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User Guide Welcome to HUAWEI HUAWEI Ascend Y300.
Content i 1 Rea d Before Pro ceed ing .............. ................ ................. ...... 1 1.1 Safety Precaution s.. ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... ........... .... 1 1.2 Personal Informat ion and Data Secur ity .....
ii 4.10 Joinin g and Sepa rating Cont acts ................ .......... ........... ........ 23 4.11 Sending Contacts ...... ........... ........ ........... ........... .......... ........... 24 5 Text I nput...... ................. ............ .....
iii 8.7 Deleti ng an Email Acc ount ... ........... ........... ........... .......... ......... .. 36 8.8 Changing Ema il Account Settings ......... ................... ................. 37 9 Entertai nmen t.................... ................ .....
iv 13.6 Prote cting Your Mobi le Phone .... .......... ........... ........ ........... ..... 59 13.7 Managin g Application s.. ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... ..... 60 13.8 Resettin g Your Mobile P hone .. ........... .....
1 1 Read Before Proceeding 1.1 Safety Precaution s Please read the safet y precautions car efully to ensure the corr ect use of your mobile phone. Do not crash, throw, or punc ture your mobile phone. Av oid the falling, squeezing, and ben ding of your mobile phone.
2 1.2 Personal Information an d Data Security The use of some functions or thir d-party application s on your device could res ult in your personal information an d data being lost or becoming acc essible to others. Several measures ar e recommended to help you pro tect personal and co nfidential information.
3 • Periodically back up personal inform ation kept on your memo ry card, or stored in your device memory. If you c hange to a differen t device, be sure to mov e or delete any personal infor mation on your old device.
4 Trademarks and Perm issions , , and are trademarks or register ed trademarks of Huawe i Technologies Co., Ltd. Android is a trademark of Goog le Inc. The Bluetooth ® word mark and logos are registered trademark s owned by Bluetoo th SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by H uawei Technologies C o.
5 shall bear the risk for any and all effects, including incomp atibility between the software and this product, whic h result from installing software or uploading or downloading the third-p arty works. This product uses the open-s ource Android™ plat form.
6 2 Getting Started All the pictures in this guide are f or your reference only . Your phone's actual display features may be di fferent to those describ ed here, depending on it s software version.
7 usual after being charge d properly, replace t he battery with a new one of th e same type. • Using data services inc reases the power co nsumption of the pho ne and will therefore reduce th e length of time that the phone can be use d between battery charges.
8 2.4.2 Setting Up Your M obile Phone The first time yo u power on yo ur mobile phone, the phone disp lays a setup wiz ard to help you set up the phone. The setup wizard he lps you: • Create or sign in to your account • Make some initial decisions a bout how you want to us e your mobile phone 2.
9 2.5 Using the Touchscreen 2.5.1 Touchscree n Actions 2.5.2 Rotating Your M obile Phon e Screen The orientation of most screens will ch ange to landscape or portrait view w hen you rotate your phone sid eways. On the Home screen, touch > Settings > Displ ay > Auto-r otate sc reen to disable this func tion.
10 • If your phone is idle for a while , the screen will lock automatically. 2.6.2 Unlocking the Screen 1. Press t o wake up the screen. 2. Drag the unlocking icon to the small open lock, the s creen is unlocked. If you have set up a screen unlock pattern, you w ill be prompted to dra w the pattern on the screen to unlock it.
11 Touch and hold a shortcut until the mobile phone vib rates, you can then drag it to your desired location or move it to the trash. You c an also drag a n icon from another area of the scree n to the shortcut position.
12 2.7. 2 Noti fica tion Panel Your mobile phone will notify you wh en you receive a new message or there is an upcoming event. The notification panel al so informs you of alarms and settings . Open the notification panel to see your network oper ator or to view a messag e, reminder, or event no tifica tion.
13 2.7.3 Viewing Other P arts of the Home S creen 2.7.4 Custom izing the Home Sc reen Adding a New Home Screen Item 1. On the Home screen, touch to display the application list. 2. Press and hold an application icon, and then drag the icon to a blank a rea on the Home screen.
14 Managing Folders on the Home Screen • To create a folder: Drag an application icon onto an other application icon to create a new folder that con tains both icons. • To rename a folder: On the H ome screen, touch a folder , and then touch the folde r name field beneath it.
15 3. Without lifting your finger, drag the ic on to the desired loca tion, and then releas e it. To move more icons, repeat steps 2 and 3. 4. Touch or to save. 2.8. 2 Viewi ng Rec ently Used Ap plic atio ns To display the list of rece ntly used applications , press and hold .
16 3 Calling To make a phone call, you can dial a numb er using the keypad or t ouch a number saved in your contact list, on a web page, or in other places . When you are in a call, you can answer other incomin g calls or redire ct them to y our voicemail.
17 3.1. 4 Usin g Voice Dial in g Calls can be placed using voice dialing. When you op en the voice dialing application, your phone's speaker will be enab led. Background noise will affect the accurac y of voice dialing. 1. On the Home screen, touch > Voic e Dialer .
18 3.2.3 Rejecting an Incoming Call Drag to the left to re ject the call. You can also drag to the message icon to reject the ca ll and send a message to the caller. 3.3 Other Op erations During a Call 3.3.1 Making a Conference Call If you receive a new call while yo u are already in a call, yo u can add the s econd call to the call you are in .
19 4. To end the conference call and disc onnect from everyone , touch . 3.3. 2 Swit ching Betwee n Call s If you receive a new ca ll while you are alread y in a call, you can switc h between the two calls. 1. While you are in the first call and the second call comes in, an swer the inc oming call, and then touch .
20 To save a contact from your call log, touch an d hold the desired phone number to display the op tions menu, an d then tou ch Add to contacts . 4.3 Adding a Contact to Your Favorites Select a contac t and touch the star on the right of the con tact's name.
21 2. Touch the icon for the way you want to communicate with the contac t. The icons available depend on the informat ion you have entered for the cont act, the applications installed on yo ur phone, and the accou nts you have. 4.6.2 Comm unicating with a C ontact 1.
22 You can copy the .vcf files backed up on the micr oSD card to you r computer. Restoring Contacts 1. In the contact list, touch > Manage contacts . 2. Touch Import from storage in the displayed menu. If there is more than one .vcf files saved on the microSD card , you can choose to restore one, multiple, or all the of them.
23 4.10 Joining and Sep arating Contacts You may have duplicate c ontacts if you import con tacts by: • Adding an account, s uch as a Gmail account. • Using other metho ds, such as exchang ing emails. To avoid duplication, join two or mor e contacts together to form a single c ontact.
24 4.11 Sending Contacts You can send contact informa tion as a .vcf file via Bluetooth or Email. 1. Select a contact from the contacts list. 2. Touch > Share . 3. Select your preferred method to se nd the contacts you have selected, fo r example Bluetooth or Email.
25 The keyboard layout may v ary slightly depending on t he field where you are entering text. The previous figure is prov ided for your reference o nly. On the Home screen, touch > Settings > Language & input , touch next to Android keyboard , then touc h Voice input key to turn on or turn off voice input.
26 5.5 Customizing Your Keyboa rd Settings 1. On the Home screen, touch > Settings > Language & input . 2. In KEYBOARD & INPUT METHODS , touch next to an input method to customize the input method .
27 6.3 Creating and Sending a Multimedia Message You can use mult imedia messages to make everyday c ommunications ver y special. You can record a messa ge and send it as an audio file, for ex ample, sing "Happy Birthday" and send it to a friend , or send a slideshow of photogra phs of a special event.
28 6.4 Opening an d Viewing a Multi media Message 1. In the message list, touch the message thre ad you wish to view . 2. Touch the multimedia message to view the message. 6.5 Replying to a Message 1. In the message list, touch a text or multimedia message th read to open it.
29 If you do not need to access a wi reless data network, you can clear the Data enabled check box to sa ve data traff ic costs. 7.2 Wi-Fi Wi-Fi gives you wireless access to broadband Internet. To use Wi-Fi on your mobile phone, you must have an acce ss to wireless access points (hotspo ts).
30 number of devices at the sa me time, by turning your ph one into a portable Wi-Fi hotspot. 7.3. 1 Instal li ng the USB t ether ing Dr iver If your computer is running Windo ws 7 or a re cent distrib ution of some fla vors of Linux (such as Ubuntu), yo u typically do not nee d to prepare your computer for tethering.
31 3. Select the Portable Wi-Fi hotspot check box to sh are your data co nnection. When Portable Wi-Fi hotspot is selected, you can touch Configure Wi- Fi hotspot to change its network name or sec ure it. 7.4 Controlling Data Usage With Data usage , you can set a data usa ge cycle and the mobile data limit for this period.
32 Touch on the upper section of the screen, and all web pages currently open are displayed. You can: • Touch one page to enlarge it. • Touch the cross sig n (×) to close that page.
33 3. Edit the bookmark name and t hen touch OK . Opening a Bookmark 1. In a browser window, touch , then Bookmarks On the BOOKMARKS screen, touch the HISTORY tab to view the pages yo u have visited, or touch SAVED PAGES to view saved pages . 2. Touch the bookmark of the website you want to open.
34 • Headset Profile (H SP): allows you to us e a mono Bluetooth he adset. • Object Push Pr ofile (OPP): allows you to transfer f iles over a Blu etooth connecti on. • Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A 2DP): allows yo u to use a stereo B luetooth headset.
35 8 Email Your mobile phone also puts email at your fingertips. With your phone's Email application, you can u se your email accou nt with Yahoo!, AOL, or other popular email services on your phone. 8.1 Addi ng an Email A ccount When us ing th e Email application for the first time , you must configure an email account.
36 8.4 Saving an Email Attachment 1. On the Inbox screen, touch the email mes sage you want to view. 2. Touch the attachment tab to display t he attachment. 3. Touch SAVE to download the attachment . After being download ed, the attachment is sa ved in the Downloa d folder on the microSD ca rd.
37 8.8 Changin g Email Account S ettings You can change a number of account settings, includ ing the email checking frequency, new mail notification met hod, and details about the acc ount's email sending and receiving ser vers. Your account's inco ming and outgoing settings depe nd on the kind of email service you are using.
38 9.1.1 Opening Y our Cam era • Touch > Camera to open the c amera. • Touch to close the camera. 9.1. 2 Taking a P hoto 1. Open your camera application and switch it to camera mode. 2. If necessary, change the camera settings. The preview cha nges as you change the settings.
39 9.1.4 Recording a Video 1. Open the camera application, and then switch it to camcorder mode. 2. If necessary, change the camco rder settings. 3. Frame the scene with which you wa nt to start your video. 4. Touch to start recording a video. 5. Touch to stop recording.
40 2. Touch the picture to view it in full-screen mode . The picture view er supports the automatic r otation function. When you rotate your mobile pho ne, the picture adjusts itse lf to the rota tion. 9.2. 3 Rotat ing a P ict ure 1. When viewing a picture, touch to display the opera tions panel.
41 • Touch or to tune the radio to the previo us or next channe l. • Slide the knob left or right to perfor m precision tuning. When a chann el is found, touch , then Save station . Enter the channel name, touc h OK , and then select an empty channel to save the new channel to the channel list .
42 To use another Goog le account, go to t he Accounts & sync screen, and touc h ADD ACCOUNT to select which type of accoun ts you want to add. 10.2 G m a i l Gmail is Google's web-based email se rvice. When you first set up your phone, you may have configured it to use an existing Gmail account or create a new account.
43 2. Touch to repl y. You c an als o touc h , and then touch Reply al l or Forward . 3. Do one of the following: • If you select ed or Reply all , enter your me ssage. • If you select ed Forward , specify the me ssage recip ients and a dd any additional text you want to include in the forwarde d message.
44 2. Touch a pending invitation, and then touch Accept . 10.3.4 Starting a Chat 1. In the friends list, touch a friend's name in the friend s list. 2. Use the onscreen keybo ard to enter text and chat with your frie nd. 3. After entering your message, touch .
45 10.4.1 Enabling the Lo cation Service Before you open Maps to find your location or search fo r places of interest, you must enable the locat ion service . 1. On the Home screen, touch > Settings . 2. Touch Location services . 3. Select the Google's location service check box, th e GPS satellites check box, or both.
46 10.5.1 Opening YouTu be On the Home screen, touc h > YouTube . You will then se e the YouTube scr een. 10.5.2 Searching for a V ideo 1. On the YouTube screen, touch . 2. Enter a search keyword, and t hen touch the Search icon. 3. You will see a number of search results dis played below the notificat ion bar.
47 3. To check the progress o f a downlo ad, open th e notificat ion panel. Most applica tions are installed within seco nds. To stop an application fr om downloading, touch the cross (× ). After the application has been downloaded and installed on y our mobile phone, the content downlo ad icon appea rs in the notification bar.
48 11.1.1 Adding an Account When you add an account, the People application compar es contacts from t he newly synchronized acc ount with contacts from your existing mobile pho ne accounts and attempts to merge duplicates into a single entr y in People .
49 2. Touch > Remove account . 3. Confirm that you want to remove the acco unt. 11.2 Customizing Y our Account Synchronization You can configure backg round data use and sync hronization options fo r all the applications on your pho ne. You ca n also c onfigure wh at kind of data yo u synchro nize for each account.
50 12 Using Other Applications 12.1 All Back up You can back up data us ing All Backup , which provides the following opt ions: Backup , Restore , Quick backup , Scheduled backup , and Applications . To open All Ba ckup , touch > All Backup on the Home scre en.
51 12.1.4 Backing up a n Application On the All Backup screen, touch Applications to display the applicat ion backup list. Here y ou can: • Backup : Back up an app lication installed on you r phone. • Restore : Restore an application y ou have previously ba cked up.
52 12.2.3 Setting an Event Rem inder 1. In any calendar view, touch an eve nt to view its details or a n event summary. 2. Touch the Add reminder button to add a reminder, or to uch the reminder's button to delete an existing reminder.
53 • Default reminder time : Touch to select the default time b efore an event f or event reminders to occur . 12.3 File Manage r File Manager is like having a pocket -sized pers onal assistant (PA), let ting you organize, edit, and dele te files and folders.
54 3. In the search box, enter a word contained in the name of the f ile you are search ing for. 4. Touch Go . Your mobile phone will start the search. 5. A list of search results will be displayed. Touch a file in the list to open it. 6. Touch to return to the file manager screen.
55 12.4 Clock Clock displays the date and time. You can also use Clock to turn your mobile phone into an ala rm clo ck. 12.4.1 Opening the Clock On the Home screen, touch > Clock to open the application. 12.4.2 Opening the Alarms On the Clock screen, touch to open the Alarms .
56 12.5.1 Opening Calculator On the Home screen, touch > Calculator to open the application. 12.5.2 Switching Betwee n Basic and Advanc ed panel On the Calculator screen, flick the screen to the right or left to switch between Advanced panel and Basic panel .
57 6. Select or clear the Use 24-hour format check box t o switch b etween 24- hour and 12-hour formats . 7. Touch Select date format to select how yo u want the date to be displayed. 13.2 Setting the Display 13.2.1 Adjusting the Screen Brightness 1. On the Settings screen, touch Displa y > Brightness .
58 3. Touch OK to save the adjustment. 13.3.3 Changing the Ph one Ringtone 1. On the Settings screen, touch Sound > Phone ringtone . 2. In the displayed list, select an option: • Ringtone : Select a preinstalled rin gtone. The ringtone play s when selected.
59 13.4.3 Disabling the Data Se rvice 1. On the Settings screen, touch More... > Mobile networks . 2. Clear the Data ena bled check box. 13.5 Adjusting the Speech Rate 1. On the Settings screen, touch Language & input > Text-to-speech output > Speech rate .
60 13.7 Managing Applications 13.7.1 Viewing an Installed Ap plication 1. On the Settings screen, touch Apps > ALL . 2. In the applications list, do either of the following: • Touch , and then touch Sort by size . Then touch an application t o view its details.
61 13.7.4 Ways to Free Up Your Mobile Ph one Memo ry • Move files and email attach ments to the microSD car d. • In Browser , clear all temporary I nternet files and Bro wser history information . • Move applications to th e microSD card. • Uninstall any downlo aded programs that you no longer use.
62 13.9 Online Update Your mobile phone has pr e-installed the online update func tion. When there is new software available, the ver sion information appears and prompts you to update. You can also t ouch Settings > About phone > Online update to check whether th e new software is available.
63 How Do I Set a n Unlock Pa ttern? On the Home screen, touch > Settings > Security > Screen lock > Pattern . How Do I Stop the Song Playing in the Background? Flick the notification bar downwards to open the notifications pan el, touch the music playing notification to go to the music pla ying screen, and then stop play ing the song.
V100R001_01 HUA WEI M881.
デバイスHuawei Y300の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Huawei Y300をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHuawei Y300の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Huawei Y300の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Huawei Y300で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Huawei Y300を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHuawei Y300の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Huawei Y300に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHuawei Y300デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。