HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカーM8201Rの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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M820 1R F ibre Cha nn el to SC SI Rou ter Inst al lat ion an d Us er ’ s Guid e Abstra c t This gu ide descri b es how to inst al l and conf ig ure th e Fibr e Channe l to SCSI route r wi th a Fibre Cha nnel Ser verNet a dapte r (FCS A) on an HP I ntegrity N onS top™ N S-serie s server .
Do cumen t Histor y Part Nu mber Produ ct V er sion Publish ed 5299 71- 00 5 N.A. July 20 07 5299 71- 00 1 N.A. Jun e 20 05.
Hew let t -Packard Company — 529971-005 i M8201R Fibre Chann el to SCSI Router Inst allation and User ’ s Guid e Index Figures Ta b l e s What ’ s New i n This Manu al v Manual Info rmation v New and Changed Info rma tion v Abou t This M anual vii Not ation Co nvention s vii 1.
Contents M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 ii 6. Hardware Replacement Procedures Indicator s 5-2 6. Hardware Replacement Procedures T ape Dri ve and Fibre C h anne l to SC SI Router R e placem ent 6-1 T ape Dri ve Replace m ent 6-1 Fibr e Chan nel to SC SI Route r Replac ement 6-2 A.
Contents M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 iii Ta b l e s Fi gure 3-3 . Rea r V iew of the Fibre Chan nel to SCSI Route r 3-3 Fi gure 3-4 . Front View o f the T ape Dr i ve 3-4 Fi gure 3-5 . Rea r V iew of the T ape Dri ve 3- 4 Fi gure 3-6 .
Contents M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 iv.
M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 v What ’ s New i n This Manual Manual I nfor mation M8201R F ibre Channel to SCSI R ou ter Inst allation and.
What ’ s New in T his Manual M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 vi New and Changed Inform ation.
M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 vii About Th is M anual Not ation Conventions Hypert ext L inks Blue u nderline is used to indica te a hyperte xt link withi n text. B y clicking a passage o f text w ith a b lue und erline, you are taken to the location described.
About T his Manu al M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 viii General Sy ntax Notat ion each si de of the list, or h orizont a lly , enclosed i n a pai r of bra ckets and separat ed by verti cal lines.
About T his Manu al M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 ix Notation f or Mess ages Li ne Sp acing. If the syntax of a command is t oo long to fit o n a sing le line, ea ch conti nuatio n line is ind ented thre e spaces a nd is sep ar ated from the precedi ng line by a bl ank line.
About T his Manu al M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 x Notation f or Managem ent Programm ing Interfaces lower case it alic lette rs. Lowerca se it alic l etters i ndicate variab le items w hose val u es are disp layed or re turned.
About T his Manu al M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 xi Change Bar Notat ion UPPERCASE LETTERS. Upper case letters indicate names from de finition files. T ype these names e xactly as shown. F o r example: ZCOM-TKN-SUBJ-SERV lower case letters .
About T his Manu al M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 xii Change Bar Notat ion.
M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 1- 1 1 Overvi ew of the Fibre Channel to SCSI Router This section includes: Fibre Channel to SCSI Router The F.
Overview of the Fibre Channel to SCSI Router M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 1-2 High Performance for Faster Backups High Perfo rmance for F a.
Overview of the Fibre Channel to SCSI Router M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 1-3 Supported Storage Devices Supported Storage Devices The Fibre.
Overview of the Fibre Channel to SCSI Router M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 1-4 Powe r Requ irements and Phys ical S pecifications.
M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 2-1 2 Getting S t arted This section includes: This section describes how t o inst all the Fibre Chann el to SC SI rou ter a nd what to cons ider wh en un packi ng th e unit fo r the fi rst t ime.
Gett ing S tarted M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 2-2 Mounting the Fibre C hannel t o SCSI Rou ter on a Desktop Mounting the Fibre Channel t o SCSI Router on a Desktop T o moun t the Fibre C hanne l to SCSI router on a deskt op: 1.
Gett ing S tarted M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 2-3 Installation Proc edure With Ear Brackets 4. Inst all the cage n uts on the ver tical mounting r ails of the rac k cabinet, as shown in Figu re 2- 1 .
Gett ing S tarted M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 2-4 Installation Proc edure With Ear Brackets 5. Locate the f ront of the ear bracke ts, as shown in Figu re 2-2 . 6. Atta ch the ear b rackets to the Fibre Channe l to SC SI route r , using two of t he #6- 32x.
Gett ing S tarted M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 2-5 Installation Proc edure With Ear Brackets 8.
Gett ing S tarted M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 2-6 Installation Proc edure With Ear Brackets Fi gure 2-4.
Gett ing S tarted M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 2-7 Installation Proc edure With Ear Brackets Figu r e 2-5.
Gett ing S tarted M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 2-8 Installation Proc edure With Ear Brackets.
M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 3-1 3 Inst alling the Fi bre Channel to SC S I Router for the NonS top NS-Seri es Se rver This section includes: Inst allat ion 1. Conne ct the smal l end of the SCS I cab le to th e Fib re Cha nnel to SCSI ro uter on port 0.
Inst alling the Fibre Channel to SCSI Router for the NonS to p NS-Series Se r ver M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 3-2 Installation 2. T ighten the screws b y hand to secure the cable to the unit.
Inst alling the Fibre Channel to SCSI Router for the NonS to p NS-Series Se r ver M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 3-3 Installation 3. Conne ct one e nd of the fib er cabl e to th e small form -facto r pl uggabl e (SF P) on the unit.
Inst alling the Fibre Channel to SCSI Router for the NonS to p NS-Series Se r ver M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 3-4 Installation 5. Conne ct the lar ger end o f the SCSI cable to SCSI port 1 on the re ar pan el of the t ape driv e.
Inst alling the Fibre Channel to SCSI Router for the NonS to p NS-Series Se r ver M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 3-5 Installation 6. T ighten the screws b y hand to secure the cable to the unit.
Inst alling the Fibre Channel to SCSI Router for the NonS to p NS-Series Se r ver M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 3-6 Installation The fi ber cabl e is a multim ode/sh ort wave fiber -optic ca ble.
Inst alling the Fibre Channel to SCSI Router for the NonS to p NS-Series Se r ver M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 3-7 Installation 1 1. Power on the t ape dr i ve . Fo r the pow er sw itch locatio n, see Figure 3- 4 on page 3-4.
Inst alling the Fibre Channel to SCSI Router for the NonS to p NS-Series Se r ver M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 3-8 Installation.
M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 4-1 4 Configur ing the Fibre C hannel to SCSI Router for the NonS top NS-Seri es Server This section includes: Configur ation 1.
Configuring the Fibre Cha nnel to S CSI Router for the Non S top NS-Series Server M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 4-2 Configuration 2.
M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 5-1 5 T roublesho oting the Fibre C hannel to SCSI Router This section includes: This secti on gui des the user thr ough some of the basic method s of iden tifying fa ult s in the setup and configur ation of the unit.
T roubl eshooting the Fibre Ch annel to S CSI Router M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 5-2 Indicators Indicat ors The F ibre C hannel to SCSI r outer i s equ ipped with rea r p anel LED in dicator s for moni toring ove rall unit sta tus.
M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 6-1 6 Hardware Replacement Procedures This section includes: T ape Drive and Fibr e Channel t o SCSI Router Replacement These p r ocedures can be done for a ny t ape dri ve th at is con nected to the Fibre Cha nnel to SCSI ro uter .
Hardware Replacemen t Procedures M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 6-2 Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Replacement 3. Unplug the power cor d from th e AC power outlet, and th en unpl ug the othe r end from the tape dri ve ’ s AC power r eceptacle .
Hardware Replacemen t Procedures M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 6-3 Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Replacement 7. Plac e the ol d Fib re Cha nnel to SCSI ro uter aside. 8. Inst all the new F ibre Cha nnel to SCSI router .
Hardware Replacemen t Procedures M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 6-4 Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Replacement.
M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 A-1 A Product Specific ations Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Figu re A-1.
Product S pecifications M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 A-2 Power Req uirements Power Requirement s Pow er • 100 t o 240 V a c, auto sensing • 50/60 H ertz, 1.
M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 B-1 B Using the Serial I nterfac e This secti on descr i b es specific co nfiguration o ptions a vailable fo r the seria l interfa ce.
Using th e Serial Interface M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 B-2 Setting Up Serial Port Communications Setting Up S erial Port Comm unicati ons.
Using th e Serial Interface M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 B-3 Ethernet Configuration Ethernet Conf igurati on This opti o n allows fo r sett.
Using th e Serial Interface M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 B-4 Ethernet Configuration • Select 5 to toggle the Ethe rnet mode among the se options: 10Mbps Only 100Mbps (half duplex) Only 100Mbps (full duplex) Only 10/100Mbps (Auto-Neg.
Using th e Serial Interface M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 B-5 Ethernet Configuration • Select 9 to change secur ity settings, includi ng the u ser name a nd passw ord. Us er names and passwords should b e uniq ue an d kept c onfiden tial.
Using th e Serial Interface M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 B-6 Ethernet Configuration.
M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 C-1 C Configur ing O SM fo r Moni t oring the Fibre C hannel to SCSI R outer This section inclu des the step s that are nee ded to co nfigur e OSM so tha t it can mon itor the Fi bre C han nel to SCSI ro uter .
Configuring OS M for Monitoring the F ibre Channel t o SCSI Router M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 C-2 Configuring the Fiber Channel to SCSI Router for OSM Monitoring Configur ing the Fiber Channel to SCSI Router for OSM Monitoring 1.
Configuring OS M for Monitoring the F ibre Channel t o SCSI Router M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 C-3 Configuring the Fiber Channel to SCSI Router for OSM Monitoring 4. Select St art Moni tor ing Fib re C h a nne l R ou t er and the n click on t he Pe rfo rm action butto n.
Configuring OS M for Monitoring the F ibre Channel t o SCSI Router M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 C-4 Configuring the Fiber Channel to SCSI R.
M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 St atement s - 1 Safety and Comp lia nce Regulator y Compli ance S t atement s The fo l lo wing re gulatory compl iance st ate ments a pply to the pr oduct s do cumented b y this manu al.
Safety a nd Comp liance M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 St atement s - 2 T aiwan (BSMI) Complianc e T ai wan ( BSMI) Complian ce JAP A N (VCCI.
Safety a nd Comp liance M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 St atement s - 3 JAP AN (VCCI) Com pl iance Declares un der our sole resp onsibility t.
Safety a nd Comp liance M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 St atement s - 4 JAP AN (VCCI) Com pl iance Chuck D enning Manage r , Hardware Product.
M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 Index - 1 Ind ex D Dat a connectio ns Fibr e Chan nel por t 1-3 SCS I po rts 1-3 F Fi bre Channel Ser verNet a.
Ind ex M8201 R Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Instal l ation and User ’ s Guid e — 529 971-005 Index - 2 S.
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デバイスHP (Hewlett-Packard) M8201Rの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP (Hewlett-Packard) M8201Rをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) M8201Rの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) M8201Rの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) M8201Rで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP (Hewlett-Packard) M8201Rを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP (Hewlett-Packard) M8201Rの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP (Hewlett-Packard) M8201Rに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP (Hewlett-Packard) M8201Rデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。