HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカーTapeの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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customer service form hp learning products issued october 2000 : http://www.hp.com/go/support/tape may have a later version data protection contact hp americas europe asia pacific warranty customer se.
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SCSI configuration hp learning products http://www.hp.com/support/tape may have a later version data protection contact hp home page before you start operation cartridge care cleaning specifications m.
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UNIX hp hp learning products http://www.hp.com/support/tape may have a later version data protection contact hp home page before you start operation cartridge care cleaning specifications media compat.
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verify the installation hp learning products http://www.hp.com/support/tape may have a later version data protection contact hp home page before you start operation cartridge care cleaning specificati.
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ordering supplies file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/topher.COL-SPRINGS/Desktop/manual/document/dlt1/user/reseller/eng/order.htm (2 of 2) [12/3/2001 7:51:00 AM].
getting started guide hp sur e stor e dlt1 inte rnal t ape dr i v e DL T1 SS DLT1 Int Eng 21/11/00 4:17 pm Page 2.
1 For fu r th er For fu r th er For fu r th er For fu r th er details, see details, see details, see details, see : B e f o r e y o u sta r t Check s ystem pr erequisite s. (Al way s connect to a w ide , Ultra S CSI- 2 L ow V oltage Diffe renti al (L VD) or Single -Ended (SE) SC SI bus .
2 Cop yr ight © 2000 by He wlett-P ack ard L imited. October 2000 The inf ormati on contained in this doc ument is subj ect to change w i thout noti ce. This doc ument contains propr ietary informati on whi ch is pr otected b y copy right . All r ights ar e r eserved.
3 T o install and us e your ne w tape dri ve , you w ill need the follo wing: • A wide , Ultra S CSI- 2 L VD or SE SC SI bus • L VDS compliant S CSI r ibbon cable w ith termination (nor mally supp.
4 Rails f or D ell server s may also be or dered separ ately . Different models o f server r equir e differ ent rail kits. F or more det ails, r efer to the HP su pport web site: //www.hp.com/support/dlt1 Other computers u se non -standar d mounting rails and do not inc l ude spar es.
5 The HP Surestor e D L T1 w eb site: //www.hp.com/support/dlt1 con tai ns drivers, usefu l u til it ies, and infor mation t o help y ou install and us e yo ur tape dr iv e. HP product registr ation T o regist er your ne w tape dri ve electr onically v ia the web , use the “Pr oduct Registr ation ” link.
6 Figur e 1: c hecking th e driv e’s SCSI ID Dlt1getstart_int.fm Page 6 Thursday, November 16, 2000 1:47 PM.
7 Note Y our HP Sur estore DL T1 dri ve is shipped w ith a defa ult SC SI ID of 5, but it can be as signed an y unused ID between 0 and 15 . Do not use S CSI ID 7 , whi ch is usuall y reserv ed for the S CSI contr oller , or S CS I ID 0, whic h is t ypi cally as signed to the boot disk .
8 Figure 2b: pr eparing mounting bay in a typical Compaq server Figur e 2a: preparing mounting ba y in a typ ical HP se rver Figure 2d: pr eparing mounting bay in a typical Dell server Figure 2c: pr eparing mounting bay in a typ ical IB M serve r Dlt1getstart_int.
9 Caution T o av oid per sonal injury or damage to the computer or tape dr iv e, ensur e that the computer is disconnected f r om the mains while y ou install the dri ve . Stati c electr ic ity can damage electroni c components. Al way s wear an antistatic w riststr ap if one is av ailable .
10 Figur e 3: attac hing tra y for NetSer ver L -Series servers Dlt1getstart_int.fm Page 10 Thursday, November 16, 2000 1:47 PM.
11 If your c omp ut er req ui res s pe cial rai ls or ot h er ha rdware t o i ns ta ll t he ta pe drive, mo un t t h em on th e tape dr iv e in this step .
12 Figu re 4 : ins ta lli ng th e d rive Dlt1getstart_int.fm Page 12 Thursday, November 16, 2000 1:47 PM.
13 Note W rite the mode l name, pr oduct number , ser ial number , and SC SI ID of y our dri ve some wher e safe fo r futur e r efer ence. T he model name is on the fr ont of the dri ve and the pr oduct and seri al numbers ar e on a label on the top of the dr iv e.
14 Figur e 5: attac hing SCSI and po wer cables to internal driv e Dlt1getstart_int.fm Page 14 Thursday, November 16, 2000 1:47 PM.
15 1 Attach a spare power cable from the computer's internal power supply to the power connector, as shown in figure 5. 2 Attach a spar e SCSI cable on the computer’s S CSI r ibbon cable to the SCSI connector , as sho wn in figure 5 . Note If the dri ve is the last or onl y dev ice on the S CSI chain , it must be ter minated.
16 Figure 6: securing the driv e (side mounting screws sho wn) Dlt1getstart_int.fm Page 16 Thursday, November 16, 2000 1:47 PM.
17 1 Secure the tape drive into place with screws. If y ou used mounting har dwar e that scr ew s to the front o f the computer , use the scr ew s you r emov ed in step 2 to f ix the dr ive in place .
18 Figur e 7 : tape drive contr ols and indicators Dlt1getstart_int.fm Page 18 Thursday, November 16, 2000 1:47 PM.
19 Ther e are thr ee LEDs and an eject button on the f ront panel o f your ta pe dri ve , as sho wn in f igur e 7 . F or mor e infor mation about using the e ject button , see “T o unload a cartri dge ” on page 2 3. Fr ont panel LEDs Ther e are thr ee LEDs as illustr ated in figur e 7 .
20 Figure 8: w rite protecting cartridges Dlt1getstart_int.fm Page 20 Thursday, November 16, 2000 1:47 PM.
21 HP Surestor e DL T1 dri ves use only DL Ttape IV cartridges. Y our HP Surestor e DL T1 tape dri ve can read but not wr ite DL Ttape IV cartri dges that use the DL T 4000 for mat . Note Y our HP Surestor e DL T1 tape dr iv e automaticall y ejects an y other cartridge types and an y cartridges who se for mat it cannot r ead.
22 Figur e 9b: unloading a cartridge Eject button Figure 9a: loading a cartridge Figure 9b: unloading a cartridge Dlt1getstart_int.fm Page 22 Thursday, November 16, 2000 1:47 PM.
23 Chec k operation Once y ou hav e installed the dr iv e hardw are , you should v erify that it is func tioning pr operl y befor e y ou stor e yo ur valuable data . 1 Switch on the drive and the computer. Every time you turn on the tape drive it runs a POST which takes several seconds to complete.
24 Figur e 10: using HP Library & T ape Tools Dlt1getstart_int.fm Page 24 Thursday, November 16, 2000 1:47 PM.
25 HP L ibrary & T ape T ools softw are pr ov ides a number of u tilities f or getting infor mation a bout y our tape dr iv e and troubleshooting pr oblems.
26 Once y ou hav e installed and tes ted yo ur HP Sures tor e DL T1 tape dri ve , please take a f ew minutes to r egister y our produc t. T his w ill giv e you the opportunity to rece iv e up- to -date informati on about our pr oducts, serv ices and support .
27 The f irst step in pr oblem-solv ing is establishing w hether the problem li es wi th the cartridge , the driv e, the host compu ter and its connections , or w ith the wa y the sy stem is being oper ated. If none of the follo wing ad vi ce helps y ou solv e the problem , ref er to our W orld W ide W eb Cus tomer Car e pages on: //www.
28 There ar e fatal or non-fatal errors for w hic h y ou cannot find the cause Othe r sources o f information If y ou exper ience problems using y our tape dr iv e after installation , use HP L ibrary & T ape T ools to help y ou diagnose the pr oblem (see page 2 5) .
http://www .hp.com/go/s tor agemedia http://www .hp.com/su pport/ultrium SS DLT1 Int Eng 21/11/00 4:16 pm Page 1.
getting started guide hp sur est or e dlt1 e xter nal tape dr i ve DL T1 SS DLT1 Ext Eng 21/11/00 2:11 pm Page 2.
1 For fu rt h er For fu rt h er For fu rt h er For fu rt h er details, see: details, see: details, see: details, see: Before y ou star t Chec k sy stem pr ereq uisites. ( Alw ays connec t to a wi de, Ultr a SCS I - 2 Lo w-V oltage Differ ential (L VD) or Single -Ended (SE) S CSI bu s.
2 Copy right © 2000 b y Hewlett-P ac k ard Limited . October 2000 The inf ormati on contained in this doc ument is subj ect to change w i thout noti ce. This doc ument contains propr ietary informati on whi ch is pr otected b y copy right . All r ights ar e r eserved.
3 T o install and us e your ne w tape dri ve , you w ill need the follo wing: • A wide , Ultra S CSI- 2 L VD or SE- SC SI bu s • L VDS compli ant SC SI cable (su pplied w ith the tape dri ve) • .
4 Back up s oftwa re Y ou need a back up applicatio n that supports the HP Sur estor e DL T1 dri ve . A T ape W are CD-R OM containing back up softwar e by Y osemite T echnologi es is supplied w i th y our tape dr iv e.
5 The HP Sur estor e DL T1 web site: //www.hp.com/support/dlt1 conta in s d riv ers, usefu l ut il it ies, and infor mation t o help y ou install and us e yo ur tape dr iv e. HP product registr ation T o regist er your ne w tape dri ve electr onically v ia the web , use the “Pr oduct Registr ation ” link.
6 Figur e 1: c hecking th e SCSI ID.
7 Note Y our HP Sur estor e DL T1 dri ve is shipped w ith a default S CSI ID of 5, but it can be as signed an y unused ID between 0 and 15 . Do not use S CSI ID 7 , whic h is re served f or the S CSI contr oller , or S CS I ID 0, whic h is typi cally as signed to the boot disk .
8 Figure 2: connecting th e SCSI cable.
9 Caution T o av oid damaging the comput er or tape dri ve , ensur e that both are po wer ed off w hile you attac h the S CSI cable . F or optimum performance , we r ecommend that your HP Sur estore DL T1 dri ve is ins talled on a dedicated S CSI bus .
10 Figure 3: connecting the pow er cable.
11 An e xternal HP Sur estor e DL T1 dri ve w ill operate u sing any v oltage in the r ange 100–2 40 v olts (50- 60 Hz). No adjus tment is needed. T o connect y our dri ve t o the pow er supply , proceed as f ollow s: 1 Plug the power cable securely into the socket on the rear panel of the drive.
12 Figure 4: tape dri ve front panel.
13 Ther e are thr ee LEDs and an ejec t button on the fr ont panel of yo ur tape dri ve . F or mor e informati on about using the ej ect button, see “ T o unload a cartridge ” on page 17. Fr ont panel LEDs Ther e are thr ee LEDs as illustr ated in fi gure 4.
14 Figur e 5: write-protecting cart ridges.
15 HP Surestor e DL T1 dri ves use only DL T tape IV cartridges. Y our HP Surestor e DL T1 tape dri ve can read but not wr ite DL Ttape IV cartri dges that use the DL T4000 for mat. Note Y our HP Surestor e DL T1 tape dr iv e automaticall y ejects an y other cartridge types and an y cartridges who se for mat it cannot r ead.
16 Figur e 6a: loading a DL Ttape cartridge Figur e 6b: unloading a DL Ttape cartridge.
17 Chec k operation Once y ou hav e installed the dr iv e hardw are , you should v erify that it is func tioning pr operl y befor e y ou stor e yo ur valuable data . 1 Switch on the drive and the computer. Every time you turn on the tape drive it runs a POST which takes several seconds to complete.
18 Figur e 7 : using HP Library & T ape T ools.
19 HP L ibrary & T ape T ools softw are pr ov ides a number of u tilities f or getting infor mation a bout y our tape dr iv e and troubleshooting pr oblems.
20 Once y ou hav e installed and tes ted yo ur HP Sures tor e DL T1 tape dri ve , please take a f ew minutes to r egister y our produc t. T his w ill giv e you the opportunity to rece iv e up- to -date informati on about our pr oducts, serv ices and support .
21 The f irst step in pr oblem-solv ing is establishing w hether the problem li es wi th the cartridge , the driv e, the host compu ter and its connections , or w ith the wa y the sy stem is being oper ated. If none of the follo wing ad vi ce helps y ou solv e the problem , ref er to our W orld W ide W eb Cus tomer Car e pages on: //www.
22 Ther e are fatal or non-fatal err ors for which you cannot find the cause Othe r sources o f information If y ou exper ience problems using y our tape dr iv e after installation , use HP L ibrary & T ape T ools to help y ou diagnose the pr oblem (see page 19) .
http://www .hp.com/go/s tor agemedia http://www .hp.com/su pport/ultrium SS DLT1 Ext Eng 21/11/00 2:11 pm Page 1.
デバイスHP (Hewlett-Packard) Tapeの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP (Hewlett-Packard) Tapeをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) Tapeの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) Tapeの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) Tapeで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP (Hewlett-Packard) Tapeを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP (Hewlett-Packard) Tapeの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP (Hewlett-Packard) Tapeに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP (Hewlett-Packard) Tapeデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。