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i co n B I T X D S 100 GL User Manua l.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 2 Contents 1. Intr oduction. .......................... ......................................................... ...................... 4 1.1 G eneral Inform ati on ................................................. ..
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 3 3.4 Musi c Li brary ........................... ......................................................... ........... 24 3.4.1 Musi c Library Opt ions .............................. ..................................
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 4 1. Introduc tion. 1.1 General I nformat ion Dear C ustome r! Thank y ou fo r choos ing the iconB IT de vice. W e hop e that y ou w ill be satisf ied by us ing our devi ce for home en tertainment.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 5 1.3 Packing List Part Quantity Mult imed ia p la ye r 1 Remot e Cont rol 1 A/V c able 1 AC/DC adaptor 1 AC/D C adap tor Pow er Cord 1 USB 3.0 cable 1 User manual (printed) 1 Note : The actual contents in the package might be differe nt from the packing list in this manual .
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 6 - Th e ic o nBI T m ed ia p lay e r is designed in com pliance with the FCC/CE standard, as well as the fo llowing statements: a.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 7 2. About the player 2.1 R emote C ontrol 1. P ower 2. Numer ic buttons 3. Shuff le 4. VOL - 5. Mute 6. Menu 7. Hom e 8. Navi gat ion al b utto ns 9. Stop 10. Play/Pause 11. FR 12. FF 13. R ed 14. EPG(Gree n) 15. Se tup 16.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 8 11 FR Press to fas t rewind the current playbac k. Press repea tedly to select speeds . 12 FF Press to fa st fo rward the cu rren t pl ayba ck. Pr ess r epeat edl y to sel ect speeds. 13 Red Function is availab le in vir tu al keyb oard .
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 9 2.2 Front Panel 1. Infrar ed rec eiver wi ndow 3. P ower indicator 2. P ower button 4. Rec ording indicator 2.3 Back Panel 1. A/V OUT jack 2. Y/Pb/Pr OUT jack 3. HDM I in terfac e 4. RJ - 45 LAN socket 5. S/PDIF Opti cal ja ck 6.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 10 2. 5 Connection 2. 5 .1 Power connection (1) F ollow the picture and connect the AC adaptor to the player’ s D C IN jack; (2) F ollow the picture and plug in the AC adapto r to the power o utlet.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 11 2.5.4 Conn ecting a Memory Card Memory ca rd can b e u sed b y in serti ng to t he c ard sl ot (1) F ollow the picture to insert the memory card to the card slot pro perly; (2) Inser t the card by following the arro w pointer in the picture .
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 12 2.5.5 .3 H DMI OUT (1) F ollow the picture and plug one connec tor on yo ur HDMI cable to the play er’ s HDMI jack; (2) F ollow the picture and plug the other conne ctor on you r HDM I cabl e to the TV’s HDMI jack.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 13 2. 5.6 Digital Au dio Dev ice con nection (1) F ollow the picture and plug in the T oslink connector on your optical fiber to the player’ s S/PDIF Optical jack ; (not supplied) ; (2) F ollow the picture and plug in the other connector on your optical fiber to the digital audio device.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 14 2. 6 Player U sage 2. 6 .1 Power On / Of f Powe r On Af ter connec ting the DC IN jack and press t he power button on the remote contro l, the pl ayer will soon enter t he hom e sc reen, a nd th e power in dicat or wi ll tu rn bl ue.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 15 3. Main Func tions 3.1 Setup Menu The S etup menu a ll ows you t o pers onal iz e and con fig ure th e pref eren ces for your pl ayer . T o selec t a Setup option: - Sel ect the S etu p i con on the h ome s creen , or p ress Setup button on the remote control.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 16 Time - Sel ect to s et sy stem ti me. DVD Auto - Play - Sel ect to tu rn on /off DV D auto - pl ay. Screen Sa ver - Tim ing Sel ect to c hang e ti min g of sc reen s aver . - Opti ons Sel ect to c hang e sc reen saver .
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 17 3.1.3 Chan ging Video Sett ings Use this me nu to configure video settings. Aspec t Rat io - Pan S can 4:3 : Display a wide picture on the entire scree n and cuts off the redunda nt portions. Select when a standard 4:3 TV is connected.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 18 Wired Lan Setup - DHCP IP (AUTO) Select to obtain IP address automatically . - FIX IP (M ANUAL ) Sel ect to m anu all y inp ut the IP Add ress , Sub net Mask, D efau lt Ga teway , an d DNS S erver IP Address.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 19 WPS (AP) WPS, Wi - Fi Protect ed S etup, i s used to c onnect a wi rel ess rou ter d irect ly , wi thout search in g SSI D and inputting pass word. I n this mode, you just n eed to co nfigure the param eters of yo ur router which suppor t WPS func tion .
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 20 TV Re gion - Sel ect TV regi on. Channe l Scan - Selec t to star t channel sc an auto matically o r manual ly . Channe l Sort - Sel ect t o so rt chan nel s by name, LCN, Servi ce ID or ON ID . REC Device - Sel ect to s et de vi ce to r estor e the record ed fi l es.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 21 3.2 Movie Library Enter in to movie i nt erface; only supported f iles will be display ed. 3.2.1 Movie Libr ary Options I n mo v ie lib r ar y , pr ess M enu button to display the option me nu , you can get fol lowi ng functions though th e option me nu.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 22 3.2.2 Movie P layback C ontrol Y ou can acce ss the following funct ions dur ing pla ybac k. Button Funct ion Play/ Pau se Pause or res um e the cu rr ent pl ayb ack. Prev/Nex t Vi ew the p revi ous or n ex t fil e/cha pter.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 23 3.3 Photo Libra ry Enter into photo inter face, only supporte d image files will be display ed. This play er suppor ts JPG/JPEG/BM P/fil es. 3.3.1 Photo L ibrary Opt ions In photo librar y , press Menu button to display the optio n menu , you can g et foll owi ng functions though th e option me nu.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 24 3.3.2 Phot o Playbac k Contr ol Y ou can acce ss the following funct ions dur ing photo play back. Button Function Prev / Next View the prev ious or next photo. Up / Do wn Rotate a photo in any angle. Menu Display or hide the option menu during playback.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 25 3.4.1 Music Library O ptions In musi c li brary , pr ess M enu button to display the o ption menu , you c an g et foll owi ng functions though th e option me nu.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 26 Repeat Mode - Choo se a rep eat m ode among Repeat off, Repeat one, Rep eat all and Shuffl e Loop from o ption me nu. 3.5 DTV In thi s men u, you can w atch and r ecord Digi tal T e rrest rial TV prog rams, or have th e ti me shift func tion.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 27 Info Bar While sw itching channe ls by the Up/Do wn button, an info bar will be display ed to show the channe l information. Electro nic Progr amm ing Gu ide Press the EP G butto n when w atching DVB - T TV progra ms, the Electronic Pro gramming Guide will be displa ye d.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 28 Name Func tion Source Sel ect the vi deo sou rce or TV ch ann els f or th e rec ordi ng. Sta r t Ti me Enter the d ate and time of the recording. Length Enter the length o f the recording. Repe at Sel ect how often you want the sch edul e to r ecord .
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 29 3.7 File Manag er The fi le m anag er all ows you to b rows e and pl ay mu s ic, pho to a nd mo v ie f ile s s to re d o n a n extern al devi ces and net work.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 30 Y ou can s tream your m edi a fil es shar ed on t he h ome n etwork . Pl ease refer to ’ 3.1.4 Changing Netwo rk Se ttings ’ f or m ore d etai ls on netw ork s etti ngs. There a re t wo ways t o lo ca te me d ia f ile s sha re d o n y o ur lo c al n et wo rk in t he Net work menu .
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 31 - Sel ect the sh ortcut you added and press the OK button to conf irm. Then y ou can se lect and play the s hared media files o n the destination computer .
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 32 - Cli ck Li brary - > Media Sharing , th en you ca n al low or d eny devi ces to ac cess t he media library . Click Allo w t o auth oriz e your pl ayer . 3.7 .3.3 Strea ming Me dia on your Player - Conne ct your playe r to the h ome network (LAN or WLA N).
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 33 - Then you can b row se th e m edia library sh ared by Wi ndow s Medi a Pl ayer 11. Note : • Mak e sur e you r play er a nd you r comp ut er ar e on the sam e l ocal a rea n etwo rk and subnet. • Fi rewalls may p rev ent your p lay er to commu nica tin g wit h your c ompu ter .
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 34 Step 4 : Select destination, a nd then follow the prompt on screen to f inish the co py process. 3. 8 .2 Copy u nder File Manage r Press Edit button to enter file editing menu, choose Copy an d fol low the promp t on sc reen to finish the pro cess.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 35 Station - All downloade d stations will be listed unde r this menu. Genre - Y ou can se arch for s tations by genre ( pop, ro ck, jazz, e tc.) under this men u. Favo rite - Y ou r favori te stations can be kept under this menu.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 36 3.10 Web Browser The following buttons can be used dur ing webpage browsing. Button Function Red Press to enter navigation mode or normal mode. In nor mal mode, only m ouse c an be used to m ove the cu rs or. In Navi gati on mod e, re mote con trol al so can b e used t o mov e the curs or.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 37 You c an then manage the files store d on the inte rnal hard disk of the produc t. In this way , you can also playbac k and copy files via netwo rk between yo ur PC and the internal hard disk of this pr oduct.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 38 FTP Address: Y our rout er ’ s WAN IP add res s Use r ID: The U ser Nam e whi ch was set u nder FTP, ’ 3.5 N etwo rk setu p ’ Password: The Pa ssword which w as se t under FTP, ’ 3.5 Network setup ’ FTP Address: Y our DDNS host n am e Use r ID: The U ser Nam e whi ch was set u nder FTP,’ 3.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 39 3.1 3 Remote Manageme nt Thi s produ ct com es w it h a uni qu e remote m ana gement feat ure t hat al l ows user to r emot ely access fro m the internet to operate the following functions o n the product via a built - in HTTP s erve r.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 40 On y our rou ter, - Confi gu re HTTP Serv er w ithi n your route r’s Vi rtu al S erver s etti ng an d key i n th e abo ve IP address in ex ample, 192.168.0. 9 and change the public port to 1024 and private port to 80 which is by de fault.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 41 5 . Freque ntly Asked Que stions Questi on 1. When I try to disconnect the USB dev ic e , I keep on gettin g “The d evice ‘Generic volume’ cannot b e stopped right now.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 42 6 . Appendi ces 6 .1 Warranty Info rmation Obtai ning S ervic e iconBIT values your business and alwa ys atte mpts to pro vide you the very be st of serv ice.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 43 Preamble The licens es for mos t software are de signed to take a way your freedo m to share and change it. B y contr ast, the GNU Gene ral Public License is intended to guarante e your f reedom to share and c hange fr ee softwar e -- to m ake sure the software is free for all its use rs.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 44 b) Y ou must cause any work that you dis tribute or publis h, that in whole or in part contains or is d er ived from the Program or any part thereof , to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this Lic ense.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 45 7. If, as a conseque nce of a cour t judgment or allegation of patent infr ingement or for any other re ason (not limi ted to patent issue s), cond itions are impos.
iconBIT XD S 100 GL User Manu al 46 6 .3 Copyrights and Trademarks Tradem arks Micros of t and Windows are registered tr ademarks of Microsoft Corpo ra ti on. All other t radema rks a re pr operty of th ei r resp ecti ve hol ders. Manufa cture d under lice nse under U.
デバイスiconBIT XDS100GLの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
iconBIT XDS100GLをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはiconBIT XDS100GLの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。iconBIT XDS100GLの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。iconBIT XDS100GLで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
iconBIT XDS100GLを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はiconBIT XDS100GLの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、iconBIT XDS100GLに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちiconBIT XDS100GLデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。