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HP A ppli cati on Dis co v ery V er si on 4. 0 U se r's Gui de HP P art Number: 5 99 2 -38 38 P ublished: May 2008.
© Copyright 2008 Hewlett-P ackard Development Company , L.P . Legal Notices Confidential computer softw are. V alid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with F AR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Softw are, Computer Software Documentation, and T echnical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.
T able o f Con tents Abou t This Doc ument ....................................................................................................... 11 I nt en de d Au di en ce ............................................................................
N av ig at in g wi th T ab s ...........................................................................................................26 N av ig at in g wi th T ab le L in ks ..........................................................................
5 Getting Assist ance in Using A pplicati on Disco very ................................................. 53 A pp li ca ti on D is co v er y Re so ur ce s ................................................................................................
L ist o f F igur es 2 -1 S eg me nt o f Pr oc es s In v en to ry D at a...............................................................................................1 7 2 -2 S eg me nt o f P a ck ag e In v en to ry D at a.............................
L ist o f T ables 3 -1 P o ss ib le V al ue s fo r Ag en t St at e .....................................................................................................23 3-2 An Example Comparison of Match Behavior in AD and gWLM for Same Executable P ath and Arguments .
Abo ut T his Doc ument This document presents procedural and example information to help you become familiar Application Discovery , how to manipulate the data presentation, and how to manage event notification. It will help you understand how Application Discov ery can be useful to you.
R elated Inf ormati on The following documents and resources contain useful additional information. • HP WBEM Solutions : http://h71028.www7.hp.com/enterprise/9920-0-0-225-121.html?jumpid=reg_R1002_USEN • PCRE - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions at http://www .
1 Intr odu cti on HP Application Discov ery works from within HP Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM) to give you the ability to inv entory running and installed applications across your system netw ork and to centrally monitor application activity .
2 C omponen ts and C oncepts Appli cation Dis cov ery Com ponents Application Discovery contains these components: • The Application Discovery agent , which discov ers the presence of applications a.
NO TE: An application inventory in a data center or enterprise setting is sensitive material. Therefore, all communication paths in Application Discovery are encrypted and authenticated to check for proper user authorization. See VSE Management Software V ersion 4.
Figur e 2- 1 Segment of Proces s Inv entory Data For example, if the discov ery ratio is low , the number of processes that HP Application Discovery is matching to templates is low .
• Install an HP Application Discovery agent in order to monitor processes and applications on that host. See VSE Management Software V ersion 4.0 Installation and Update Guide for HP-UX for instructions. • Start an agent on a system where the agent is installed, but not running.
On HP -UX: Supplied templates are stored in /var/opt/amgr/templates/amgr/ to make it easier to update templates with new releases of HP Application Discovery .
On the AD Server tab screen, you can see a graphic display of Application Discovery memory consumption plotted against discovery data for processes and packages.
3 Pr ocedur e s W ith Application Discovery , you can perform the following tasks: • Check the progress of discovery . • Define an application for discovery . • Modify the behavior of agents running on managed systems. • Set attributes that determine what events to display , where to display them, and the priority they should have.
Using HP S IM to Stop the AD Age nt 1. Initiate this task by selecting Configure → Configure VSE Agents → Stop AD Ag ents from the HP SIM top menu bar . 2. Using the HP SIM system list, select the HP-UX systems where y ou want to stop an agent. Click Apply .
6. If desired, scroll down to access a printable copy of the report. Click the Vie w Printable Report button to open the printable version of the report.
Adj usting the U ser In terf ace Y ou can alter several visual and behavioral aspects of the Application Discov ery user interface for the duration of your user session. Application Discov ery does not store these changes as user preferences. T o take adv antage of these settings, select the following tabs: Admin/Config , then UI .
Set Number o f T able Ro w s T o help y ou to view manageable chunks of data, you can select the maximum number of rows to display within an Application Discovery table. Application Discov ery apportions the data into separate pages based on the number that you select.
NO TE: Hidden applications. Note that the filtering discussed in this section concerns manipulating data that is currently displayed in the tables. Some applications are not shown in the table. They might be common, low-level processes that are hidden by default, or they might have been hidden by a user .
2. In the table listing all hosts, find the column labeled 'V isible'. 3. Click the button to toggle visibility of hosts on Application Discov ery screens to yes ( Y ) or no ( N ). Select N to prevent the host and its accompanying data from showing in Application Discovery data tables.
Modify ing the Maxim um Si z e of an E v ent L ist T o set ev ent list size, do the following steps. 1. Click the Admin/Config tab, then the AD Server tab. 2. Locate the drop-down 'Max Ev ents' listed at the bottom of the "Serv er Configuration" box to the left of the graph.
Setting E ven t Attr ibutes Intr oducti on to Ev ent S ettings in Appli cation Disco v er y Application Discovery logs v arious application and administrative ev ents occurring in the computing network. It records ev ents that occur in association with applications, host machines, agents, and templates.
2. Select the location desired for each ev ent type. The default setting is "Show in AD", meaning show this event type in the Application Discovery event tables only . Use "Send to SIM" to show the event type in HP Systems Insight Manager event tables as well as Application Discovery ev ent tables.
NO TE: HP supplies a default set of application templates with Application Discov ery . Editing one of these templates does not actually change the original template.
NO TE: My application does not appear in the "Applications affected..." table. Why? There are several possible explanations for this to occur: • It takes some time for template matching to complete. Action: W ait a couple of minutes to see whether or not matching occurs.
Constructing Regular Expres sions: HP Application Discovery recognizes regular expressions constructed using P erl 5 or POSIX syntax and semantics. T o learn more, consult PCRE - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions at http://www .
Summary F ields and T heir Desc ripti ons The following figure shows the Summary portion of an application template. Fields and their descriptions follow the image. Description Field Required. Unique name given to the template to represent the application.
Description Field By default during initial discovery , HP Application Discovery sets objects recognized as packages to "no" and objects recognized as templates to "yes".
NO TE: If you w ant to define a template based on ownership or how many instances are currently running, you can check the 'Unmatched procs' table on a particular host screen or the 'Processes not matched by this template' table on a template editing screen to get this information.
NO TE: If you w ant to define your application based on specific ownership, path, or command line arguments, you can check the 'Unmatched procs' table on a particular host screen or the 'Processes not matched by this template' table on a template editing screen to get this information.
3. Y ou can add a new type after "User" within the original And statement by clicking the Add Rule button at (below), or you can add additional statements or types after the original And statement by clicking the Add Rule button at . 4. Continue in this w ay until you hav e added all the types that you w ant in the rule.
The following figure shows an aggregation of multiple processes by specified executable path into one application. The following figure shows an aggregation of multiple processes specified using regular expressions . Ho w to Remo ve T y pes fr om the A ggr egation R ule Y ou might want to remov e types from a rule to correct it or refine it.
This example shows which Del Rule button to click to remove the Group type within an And statement and to remove the entire And statement. Chec k Unmatc hed Pr ocess es to F ind A pplicati on Candi da.
For more details about this part of an application template, see “Summary Fields and Their Descriptions” (page 34) . F illing in the T emplate A t tr ibute F ields In the following image, you can see the columns indirectly relevant to the Attributes fields in an application template – pid , ppid , user , sid , and ct .
On HP -UX: On HP-UX, HP Application Discovery program binaries are installed in /opt/amgr . HP Application Discovery data are located in / var/opt/amgr . T o back up HP Application Discovery , copy the entire contents of these two directories to storage media.
4 T r o uble shooting and Er r or Mes sages Intr oduc ti on This page is organized by symptom, each of which is follow ed by possible indicators or causes to investigate. Err or s in Installatio n F ailure me ssage o n installati on of Appli cation Dis cov er y agent ( AppDiscA gent) 1.
# /opt/amgr/bin/agent_wbem_config Loading Application Discovery schema Loading Application Discovery metadata 4. Check that the Application Discovery agent certificate has been installed on the managed node. T ype the following on the command line of the managed node: # ls /var/opt/amgr/ssl/agent_cert.
Hav e you r ecently restor ed or remov ed and reinstalled the CMS? : A restore or remov al of the central management server also remov es the certificate recognition previously established between Application Discov ery server on the CMS and Application Discovery agents on managed nodes.
T able 4 - 1 An Ex ample Comparison o f Matc h Behavior in AD and gWLM for Same Executable P ath and Arguments gWLM AD Example Inputs Process ar g[0] Executable match match /usr/sbin/biod /usr/sbin/biod match no match biod match no match ./biod not allowed match /usr/sbin/biod biod not allowed match biod not allowed match .
Once this action is taken, check that Application Discov ery is receiving messages from the host. (See #8 in this section.) 5. Check that SSH is configured correctly on the managed node . In this case, you may need to repair the HP Systems Insight Manager agent on the managed system.
See “Configuring the WBEM Provider P assword” (page 65) to learn how to configure the WBEM provider to complete this authorization. Alternatively , you can configure the managed system's WBEM authorization to trust the CMS to perform a remote "root" WBEM user logon.
When the v alues are not the same and the w arm-up ratio is less than 100%, this may indicate that an inventory is still being taken for that host. Expect the warm-up period for completing the package inventory to take about 20 minutes. 3. It is possible that certificate exchange has not been completed.
If you do not see this Jav a process, type /opt/amgr/bin/cms_start . Y ou must be logged in as user 'root' on the CMS to initiate this command. 2. Check that the host is known to Application Discovery . a. Click the following tabs in Application Discovery: Admin/Config , then Disco ver y .
4. Check to see if the workload is parked. A parked workload does not generate process maps anywhere. Process maps that existed prior to parking the workload are deleted. See the discussion of “General W orkload Properties ” in V irtualization Manager Help and the glossary for information about parked workloads.
NO TE: Be aware that one possible cause for incorrect configuration is the case where installation and startup deviate from the documented process. In this situation, you might see the following error message: Application Discovery UI encountered an error: The UI and server are out of sync.
5 Getting Assis tance in Using Appli cati on Disco v ery The following resources are av ailable to help you learn how to best use Application Discov ery or to help you if y ou encounter difficulties.
A C ommands f or Con tr olling HP Appli cation Disco v er y A gent and C ertifi cates amgrd and agent_config can be run on HP-UX and Linux managed systems where the Application Discovery agent is deploy ed. amgr_remote_config can be run on HP-UX and Microsoft® Windows central management servers.
amgr d NAME amgrd -- Change Behavior of HP Application Discovery Agent on Managed System S YNOPSIS P ath: /opt/amgr/bin/amgrd [options] amgrd [ -start ] [ -noreload ] amgrd [ -connectionstatus ] amgrd.
-[no]daemon [Do not] run the agent as a daemon. -daemon is the default setting for amgrd . Use -nodaemon only for triage as the agent will die if the terminal session ends or the terminal is disconnected. -[no]debug [Do not] run the agent in debug mode.
A UTHORS amgrd w as developed by Hewlett-P ackard Company . FILES /var/opt/amgr/amgrd.log Has 2 MB limit; then rolls over to alternating backup logs /var/opt/amgr/amgrd.log.1 First alternate backup log /var/opt/amgr/amgrd.log.2 Second alternate backup log SEE ALSO HP Application Discovery Help Reference HP Application Discovery V ersion 4.
agent_config NAME agent_config -- Access HP Application Discovery Certificate on Managed System S YNOPSIS P ath: /opt/amgr/bin/agent_config agent_config -a [ -dir config_directory ] agent_config -amx .
EXAMP LES Check agent state. # /opt/amgr/bin/agent_config -c Agent not running Run the agent using amgrd . # /opt/amgr/bin/amgrd -start Check agent state again. # /opt/amgr/bin/agent_config -c Connected A UTHORS agent_config w as developed by Hewlett-P ackard Company .
amgr_remote_conf ig ( 1M) NAME amgr_remote_config -- Access HP Application Discovery Certificates Remotely from the Central Management Server (CMS) S YNOPSIS P ath: /opt/amgr/bin/amgr_remote_config am.
2 An error occurred and the command did not complete successfully . 3 Unrecognized command parameters are detected. 4 Missing post-install configuration of AD agent is detected. 5 Missing post-install configuration of AD CMS is detected. 6 Specified host name contains inv alid characters.
B C ompleting C er tif icat e Ex c hange Intr oduc ti on HP Application Discovery uses Secure Sockets Lay er (SSL) certificates to authenticate and secure data transmission between HP Application Discov ery agents and the HP Application Discovery server .
-u option supported on HP -UX only: Y ou might be prompted to provide a password for the specified user for each system login. Y ou must supply the password in order to proceed. 3. Once the login is accomplished, the CMS sends its SSL certificate to the agent on the managed host, and the agent supplies its SSL certificate to the CMS.
C C onf igur ing the WBEM Pr o v ider P ass w or d Intr oduc ti on WBEM is a management information retrieval and command protocol. Application Discov ery uses a WBEM provider to allow the central management server (CMS) to send commands to agents running on managed nodes.
D K e y to E v ent A t tr ibutes E v ent T y pes T able D- 1 Desc ription of Ev ent T ypes Used in HP Application Discov er y Description Event T ype Name Data Center Events An application has been installed on a host. Application installed An application has been started on a host.
E v ent Se v er it y T y pes T able D- 2 Event Se ver ity T ypes Used in HP Application Discov ery Meaning Icon Indicates a failure and signals the need for immediate attention. Critical In a state that might become a problem. Warning Indicates an impending failure.
Glos sar y agent A program with a well-defined task that runs in the background and that is used to capture information or do processing tasks. aggregate data views Screens in Application Discovery th.
resources, yet each virtual machine is a complete environment in itself and runs its own instance of an operating system (referred to as a guest OS). See also virtual machine, VM Host.
server Phy sical ser ver: Hardw are that can run one or more operating systems, including a partitionable complex. Also, hardw are that can run an instance of the vPars monitor . Serv er 1. hardw are includes one or more cabinets containing all the available processing cores, memory , I/O, and power and cooling components.
WBEM W eb-Based Enterprise Management. A set of web-based information services standards developed by the Distributed Management T ask Force, Inc. A WBEM provider offers access to a resource. WBEM clients send requests to providers to get information about and access to the registered resources.
Inde x S ymbols -packfreq set package collection frequency , 22 -procfreq set process collection frequency , 22 -start start agent, 21 -stop stop agent, 21 A AD agent checking state, 50 failure on ins.
C certificate create for Application Discovery agent, 44 exchanae incomplete for Application Discovery agent, 44, 49 certificates about, 15 completing the exchange, 63 exchange, 47 exchanging from the.
events key to severity types, 68 key to types, 67 setting attributes for , 29, 67 setting attributes for applications, 29 setting list size, 28 examples Application Discovery and gWLM match behavior ,.
no 'Applications' icon in Virtualization Manager Visualization screen, 49 no 'by application' link in gWLM workload screens, 50 no 'by application' link in Virtualization.
Application Discovery , 45 gWLM as compared to Application Discovery , 45 Summary fields data for in unmatched process table, 40 support, 53 T tab AD Agents , 17, 26 AD T emplates , 30, 32, 37 Admin E.
configuring password, 65 uninstall for Application Discovery , 43 workload definition process map error , 50 78 Index.
デバイスHP 5992-3838の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP 5992-3838をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP 5992-3838の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP 5992-3838の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP 5992-3838で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP 5992-3838を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP 5992-3838の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP 5992-3838に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP 5992-3838デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。