed, taking into account that disconnecting the power supplies may interrupt PoE operation.
15 In the event of an individ ual fan fai lure, an SNMP trap and event log entry are gene rated. Figure 6. Fan tray for switch 5406 zl (J8697-60005) zl modules Management module All configurat ions of.
16 Each of the copper-based line interface modules provides integrated PoE capability. 24-port 10/100/1000 20-port 10/100/1000 + 4-port Mi ni-GBIC 24-port Mini-GBIC 4-port 10-GbE CX4 4-port 10-GbE X2 Wireless Edge Se rvices M odule HP ProCurve ONE Services zl Module Figure 8.
17 Switch mod el Minimum internal Maximum internal Internal + external 5406zl 1 2 4 5412zl 2 4 6 Table 1. Mini mum and m aximum power supply s upport When deciding on which and how many power supplies.
18 Note that two 875W internal power supplies cannot s upply sufficient Po E power to a 5406zl switch fully populated with 24-por t line interface module s (144 por ts). Two 1500W p ower supplies can b e used to supply fu ll PoE power (15.4 watts) to 116 por ts.
19 Figure 9. H P ProCurve Switch 5406zl m anagement m odule block diagram Processor The CPU processor is a Freescale Po werPC 8540 operating at 667 MH z. Memory SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic RAM is used for t he storage of uncompressed e xecutable code and data structures.
20 HP ProCurve Swi tch 5400zl 24 p 10/100/10 00 PoE Modul e (J8702A) Description This line interface module ha s 24 10/100/1000Bas e-T ports that provi de Gigabit-over-copper connectivity for wiring closets, enabling high-density Gigabit connectivity to th e desktop over Category 5 copper cabling.
21 • J4860C HP ProCu rve Gigabit -LH-LC Mini-GBIC • J8177C HP ProCu rve Gigabit 1000Base-T M ini-GBIC • J9142B HP ProCurve 1000-BX-D SFP-LC Mini-GBIC • J9143B HP ProCurve 1000-BX-U SFP-LC Mini.
22 Transceivers supported (ordered separately) • J8436A HP ProCurv e 10-GbE X2-SC SR Optic • J8437A HP ProCurv e 10-GbE X2-SC LR Optic • J8438A HP ProCurv e 10-GbE X2-SC ER Optic • J8440A HP P.
23 services, enabling a resilient, highly secure, mob ile multi-serv ice network. Each “WES” Module can control up to 156 HP ProCurve Ra dio Ports ( light access points) to provide Layer 2/ 3 seamless roaming and a secure mobility environment.
24 HP ProCurve Switch 3500yl Series The HP ProCurve Switch 3500yl series is another of the m ost advanced intelligen t edge switches in the HP ProCurve Networking product line.
25 The table bel ow shows exam ples of the maximum number of PoE ports th at can be support ed by the two 3500yl switch models. One colu mn shows the maximum number of PoE ports at full power (Class 0 – 15.4 wat ts) and the ot her column shows the m aximum number of P oE ports at ty pical phone power (8 watts).
26 Specifications Processor The CPU processor is a Freescale Po werPC 8540 operating at 667 MH z. Memory SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic RAM is used for t he storage of uncompressed e xecutable code and data structures. T he SDRAM c onsists of a 256 MB DDR-1 DIMM in the base module, expa ndable up to 1 GB.
27 HP ProCurve Switch yl 10-GbE 2p C X4 + 2p X2 Mod ul e (J86 94 A) Description This 10-GbE line interface module has two fixed C X4 ports and two X 2 slots and is supporte d in both models of the HP ProCurve Switch 3500yl series an d also the HP ProCurve Switch 6200yl- 24G- mGBIC.
28 HP ProCurve Switch 6200yl -24G-mGBIC (J8992A) Figure 11. HP ProC urve Switch 6200yl Processor The CPU processor is a Freescale Po werPC 8540 operating at 667 MH z. Memory SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic RAM is used for t he storage of uncompressed e xecutable code and data structures.
29 Overview of features and benefits The HP ProCurve Switch 5400zl, 3500yl, and 6 200yl series use the sam e software image base. For the HP ProCurve Switch 6200yl, th e Premium License feature group is standard.
30 • Identity-driven ACL: enables im plementation of a highly granular and fl exible access security policy specific to each authenticated network use r • Port security: prevents unauthorize d acc.
31 Layer 2 switching • HP ProCurve switch meshing: dynamically load-balances across multiple active redund ant links to increase available aggregate bandwidth • VLAN support and tagging: support for co mplete 802.1Q stand ard and 2,048 VLANs simultaneousl y • 802.
32 • Server-to-Switch Distributed Trunking: enables load-balancing and increases resiliency between a server and multiple switches. This feature allows a server to connect to multiple switches with one logical trunk t hat consists of m ultiple physical connections.
33 Standards and protocols Device management RFC 1591 DNS (client) HTML and tel net managem e nt General protocols IEEE 802.1ad Q-in-Q (Premium License) IEEE 802.1D MAC Bridges IEEE 802.1p Priority IEEE 802.1Q VLANs IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Trees IEEE 802.
34 IPv6 RFC 1981 IPv6 Path MTU Discovery RFC 2460 IPv6 Specification RFC 2461 IPv6 N eighbor Discover y RFC 2462 IPv6 Stateless Address Auto- configuration RFC 2463 ICMPv6 RFC 2710 Multicast Listener .
35 QoS/Cos RFC 2474 DiffServ Precedence, including 8 queues/port RFC 2597 Di ffServ Assu red Forwa rding (A F) RFC 2598 Di ffServ E xpedited Forwardin g (EF) Security IEEE 802.
36 Per-port buffer sizes The HP ProCurve Switch 5400zl, 3500yl, and 6 200yl series have eight hardware queues to which prioritized traffic can be assigned . Software can designate a certain am ount of output m e mory buf fer for each queue to minimize the im pact from events that exceed line rate su ch as bursty network traffic.
37 Optimizing the 10-GbE port configur ation The 10-GbE modules (J8707A , J8708A, and J8694A) used in the HP ProCurve Switch 3500 yl, 5400zl, and 6200yl se ries are designe d to delive r full 10 G bps wire -speed to each port, where either one or two ports are in a l inked state wi th anothe r device.
38 Figure 13. Approach for guara nteei ng 10 Gbps on a s pecific port Connection choices are also im portant where equally balanced bandwidth is nee ded, such as in a Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) applicatio n. This scenario is illustrated in the next figure.
39 Throughput and latency performance data The following three tab les describe the performance capabilities of the 10 Gbps, 1 Gbps, and 100 Mbps line interface module ports of the HP ProCur ve Switch 5400zl, 3500 yl, and 6200yl series.
40 10 Gbps Thr oughput % Packets per second Full mesh % drops Latency (FIFO) Latency (LIFO) Packet size L2/L3 L2/L3 L2 (µsecs) L3 (µsecs) L2 (µsecs) L3 (µsecs) 64 1 100 1488 0952 0 1.95 2.05 1. 9 2.0 128 100 8445 946 0 2.01 2.11 1.9 2.0 256 100 4528 986 0 2.
41 10 Gigabit perform a nce traffic p atterns In the prior table, the performance levels for 10 Gigabit po rts assume t he underlying traffic patter ns reflect either one of the following minimum conditions to achieve wire-speed through put.
42 HP ProCurve warranty and support Industry-leading warranty HP ProCurve Networking product s come with warra nties you would e xpect from HP. • HP ProCurve Lifet ime Warranty ♦ features next-bus.
43 Appendix A: Premium License This section of the Technical Overview provides ad ditional background information about th e HP ProCurve Swit ch 5400zl, 3500yl, and 6200yl series pr oducts.
44 Two metho d s for m anaging Premium Edge licensing on ProCurv e Sw itch 54 00zl and 3500yl series • Ma nu ally usin g Pro C urv e web p orta l and CLI c omm an d s – Good f or small number o f .
45 On a subseque nt window, y ou select premium-ed ge for the Feature Group and type the reg istration ID you received with the purchase of the Prem ium Li cense. The registration ID is found on a plastic laminated card that is shipped with the HP ProCurve switch.
46 Policy Enforcement Engine benefits The Policy E nforcement Engi ne has several benefits: • Granular policy enforcement The initial software release on these products takes advantage of a subset o.
47 Appendix C: Power over Ethernet The IEEE 802. 3af standard fo r Power over Ethernet (PoE ) enables Ethernet swit ches to provi de power, as well as networ k signals, f or compl iant devi ces over existing CAT-5 cabl e.
48 Power delivery options The 802.3af standard provides two option s for providing power over CAT 5 Ethernet cab le. They are: • Unused pairs —This option takes ad vantage of the fact that 10Base-T and 100Base -TX signals use only two o f the four twi sted pa irs in the cabl e.
49 Support for pre-802.3af standard powere d devices The HP ProCurve Switch 5400zl and 3500yl ser ies also support a number of pre-802.3af standard powered devices. T hese include: • Cisco 7902G, 7905G, 7912 G, 7940G, 7960G IP Phon es • Cisco Aironet 350, 1100, 1200, 1230A G Access Points The Cisco pre -802.
50 In order to receive a multicast stream, routers explicitly join the stream by sending join messages to the RP. This joi n message i s analogou s to a unicast router foll owing a defaul t route to a destinati on. Effectively, the function of the RP is a pl ace for multicast sources and receivers t o meet.
51 LLDP-MED endpoint devices are l o cated at the ne tw ork edge and c ommunicate using the LL DP-MED framework. Any LLDP-MED endpoint device belongs to one of the fo llowing three classes: • Class 1 (Gene ric Endpoi nt Devices): T hese devi ces offer the basic LLDP discovery services, network p olicy adverti sement (VL AN ID, La yer 2/802.
52 Virus Throttle works by in tercepting IP connection requ ests, that is, connections in which the so urce subnet and destination address are different.
53 Response options The response behavior of connection-rate filtering can b e adjusted by using filtering options. When a worm-like behavior is detected, the connection-rate filter can respond to the.
54 The VRRP Master router peri odically sends advertisem ents to a reserved mul ticast group address. The VRRP Backup routers listen for adver tisements and one of the backups will assume the Master role, if necessary. A V RRP router can support m any virtua l router instances, each with a unique VRID/IP address combination.
55 Appendix H: OSPF Equal Cost Multipath In Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), if di fferent subnet destinations in a network are reachable through multiple equal-cost paths, the router chooses a single path for each destination subnet. (A trunk is considered a path ev en though a trunk consists of multiple link s).
56 Appendix I: Advanced Classifier-Based QoS Released with software ve rsion K.14 , the Advance d Classifier-Base d QoS provides: • A finer gra nularity t han globall y configure d features for cl a.
57 Appendix J: Server-to-Switch Distributed Trunking Distributed Trunking is a link aggre gation techni que where t wo or more l inks across t wo switches a re aggregated together to form a trunk. This feat ure overc o mes the limitati on in IEEE 802.
58 • ISC port ca n be an indi vidual port or a m anual LACP trunk, but a dynamic LACP trunk c an’t be configu red as an IS C port. • Maximum of 8 links in a DT trun k across two s witches is supporte d with a m aximum of 4 links per DT switch • The current limitation of 60 manual tru nks in a switch will now includ e DT manual trunks too.
59 LED State Indication Blinking (orange) If DIMM, Fault, and Self Test LEDs are blinking , DIMM failed self-test. If DIMM and Fault LEDs are blinking, an operational f ault has occurred. If blinking at a f ast rate, an operational alert occurred and is unresolved.
60 Modules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L On (green) A module is installed in th e switch module slot co rresponding to the letter and the module is undergoing or has passed self-test. This also occurs when you install a modul e when th e switch is already powered on (“hot swap”).
61 The LED status i ndicators for the HP ProCur ve Switch 5 400zl series switc h modules are described in the following table. LED State Indication Link On (green) Indicates the port is enabled and re.
62 LED State Indication Temp On (green) Internal tempe rature is normal. Blinking (orange) An over temperat ure condition has been detected. Fan Status On (green) Normal operation. Blinking (orange) One of the unit’s fans has failed. The switch Fau lt LED will be blinking simultaneously.
63 LED State Indication PoE (green) Indicates which ports are supplying power: • If the Mode LED is on, the port is providing PoE power. • If the Mode LED is off, the port is not providing PoE power. • If the Link LED is on, the port is enabled for PoE.
64 The switches normally ship with a rack-mounting k it that allows installation into a two-post, 19-inch data comm unications rack. If installat ion into a 10 K four-post 19-inch rac k or a fou r-pos.
The table bel ow lists the part num bers of power cords that can be used wit h the HP ProC urve Switch 5400zl, 35 00yl, and 6 200yl series products . The power cords available for these switches are sized fo r the increased current that can be drawn, m eeting th e needs of PoE.
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HP (Hewlett-Packard) 6200ylをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) 6200ylの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) 6200ylの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) 6200ylで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP (Hewlett-Packard) 6200ylを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP (Hewlett-Packard) 6200ylの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP (Hewlett-Packard) 6200ylに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP (Hewlett-Packard) 6200ylデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。