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2009 Infiniti Ser vic e and Mainten anc e Guide.
V ehi cle I denti fic ation N umber ( VIN) ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Del ivery Date ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ W arran ty St art Dat e ____ _____ _____ _.
1 T ABLE OF C ONTENTS OW NER’S LI TERA TUR E INFOR MA TION .........................2 INTR ODUCT ION I n f i n i t iM a i n t e n a n c e............................................. 3 W h yI n f i n i t iS e r v i c e ? ............................
OWNER’S LITERA TURE INFORMA TION INDEX OF TOPIC S WHERE TO FIND INFORMA TION Radio/CD/Heat er/AC Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Owner’s Manual: chapter 4 Starting and Driving Y our V ehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Pre vent ative sc hedul ed maint ena nc e is an impo rtant in ve stme nt to opti miz e the pe rform anc e, reli abi lity , sa fety and re sale val ue of your Infi niti. Sc hedu ling you r ve hicl e’s m ainten anc e at th e rec ommende d inte r- va ls wil l ensu re y our ve hicl e is ru nnin g at its bes t.
T o pr eserve th e quali ty an d sa fety of y our ve hicl e, an au thori zed I nfini ti de aler i s rec omme nded f or ma inte nanc e or rep air . Only a n autho riz ed Infi niti deal er offers y ou t.
EXTENDED SERVIC E PRODUCTS I n f i n i t i E x t e n d e d P r o t e c t i o n P l a n * E l i t e The El ite Inf ini ti Exte nde d Prot ect ion Pl an pro vi des y ou with lo ng ter m cov erag e to 7 ye ars/1 00, 000 mil es.
If y ou hav e an acc ident, ins ist on Genuin e Infinit i C ol lis ion Parts. If you wa nt y our ve hicl e to be r est ored us ing parts m ade to In finit i’s o rigin al ex acti ng spe cif ic ation s – if y ou want it to l ast, h elp to p rot ect your p er- son al s afet y and t o help hol d its r esal e v alue, t he sol utio n is s imple .
7 DETERMINING THE PROPER MAINTENANCE INTERV AL PREM IUM MAINTE NANC E* (Ev ery 3, 750 mil es or 3 months , whic heve r come s firs t) Prem ium Main ten anc e is an Inf initi- rec ommended op tion tha t is s uita ble fo r all d riv ing hab its and lo cal c onditio ns.
8 EXPLANA TION OF SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE ITEMS The fo llo win g des crip tion s are pr ov ided to giv e you a bett er unde rst anding of t he sc hedul ed maint ena nc e items t hat shou ld be r egu lar ly c hec ked o r rep lac ed. The ma inte nan ce log in dic ate s at whic h mil eag e/time int erval s eac h item req uire s servic e.
9 Fu el Fi lt er Ma in te na nc e-f re e it em (In -tan k typ e fil ter ) . Fu el Li nes* Ch ec k the fue l hos es , pi pi ng and co n- ne cti on s for l ea ks, l oo sen ess , or det erio - r ati on . Ti ghte n co nne ctio ns o r rep lac e pa rts a s ne c es sa ry .
10 Chec k the fo llow ing i tems more f reque ntly after d riv ing off -roa d thro ugh dee p sa nd, mud o r wat er: • Brak e pads a nd roto rs • Brak e lines an d hoses • Diff ere ntial oil , tr.
The fo llo win g Main ten anc e Log ha s been co mpil ed by In finit i to a ss is t y ou in perfor ming the r eco mmend ed ma inte nan ce s ervic es and k eepin g appr opri ate re co rds of s ervic es perfo rmed.
J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All lights __ Brak e fluid level __ Clut ch fluid __ Differential oil __ Engine air filter __ Engine cool ant level/t op-off __ Engine dri.
PREMIUM MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1 MAINTENANCE J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Road test vehic le J Rotat e tires (exc ept G35 Sedan 2WD Spor t and G37 Coupe 2WD Sport) J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All.
J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All lights __ Brak e fluid level __ Clut ch fluid __ Differential oil __ Engine air filter __ Engine cool ant level/t op-off __ Engine dri.
PREMIUM MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1 MAINTENANCE J Replac e engine oil and filter J Lubricate all loc ks/hinges J Replac e engine air filter J Replac e in-cabin microfilter J Replac e wiper blades J Rotate .
J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All lights __ Brak e fluid level __ Clut ch fluid __ Differential oil __ Engine air filter __ Engine cool ant level/t op-off __ Engine dri.
PREMIUM MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1 MAINTENANCE J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Road test vehic le J Rotat e tires (exc ept G35 Sedan 2WD Spor t and G37 Coupe 2WD Sport) J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All.
J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All lights __ Brak e fluid level __ Clut ch fluid __ Differential oil __ Engine air filter __ Engine cool ant level/t op-off __ Engine dri.
PREMIUM MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1 AND 2 MAINTENANCE J Replac e engine oil and filter J R ep la c e cl im at e c on tr ol led s e at f il te r (M 45 /M 35/ FX5 0/F X35 , if so eq uip pe d) J Replac e engi.
J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All lights __ Brak e fluid level __ Clut ch fluid __ Differential oil __ Engine air filter __ Engine cool ant level/t op-off __ Engine dri.
PREMIUM MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1 MAINTENANCE J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Road test vehic le J Rotat e tires (exc ept G35 Sedan 2WD Spor t and G37 Coupe 2WD Sport) J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All.
J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All lights __ Brak e fluid level __ Clut ch fluid __ Differential oil __ Engine air filter __ Engine cool ant level/t op-off __ Engine dri.
23 45,000 MILES OR 36 MONTHS M A I N T E N A N C E L O G PREMIUM MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1 MAINTENANCE J Replac e engine oil and filter J Lubricate all loc ks/hinges J Replac e engine air filter J Replac.
J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All lights __ Brak e fluid level __ Clut ch fluid __ Differential oil __ Engine air filter __ Engine cool ant level/t op-off __ Engine dri.
PREMIUM MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1 MAINTENANCE J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Road test vehic le J Rotat e tires (exc ept G35 Sedan 2WD Spor t and G37 Coupe 2WD Sport) J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All.
J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All lights __ Brak e fluid level __ Clut ch fluid __ Differential oil __ Engine air filter __ Engine cool ant level/t op-off __ Engine dri.
60,000 MILES OR 48 MONTHS 27 M A I N T E N A N C E L O G PREMIUM MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1 AND 2 MAINTENANCE J Replac e engine oil and filter J R ep la c e cl im at e c on tr ol led s e at f il te r (M 4.
J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All lights __ Brak e fluid level __ Clut ch fluid __ Differential oil __ Engine air filter __ Engine cool ant level/t op-off __ Engine dri.
PREMIUM MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1 MAINTENANCE J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Road test vehic le J Rotat e tires (exc ept G35 Sedan 2WD Spor t and G37 Coupe 2WD Sport) J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All.
J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All lights __ Brak e fluid level __ Clut ch fluid __ Differential oil __ Engine air filter __ Engine cool ant level/t op-off __ Engine dri.
31 75,000 MILES OR 60 MONTHS M A I N T E N A N C E L O G PREMIUM MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1 MAINTENANCE J Replac e engine oil and filter J Lubricate all loc ks/hinges J Replac e engine air filter J Replac.
J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All lights __ Brak e fluid level __ Clut ch fluid __ Differential oil __ Engine air filter __ Engine cool ant level/t op-off __ Engine dri.
PREMIUM MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1 MAINTENANCE J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Road test vehic le J Rotat e tires (exc ept G35 Sedan 2WD Spor t and G37 Coupe 2WD Sport) J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All.
J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All lights __ Brak e fluid level __ Clut ch fluid __ Differential oil __ Engine air filter __ Engine cool ant level/t op-off __ Engine dri.
35 90,000 MILES OR 72 MONTHS M A I N T E N A N C E L O G PREMIUM MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1 AND 2 MAINTENANCE J Replac e engine oil and filter J R ep la c e cl im at e c on tr ol led s e at f il te r (M 4.
J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All lights __ Brak e fluid level __ Clut ch fluid __ Differential oil __ Engine air filter __ Engine cool ant level/t op-off __ Engine dri.
PREMIUM MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1 MAINTENANCE J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Road test vehic le J Rotat e tires (exc ept G35 Sedan 2WD Spor t and G37 Coupe 2WD Sport) J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All.
J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All lights __ Brak e fluid level __ Clut ch fluid __ Differential oil __ Engine air filter __ Engine cool ant level/t op-off __ Engine dri.
39 105,000 MILES OR 84 MONTHS M A I N T E N A N C E L O G PREMIUM MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1 MAINTENANCE J Replac e engine oil and filter J Lubricate all loc ks/hinges J Replac e engine air filter J Repla.
J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All lights __ Brak e fluid level __ Clut ch fluid __ Differential oil __ Engine air filter __ Engine cool ant level/t op-off __ Engine dri.
PREMIUM MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1 MAINTENANCE J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Road test vehic le J Rotat e tires (exc ept G35 Sedan 2WD Spor t and G37 Coupe 2WD Sport) J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All.
J Repl ace engine oil and filter J Inspect the fol lowing: __ All lights __ Brak e fluid level __ Clut ch fluid __ Differential oil __ Engine air filter __ Engine cool ant level/t op-off __ Engine dri.
43 120,000 MILES OR 96 MONTHS M A I N T E N A N C E L O G PREMIUM MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1 AND 2 MAINTENANCE J Replac e engine oil and filter J R ep la c e cl ima te -c on tr ol led s e at f il te r (M .
Printing: March 2008 / Publication Number IMB09 / Printed in U.S.A..
デバイスInfiniti Automobileの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Infiniti Automobileをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはInfiniti Automobileの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Infiniti Automobileの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Infiniti Automobileで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Infiniti Automobileを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はInfiniti Automobileの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Infiniti Automobileに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちInfiniti Automobileデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。