HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカーHP 16554Aの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Programmer’s Guide Publicati on n umber 165 55-9 7 01 1 First edi tio n, Januar y 199 7 For Safe ty inform ation, W arranties, and Regulato ry informati on, see the pages behind the Index Copyri.
In This Book This guide, comb ined wit h the HP 16500/16501A Prog rammer ’s Guid e , pro vides yo u with the informati on needed to pro gram the H P 165 54A and HP 16555A/ D logic analyz er modules . Each module has i ts own reference to supplement the mainfram e manual since not all mainfram es will be configured wit h the same mo dules.
Part 3 , chapter 1 8, cont ains program example s of actual tas ks that sho w you how to get starte d in programm ing the H P 1 6554A and H P 165 55A/D logi c analyzers . Thes e exampl es are writ ten in HP BASIC 6 .2; ho wever, the program concepts can be used in any other popular program ming language.
SPA Sub system 16 DATA and SETup Commands 17 Programmin g Exa mple s 18 Ind ex SYMBol Subsy s te m 15 v.
Cont ents Part 1 Genera l Information 1 Prog ramming the HP 1 6554 A/ HP 16 555A/HP 16555D Selecting the Module 1–3 Program ming the Logic Analyz er 1–3 Mainframe Com mands 1–5 Command Set Organ.
4 WLIS t Subsy stem WLISt 4 –4 DELay 4–5 INSert 4–6 LIN E 4–7 MINus 4– 8 OST a te 4– 9 OTIMe 4– 9 OVE Rlay 4–10 PLUS 4–1 1 RAN Ge 4–1 2 REMove 4– 1 2 XOTime 4–13 XSTate 4–13 .
6 STRigg er (STRa c e ) Subsystem Qualifie r 6–6 STRigger ( STRace) 6–8 ACQ uisitio n 6–8 BRANch 6–9 CLEar 6–11 FIND 6– 12 MLENgt h 6–13 RAN Ge 6 –14 SEQuence 6 –15 STORe 6 –16 TAG.
XOTag 7–19 XOTime 7–19 XPATte rn 7 –20 XSEarch 7–21 XSTate 7–22 XTAG 7–22 8 SWAVeform Subsy st em SWAVeform 8–4 ACCumulate 8 –5 ACQ uisitio n 8–5 CENTer 8–6 CLRPatt ern 8–6 CLRSt.
FIND 10 –8 LIN E 10–9 MEN U 10–9 RAN Ge 1 0–10 RUNTil 1 0–11 SET 10–12 11 TFORmat Subsystem TFORmat 1 1 –4 ACQMode 11–5 LABel 11–6 REMove 11 –7 THReshol d 11–8 12 TTRigge r (TTRa.
13 TWAVeform Subsyst em TWAVe form 13–7 ACCumulate 1 3–7 ACQ uisitio n 13–8 CENTer 13–9 CLRPatt ern 1 3–9 CLRStat 13–9 DELay 1 3–10 INSert 1 3–11 MLENgt h 13–12 MINus 13 –13 MMODe .
14 TLIS t Subsyste m TLISt 14–7 COLumn 14–7 CLRPatt ern 1 4–8 DATA 14–9 LIN E 14–9 MMODe 1 4–10 OCON di tio n 14– 11 OPATtern 14–12 OSEarch 14–13 OST a te 1 4–14 OT AG 1 4–14 REM.
16 S PA Subsy stem MODE 16– 7 OVE RView:BU CKet 16 –8 OVE RView:H IGH 16–9 OVER V iew:LA Bel 16–1 0 OVE RView:LO W 16 –11 OVER V iew:MLE Ngth 16–12 OVER V iew:O MARker 16 –13 OVE RView:O.
Part 3 Programming Examples 18 Programming Examples Making a Tim ing A nalyzer Me asurement 18–3 Making a St ate Analyzer Measure ment 18–5 Making a St ate Com pare Anal y z er Measurement 18 –9.
Content s–1 0.
Pa rt 1 1 Introducti on to Pro gramming 2 Module Le vel Commands Gener al Information.
1 Programming the HP 16554A / HP 16555A/HP 16555D.
Introd uction This chap ter intro duces you to the basi c command structu re used to program the logic analy zer. Also i nclude d is an example program th at sets up the timing analyzer for a basic timing measuremen t. Addi tional progr a m examples are in chapter 18.
Selecting t he M odule Before yo u can pro gram the logic analy zer, yo u must fi rst "select" it. This directs y our commands to t he logic analyz er.
The follo wing exam ple program sets up t he logic analyz er to make a simpl e timing analyz er m easurement. Example 1 0 O UT PUT XX X; ": SELE CT 3 " 2 0 O UT PU T XXX; ": MA CH 1: NA.
Mainframe Commands These commands are part of the HP 1 650 0 /16 5 0 1A mainframe system and are mentioned here only for re ference. For more informati on on t hese commands, refer to the H P 16500/16501A Pr ogrammer’s Guid e .
ME NU Co mm an d/ qu ery The MENU command se lects a ne w displayed m enu. T he first parame ter (X ) specifies the desire d module. The optio nal, second paramet er specifie s th e desired me nu in t he module . The seco nd parameter de faults to 0 if it is no t specified.
STOP Co m mand The STOP command stops the specified module. If the specifie d module is configured as part of an intermodule run, STOP will s t op all associ ated modules.
Com mand Set Organization The co mmand s et for t he H P 1 6554A/HP 165 55A/HP 1 6555 D is divided into module-l evel commands and s ubsystem co mmands .
HP 165 54A/HP 16 555A /HP 1655 5D Command Tr ee Figu re 1 -1 Programmin g th e HP 16 554A/ HP 16 555A/HP 1 6555 D Command Set Or ganizat ion 1–9.
Tab le 1-1 Alph abet ical Co mmand-to- Subs y stem D irect ory Command Where Use d ACC umulate SCH art, SW AVefor m, TWA Vefor m ACQMo de TFORmat ACQuisit ion STRigger , SW A V eform, TTR i gger , TWA.
Table 1 -1, continue d Alph abetic al Command- to- Subsy stem Dir ectory , con tinued Command Where Use d TCONtr o l STR igger, TTRigger TERM STR igger, TTRigger THResh old SFORmat , TFORmat TIMER STR.
Module Stat us Reporting Each module reports its status to the Module Event Status Register (MESR<N >), which i n turn reports to the Combine d Event Status Register (CESR) in the H P 1 6500/1 6501A mai nframe (se e HP 16500/16501A Programmer’s Guide chapt er 6).
MESE <N> Command :M ES E< N><e na ble_ ma sk> The MESE<N> comm and sets the Module Event Status Enabl e regist er bits. The MESE register contains a mask value for the b its enab led in the MESR registe r. A one in the ME SE will enab le the correspondi ng bit in t he MESR, a zero will disab le the b it.
Tab le 1-2 Modul e Event Sta t us En able Regi ster (A "1" en ables the MESR bit) Bit We ight Enable s 7 128 Not us ed 6 64 Not us ed 5 32 Not us ed 4 16 Not us ed 3 8 Pat tern sear ches f a.
MESR <N> Query :M ES R< N>? The MESR<N> q uery ret urns the co ntents of t he Module E vent Stat us registe r. W hen you read the MESR, the value returned is the total bit weight s of all b its that are set at the time the regis ter is re ad.
Tab le 1-3 Modul e Event Status Reg i ste r Bit Weig ht Condition 7 128 Not us ed 6 64 Not us ed 5 32 Not us ed 4 16 Not us ed 3 8 1 = One o r more pat tern searche s fai l ed 0 = Patt ern search es d.
2 Mod ule Level C ommands.
Introd uction The lo gic analyzer module level command s access th e global fun ctions of the HP 165 54A/HP 16 555A/HP 1 6555D log ic analyzer modu le.
Modul e Leve l Syntax Di agram Figu re 2-1 Modu le Level Comman ds 2–3.
Tab le 2-1 Modul e Level Pa rameter Va lues Paramet er Type of P ar a meter or Command Refer ence machine_num MA CHin e{1| 2} arm_par m arm parame t e rs see c hapter 3 assign_p arm assignmen t parame.
ARMLin e Command :AR ML in e MA CH in e< N> The ARMLine command selects which machi ne generate s the arm out signal on the IMB (inte rmodule bus) .
The UNP acked o ption uplo ads data in a format that is easy to interpret and process. The UNPack ed format cannot b e downloade d back i nto the analyz er. Example OUT PU T XX X; ": DB LO CK PAC KE D" Query :D BL oc k? The DBLo ck query returns the current data block format selectio n.
SP A Command :S PA <N > The SPA command selects which o f the two analyze rs the subse quent commands o r querie s will refe r to. SP A is al so a sub system containing commands t hat control the log ic analyze r SPA functions. See chapter 16 for det ails about the SPA subsys tem.
2– 8.
Pa rt 2 3 MACHine Subs y stem 4 WLISt Subs ystem 5 SF ORmat Sub syste m 6 STRigger ( ST Race) Subsystem 7 SLISt Sub system 8 SWAVeform Subsyst em 9 SCHart Sub system 10 COMPare 11 TFORmat Subsys tem 1.
3 MAC Hine Subs ystem.
Introd uction The M ACHine subsys tem contains the command s that co ntrol th e machin e level of operatio n o f the logic analyzer. Some of the function s are no r mally fou n d in th e Trigge r menu. Th ese command s are: • AR M • LEVelarm The fun ctions of thr ee of thes e comman d s resid e in th e State/Ti ming Configu ration menu.
Machi ne S ubs yste m S yntax Dia gram Figu re 3-1 MACH ine Subsys te m 3–3.
Tab le 3-1 Machi ne Subsyste m Parameter Valu e s Par ameter Val ue arm_sou rc e { RU N | IN Te rm od ul e | MA CH in e {1 |2 }} pod_lis t {NON E | <p od_n um>[ , <pod _num >].
ARM Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: AR M <a rm _s ou rc e> The ARM command specifies the arming source of the specified analyze r (machine) . The RU N opt ion disab les the arm source. F or example, if you do not want to use either the i ntermodule bus o r the other m achine to arm t he current machine , you spe cify the RU N opt i o n.
ASSign Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:AS Si gn < po d_ list > The ASSign co mmand assigns pods to a part icular analyz er (machi ne). The ASSign command wil l assign two pods for each pod number you specify because pods must be assigned to analyzers in pairs.
LEVelarm Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:LE Ve larm < ar m_le ve l> The LEVelarm command allo ws you to specify the sequence level for a specified machine that will be armed by the Intermodul e Bus or the othe r machine. This command is onl y valid if the s pecified machine is on and the arming so urce is not set to RU N wit h the ARM command.
NAME Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:NA ME <ma ch in e_na me > The NAME command allows you to assig n a name of up to 1 0 characters to a particular analyze r (machine) for easier identi fication.
<res_id> {<state_terms>|H|J} for st ate analyz er {<state_terms>|EDGE{1|2}} for timing analyz er <new_text> string o f up to 8 al phanumeric characters <state_terms> {A|B.
Example OUT PU T XX X; ": MA CH IN E1 :R ES OU RC E A, C, RA NG E1 " Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:RE SO URCE ? The RESource q uery returns t he current resource terms ass igned to the specified analyz er. If no resource terms are assigned, no <res_id> is returned.
Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TY PE ? The TYPE query returns the current analyzer type for the specified analyzer. Returne d Format [: MA CHin e{1| 2}:T YPE] <an alyz er t ype> <NL> Example OUT.
3– 12.
4 WLISt Subsystem.
Introd uction The commands in the WLISt (Waveforms/LIStin g) subsystem control the X a nd O marke r placemen t on the waveforms portion of the Timin g/State mix ed mode di s p lay. Th e XSTate and OS Tate que ries retu r n what states the X and O mark ers are on.
WLISt Subs y st em Syntax Di agram Figu re 4-1 WLI St Subsys tem 4–3.
Tab le 4-1 WLISt Subsystem Par ameter Val ues Par ameter Val ue delay_va l ue r eal nu mber bet ween - 2 500 s and +250 0 s module_spe c {1|2 |3|4 |5|6 |7|8 |9|1 0} (slot wher e master car d is instal.
DELay Command :W LI St :DEL ay <de la y_va lu e> The DELay command specifies the amount o f time b e tween the timing trigger and the hori z ontal center of the the timing waveform displ ay. The allowab le values fo r delay are − 2500 s to + 25 00 s .
INS ert Command :W LI St :I NS er t [< mo du le _s pe c> ,] <l ab el _n am e> [, {<bi t_ id>| OV ERla y| AL L}] The INSert command inserts waveforms in the t iming waveform display. T he waveforms are added from top to bot t o m up to a maximum of 9 6 waveforms.
Insertin g Oscill oscope Waveform s Command :W LI St :I NS er t <m od ul e_ sp ec >, <l ab el _n am e> This insert s a waveform from an oscillo scope t o the timi ng waveforms display .
Query :W LI St :LIN E? The LINE quer y returns the line num b e r for the state currently in the data listing roll b o x at center s creen. Returne d Format [: WL IS t:LI NE] <l ine_ num_ mid_ scre.
OSTate Query :W LI St :OST at e? The OSTate quer y returns the stat e where the O Marker is positio ned. If data is not valid, the query returns 21 47483647 .
Query :W LI St :OTI Me ? The OTIMe q uery returns the O Marke r position i n time. If data is not valid, the q uery returns 9. 9E3 7. Returne d Format [ :W LI St :O TI Me ] <t im e_ va lu e> <.
PLUS Command :W LI St :P LU S <m od ul e_ sp ec >, <w av ef or m> ,< wa ve fo rm > The PLU S command ins erts time-co rrelated A +B os cillo scope wavefo rms on the scree n. The first parameter s pecifies which slot is t he oscill oscop e module.
RANGe Command :W LI St :RAN Ge <ti me _val ue > The RANG e command s pecifies the full -screen ti me in the timing waveform menu. It i s eq uivalent t o ten time s the se conds per divi sion setting o n the display. The allowab le values for RANG e are from 10 ns to 10 ks.
XOTim e Query :W LI St :XOT im e? The XOTime query returns the tim e from the X marker to the O marker. If data is no t valid, the query returns 9.9E37 .
XTI Me Command :W LI St :XTI Me <ti me _val ue > The XTIMe command positions the X Mark er on the timing waveforms in the mixed mode display. If the data is not valid, the comm and performs no action. <time_value> real number Example OUT PU T XX X; ": WL IS T: XT IM E 40 .
5 SFORmat Subsystem.
Introd uction The S FORmat sub sy stem contain s the co mmands availab le fo r the State Format menu in the HP 165 54A/HP 16 555A/HP 1 6555D log ic anal yzer modul es.
Figu re 5-1 SFORmat Subsystem Sy ntax Diagr am SFORma t Subsyste m 5–3.
Figu re 5-1 (cont inued) SFORmat Subsy stem Sy n tax Di agram ( cont inued) SFORma t Subsyste m 5– 4.
Tab le 5-1 SFORma t Subsystem Parame t er Valu es Par ameter Val ue <N> an integer from 1 t o 12 label_na me s tring o f up t o 6 alp hanumeric ch a racters polarity {P OSit ive | NE Gati ve} cl.
SFORmat Selector :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: SF ORma t The SFO Rmat (St ate Format ) selecto r is used as a part of a co mpound header to access the settings in the State Fo rmat menu. It always follows the MACHine sele ctor because it selects a branch directly be low the MACHine level in the command tree.
Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SF OR mat: CL OC k<N> ? The CLOCk query returns the current clock ing mode for a given pod. Returne d Format [: MA CHin e{1| 2}:S FORm at:C LOCK <N>] <cl ock_ m.
<name> string o f up to 6 al phanumeric characters <polarity> {POSitive | NEGative} <clock_bits> format ( intege r from 0 to 65535) for a cl ock ( clocks are assigned in decreasing o.
MASTer Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SF OR mat: MA ST er < cl ock_ id >, <c lock _s pec> The MASTer clock command al lows you to specify a master clock for a given machine. The master clock is us ed in all cl ocking modes (Maste r, Slave , and Demult iplexe d).
MODE Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SF OR mat: MO DE {NO RM al|F AS T} The MODE command places an H P 16555 state analyzer in either 10 0 MHz (normal ) or 1 10 MH z (fast) mode. The HP 1 6554A has only one s t ate analysis mode, 7 0 MHz . In 110-MH z mode, the h and j resource terms are no t availab le.
MOPQual Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: SF OR ma t: MO PQ ua l <c lo ck _p ai r_ id >, <q ual_ op erat io n> The MO PQual (master o peration q ualifier) command al lows you to specify either the AND or the OR o peration bet ween master clock qual ifier pair 1/2 , or be tween mast er clock q ualifier pair 3 /4.
MQUal Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: SF OR ma t: MQ Ua l <q ua l_ nu m> , <c lock _i d>,< qu al_l ev el > The MQUal (mast er qualifi er) com mand allows you to specify t he level qualifie r for the mast er clock.
REMove Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SF OR mat: RE Mo ve { <n ame> |A LL} The REMove co mmand allo ws you t o delet e all labels or any o ne label for a given machine .
<pod_num> an intege r from 1 to 12 <set_hold_ value> integer {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9} represe nting the followi ng setup and hold values : Tab le 5-2 Setup an d hold v alues For one cl ock and on e edge For one cl ock and bo th edges M u lti ple Cl ock s 0 = 3.
SL AV e Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: SF OR ma t: SL AV e <c lo ck _i d> , <c lock _s pec> The SLA V e clock co mmand allo ws you t o s pecify a slave clock fo r a given machine. The slave clock is onl y used in t he Slave and D emulti plexed clocking modes.
SOP Qual Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: SF OR ma t: SO PQ ua l <c lo ck _p ai r_ id >, <q ual_ op erat io n> The SOPQual (slave operat i on qualifie r) command allows you to specify either the A N D or the OR operation bet ween slave clock qualifi er pair 1/2, or betwe en sl ave clock qual ifier pair 3/4.
SQUal Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SF OR mat: SQ Ua l <q ual_ nu m>,< cl ock_ id >, <qua l_ leve l> The SQUal (slave qual ifier) command allo ws you to specify the level qualifie r for the slave clock.
TH Reshold Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SF OR mat: TH Re shol d< N> {T TL|E CL |<vo lt age> } The THResho ld command allows y o u to se t the vo l tage t hreshold fo r a given pod to ECL, T T L, o r a specific vo ltage fro m − 6. 00 V to +6.
6 STR igger (STR ace) Su bsystem.
Introd uction The S TRigger subs ystem con tains th e commands available for the State Trigger menu in th e HP 16554 A/HP 1655 5A/HP 165 55D logic analyzer modul es.
Figu re 6-1 STR igger Subs ystem Synt ax D i agra m STRigger ( STRace) Subsys tem 6–3.
Figu re 6-1 (cont inued) STR igger Subs ystem Synt ax D i agra m ( cont i nued) STRigger ( STRace) Subsys tem 6– 4.
Tab le 6-1 STRigger Subsystem Par ameter Values Par ameter Val ue branch_ qualifie r <q uali fi er> qualifie r see " Qua li fier" on p age 6–6 to_lev_ num integer from 1 t o l ast l .
Qualifier The qualifi er for the state trig ger subs ystem can be te rms A thro ugh J, Timer 1 and 2, and Range 1 and 2. In addition, quali fiers can b e the N OT bo olean function o f terms, ti mers, and range s.
<term3a> { A | NO TA } <term3b> { B | NO TB } <term3c> { C | NO TC } <term3d> { D | NO TD } <term3e> { E | NO TE } <term3f> { F | NO TF } <term3g> { G | NO TG.
STRigger (S T Race) Selector :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: ST Rigg er The STRigger ( STRace) (Stat e Trigger) selecto r is used as a part of a compound he ader to access t he settings found in t he State T race menu. It always follows the MACHine sele ctor because it sele cts a branch directly below the MACHine level in the co mmand tree .
BRA Nch Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:ST Ri gger :B RA Nch< N> <b ranc h_ qual if ier> ,< to _lev el _num be r> The BRANch co mmand defines the branch q ualifier for a given sequence level. When thi s branch q ualifier is matched, i t will caus e the se quencer to jump to the specified sequence level.
Example OUT PU T XX X; ": MA CH IN E1 :S TR IG GE R: BR AN CH 1 ’A NY ST AT E’ , 3" O UT PU T XX X; ": MA CH IN E1 :S TR IG GE R: BR AN CH 2 ’A ’, 7 " OUTPUT XXX;":MA .
Example The fo ll owing e xample wo uld be used to specify the complex qualifi er show n in figure 6 - 2 . O UT PU T XX X; ": MA CH IN E1 :S TR IG GE R: BR AN CH 1 ’( (A O R B) A ND ( F OR G) ).
FIND Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:ST Ri gger :F IN D<N> <p roce ed _qua li fier >, <o ccur re nce> The FIN D comm and define s t he proceed q ualifier fo r a given s equence l evel. The qualifier tells the s t ate analyzer when to proceed to the nex t sequence level.
Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:ST Ri gger :F IN D4? The FIND quer y returns the current proceed qual ifier specification for a given seq uence leve l. Returne d Format [: MA CHin e{1| 2}:S TRig ger: FIND &l.
RANGe Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: ST Ri gg er :R AN Ge <N > <l ab el _n am e> , <s tart _p atte rn >,<s to p_ patt er n> The RANG e command al lows yo u to spe cify a range recogni z er te rm for the specified machine.
Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:ST Ri gger :R AN Ge<N >? The RANGe query returns the range recogniz er end point specificat ions for the range. Returne d Format [: MA CHin e{1| 2}:S TRig ger: RANG e<.
STORe Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: ST Ri gg er :S TO Re <N > <s to re _q ua li fi er > The STORe co mmand defines the s tore q ualifier fo r a given s e quence l evel. Any data m atching the STORe qualifie r will be store d in memo ry as part o f the current trace data.
TA G Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:ST Ri gger :T AG {O FF|T IM E| < st at e_ ta g_ qu al if ie r >} The TAG com mand s e lects the t ype of count t agging (st ate or t ime) to be performed duri ng data acquisit i on.
TAKenb ranch Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:ST Ri gger :T AK enbr an ch { ST ORe| NO ST ore} The TAKenb ranch command allows you to speci fy whether t he stat e causing the b ranch is stored o r not s tored for the specified machine. The states causing the branch are defined by the BRAN ch and FIND commands.
TCONt ro l Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:ST Ri gger :T CO Ntro l< N> < ti mer_ nu m> , {O FF|S TA Rt|P AU Se|C ON Ti nue} The TCONtrol (tim er control) command all ows you to turn off, start, pause, or continue the time r for the specified level.
TERM Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: ST Ri gg er :T ER M <t er m_ id >, <l abel _n ame> ,< patt er n> The TERM command allows you t o specify a pattern recogni z er te rm in the specified machine. Each command deals with only one label in the given term; therefo re, a com plete specificat ion could require several comm ands.
Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:ST Ri gger :T ER M? < te rm_i d> , <l abel _n ame> The TERM query returns the spe cification of the t erm specifi ed by t erm identificat i on and lab el name.
TPOSit ion Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:ST Ri gger :T PO Siti on { ST AR t| CE NT er |E ND | PO ST st or e, <p os ts to re >} The TPOSitio n (tri gger position) command allows you to set the trigger at the start, cente r, end or at any position in the trace (post st o re).
7 SLISt Subsystem.
Introd uction The S LISt su bsystem con tains th e commands available for the State Listi ng me n u in the HP 16554A /HP 16555 A/HP 1655 5D logic an alyzer modu les.
Figu re 7-1 SLIS t Subsy s tem Sy ntax Di agram SLI St Subsys tem 7–3.
Figu re 7-1 (cont inued) SLIS t Subsy s tem Sy ntax Di agram ( continu e d) SLISt Subsy stem 7– 4.
Figu re 7-1 (cont inued) SLIS t Subsy s tem Sy ntax Di agram ( continu e d) SLI St Subsys tem 7–5.
Tab le 7-1 SLISt Subsystem Par ameter Val ues Par ameter Val ue mod_nu m {1|2 |3|4 |5|6 |7|8 |9|1 0} col_num integer fr om 1 t o 61 line_numb er integer fr om -516 096 t o +51 6 0 96 (HP 16 5 54A) or .
SLISt Selector :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: SL ISt The SLISt se lector i s used as part of a co mpound header t o access those setti ngs normally fo und in the St ate Lis ting menu. It always follows the MACHine sele ctor because it selects a branch directly be low the MACHine level in the command tree.
Query :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: SL IS t: CO Lu mn ? <c ol _n um > The COLumn query returns the column numb er, m odule s lot, machine, la bel name, and b ase for t he specifie d column.
DATA Query :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: SL IS t: DA TA ? <l in e_ nu mb er >, <l abel _n ame> The DATA q uery returns t he value at a specified l ine number for a given label.
Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SL IS t:LI NE ? The LINE quer y returns the line num b e r for the state currently in the bo x at the cent er of the screen. Returne d Format [: MA CHin e{1| 2}:S LISt :LIN E].
Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SL IS t:MM OD e? The MMOD e q uery returns the current marker mo de select ed. Returne d Format [: MA CH ine{ 1|2} :SLI St:M MODe ] <mar ker_ mode ><NL > Example O.
Query :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: SL IS t: OP AT te rn ? <l ab el _n am e> The OP ATtern que ry returns the pat t e rn specificati on for a g iven labe l name.
Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SL IS t:OS Ea rc h? The OSEarch q uery returns t he search criteria fo r the O marker. Returne d Format [: MA CH ine{ 1|2} :SLI St:O SEar ch] <o ccur renc e>,< orig i.
OT AG Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SL IS t:OT AG {< time _v alue >| <sta te _v alue >} The OTAG comma nd specifies the tag value on which the O Marker shoul d be placed. The t ag value is ti me when time t agging is on, or states when state tagging is on.
OVERlay Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: SL IS t: OV ER la y <c ol _n um >, <m odul e_ num> ,M ACHi ne {1 |2}, <l abel _n ame> The OVERlay comma nd allows you t o add time-co rrelate d labe ls from othe r modules or machines to the state list ing.
RUNTil Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SL IS t:RU NT il <ru n_ unti l_ spec > The RUNTil (run unti l ) com mand allows you to define a stop condit ion when the trace mode is repetitive. Specifying O FF causes the analyzer t o make runs until either t he display’ s STOP field is touched or the STOP command is issued.
TAVerage Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SL IS t:TA Ve ra ge? The TAVerage query returns the value of the average time be tween the X and O Markers. If the number of valid runs is zero , the query returns 9.9E37 . Valid runs are t hose where the pattern search fo r both the X and O markers was successful , resulting in valid time measurement s.
TMINim um Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SL IS t:TM IN im um? The TMINimum query returns t he value o f the mini mum time between t he X and O Mark ers. If data is not valid, the query re turns 9.
XOTag Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SL IS t:XO Ta g? The XOTag query returns the time from the X to O markers when the marker mode is time, or numbe r of states from the X to O markers when the m arker mode is state. If t here is no data in t he time mode the q uery returns 9.
XPATtern Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SL IS t:XP AT te rn <l abel _n ame> ,< labe l_ pa tter n> The XPATt ern command allows y o u to co nstruct a pat tern reco gnizer t erm for the X marker which is then used with the XSEarch criteria when moving the mark er on patt erns.
XSEar ch Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: SL IS t: XS Ea rc h <o cc ur re nc e> ,< or ig in > The XSEarch com mand defines the s earch criteria for the X mark er, which is then with associat ed XPATt ern reco gnizer specifi cation when moving the markers on patterns .
XST ate Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SL IS t:XS Ta te ? The XSTate q uery returns the line number i n the listing where the X marker resides. If data is not valid, the query returns 2147 483647 .
Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SL IS t:XT AG ? The XTAG q uery returns the X m arker posi t ion in time when time tagging i s on or i n states when stat e tagging is on, regardless of whether the marker was posit ioned in time or thro ugh a pattern se arch.
7– 24.
8 SWAVefor m Sub sys tem.
Introd uction The commands in the State Waveform sub system allow you to configur e the display so that y ou can view state data as waveforms. Up to 9 6 channels , iden tified by label n ame and b it numb er, can b e displayed at a time.
Figu re 8-1 SWAVe f orm Sub system Sy ntax Diagr am SWAVef orm Subsystem 8–3.
Tab le 8-1 SWAVefo rm Subsys tem Pa rameter Va lue s Par ameter Val ue number_o f_sample s integer from -5 16 096 t o +5160 96 (HP 16554 A) or f rom - 1 0 40384 t o +1 04 03 84 (H P 1 65 55 A) o r f r.
AC Cumulat e Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SW AV efor m: AC Cumu la te {{ ON|1 }| {OFF |0 }} The ACCumulate command allows you to control whether the waveform display gets erased betwee n individual runs or whether sub se q uent waveforms are allowed to be displ ayed over t he previous waveforms.
Query MA CH in e{1| 2} :SWA Ve form :A CQ uisi ti on? The ACQuis i tion q uery ret urns the current acquisi t ion mo de. Returne d Format [M AC Hine {1|2 }:SW AVef orm: ACQu isit ion] {AU TOma tic| MA.
CLRStat Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SW AV efor m: CL RSta t The CLRStat comm and allows you to clear the waveform stat is t ics without having to s t op and restart the acquis ition.
INS ert Command MA CH in e{ 1| 2} :S WA Ve fo rm :I NS er t <l ab el _n am e> , <b it_i d> The INSert command allows you to add waveforms to the s tate waveform display. Waveforms are adde d from top t o bo t tom on the screen. When 9 6 waveforms are present, insert ing additional waveforms replaces the last waveform.
Example OUT PU T XX X; ": MA CH IN E1 :S WA VE FO RM :M LE NG TH 2 62 14 4" Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SW AV efor m: ML ENgt h? The MLENg th query returns the current analyzer mem ory depth selectio n.
REMove Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SW AV efor m: RE Move The REMove command clears the waveform display befo re buildi ng a new display. Example OUT PU T XX X; ": MA CH IN E1 :S WA VE FO RM :R EM .
TPOSit ion Command MA CH in e{1| 2} :SWA Ve form :T PO Siti on {S TARt |C ENTe r| END| PO ST stor e, <per ce nt>} The TPOSi t ion co mmand allows you to contro l where the trigger point is placed. The t rigger po int can b e placed at the start, ce nter, end, or at a percentage of post store.
8– 12.
9 SCHart Subsystem.
Introd uction The S tate Chart s ubs ystem provide s the co m man d s necess ary fo r programmin g the HP 1 6554A/HP 16555A/ HP 16555D’s C hart d is p lay. The commands allow you to bui ld charts of l abel activity, using da ta normally f oun d in the Lis ting d is play.
Figu re 9-1 SCHart Sub system Sy nt ax Diagram Tab le 9-1 SCHart Subsystem Par ameter Val ues Par ameter Val ue state_low_ value i nteger between ± 5160 96 (H P 16 55 4A ), ± 10 40 38 4 (HP 16555A),.
SCHart Selector :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: SC Hart The SCHart selecto r is used as part of a compound header to access the setti ngs found in the Stat e Chart menu. It always follows the MACH ine selecto r because it sel ects a b ranch belo w the MACH ine leve l in the command t ree.
CENTer Command MA CH in e{1| 2} :SCH ar t:CE NT er <ma rk er_t yp e> The CENTer co mmand centers t he chart displ ay about t he specified markers.
Example OUT PU T XX X; ": MA CH IN E1 :S CH AR T: HA XI S ST AT ES , − 10 0, 100 " O UT PU T XX X; ": MA CH IN E1 :S CH AR T: HA XI S ’R EA D’ , ’ − 51 1’ , ’5 11 ’, 0, 30 0" Query MA CH in e{1| 2} :SCH ar t:HA Xi s? The HAXi s query returns the current horizo ntal axis l ab e l and scaling.
Query MA CH in e{1| 2} :SCH ar t:VA Xi s? The VAXis q uery returns the current vertical ax is label and scaling. Returne d Format [: MA CHin e{1| 2}:S CHar t:VA Xis] <la bel_ name >,<l ow_v a.
9– 8.
10 COMPare Subsystem.
Introd uction Comman ds in the state COMPare subsyste m pro vide the ability to do a bit - by-bi t compariso n betwee n the acq uired state data lis ting and a compare d ata image.
COMPa re Subsy st em Synt ax Diag ram Figu re 10 -1 COMPa re Subsystem 10 –3.
Tab le 10 -1 COMPar e Subsys tem Pa rameter Va lue s Par ameter Val ue label_na me string of up t o 6 char ac ters care_s pec string of chara cters "{*|.
CLEar Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:CO MP are: CL Ea r The CLEar com mand clears all "do n ’t cares " in the reference listing and replaces t hem with zero s except whe n the CLEar command imm ediately follows the SET command ( see SET command) .
COPY Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:CO MP are: CO PY The COPY command copies the current acqui red St ate Listing for the specified m achine into the Compare Listi ng templat e. This mak e s the current acquisit i o n the refere nce listi ng. It do es not affect the compare range or channel mask settings.
<label_name> a string of up to 6 alphanumeric characters <line_num> integer from –122 880 to +12 2880 (HP 16554 A) or –25395 1 to +2539 51 (H P 16 55 5A ) or – 50 79 03 to + 5 07 90 3 (H P 16 55 5D ) <data_pattern> "{ #B {0 |1|X } .
FIND Query :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: CO MP ar e: FI ND ? <d if f_ oc cu rr en ce > The FIND query is used to get the line number of a specified difference occurrence ( first, s econd, thi rd, etc.) wit hin the current co mpare range, as dictated by the RANGe command.
LI N E Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:CO MP are: LI NE <li ne _num > The LINE command allows y ou to cente r the com pare listing dis play about a specified line numbe r. The Listing menu also changes so that the specified line is displayed midscreen.
RANGe Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: CO MP ar e: RA NG e {F UL L | PA RTia l, <sta rt _lin e> ,< stop _l ine> } The RANG e command al lows yo u to defi ne the boundari es for t he compariso n. The range entered must be a subset of the lines in the acquisit i o n memory.
RUNTil Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:CO MP are: RU NT il { OF F | LT ,<va lu e> | G T, <v al ue > | IN Ra ng e, <v al ue >, <v al ue > | OU TRan ge ,<va lu e>,< va lu e> | E QUal | NEQ ua l} The RUNTil (run unti l ) com mand allows you to define a stop condit ion when the trace mode is repetit ive.
Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:CO MP are: RU NT il? The RUNTil query returns the current stop criteria for the comparis on whe n running in repetitive trace mode.
11 TFORmat Subsystem.
Introd uction The TFOR mat subs ystem con tains th e commands available for the Timin g Format menu in th e HP 1 6554A/HP 16555A/ HP 16555D l ogic analyzer mod u l e.
TFORmat Subsystem Sy ntax Diagr am Figu re 11 -1 TFORma t Subsys tem 11 –3.
Tab le 11 -1 TFORmat Su b syst em Paramete r Values Par ameter Val ue <N> an integer from 1 t o 12 name string of up to 6 alphanu meric charact ers polarity {P OSit ive | NE Gati ve} upper_b i t.
ACQMode Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: TF OR ma t: AC QM od e {F UL L | HA LF } The ACQMode (acq uisition mode) command allows you to select the acquisit i o n mode fo r the ti ming analyz er.
LABel Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: TF OR ma t: LA Be l <n am e> [, <p ol ar it y> , <c lock _b its> ,[ <clo ck _b its> ,] <upp er _bit s> , <l ower _b its> [, <upp er _b its> ,< lowe r_ bits >] .
<upper_bits> format ( intege r from 0 to 65535) fo r a pod ( pods are assigne d in decreasing order) <lower_bits> format ( intege r from 0 to 65535) fo r a pod ( pods are assigne d in decr.
TH R esho ld Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TF OR mat: TH Re shol d< N> {T TL|E CL |<va lu e>} The THResho ld command allows y o u to se t the vo l tage t hreshold fo r a given pod to ECL, T T L, o r a specific vo ltage fro m − 6.00 V to +6.
12 TTRigger (TTR ace) Subsystem.
Introd uction The TT Rigger s ubs ystem contains the commands avai lable for the Timin g Trigg er men u in the HP 16554A /HP 16555A /HP 16555 D logic anal yzer modul e.
Figu re 12 -1 TTR igger Subs ys tem Synt ax D iagra m TTRigge r (TTRace) Sub s ys tem 12 –3.
Figu re 12-1 (conti nued) TTR igger Subs ys tem Synt ax D iagra m (co n tin ued) TTRigger ( TTRace) Subs ystem 12 –4.
Tab le 12 -1 TTRigge r Paramete r Values P aramet e r V alue bran ch_qualifier <qua li fi er > to_ level_n um integ er fro m 1 to las t s equence leve l proc eed_qualif ier <qua li fi er >.
Qualifier The qualifi er for the ti ming trig ger subs y stem can b e te rms A thro ugh G and I, Timer 1 and 2, Range 1 and 2, and Edg e 1 and 2 . In additi on, qual ifiers can be the N OT bool ean function of terms , timers, and rang es.
<term3a> { A | NO TA } <term3b> { B | NO TB } <term3c> { C | NO TC } <term3d> { D | NO TD } <term3e> { E | NO TE } <term3f> { F | NO TF } <term3g> { G | NO TG.
Qual ifier Ru les The follo wing rules appl y to quali fiers: • Qualifie rs are quo ted st rings and, t herefore, need q uotes. • Express ions are e valuated from left t o right. • Parenthe ses are use d to change the order evaluatio n and, therefo re, a re optio nal.
ACQuisition Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TT Ri gger :A CQ uisi ti on {A UTOm at ic|M AN ual} The ACQuis it i on command allo ws you to s pecify the acquisition mode for the timing analyz er.
Withi n the lim itations sho wn by the s yntax de finitions , complex expre ssions may be formed using the AND and OR operato rs. E x pressions are limit ed t o what you could manually enter through the Timing Tri gger menu. Regardin g parentheses , the sy ntax defi nitions on the ne x t page show onl y t he require d ones.
Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TT Ri gger :B RA Nch< N> ? The BRANch q uery returns t he current branch q ualifier spe cification for a given seq uence leve l.
Terms A th rough E, RA N GE 1 , ED GE1 , and TI ME R 1 must be grouped t ogethe r and terms F, G, and I, RAN GE 2, ED GE2 , a nd TIME R 2 must be g roup ed toget her. In the f irst le vel, ter ms from o ne group ma y not b e mixed with te rms from the other.
EDGE Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TT Ri gger :E DG E<N> < labe l_ name >, <e dge_ sp ec> The EDG E co mmand allows you to define edg e specifications for a give n label. Edge spe cifications can be R (ri sing), F ( falling), E ( either) , or ".
Query :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: TT Ri gg er :E DG E< N> ? <l ab el _n am e> The EDG E query returns t he current specificat ion for t he given l abel.
LT les s th an <duration_ time> real numb er from 8 ns t o 5. 00 seconds depe nding on sam ple period <occurrence> integer from 1 to 104857 5 Example OUT PU T XX X; ": MA CH IN E1 :T .
MLENgth Command :M ACHi ne {1|2 }: TTRi gg er :MLE Ng th < me mory _l en gth> The MLENg th command allows yo u to s pecify the analyzer memo ry depth. Valid memo ry depths range fro m 4096 samples through t he maximum s y stem memory depth minus 81 92 samples (HP 16554A /HP 16555A ) or minus 16384 samples ( HP 16 555D) .
RANGe Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: TT Ri gg er :R AN Ge <N > <l ab el _n am e> , <s tart _p atte rn >,<s to p_ patt er n> The RANG e command al lows yo u to spe cify a range recogni z er te rm for the specified machine.
SEQuen ce Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: TT Ri gg er :S EQ ue nc e <n um be r_ of _l ev el s> The SEQuence command defines t he timing analy z e r trigger se q uence. First it dele tes the current seq uence, t hen it ins erts the number of le vels specifi ed, with default sett ings.
SP E Rio d Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TT Ri gger :S PE Riod < samp le _per io d> The SPERio d command allows y o u to se t the s ample period of the tim ing analyzer.
TCONtrol Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TT Ri gger :T CO Ntro l< N> < ti mer_ nu m> , {O FF|S TA Rt|P AU Se|C ON Ti nue} The TCONtrol (tim er co ntrol) command allows you to turn off, start , pause, or continue the time r for the specified level.
TE RM Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: TT Ri gg er :T ER M <t er m_ id >, <l abel _n ame> ,< patt er n> The TERM command allows you t o a specify a pat tern recog nizer t erm in the specified machine. Each command deals with only one label in the given term; therefo re, a com plete specificat ion could require several comm ands.
Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TT Ri gger :T ER M? <t erm_ id >,<l ab el_n am e> The TERM query returns the spe cification of the t erm indicat ed by t erm identificat i on and lab el name.
TPOSit ion Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TT Ri gger :T PO Siti on {S TARt |C ENTe r| END| DE La y, < ti me_v al >| PO STst or e,<p os tsto re >} The TPOSitio n (tri gger position) command allows you to set the trigger at the start, cente r, end or at any position in the trace (post st o re).
12 –24.
13 TWAVeform Subsystem.
Introd uction The TW AVeform su bsystem con tains th e commands available for the Timin g Waveforms menu in the HP 16 554A/HP 1 6555A/HP 16555D log ic analyzer mo d ule.
Figu re 13 -1 TWAVe form Subsy st em Sy n tax Di agram TWAVef orm Subsyste m 13 –3.
Figu re 13-1 (conti nued) TW A Ve fo rm Sub sy s t em Sy n t ax Diagr am (cont inued) TWAVef orm Subsyste m 13 –4.
Figu re 13-1 (conti nued) TW A Vefo rm Sub sy s t em Sy n t ax Diagr am (cont inued) TWAVef orm Subsyste m 13 –5.
Tab le 13 -1 TWAVef orm Parameter Val u es Paramet er Value delay_v alue r eal number be tween -250 0 s and +2 5 00 s module _spec {1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |1 0} bit_ id integ er fro m 0 to 31 wavef.
TWAV eform Selector :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: TW AVef or m The TWAVeform selector is used as part of a compound header t o access the setti ngs found in the Timing Wave forms menu. It always follows the MACHine sele ctor because it selects a branch belo w the MACHine level in the command t ree.
Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TW AV efor m: AC Cumu la te? The ACCumulate query returns the current setting . The query always shows the setting as the characters, " 0 " (off) or "1" (on) .
CENTer Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TW AV efor m: CE NTer < mark er _typ e> The CENTer command allows you to center the waveform display about the specified m arkers.
DELay Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: TW AV ef or m: DE La y <d el ay _v al ue > The DELay command specifies the amount o f time b e tween the timing trigger and the hori z ontal center of the the timing waveform displ ay. T he allowab le values fo r delay are − 2500 s to + 25 00 s .
INS ert Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TW AV efor m: IN Sert [ <mod ul e_sp ec >, ] <l abel _n ame> [, {<bi t_ id >|OV ER lay| AL L}] The INSert command inserts waveforms in the t iming waveform display. T he waveforms are added from top to bot t o m up to 96 waveforms.
Insertin g Oscill oscope Waveform s Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TW AV efor m: IN Sert < modu le _spe c> , <l abel _n ame> This insert s a waveform from an oscillo scope t o the timi ng waveforms display .
Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TW AV efor m: ML ENgt h? The MLENg th query returns the current analyzer mem ory depth selectio n. Returne d Format [: MA CH ine{ 1|2} :TWA Vefo rm:M LENg th] <m emor y_le .
MMODe Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TW AV efor m: MM ODe {O FF|P AT Tern |T IME| MS Ta ts} The MMOD e (Marker Mode ) comm and selects the mo de contro lling marker movement and the display of the marker readout s . When PATTern is selecte d, the markers will be placed on patterns.
OCONditio n Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TW AV efor m: OC ONdi ti on {E NTer in g|EX IT ing} The OCO Ndition co mmand specifies where the O marker is placed. The O mark er can be placed on t he entry o r exit po int of t he OPATte rn when in the P ATT ern marker mode.
OP ATtern Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TW AV efor m: OP ATte rn <la be l_na me >, <l abel _p atte rn > The OPATtern comm and allows you to const ruct a pattern recogni z er ter m for the O marker which is then used with the OSEarch criteria an d OCONdit ion when m oving the marker o n patterns.
OSEarch Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: TW AV ef or m: OS Ea rc h <o cc ur re nc e> , <o rigi n> The OSEarch co mmand defines the search crite ria for the O marker which is then used with the associate d OPA Ttern specificat i on and t he OCONdi t ion when moving markers on patterns .
OT IMe Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: TW AV ef or m: OT IM e <t im e_ va lu e> The OTIMe co mmand positions t he O marker i n time whe n the mark er mode is TIME . If data i s not valid, t he command performs no action. <time_value> real number − 2.
<module_spec> {1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10} <waveform> string co ntaining <acquisition_spec>{1|2} <acquisition_ spec> {A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J} (slot whe re acquisi t ion card i s located.
RANGe Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: TW AV ef or m: RA NG e <t im e_ va lu e> The RANG e command s pecifies the full -screen ti me in the timing waveform menu. It i s eq uivalent to t en time s the se c/ Div s etting on the di splay. The allowab le values for RANG e are from 10 ns to 10 ks.
RUNTil Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TW AV efor m: RU NTil < run_ un til_ sp ec > The RUNTil (run unti l ) com mand defines sto p criteria base d on the time betwe en the X and O markers whe n the trace mode is in repeti tive.
SP E Rio d Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: TW AV ef or m: SP ER io d <s am pl e_ pe ri od > The SPERiod command allows y o u to set the sample perio d of the timing analyzer.
TA Ver age Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TW AV efor m: TA Vera ge ? The TAVerage query returns the value of the average t ime b etwee n the X and O markers.
TMINim um Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TW AV efor m: TM INim um ? The TMINimum query returns t he value of the minimum t ime betwe en the X and O mark ers.
Query MA CH in e{1| 2} :TWA Ve form :T PO Siti on ? The TPOSi t ion q uery returns the current trigger set ting. Returne d Format [M AC Hine {1|2 }:TW AVef orm: TPOS itio n] { STAR t|CE NTer |END |DEL.
XCONdition Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TW AV efor m: XC ONdi ti on {E NT er in g | EX IT in g} The XCON dition comma nd specifies where the X mark er i s placed. The X marker can b e placed on t he entry o r exit po int of t he XPATt ern when in t he PAT T ern mark er mode.
XPATtern Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TW AV efor m: XP ATte rn <l abel _n ame> ,< labe l_ pa tter n> The XPATt ern command allows y o u to co nstruct a pat tern for the X mark er which is t hen used wit h the XSEarch criteria and X CO Ndit i on when m oving the mark er on patt erns.
XSEar ch Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TW AV efor m: XS Earc h <o ccur re nce> ,< orig in > The XSEarch com mand defines the s earch criteria for t he X mark er. The criteria are then used with the asso ciated XP ATtern speci fication and the XCON dition whe n moving markers on patt erns.
XTI Me Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: TW AV ef or m: XT IM e <t im e_ va lu e> The XTIMe command positions the X marker in time when the marker mode is time. If data is not valid, the comm and performs no action. <time_value> real number from − 2.
13 –30.
14 TLISt Subsystem.
Introd uction The TLISt s u bsyste m contains the commands availabl e for the Timin g Listi ng me n u in the HP 16554A /HP 16555 A/HP 1655 5D logic an alyzer modu les an d i s the s ame as the SLISt subsyste m (excep t for the OCONditio n and XCONdition comm ands).
Figu re 14 -1 TLIS t Subsy s tem Sy ntax Di agram TLISt Sub s yste m 14 –3.
Figu re 14-1 (conti nued) TLIS t Subsy s tem Sy ntax Di agram ( continu e d) TLISt Subsys tem 14 –4.
Figu re 14-1 (conti nued) TLIS t Subsy s tem Sy ntax Di agram ( continu e d) TLISt Sub s yste m 14 –5.
Tab le 14 -1 TLISt Para meter Values Par ameter Val ue mod_nu m {1|2 |3|4 |5|6 |7|8 |9|1 0} mach_num {1 |2} col_num i nte ge r fr om 1 to 61 line_numb er integer between ± 1040 38 4 (H P 16 55 4A ), .
TLISt Selector :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: TL ISt The TLISt selector is used as part of a compound header to access those settings no rmally found in t he Timing List ing menu. It always fo l lows t he MACHine sele ctor because it selects a branch directly be low the MACHine level in the command tree.
Example OUT PU T XX X; ": MA CH IN E1 :T LI ST :C OL UM N 4, 2, ’A ’, HE X" Query :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: TL IS t: CO Lu mn ? <c ol _n um > The COLumn query returns the column numb er, dat a source, label name, and base fo r the spe cified colum n.
DATA Query :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: TL IS t: DA TA ? <l in e_ nu mb er >, <l abel _n ame> The DATA q uery returns t he value at a specified l ine number for a given label.
Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TL IS t:LI NE ? The LINE quer y returns the line num b e r for the state currently in the data roll b ox at the cent er of t he scre en.
OCONditio n Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TL IS t:OC ON di tion { ENTe ri ng|E XI Ti ng} The OCO Ndition co mmand specifies where the O mark er is placed. The O mark er can be placed on t he entry o r exit po int of t he OPATte rn when in the P ATT ern marker mode.
OP ATtern Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TL IS t:OP AT te rn < la bel_ na me>, <l abel _p atte rn > The OPATtern comm and allows you to const ruct a pattern for the O marke r which is then used with the O SEarch criteria when moving the marke r on patterns.
OSEarch Command :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: TL IS t: OS Ea rc h <o cc ur re nc e> ,< or ig in > The OSEarch co mmand defines the search crite ria f o r the O mark er, which is then used with associate d OPATtern recogni z er specificati on when moving the markers on patterns .
OST ate Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TL IS t:OS Ta te ? The OSTate query returns t he line num b e r in the l isting where t he O marker resides. If data is not valid, the query returns 2 147 483647 .
Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TL IS t:OT AG ? The OTAG quer y returns the O marker posi t ion in time regardless of whether the mark er was positio ned in ti me or t hrough a patt ern search.
RUNTil Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TL IS t:RU NT il <ru n_ unti l_ spec > The RUNTil (run unti l ) com mand allows you to define a stop condit ion when the run mo de is repetit ive. Speci fying OFF causes the analy z er to make runs until ei ther the display’s STOP field i s touched or the STO P com mand is issued.
TA Ver age Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TL IS t:TA Ve ra ge? The TAVerage query returns the value of the average time betwee n the X and O markers. If the number of valid runs is z e ro, the query returns 9.9E37 . Valid runs are t hose where the pattern search fo r both the X and O markers was successful , resulting in valid time measurement s.
TMINim um Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TL IS t:TM IN im um? The TMINimum query returns t he value o f the mini mum time between t he X and O mark ers. If dat a is not valid, t he query returns 9.
XCONdition Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TL IS t:XC ON di tion { ENTe ri ng|E XI Ti ng} The XCON dition comma nd specifies where the X mark er is placed. The X marker can be placed on the entry or exit point of the X P ATtern when in the P ATT ern marker mo de.
XOTim e Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TL IS t:XO Ti me ? The XOTime query returns the tim e from the X to O markers. If there is no data the query returns 9 .
Example OUT PU T XX X; ": MA CH IN E1 :T LI ST :X PA TT ER N ’D AT A’ ,’ 25 5’ " O UT PU T XX X; ": MA CH IN E1 :T LI ST :X PA TT ER N ’A BC ’, ’# BX XX X1 10 1’ " .
Query :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TL IS t:XS Ea rc h? The XSEarch query returns the search criteri a for the X mark er. Returne d Format [: MA CH ine{ 1|2} :TLI St:X SEar ch] <o ccur renc e>,< orig in.
XTAG Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:TL IS t:XT AG < time _v alue > The XTAG co mmand specifies t he tag value on which the X marker sho uld be placed. The t ag value is always time fo r the t iming analyz er. If t he data is not vali d tagged dat a, no act ion is pe rformed.
14 –24.
15 SYMBol S u bsystem.
Introd uction The S YMBol subs ystem con tains th e commands that al low you to defi ne symb ols on the controll er an d download them to the HP 16 554A/HP 1 6555 A/HP 1655 5D logic an alyzer modu les.
SYMBo l Subsyst em Syntax Di agram Figu re 15 -1 SYMBol Sub s ystem 15 –3.
Tab le 15 -1 SYMBol Paramete r Values Par ameter Val ue label_na me string of up to 6 a l phanumeric characters symbol_na me string of up to 1 6 alpha numeric character s pat tern _valu e "{ #B {0|1 |X}. ..| #Q {0 |1|2 |3|4 |5|6 |7|X }... | #H {0 |1|2 |3|4 |5|6 |7|8 |9|A |B|C |D|E |F|X }.
SYMBol Selector :M AC Hi ne {1 |2 }: SY MBol The SYMBol se lector is use d as a part o f a compound header t o access the commands us ed to create symb ols. It always foll ows the MACHine select or because it selects a branch directly below the MACH ine level in the command tre e.
PATTern Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SY MB ol:P AT Te rn < la bel_ na me>, <s ymbo l_ name >, <pat te rn _val ue > The PATTern co mmand allows yo u to creat e a patt ern symbol for the specified l abel. Because don’t cares (X) are allowed in the pattern value, it must always be express ed as a st ring.
RANGe Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SY MB ol:R AN Ge <la be l_na me >, <s ymbo l_ name >, <sta rt _v alue >, <sto p_ valu e> The RANG e command al lows yo u to creat e a range symb ol cont aining a st art value and a stop value for the specified label.
REMove Command :M AC Hi ne{1 |2 }:SY MB ol:R EM ov e The REMove co mmand delet es all s ymbols fro m a specified machine . Example OUT PU T XX X; ": MA CH IN E1 :S YM BO L: RE MO VE " WIDT h.
16 SPA Su bsystem.
Introd uction This chapter p rovides yo u with i nformation for p r ogramming th e System Pe rformance Analys is (SPA ) feature s on th e HP 1655 4 A/ HP 16 555A/HP 1 6555D log ic analyzer modules . SPA commands have subs ystems, ind icated by the outden ted items in the list.
Figu re 16 -1 SPA Subs yste m S yntax Dia gram SPA Sub system 16 –3.
Figu re 16-1 (conti nued) SPA Subs ys tem Synt ax Dia gram (co ntin ued) SPA Subs ys te m 16 –4.
Figu re 16-1 (conti nued) SPA Subs ys tem Synt ax Dia gram (co ntin ued) SPA Sub system 16 –5.
Tab le 16 -1 SPA Subs ys t em Par ameter Val ues Par ameter Val ue bucket _num 0 t o (number of valid buck e ts - 1) high_pat t <pat te rn> label_na me a string of up to 6 alphanu meric ch aract.
MODE Command :SP A{ 1| 2} :M OD E {O VE RV ie w| HI ST og ra m| TI NT er va l} The MOD E command s elects whi ch menu to display: St ate O verview, Stat e Histogram , or Time Interval.
OVERView:BUCKet Query :S PA{1 |2 }:OV ER View :B UC Ket? {S IZE| NU MBer |< buck et _n um>} The O VERView:BUCKe t query ret urns data relat ing to the State Overvi ew measurement .
OVERView:HIGH Command :S PA {1 |2 }: OV ER Vi ew :H IG H <h ig h_ pa tt er n> The OVERView:H IGH comm and sets the upper b oundary of the St ate Overview measure ment.
OVERView:LABel Command :S PA{1 |2 }:OV ER View :L AB el < la bel_ na me> The O VERView:LABel command sel ects a new label fo r collect ing the SPA measurement s.
OVERView:LOW Command :S PA{1 |2 }:OV ER View :L OW <lo w_ patt er n> The OVERView:L O W co mmand sets the lo wer bo undary of the State Overview measure ment.
OV ERView:MLENgth Command :S PA{1 |2 }:OV ER View :M LE Ngth < memo ry _len gt h> The MLENg th command specifies the m emory dept h. Valid mem ory depths range from 4096 states (or samples ) thro ugh the maxim um sy stem memory depth minus 8192 state s (HP 16554A/H P 1 655 5A) or minus 163 84 states (HP 16555 D).
OVERView:OMA Rker Command :S PA{1 |2 }:OV ER View :O MA Rker < o_pa tt ern> The OVERView:OMARk er command sends the O marker to t he lower boundary of the b ucket where the s pecified patt ern is locate d. A req uest t o place the marker outside the defined boundary forces the marker to t he appropriate end bucke t .
OV ERView:OVST atistic Query :S PA {1 |2 }: OV ER View :O VSTa ti st ic? {X HITs |O HITs |T OTal } The OVERView:OVSTatis tic query returns the numbe r of hits associat ed wit h the request ed stat istic o r returns the number of hits in the specified buck et.
OVERView:XMARker Command :S PA{1 |2 }:OV ER View :X MA Rker < x_pa tt ern> The OVERView:X MARker com mand sends t he X marke r to the lo wer boundary of the b ucket where the s pecified patt ern is locate d. A req uest t o place the marker outside the defined boundary forces the marker to t he appropriate end bucke t .
HIS Togram:HSTatistic Query :S PA {1 |2 }: HI ST ogra m: HSTa ti st ic? {T OTal |O THer |< rang e_ nu mber >} The HISTogram :HSTatistic query returns the t o tal numb er of s amples or returns t he number of s amples in t he specifie d range.
HIS Togram:LABel Command :S PA {1 |2 }: HI ST og ra m: LA Be l <l ab el _n am e> The H ISTogram:LABe l command s elects a new lab el for collecti ng SPA measurement s . A query ret urns the name of the currently select ed label . Selecting a new label de faults the State H istogram rang e names, buck et sizes, and hit accumul a tors.
HIS Togram:OTHer Command :S PA {1 |2 }: HI ST og ra m: OT He r {I NC Lu de d| EX CL ud ed } The H ISTogram:OTHer command sel ects including o r ex cluding the "other" histog ram bucke t . A q uery ret urns data indicat ing whethe r the "other" bucket is current ly included o r exclude d.
HIS Togram:QUALifier Command :S PA {1 |2 }: HI ST og ra m: QU AL if ie r <l ab el _n am e> , <p atte rn > The H ISTogram:QUAL ifier comm and sets the pat tern asso ciated wit h the specified labe l. T he pattern is a condit ion for trigg ering and st oring the measurement .
HISTogram:RANGe Command :S PA{1 |2 }:HI ST ogra m: RA NGe {O FF | < rang e_ nu m>, <r ange _n ame> ,< low_ pa tt >,<h ig h_pa tt >} The HISTogram:RAN Ge command turns off all ranges or defines the range name, lo w boundary, and hig h boundary of the specifie d range.
HIS Togram:TTYP e Command :S PA {1 |2 }: HI ST og ra m: TT YP e {A LL |Q UA Li fi ed } The HISTogram :TTYPe comm and sets the t rigger t o trigg er on anyst ate or on qualifie d state.
TINTerval:AUTorange Command :S PA{1 |2 }:TI NT erva l: AU Tora ng e {L OGar it hmic |L INea r} ,< min_ ti me>, <m ax_t im e> The TINTerval:AU Torange command automat ically sets the Time Interval ranges in a lo g arithmic o r linear dist ributi on over t he specifie d range of t ime.
TINTerval:QUALifier Command :S PA {1 |2 }: TI NT er va l: QU AL if ie r <l ab el _n am e> , <s tart _p atte rn >,<e nd _p atte rn > The TINTe rval:QUA Lifier com mand defines t he start and stop patterns for a specified labe l. T he start and st op patterns determine the time windows for collect ing data.
TINTerval:TINT erval Command :S PA{1 |2 }:TI NT erva l: TI NTer va l <i nter va l_nu mb er>, <m in _tim e> ,<ma x_ time > The TINTe rval:TINTerval co mmand specifie s the mi nimum and max imum time l imits fo r the given int erval. A query ret urns these limits for a specified interval.
TINTerval:TSTatistic Query :S PA {1 |2 }: TI NT er va l: TS Ta ti st ic ? {T MI Ni mu m| TM AXim um |TAV er age| TO Ta l|TT OT al|< in terv al _n umbe r> } The TINTe rval:TSTatistic query ret urns eithe r the time o r the numb er of samples associ ated with the request ed stati s tic.
16 –26.
17 DATA and SE Tup Co mmands.
Introduction The DATA and SETup commands are S Y ST e m comm a n d s that allow you to se n d a nd receive block data between the HP 165 54A, HP 16 555A, o r HP 1 6555D and a contro ller. U se the DA TA instru ction to tr ansfer acq uired timing and state d ata, and th e S ETup in struction to tr an s fer in strumen t configur ation data.
Data Fo rmat To understand the format of the data within the block data, t here are four important things to k eep in mind. • Data is sent to the controll er in b inary form. • Each byt e, as describ ed in this chapter, co ntains 8 b i ts . • The first bit of each b yte is t he MSB (mo st significant bit).
SYSTem:DA TA Command :S YS Te m:DA TA <bl oc k da ta > The SYSTem:DA T A command transmit s the acq uisition m e mory dat a from the control ler t o the HP 1 6 5 54A/HP 1 6 555 A/HP 1 6555D logic anal y zers. The blo ck data co nsists of a vari able numb er of b ytes containing informatio n captured b y the acq uisition chips .
<block data> <block length specifier><section>... <block length specifier #8<length> <length> the to tal leng th of all sections in b yte format (must be re presented .
Section Header Descr iption Becaus e block data may co ntain mult iple sect ions, t his descrip tion numbe rs bytes be ginning at the sectio n header. The init ial 10 by tes of th e block lengt h specif ier and any other sections are not in cluded in t he numbering .
Data Preamb le Descr ip tion The U N Pack ed block data is organized as 5 7 4 byt es of pre amble informat i on, followe d by a variabl e number of byt es of data.
Byte Position 37 4 bytes - List of pods in this anal y zer, whe re a binary 1 indicat es t hat the correspondi ng pod is assigned t o this analyzer bit 31 bit 30 bit 29 bit 28 bit 27 bit 26 bit 25 bit.
Byte Position 61 4 by tes - Tag type for state m ode in o ne of the followi ng decimal val ues: 0 = off 1 = time t ags 2 = state t ags 65 8 by tes - Trig ger offset . The time o ffset (in pi coseconds) fro m when thi s analyzer is triggered and when this analyzer provides an output trig ger t o the IMB or port out.
Byte Position Bytes 241 through 24 4 contain t he number of valid rows o f data for pod 1 of either the expansio n card in a two -card module , or a middle cardslot expansion card in a three-card module . Bytes 245 through 24 8 contain t he numbe r of valid ro ws of dat a for pod 4 of the master card.
Acquisition Data Descrip t ion The acquisi t ion dat a sectio n consists o f a variable number o f byt es depending on the number of cards in the configuration, the acqui s ition mode , and the state tag set ting. The data i s grouped in rows of bytes with one sample from each pod in a single row.
The depth of the data array is equal to the pod with the greate st numb er of rows of valid data. If a pod has fe wer rows o f valid data t han the dat a array, unused rows will contain invalid data that should be igno red. The clock pod contains dat a mapped according to the clock designator and the board (se e below) .
Example A t hree-card confi guration with 5 1 609 6 valid rows First data byte = byte 591 Last data b yte = 1 4, 4 51,278 [591 + ( 2 8 × 51 60 96 ) - 1 ] Time Tag Data Description If tags are enabled for one o r bot h analyze rs, the t ag data fo llows t he acquisit i o n data.
Additio nally, the following se ctions m ay also be included, dependi ng on what is availab le: "SYMBOLS A " "SYMBOLS B " "INVASM A " "INVASM B " <block data> <block length specifier><section>.
Pa rt 3 18 Program ming Examples Pro gramm ing E xamples.
18 Pro gramm ing E xamples.
Introd uction This chap ter contain s s h ort, u s able, and tested progr ams that cover the most asked for exa m ples . The exa m ples are writte n in HP BASIC 6.
Making a Timing Analyzer Measurement This program s ets up t he logic analyz er to mak e a simple t i ming analyz er measurement . This example can be us ed with E2 422-60 004 Logi c Analyze r Training bo ard to acq uire and dis play the o utput o f the ripple counter.
3 60 O UT PU T 70 7; ": MA CH 1: TW AV EF OR M: RE MO VE " 3 70 O UT PU T 70 7; ": MA CH 1: TW AV EF OR M: IN SE RT ’ CO UN T’ , AL L" 3 80 O UT PU T 70 7; ": MA CH 1: TW .
Making a State Analyzer M eas urement This s tate analy z e r progr am select s t he HP 16554A / HP 1655 5A/HP 16555D module, display s t he configurat ion menu, defines a state machine, displays the st ate trigger m enu, sets a stat e trigge r for multileve l triggering.
27 0 ! **** **** **** **** *** SETU P TH E TR IGGE R SP ECIF ICAT IO N ** **** **** **** **** ** 28 0 ! The trig ger spec ific atio n wi ll u se f ive sequ ence l evel s wi th t he t rigg er 2 90 ! lev el on le ve l fo ur .
72 0 ! **** **** **** **** * CO NFIG URE SEQU ENCE LEV EL 4 *** ** **** **** **** **** **** ** 73 0 ! Stor e a comb inat ion of r esou rce term s (C or D or R ANGE 1) i n le vel 4 an d 74 0 ! Then Tri gger on reso urce ter m "E .
1 17 0 I F (S ta tu s AN D 1) =1 T HE N GO TO 1 19 0 11 80 GO TO 1 070 11 90 PR INT TABX Y(30 ,15) ;"Me asur emen t is com plet e" 12 00 ! 12 10 ! **** **** **** **** **** **** VIE W TH E RE.
Making a State Com pare Analyzer Measuremen t This program example acqui res a stat e list ing, copies the listing to t he compare listi ng, acq uires another stat e list ing, and compares bo th listings to find differences . This program is written so that y ou can run it with the HP E24 3 3 -60004 Lo gic Analyze r Training Board.
31 0 ! **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ** **** **** **** **** 3 20 ! S pe ci fy t wo s eq ue nc e le ve ls , th e tr ig ge r se qu en ce l ev el , sp ec if y 33 0 ! FF h ex f or t he " a" t erm whic h wi ll b e th e tr igge r term , an d st ore 34 0 ! no s tate s un til the trig ger is f ound .
72 0 !* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ** **** **** **** **** **** 7 30 ! D is pl ay l in e 40 90 o f th e co mp ar e li st in g an d st ar t th e an al yz er 7 40 ! i n a re pe ti ti ve m od e.
11 00 !* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ** **** **** **** **** **** * 11 10 ! Star t th e lo gic anal yzer to acqu ire new data and t hen stop it to c ompa re 11 20 ! the data . W hen the acqu isti on i s st oppe d, t he C om pare Lis ting Men u wi ll 1 13 0 ! b e di sp la ye d.
15 40 ! 15 50 EN TER 707 USIN G "# ,2A" ;Err or$ 15 55 EN TER 707 USIN G "# ,1A" ;Com ma$ 15 60 EN TER 707 USIN G "K ";Li ne$ 15 70 GO TO 1 610 15 80 ! 15 90 EN TER 707 U.
Transferring the Logic Analyzer Configu ration This program uses the SYSTem:SETup query to transfer the configurati on of the lo gic analyz er to your co ntroller. This progra m also us es the SYSTem:SETup command t o transfe r a logic analyz er configuratio n from the control ler back to the lo gic analyzer.
2 70 ! * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** S EN D TH E SE TU P QU ER Y ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 2 80 O UT PU T 70 7; ": SY ST EM :H EA DE R ON " 2 90 O UT PU T 70 7; ": SY .
6 60 ! * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** S EN D TH E SE TU P ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 67 0 ! Make sur e bu ffer is not empt y. 68 0 ! 6 90 I F Nu mb yt es =0 T HE N 70 0 PRIN T.
10 60 ! **** **** **** **** **** ** R ESTO RE B UFFE R PO INTE RS * ** **** **** **** **** **** 10 70 ! Rest ore the tran sfer buf fer poin ter 10 80 ! 10 90 CO NTRO L @B uff, 5;St reg 11 00 ! 11 10 !.
Checkin g fo r Measurement Com pletion This program can be appended to or inse rted into another program when you need to know when a measurement is complete. If it is at the end of a program it will tell you when measureme nt i s complet e. If you insert it into a program, i t will halt t he program until the current meas urement is com plete.
Sending Queries to the Logic Analyz er This program example cont ains the steps required to send a query to the logic analyz er. Sending the query alone only puts the req uested information in an out put buffer of the l ogic analyzer. You must follow the query wi th an ENTER state ment to transfer t he query response to the control ler.
15 0 ! 16 0 ! **** **** **** * IN TITI ALIZ E VA RIAB LE F OR N UMBE R OF B YTES *** **** **** **** ** 17 0 ! The vari able "Nu mbyt es" cont ains the num ber of b yt es i n th e bu ffer .
55 0 ! **** **** **** **** **** TRA NSER THE DAT A ** **** **** ** **** **** **** **** **** 5 60 ! T ra ns fe r th e da ta f ro m th e lo gi c an al yz er t o th e bu ff er .
10 10 ! **** **** **** * TR ANSF ER D ATA TO T HE H P 16 554A /HP 16 555 **** **** **** **** 10 20 ! Tran sfer the dat a fr om t he b uffe r to the HP 1655 4A /HP 1655 5A.
Index A A+B, 4–11, 13–19 A,B, 13–18 A-B, 13–13 ACCumulate command/query, 8– 5 , 9– 4 , 13–7 ACQMode command/ query, 11–5 ACQuisiti o n command /query, 6–8, 8–5, 12–9, 13–8 acqu.
WIDTh, 15–8 WLIS t, 2–7, 4–4 XCON di t ion, 13– 2 6, 14–19 XMAR ker, 16 –15 XPATt ern, 7–20, 1 3– 2 7, 14–20 XSEarch, 7–21, 13–28, 14–21 XTAG , 7–22, 14–23 XTIM e, 4–14, .
O OCONdition command/query, 13–15, 14–11 offset, 4–5 OMARker co mmand /query, 16–13 OPATtern command /query, 7–11, 13–16, 14–12 OR ’ d tr ig ge r , 3 –5 OSEarch command/query, 7–12.
TSTati stic, 16–25 TTYPe, 16–21 TYPE, 3–11 VAXi s, 9–7 VRUNs, 7–18, 13–25, 14–18 XCON di t ion, 13– 2 6, 14–19 XMAR ker, 16 –15 XOTag , 7–19, 14–19 XOTi me , 4–13, 7–19, 13.
TSTat istic query , 16–2 5 TTRace se l e ctor, 12–8 TTRigger se l ector, 12–8 TTRigger / TTRace subsyst e m, 12–1, 12–3 to 12–23 TTYP e command/qu ery, 16–21 TWAVeform se l e ctor, 13–.
© Copyright Hewl e t t- Packa r d C ompany 1987, 1990, 1993, 1994, 19 97 All Rig hts Rese rved. Reprod u ction, a d aptat ion, or translation without prior writt en permission i s prohi bit ed, except as all owed under the copyrig ht l aws. Document Wa rr a nty The informati on co ntai ned in this document is su bject t o change wi thou t no tice.
Produc t W arranty Th is He w lett-Packard product has a warranty agai nst defect s in mate rial and workmansh ip for a peri od of one y ear from dat e of shipment . During the warranty perio d , Hewl e tt-Packard C ompan y w i ll , a t it s op ti o n , ei th er repai r or r e place p rodu cts that prove to be defective.
デバイスHP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 16554Aの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 16554Aをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 16554Aの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 16554Aの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 16554Aで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 16554Aを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 16554Aの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 16554Aに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 16554Aデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。