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Use r GPS NS-NA V02R User Guide.
www.insig m 2 Insignia NS -NA V02R GPS Co n te n t s Introduc tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Impor tant safet y instruc tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m Plannin g r o utes in advance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Setting so unds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m 12 Refer all servicing to qualified ser vice personnel . Ser vicin g is req uired when the ap paratus has been damaged in any way, such as pow er-s.
5 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m Screen and top pan el # Componen t Description 1 Po wer button Press to turn your G PS on from standby mode . 2 Charge indic ator LED lights r ed when your GPS is charging, green when it is full y charged.
6 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m Bottom and back panels # Com p onent Description 1 Speaker Pro vides sound for ver bal instructions. 2 Mem or y card slot The pr e-installed SD me mor y car d is stor ed in this slot . This slot has a cov er over i t which is held in place with a screw .
7 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m Setting up your GPS C onnecting pow er ad apter T o c onnec t the power adapter: 1 Plug th e po wer adapter in to the receiv er’ s USB port . 2 Plug th e other end of the po wer adapte r into the veh icle’ s 12V pow er socket.
8 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m Char ging the ba ttery Y our por table GPS comes with a built-in rechargeable b attery. Charge the batt er y ful ly bef ore using y our GPS for the first tim e. Char ging time is norm ally a bout t hree hou rs.
9 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m Mounting y our GPS in a vehicle When you use your GPS in a v ehicle, you can use the supplied mounting bracket and c radle. T o mount y our GPS in a v ehicle: 1 Slide the mount cradle on to the end of th e mounting br acket to atta ch it.
10 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m U sing your GPS To u s e y o u r G P S : 1 T ur n on y our G PS. Wh en you turn it on for t he firs t ti me, the Langua ge screen opens. 2 T ouch the language y ou want. Y ou can select English or Español .
11 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m Unders tanding the Hom e screen F rom the Hom e screen y ou can do t he follow ing: •T o u c h Map to se e where you ar e. •T o u c h Go to t o open th e Main menu where y ou can ch oose t o go home, selec t a recent or favorite destinati on, enter an address, or fin d a point of inte rest.
12 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m Understanding the Main men u The main menu lets you set up a route to your destination. Destinati ons can include restaurants, gas stations, parks, hospi tals, or other common publi c locales.
13 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m Usi ng a key pa d When y o u set up a route , you can pick a state, city , or str eet from a li st. If the sta te, city , or stre et you want is not in t h e li st, you n eed to ente r the item using an on-scr een keypad .
14 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m Numeric — Use thi s keyad to ente r numb ers. • T ouch the number y ou want. T he number app ears in the e ntr y area abov e the keypad. •T o u c h AL T to switch to t he altern ate charac ters key pad.
15 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m Alt ernate c hara cters —Use these k eypads to ente r foriegn charac ters. • T ouch the character you want. The character appears in the entry area abov e the keypad. • T o uch the down arrow on the botto m lef t of the ke ypad to di splay low erc ase ch aract ers.
16 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m Cr eating a rout e to an address The ro ute to your destinat ion addr ess is based on y our current GPS locat ion. The GPS icon appear s in the upper left corner of the Ho me scr een and indicates the si gnal status.
17 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m 2 To u c h Address on th e Main menu . Th e city in wh ich you ar e locat ed is displayed, along with cit ies to which you have r e cently navigated.
18 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m 4 T ou ch th e state where the c ity you wan t is l ocated. The Enter City keypad opens . Go to Step 7. - OR - If the state you want is not displayed, touch Other St ate . The Othe r State keypad opens.
19 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m 11 T ouch the street name you want or touch Next . The address card for you r des tin ati on o pen s. 12 To u c h Go . Y our GPS calculat es your rout e. When the ca lculation is comp lete, the rou te is highlight ed o n the map view and the vo ice prompts b egin.
20 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m 2 To u c h t h e Address b utton. The Address is in list op ens. 3 T ouch the ci ty name. - OR - To u c h Othe r city to ent er a diff erent city . Fol low the in structions in “Creating a route to an addr e ss” on page 16 to select a city .
21 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m St opping a route in progr ess Y ou mig ht need to ca ncel dire c tions while you are en rout e to your destin ation. T o stop turn- by-turn d irec tions to a dest inatio n: 1 F rom the map view , t ouch the Menu butt on at the bottom of the screen .
22 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m Setting your home address Setting your home address can save you time re- entering that information.
23 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m Adding or removing an address on your F avorites list T o add a destination to y our Fa vorites list: 1 Star t as y ou would to creat e a route to an address a s described in “Creating a route to an addr e ss” on page 16.
24 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m 3 To u c h Ne xt to save the na me shown on t he keypad. -OR - T ype the name you want to identi fy your favorite, then touch Next . 4 When th e address card opens, touc h Bac k or Menu at t he botto m of the address card .
25 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m 3 To u c h Edi t at the bottom of t he screen t o display th e Rename Favo rit e or Delete Fa vorite butto ns.
26 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m Usi ng Se arc h Y our GPS c ontains a database o f points of i nterest th at lets you search or browse to f ind any type of destina tion or venue. T o search f or a destinatio n or venue: 1 Go to th e Main menu , then touch Search .
27 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m 3 To u c h Area near me now for l ocations near y our current GPS location. T o uch a city nam e on the list, or touch Other city t o type the name of the city . A list opens with destination names s i milar to y our search.
28 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m Usin g b rowse Brow se lets you search the points of interest by cat eg ories . To u s e b r o w s e : 1 To u c h Br owse on the M ain m enu to locate points of intere st (POI s) such as restaurants a nd gas st ations.
29 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m 4 T ouch t he name of the restaurant you want. The address card for th e res tau rant op ens. 5 To u c h Go to start direc tion s and voice prompts. -OR - To u c h BA C K to r eturn to the list of r e staurants and choose another .
30 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m 2 T ouch to display more settings. 3 T ouch t he button for the se tting you want to ch ange, then touc h a setting in that menu. 4 T o sav e your new setting , t ouch the Bac k to r eturn to the Settings menu.
31 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m Chang ing the map v iew Y ou can view the map as 3D or 2D, and y ou can set th e orientation on the map vie w . T o change the map view: 1 F r om the Sett ings menu , touch the Map View button. The Select a map view screen opens .
32 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m Setting the day or night co lo r palette T o set th e day or nigh t color palette : 1 F r om the Sett ings menu , touch the Day/Night butto n to vi ew the settings.
33 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m Setting screen brightness T o set screen brightness: 1 F r om the Sett ings menu , touch the Brightness b utton. The Disp lay Brightne ss screen opens. 2 T ouch the scale to adjust the b r igh tness.
34 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m Setting av oidances Y ou can choose to avoid or i nclude m any road cont ingenci es when your GPS device ca lculates your route. T o se t avoidanc es: 1 F r om the Sett ings menu , touch Avo i d . The Select r oute av oidanc es screen opens.
35 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m Pick ing yo ur c ar i con T o pick your car icon: 1 F r om the Sett ings menu , touch My Car . The S elect a car ic o n scr een opens . 2 T ouch the radio butt on next to th e icon selection you want.
36 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m Setting the wallpaper T o set the wallp ap er: 1 F r om the Sett ings menu , touch W allpap er . The Se lect a men u background screen opens.
37 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m Setting language and units T o set language an d units: 1 To u c h t h e International button to set the spoken la nguage for v oice promp t s and languag e f or text display . American Englis h is the factory setting .
38 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m C on figuring time settings T o c onfigure tim e settings: 1 F r om the Sett ings menu , touch Time .
39 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m Clearing my lis ts Use th is to remov e informa tion that yo u hav e saved in y our F avorit es list and the Recent list. T o clear y our lists: 1 F r om the Sett ings menu , touch C lear My Lists .
40 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m Restor ing settings T ouch t his butto n to return al l settin gs to the or iginal fac tor y setti ngs. T o restore factory settings: 1 F rom the Settings me nu, touch Restore . A confir mation screen opens.
41 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m Vi e wi n g s t a t u s T o v iew st atus : 1 To u c h t h e Status bu tton to c heck the GPS Status and A vailable Memor y . 2 T ou ch any butto n at the bot tom of the screen to exit th is screen.
42 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m 2 To u c h D isab led . A screen opens where you can select Enable . If Demo is enabled and a GPS locatio n has never be en id entified, you can touch Default Location to se t the locati on which will b e used as the ori gin for the route.
43 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m Plann ing routes in advance T o cr eate and sav e routes pri or to starting your tr ip: 1 To u c h Ad vanced Planning . The Advanced Planning screen displays . 2 To u c h C reate a new rou te . The Select route origin screen displays .
44 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m 3 T ouch one of the fo llowing to use as the beg inning of y our rout e: • Use curr ent location - to add your cur rent GPS loc ation. • Enter an ad dress - to create a route as you would to any destination as described in “Creating a r o ute to an address” on page 16.
45 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m Setting sounds Y ou can turn the alert so unds used On or Off . T o turn selected s ounds On or Off : 1 To u c h So unds to open t he list of sounds . The So und s list op ens. 2 T ouch a check bo x to togg le the sound on or off .
46 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m T roublesh ooting Make sure that yo ur GPS is fully charged. F o r details about charging your GPS, s ee “Char ging the bat ter y” on pag e 8. When y ou use your G PS, you mi ght see one of the follo wing alerts.
47 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m If Demo is disabled , the follo wing alert appears. T ouch No to continu e to search f o r satellites or Ye s to use the l ast known locati on as the starting point for the route.
48 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m Specifications Speci fication s are su bjec t to cha nge w ithout notice. Yo u r G P S c a n n o t r e c e i v e sate llite sign als or cann ot orient itself . Y our GPS signals might be obstru c ted by buildings or blocked by a metal en closur e.
49 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m Leg al no ti ces FCC P ar t 15 This device complies wi th Part 15 of the FCC R ules. Ope ration o f thi s pr o duct is subject to the following tw.
50 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m 2) Restrictions . Ex cept as ex pres sly speci fied in this A gre ement, you may not: (a) copy o r mod ify the Sof tware ; ( b) tra nsfer, su blic.
51 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m One -year limited warranty Insignia Products (“Insignia”) warrants to you, the original purchaser of this new product (“Product”), that th.
52 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m • Damage due to incorrect operation or m aintenance • Connection to an incorrect voltage supply • Attempted repair by anyone other than a fa.
53 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m.
54 Insignia NS-NAV02 R GPS www.insig m.
55 Insignia NS-NAV 02R GPS www.insig m.
ww w .insigniaproduct s.c om (877) 467-4289 Distributed by B est Buy Pur ch asing, LL C 7601 Penn A venue South, Richfield, MN USA 55423-3645 © 2010 BBY Solutions, Inc. All rights reser v e d . I NSIGNIA is a trademark of B BY Solutions , Inc. Registered in some countries.
デバイスInsignia NS-NAV02Rの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Insignia NS-NAV02Rをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはInsignia NS-NAV02Rの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Insignia NS-NAV02Rの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Insignia NS-NAV02Rで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Insignia NS-NAV02Rを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はInsignia NS-NAV02Rの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Insignia NS-NAV02Rに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちInsignia NS-NAV02Rデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。