HPメーカーNonStop Data Transformation Engine FTP Adapterの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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HP NonS t op D at a Tr an sf or m ati on En gin e FT P A dapter Ref erenc e Guide A bstract This m anual provides inform ation about us ing the HP NonStop ™ Data Tra nsform ation Engine (N onStop D TE) FTP adapt er on the N onStop serve r. Prod uct Ve rsio n NonStop D ata Transf orm ation Engine 6.
FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 2 Document History Part Number Prod uct Ve rsio n Publ ishe d 5282 64-0 01 NonS top D ata T r ansfor mati on Engin e 6.7. 1 Ju ne 20 04.
FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 3 Contents Abo ut Thi s Do cum ent Relat ed Refere nces........................................................................................... 5 Ch apter 1 - FT P Adap te r Ove rv iew ..................................
Contents FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 4 Ch apt er 5 - T roubl esh ootin g Adapt e r Audi t Lo g ........................................................................................... 34 Adapt e r Tra ce F i le.....................................
FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 5 About This Document This do cu men t c ont ain s d eta iled info r ma tio n a b ou t us ing the FT P Ad a pt er . For ge ner a l info r ma tio n r eg ar din g usin g an y o f the Me rc a tor R eso urc e a dap te rs, see the Resource Adapters Reference Guide .
FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 6 Chapter 1 - FTP Adapter This chapter introd uces the Fi le Tra nsfer Pr otocol (FTP) a dapter. You can use this adapt er wi th a Co mman d Se rve r, Eve nt S e rve r, Platf orm API , o r m ap i n a map rul e. Overview Use the FTP adap ter to transport data.
Chap ter 1 - FT P A dapter Acces s t o Int ernat ion al VANs FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 7 Abou t Socke ts Wi ndows (NT) or BSD (UNI X) Sockets must be i nstalle d on the client computer. ♦ The S ockets installation must support TCP/I P. ♦ The clie nt computer must b e able to access an appr opriate se rve r.
FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 8 Cha p t er 2 - Co mm and Alias Spe ci f y adapte r co mman ds by usi ng a com mand st ri ng on t he c o mm and l i n e or by creat in g a c omman d fi l e that cont ai ns adapt e r comm ands .
FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 9 Chapter 3 - FTP Com mands This chapter describes the functi ons and use of the FTP commands and thei r options. List of C omma nds The foll owi ng tab le li sts valid co.
Chapte r 3 - FTP Comm ands List of Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 10 Nam e Syntax Sou rce Targ et Keep Server -KS √ √ Lis t Opt ion -LS sort_type √ √ Ma ke Directo ry -MKD √ √ Passive Mode -PASV √ √ Port Mo de -PORT √ √ Priv ate Ke y -PKEY filename Note O nly a va ila ble if Secu rit y Op tio n is ins ta lled.
Chapte r 3 - FTP Comm ands List of Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 11 Ac coun t (-A C or -ACC T ) I f required for logo n, use the Account adapt e r com mand ( -AC or -ACCT ) to speci fy the account for connecting to an FTP server . If the account is required for logon, accou nt _id must be specifie d.
Chapte r 3 - FTP Comm ands List of Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 12 Certifica te A uthority ( -CA) Use t he C erti fi cate Au t hori ty adapt e r co mman d ( -CA ) to spec ify t he f ile fr om wh ich to loa d tr us ted CA c er tif ica tes .
Chapte r 3 - FTP Comm ands List of Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 13 Code P ag e Loc al (-CPL ) Use t he C ode Page Loc al ad apter c omm and ( -CPL ) to s pe cif y th e code page of th e data on the local system (the syste m on w h i ch Merca tor is running).
Chapte r 3 - FTP Comm ands List of Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 14 Fire wall Con n ecti on Me th od U RL (-FW o r -F IREWA LL ) I f required for connection, use the Firewall Connection Method URL ( -FW or - FIREWALL ) co mma nd t o specify t he UR L fo r the p ro xy ser ver ( fir ewa ll).
Chapte r 3 - FTP Comm ands List of Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 15 Option Description SITE USER fw_user, PASS fw_pass, SITE ftp_host, USER ftp_user, PASS ftp_pass TRANS PA RENT USER fw_user.
Chapte r 3 - FTP Comm ands List of Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 16 Without a firewall the start of a file tra nsfer begins with: ♦ Establish a Socket connecti on to the remote host. ♦ Issue the USER command over the connecti on. ♦ Issue the PASS command over the connecti on.
Chapte r 3 - FTP Comm ands List of Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 17 USER ftp_ us er @f tp _h os t fw _u ser PASS ftp_ pa ss USER ftp_ us er PASS ftp_ pa ss USERFWPASS ♦ Establish a Socket .
Chapte r 3 - FTP Comm ands List of Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 18 user An optional use r na me. Some sche mes such as FT P al low the sp ecif ica tio n o f a user na m e. password An optional passw ord. I f pr esent, it fo llows the user na me, separa ted by a co l on.
Chapte r 3 - FTP Comm ands List of Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 19 FTP URL (-UR L) The FT P URL adapt e r co mman d ( -URL ) i s required for co nnection to an FTP ser ver. Spec ify the f ile na me( s) to b e ret rieved (a dap ter sourc e) or creat e d/ appe n ded (a da pte r targe t).
Chapte r 3 - FTP Comm ands List of Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 20 Option Description Note When sending an FTP req uest to the AS /4 0 0, the file must first be c rea ted on the AS/ 400 in or der for the len parame te r t o pad t he re co rd co rrectl y.
Chapte r 3 - FTP Comm ands List of Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 21 Ignor e (- I or -IGNO RE ) The I gnore comman d ( -I or -I GNOR E ) a llows sp ecif ied FT P er r or co d es t o b e ign ored by the adapt e r.
Chapte r 3 - FTP Comm ands List of Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 22 List Option (-LS ) Use the List Option ada pter command (- LS ) t o all ow fi les to be ret ri ev ed base d on a u ser supp lied s or ting p refer enc e.
Chapte r 3 - FTP Comm ands List of Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 23 Make D i recto r y (-MK D ) Us e the M ake Dir ecto ry a d apt er co mma nd (- MKD ) to create a d irecto ry. For exa mp le, if a file sp ecif ied in a PUT op er at ion belo ng s in a dir ec tor y t ha t d oes no t exist, the –MKD command creates the new di rectory.
Chapte r 3 - FTP Comm ands List of Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 24 By default, the ad apter first tries to connect using passive mode; see the Passive Mode a dapte r com man d ( -PV ).
Chapte r 3 - FTP Comm ands List of Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 25 Option Description numbe r The n umber o f fi le s to be ret rie ve d by th e adapte r.
Chapte r 3 - FTP Comm ands List of Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 26 SS L Enc ry ption S tre ngth (-ST R) The SSL E ncr yp tion Str eng th ( -S TR ) command can be ei the r WEAK (only use weak algor ithms) or ST RON G (only use strong algor ithms) .
Chapte r 3 - FTP Comm ands List of Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 27 During an upload, the FTP server genera tes a uniquely-named temporary file. When the tra nsfer has completed successfull y, the original file is deleted and the temporary fil e is renamed.
Chapte r 3 - FTP Comm ands List of Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 28 Trace ( -T o r -TRACE) Use t he T race ad apte r co mm and ( -T or -T RA CE ) to p roduce a di ag nostics fi l e with the default name m4ftp .mtr in the m ap d irecto r y w her e the a d ap ter is ins ta lled .
FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 29 Chapter 4 - Syntax Summary Thi s chapter discusses the F TP syntax summary and how i t i s used. Data Sources The follow ing is the comma nd synta x of the FTP ad ap te.
Ch apter 4 - S ynt ax Sum mary Dat a Tar gets FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 30 Data Target s The follow ing is the comma nd synta x of the FTP ad ap te r commands used for data targ ets: -URL [FTP: [ /.
Chapte r 4 - Syntax Su mmary Using FTP Adapter Comm a nds FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 31 Using F TP Ad ap te r Command s Use t he ada pte r com man ds fro m th e Map D es i gne r or I nte grati on F low De si gn er as the d ata source of an inp ut map card and a s the da ta target for a n output map card .
Ch apter 4 - S ynt ax Sum mary UR L Synt ax FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 32 an at s ign ( @ ) . Wit hin th e user a nd p a ssword field , an y : , @ , or / characters must be encoded. See URL Enco ding . The url_path of a n FTP URL ha s the following syntax: cwd1/ cwd2/.
Chapte r 4 - Syntax Su mmary URL Encodi ng FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 33 URL En co ding The UR L d oes not need to be co mpletely ‘UR L- enco ded ’. Yo u only n eed to use escape chara cters for tokens sp ecificall y used in an FTP U RL, a s shown in the following table.
FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 34 Chap ter 5 - Tro ublesh oot ing Fo r i nf o rmat ion abou t erro r codes an d mess ages re turn ed by th e adapt ers, s e e Appe ndi x A - Re turn C odes an d Erro r Messa ges . Various troubleshooti ng tools are avai l able in case of proble ms using the FT P adapter for dat a sources o r targets for a map.
Chapte r 5 - Troubleshooting Adapte r Trace File FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 35 Adapter Trace File Th e adapte r trac e fi l e cont ain s detai led i nf o rmat ion provi ded by th e ada pter an d records the actions taking place such as conn e ctions established and statements executed .
Chapte r 5 - Troubleshooting Adapte r Trace File FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 36 (1 87 71 4 by te s re ce iv ed ) Socke t Closed . Conne ction cl osed. >226 Transf er Com plete. (S) <QUIT >221 Go odbye. (S) Socke t Closed . Conne ction cl osed.
FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 37 Appendix A - Return Codes and Erro r Messages Return codes and messa ges ar e returne d when the particul ar activi ty compl e tes. Return codes and messa ges may al so be re corded as sp ecif i ed in the audit logs, tr ac e files, exec ut io n su mm a ry f iles, etc .
App e n di x A - R e tu rn Code s a nd Er ro r Me ssa g es M essa g e s FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 38 Ret urn C ode M essage -102 Invalid SSL protocol -103 Invalid SSL algorithm strength -104 Code p.
FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 39 Index . .log f i le, 34 .mtr, 3 4 A Account ( -AC or -AC C T ) ad ap te r c omma nd , 11 adapt e r tr ac e f i le, 35 alia s, 8 Audit ( -A or -A UD I T ) ad ap te r co .
Index S FTP Adapter Refer ence Guide 40 S Site ( -S IT E ) a dap t e r co mm and, 2 5 Soc ket infor mation, 7 SSL En cry ption Str ength ( -S TR ) adap ter command , 26 SSL Protocol ( -S PROTO ) ad ap.
デバイスHP HP NonStop Data Transformation Engine FTP Adapterの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP HP NonStop Data Transformation Engine FTP Adapterをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP HP NonStop Data Transformation Engine FTP Adapterの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP HP NonStop Data Transformation Engine FTP Adapterの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP HP NonStop Data Transformation Engine FTP Adapterで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP HP NonStop Data Transformation Engine FTP Adapterを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP HP NonStop Data Transformation Engine FTP Adapterの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP HP NonStop Data Transformation Engine FTP Adapterに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP HP NonStop Data Transformation Engine FTP Adapterデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。